80 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 A - ' 2 !4 -si 1 Trumans Oft for Vacation Secretary of State Dean Ache ion bids farewell to President Truman, Mrs. Truman and Margaret as the first family leaves Washington for a va cation in Florida. Margaret, who had just completed a con cert tour, sported a brand-new camera for the vacation. (Acme Telepholo) From the Lighter Side (01 tha Basin! Mini) The new rector had Just come over from London and was till somewhat unfamiliar with American English. At a party in his honor an attractive young matron arrived late. As she was making her apologies, the rector looked startled, dropped her hand rather hastily and avoided her the rest of the evening. Later, aware of having said something wrong, but unable to Imagine what, she told her husband about it. He suggested she reconstruct her . conversation from the time she had arrived. With her first words he let out a hoot. She had said: "I am so sorry we are late. I was having trouble with my sitter." A young father was telling a group of friends what a bad time he had when his baby was born. Finally a young matron Inquired: "Who had that baby, anyway?" The young man nodded toward his wife. "She did," he answered quite seriously. "But she had an anesthetic." Co-ops fo Develop Phosphate Industry Portland, Dec. 1 VP) Pacific supply co-operative convention delegates were told yesterday there is enough phosphate rock in the northwest to supply co-op members for 100 years. 1 They also heard of plam to develop it. Charles Baker, co-op general manager, said there are at least 5,000,000 tons of the rock in the dry ridge deposit near Soda Springs, Idaho. He said a per petual lease with the govern ment had been signed this month by a co-op subsidiary for miner al rights to 1500 acres of the deposit. Record Tells of Belt Strangling Roseburg, Dec. 1 W) By means of a wire recording, a jury this morning heard Joseph Louis Kiel, Myrtle Creek, tell in his own words how he alleg edly killed Stanley James Tuck er, Springfield, by strangling him with a belt. "Something new" in trial work in Oregon, the recording was admitted in evidence over the objection of the defense. Circuit Judge William G. East ruled that the statement was vol untarily given, after he had lis tened to the recording after the jury was dismissed Tuesday af ternoon. "Now tell us just exactly how you killed mm?" tne jurors heard the voice of District At torney Robert G. Davis ask. 'Well, I took my belt off and choked him with it," the voice of Kiel came over the machine. Under questioning of the dis trict attorney, Kiel told details leading up to the alleged crime and disposition of Tucker's body under a bridge near Riddle Oct. 30. The recording was made af ter Kiel's arrest the night of Oct. 30. Storm Washes Out Bridge One of the heaviest storms ever to hit the northwest wnshed out a 200-foot span of the Capllano river bridge at Vancouver, B. C, and virtually iso lated the community of West Vancouver. The storm left 28 persons dead, hundreds of homes flooded and untold million! of property damage as it roared over the Pacific northwest states. (Acme Telephoto) ftedYourVoq 1h($ Low Cost Way! Switch to Kon-L-Rotion end Savt Money KeiL-Radon costs fmi leas thao butcher meat. Yei crery cao Is packed with choice cots of lean, red meat natririoui U. S. Gon. Inspected hone meat. It's the mooer-ta ing waf to feed your dog the meat be craves and Deeds. Super-charged with ritamio t t . en riched with minerals, too. So easy to feed. Just opeo and terra. Get J cms of Ken-L-Ration from your favorite store today. nn do too Noeav tag like hi Send nam od address for your Free copy today. Ken-L-Hition, Chicago 7 7, Illinois. "HeUdes KEN- L-RATI0N Salem Nursing Home 3593 "D" Street EXPERIENCED NURSES 24-HOUR SERVICE Best Foods and Diets To Your Doctor's Orders WE ARE A STATE LICENSED NURSING HOME Your Protection for Better Service Miss Bernice Struckmeier For Appointment Phone 2-3853 New Zealand Ousts Laborites Auckland, N. Zealand, Dec. 1 (P) New Zealand voters in par liamentary elections today ios.v ed out Prime Minister Peter Fra- ser's labor government after 14 years in power. A groundswell of anti-labor sentiment gave opposition na tional party candidates a firm lead which political observers said would result in nationalist control of the 80-member parlia ment. The opposition nationalists had gained eight seats, in early returns which political observ ers said definitely indicated a defeat for the laborite govern ment in power since 1935. It was predicted by these counts that the nationals prob ably have 46 seats to labor's 34 in the new parliament. The labor party gained pow- er in 193S in a landslide election which gave it a majority of 30 in the 80-member house. Tnis lead was cut at subsequent elec tions. In 1946 labor had to rely on its four Maori native sup porters to hold the majority "European" representa t i v e s were divided evenly between the nationals and the laborites each with 38 seats. The labor party has been led by Fraser since 1940. The na tional party is headed by Sidney George Holland, who would be the next prime minister if the nationalists hold their gains, Heavy anti-labor sentiment was reported from many scat tered districts. The main issue Better kings always with the Or and Only BURNETTS Vanilla 'Sure Cure'? Jack O'Leary,. 24, of Glendale, Calif., dem onstrates one of the more than 2000 remedies that have been suggested as "sure cures" for his 17-month siege of hic cups. Here, he drinks water through a pencil clenched be tween his teeth. This was sup posed to do the trick, but he still hies once every five sec onds. (Acme Telephoto) had been the nationalist party's opposition to strict government controls on prices, importi and exports. WORKS OVERNIGHT TO HELP HEAL PIMPLES RASHES When external! eniiwvl . . dttirura im arwl Ointment promptly relieve, help nature heal. Contain TaluaWe scientific medical mgredi mil. oaruociKm , guaramnta or money back. nuy today! Atlantic Pact Scheme Lauded Paris, Dec. 1 (IP) General Omar Bradley, America's No. 1 soldier, said today he was "both satisfied and gratified" with the Atlantic pact defense scheme' drafted here this week. Bradley and U.S. Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson paid an informal visit today to the Gen eral Pershing post, American Le gion. . Johnson tomorrow meets the defense ministers of the other 1 1 Atlantic pact nations to consid er the new integrated defense plan which the 12 army chiefs ot staff drafted Monday and Tuesday. Bradley told a reporter the defense plan outline was com pleted in the 12-nation meetings. Dut "some regional details re main to be worked out." He said he would confer with Canadian military chieftains on details of the North American regional defense system, one of WANT STREAK-FREE BLUMS? Rain Drops dissolves instantly right in your suds! Never streaks or spots . . . you need a wparatt bluing rinse of any kind. RAIfiMCPS mm yfol Hwk ling- Sy? I TOO CANT aUi THI CAMDTCANI CAN tiiW ftry Iwof Tit iI SatMftcfkM UAIANTIID TO im u.uiM.i.m.im i Grand The first tip tells you here' finer, richer coffee! Always de lido us and satisfying because it'sTherrno-Regulatetl roasted. TWO K.NDJ-DIIP OR PERCOLATOR Flavor MuDn)( five Interlocking regional plans in the scheme to defend the North Atlantic area from any possible aggression. Bradley conferred earlier to day with General Jean De Lattre De Tassigny, who commands grand forces In the five-nation Brussels alliance another of the Atlantic pact's regional areas. In the winter raccoons hiber nate in family groups, often in well-chosen hollow trees. JDeSivx. env SALADSdkAUCE x" 1 k" " ' -" 'v l ' J! COtWEMIEMT IS THE WORD FOR- EASIER TO "BOWL-MIX" Nucoa margarine now comes in the new Measure-Pa k to make the coloring job easier than ever! You don't have to break up a olid block before you begin ... it reachea right mixing temperature mora quickly and evenly . . . and it's easier to distribute the contents of the pure color wafer more evenly right at the start. IASV MIASURINO OUIOI 1 print h Sp - . n n r. .... m 00 EASIER TO MEASURE Now yon can say good-bye to slow, bothanonw spoon-aiid-cup measur ing. Just use Nucoa quarters as a scale aad get the exact amount your recipe calls for every time , . , quickly, easily, accurately. NUCOA -i ONLY HUUVn -AMERICA'S LARGEST-CEILIUA yioeiAiHi -NOW IN THE NEW Measure-Pale iimreatft make a mistake hake a GndiCake Easiest to make . . . finett flavor cake. Cinch Cake Mix come, fully prepared and contain! all the quality Ingredients delicious cakes require. You simply add water, mix and bake. The rich flavor and fine texture will bring you compliments galore. ADD ONLY WATER DELICIOUS FLAVORS DfVll'S IUBSI OOIDIN WHII1 snci ll.H.H.l! rai