Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 I THE BULLET ON THE RIGHT WE ' ' P-THATS THE SCORE . TLIK6 THEM WASHINGTON K'OTMErrMNfl TELLS uc v IP IT" RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness THURSDAY P. M. . . JUST FIRED FROM LEFTY'S GUN, rff LEFTY" READV JWi SHOTS ALWAYS PARTNERS TONGUE ISNT SO JIL I 5 graze ..THgnruro mticnrut y TO TALK? pJSAYS--'NO COMMENT' TIGHT--COME ON, ROPER z rffill I Bl d a i o Mi '' by PEGGY O'MORE (Chapter 30) How Kelly stopped and looked :' nnxiously at Arleta. "Wouldn't you i ' like something stronger than coffee, i Chips?" he asked. "I'm going to ) really hand it to you." ! The dark head shook a nega 1 tive. "He took it standing, dian't .: be? He let Ace Lane kill nim." "It wasn't Ace. Chips; it was : bis wile, Allene's Mother, Floss Du , bois, a sharp-shooting girl he'd ' picked up at a carnival he was : working. Ace wasn't a gunman. I think the comession we're going to get from her " Arleta lifted her head. That look she'd seen on the woman's ' lace. Not hatred, but fear, cold, lrozen fear. And because she couia think of no reason Mrs. Lane should fear her, she had not recognized It. "I've used that 'double murder' in a dozen different stories,' How confessed; "couldn't quite figure the timing. Now I understand. Ace went out, unarmed. He didn't know his wife was following with her . rifle. "I believe," said Kelly, "that she hot your father from behind Ace. That then she went over to your father, perhaps telling the stunned Ace they'd make it look like sui cide, that she'd use the rifle he carried, shoot it and let the coroner consider it suicide without check ing the bullet. Instead she then picked up your father's gun, and iired that at her husband whom &he hated," "Walt." objected Leta. "Even a coroner would know that first shot came from a distance." "A man stunned at seeing a for mer friend, a now hated enemy, fall before his face from a shot Iired by his wife, wouldn't stop to think of that, would he?" Kelly glanced at his watch. "They hould be here now. Of course Oaro had a lot to do write the Btory and ' "Caro?" Arleta looked ud. Could not How Kelly live without that lovely Dionde in the background? And then other memories flooded over her. They heard a car drive in. It Was Kelly who went to the door. "This," said a man's voice, "is most irregular. Do you realize it is tnree ociock?" "Most irregular," repeated the Reverend after one horrified glance t tne crimson-ciaa Arleta. Arleta felt the world dissolve rrom under her feet. Caro was com ing. How was going to marry Caro Bhe couldn't face it. Not after this night with all that It held. She wouldn't. She'd get Into her still damp suit and go on trudging down the road until some dawn bus pick ed her up. "Is this the young lady?" in quired the Reverend Claiburne. "Yes, you'll have to forgive her present attire. She was marked for murder and got wet and this red thing-a-ma-gig was all she had left. Slowly a change came over Ar leta. Her black hair was tossed bock. Her hands came to her hips. Her heels dug into the floor. "How Kelly, this has gone far enough, I am not marrying Cal Sheridan, tonight or any other night. You can boss me only so far, but I will not marry" "IH say. you're not," agreed Kel ly: "you're marrying me." "Youl" she blurted. "You can't live here with me without marrying me; think what Mrs. Cotsen would say." ' "Cotsen 1 How," she even forgot the ridiculous words he'd been say ing, "where did she fit into this?" "Where do most blab-mouthed women fit in?" he asked. "She was the go-between . . . Here comes Caro." It wasn't Just Caro who arrived but a dozen of her girl friends and a dozen of How's men friends m and a few under-sheriffs. And be hind them came Mr. Carson, carried in, and Chita and her underlings, who were carrying covered plat ters. "I did the best I could," laughed Caro. breaking the string on a box. "but the only storekeeper I could haul out of bed had nothing whltr but this. Kind of nice, though and you can wear it oil summer.' v Uxeat vA7 I A.P Newsfeatures Arleta stood and stared. "You are goinn to marry How aren't you?" asked the bewildered caro. "He's never asked me," Arleta replied. "How Kelly, come here this in stant," Caro called, and How came to the doorway, orows meeting snag gily over frowning eyes, "Leta says you aian i propose. -"Of course I didn't," he agreed "The only way to handle that girl is to go ahead. Heck, Caro, I've got to marry her. I can't spend the rest of mv me runnine ail over the country looking after her. I've got to nave ner nere wnere can watch her while I make living for us." "That makes sense," conceded Ar leta. "Then get out while I dress." iney said sne maae a loveiy bride. Tnev said the weddine Dreaic fast, served in the pearly gray of preaawn, was aencious. xney saia tnev realiv had to ko. And they went, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelly stood at a win dow and watched dawn come In. She was glad now that the big house was sold. She was relieved there would be no Lanes to con sider and ashamed of the relief. There remained only Cal who'd come West, opened a business be cause of her. Kelly chuckled. "Funny thing, Caro has a real yen for Cal. And he likes her. Could be she'd make a Westerner out of him. Where you going, Chips?" "To see the Duchess and then to take down those kitchen cur tains." (The End) 2044 SIZES 2 - I Tvrolean-Stvle Dress with a puf fed sleeve blouse and billowing skirt j comes with its own little laced bod ice. Give It that velvet touch, and a lot of gay applique 1 Pattern also provides lor a buttoned Doaice. No. 2044 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, Size 4 dress blouse, lit yd. 35-in.; skirt, yd. 35-in.; Doaice & yo. jo in. Annliaue included. Delivery Is guaranteed In ample time lor Christmas sewing, fat- terns ready to fill orders same day received. If you Include an extra dc per pattern your order will be sent Dy mrcst ulaoo mailj would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other pat tern styles? Just include the FALL- WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. Price of book 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St., Son Francisco 5, Calif. mm R2902 Tailed Loveliness These four ex qulslte edgings may easily be com pleted with a wave of the magic snuttie. Tiiey are wonderful fin ishing touches for handkerchiefs, lingerie and linens. Even a novice can make tatted lace for there Is only one simple stitch to master. Pattern Envelope No. R2902 con tains step-by-stcp tatting directions and instructions for the four edgings inns Lraiea. To obtain this pattern, send 20c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3 Calif. I 7 I I -V I 1 - -V WWWJ 1 I 7 i r (A U .J (J. E'SSf I I I f"" mnl.lf,Wnyi..l,i.n,i,ill.HW I I j CAm0EH?0H 12 jlH V I THESE FOLKS ARE MV I Tni MB W 1USC oaua iinTiiiNj..uirimnn W GEE! ALLTH- V WORTH IT V -.1 B PflLS-SgflL FOLKS-I-M ARE THOSE I I OH, SURE-FPZE I HAVE TOOK YOU TOR- 1 R I CASH YOU PAID f NOW I'M A I SMN"EM THBR BUSINESS- THINGS REAL? I I MILLION ORSO- I BUT YUH KNOW-NOW- I p ME-THRTSA I SILENT PARTNER 1 THEY EARNED IT ALL, I WHAT ARE I IL WHY? I I WISH I HADN'T ASKED 1 II I 1 1 Y LOOK, FANWY, THE tWHV.HOW WICE,RUDV.. , iiiss ' BANK HAS RETURNED ) IB. WHAT CAM WE BUY WITH ) ' I ' " 'y According to the. adie hawkins ov rules-if a bachelor fair is fair- V stick aroun'. jest W W a herd o' Ms IS CAUGHT -HE MUST PFiOPOSE MARRIASE VO' GRABBED I MEBBE ZkH WON'T J WHO IS I I MAN1-EATIN' Lm n TtSTTT' HIM FIRST I BE ALLOWED T' VORE Mf WILD BOARS, Ji ( WILL VO'-oROANJZJU.-'-MARRV OP VZIF ME? J JStl u HE'S VOUR'N, )V KEEP HIM. MAH ) FOLKS, l OF COURSE; JB ' "g LKI 8 pfmw-wmrn . i .. j i II ' 1 -T" 1 1 " J " iii,. TJJy " 1 'w-Jta la Ifim.YnAvYVES.ITIS.ANDSO UWNA ISES, I KNOW JM A FCHI MV BROTHERS COOK HERE-HE H .f MoW... WHAT'Ll. VV I WAS VESTERDAy' I WHAVE KKClir duzccyco, im tokc I vvEICHS 200 FWNUS ANO MEAKL.Y r 'a - .-o . M ISN'T ITPJ""5 V a' WiyULONGnME AND LIKE ITI r ry- f .-- KILLED A CUSTOMER WU HAl6? f .r llama nnw'T THINK I'M TOO NICE A WSHSL I vS4i AST WEEK FOR ASKING IMtWy fe1;. I I V GIRLTOBE WORKING IN A, ME TOO MANY FOOL ft f& "i fi L mm m?um noA m )Lg00mwiai0eM3s I'M PATTy MILES.AND I WELL.I POUT WANT NO Y QKAY, MISTEP- 1 1 ALL THE SAME, X LOST f ALL RI6HT. - ATSSS"p Srrrtinrv TuJId BUTRJP WXzLDNT THREE SHEEP THIS MONTH, J BUT FLIP NEVEP R HEY! WHAT'RE VOU COIN' IN WE U AT MILESTONE J&3, 1 HUBT A SHEEP. AND I THINK THERE'S A KILLEP ANY U My SHEEP PASTURE WITH THAT 1 W Ji EN0U6H TkOUBLE I HE WANTEP TO SHEEP-KILLIN' 006 AROUND K SHE6P1 . 'J '" I II . I ' I CI CI JfiH,WEL.t--- , 5 1 II ' V H'-'llb II D Ioh.oh... 'no harm done.). .-.v i i ' n - , ., I - n ( PAINTED PAST 1 I'LLGOOJT rTi-hZ. iirVyV.' -I " I VTHE DOORjyTT THE WINDOW 'viJJ IfV-f-T ' -A. 'l -sM w ' t "IM l I ,1 II . I I 'I j'Vir-rjs--r- K ill, : L:JL iin " . vmtim I BUT MARTY.'--WHY SALVAGE JthEVMAVIANDYOlN BETTER TACE THt 5TUfF OUT 7 5PfAWN' '0 ' )'ljr5-' JS CI 0UROVRDIDEA5?--THEY'REy;"pYEDNEWWB AND BURY IT.'- WITH A A HK.KLKi .---L TlU fl ABOUTAVALUABUAiNNY'FEW6REETiNV ARKERREADIN6: HERE ) THFYVt fPFrTI-gHP-Tltl LJl M OLD BANANA 5KIa0VpANIE6 ARE y,"lSVaE,LVEAM-D,E70NE BHTOWRn ffuM ' A BACKWARD HA THE J DEC. I, -CF YONDER- .' I0t Jtr "T. S Mw , 1 A pjgfTMj MALNUTRITION tmYLM QfT . KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 820 NBC 70 CBS 1100 ABC 1300 MBC 1400 Kc. Twwi The 8 of Ul Knoi Mann In f Green Hornet Strlfht Arrow Rhjlhm Rinch 2 :,r hosier. Newi Little Show Green Hornet Straliht Arrow Rhythm Ranch eloftSonn of Timet Featura Story Jack ArmstrongrCapt. MidntEht Bine Croaby g .'4g Elmer Peteraon Ncwa Jack Armstrong Dapt. MldnUht Bmineai Newi -7m Screen HuTld Suspenx Flrefighteri Gab. Heater Candle Llfht S iVe Screen iu14 Suspena Home Kdftlon N. W. News & Sllrer S:inM"' Cavalcade Crime Mod. Aomaneei Tello Teit News B:4B Mu- Cavalcade Photographer Mod. Bomaucti Mimic Ouwtlonboi H.nn Perrj Como The Plavhoaaa Coanterspr Drama Pat O'Brien 4:71-Perry Como The PlayhouM Counterspy Sineini St I raff Music. Jackpot 4:n Dragnet Pursall Date With Judy T B A Evelyn Knight 7:45 Dralt,lcl Pursuit Date With Judy T B A Football Prophet Viftfi SlnatraTKiriten Lowell' Thomas Amateur Hour ilop'lng Casildy Track 1400 2:Yc World News lack Smith Amateur Hnur Hop'lnr Caasldy Track 1490 S.'on Aldrlch Famlir Mr. Keen Amateur Hour I Suns Track 1400 8:45 Aldricb Wr- Keen R. Montgomery Armchr. Q-back rrack 1490 "jinn Father Knows F.B.I. Blondla News Track 1400 8.1 e Father Knows F.B.I. Blondle Songs of Times Track 1490 o:4n nuffy's Tavern Beutah As We See It New tn Records News 9:45 Dpffr'' Tavern Club IB Our Town New In rtccords C. Massey fnTnnSam Harts 5 Star Final Richf 'Id Rep'tr Fult. Lewis Jr. Night Song iaVc Mort. Downey Band Parade Intermesso Local News Night Song nWn pe- "'In'! Vou World Concert Hour News Muslo You Want 10 145 Orchestra Alrflo Concert Hour Muslo Musio You Want IIjOO ,ew Serenade Concert flour I Love Mystery Nocturne 11 - t Wai Museum Organ Muslo Concert Hour Music Nocturne 11 .0 Was Museum Bandstand Memos Russ Morgan Nocturne 11:45 w" Museum News Memos Russ Morgan Nocturne t2M)0 Sign Off Silent Xtra Hour Slgn Off ISign Off FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. 6:00 'lodge Podge News Farm News News Summary 6:15 Ineass News KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling Timekeeper 630 Tarm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Klock 6:45 ?arm Time KOIN .Klock Keep Smiling News KOCO Klock Tiob Early Bird KOIN Klock Washb'rn News News Tei Bitter 7 '15 Old Song N'ewi Mart. Agrouaky Brkfst. Ganf News & Sports 73nKneass News ews Bob Haxen Muslo Top o Morning 7:45 Sam Hayes ''red Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades Top o' Morning 8:00 Mdle Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Counter King's Crusad. 8:1ft id die Albert Xews Breakfast C!ub 't Baptist Ch. King's Crusad. 8:30 lack Berch jrand Slam Breakfast Ctul Bible Institute Western Melod. 8:45 iagc Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Fiesta Time lTio6 :ccond Cup '.Vendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News Time for MePdy 9:15 '"-nnd cup unt Jenny Stars of Today Mus. Memories Time for Mel'dy R:30 T B A :ielen Trent Art Linkletter Pastor's Call Stars Sing fl:45 ineass News Our Gal Sunday Art Linkletter Walts Time J. Chas Thomas 10:00 Marriage for 2 Big Sister Sage Riders News NW News 10:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Musio '0:30 hostess House Dr. Malone My True Story ferry Como Tune Tim 10 ;45 Party Suldtng Light My True Story Walts Serenade B8 Keys ( 11:00 lOoubie, Nothing !nd Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladles First Muslo Mart 11 ;J5 Double. Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndiahr Ladles First Muslo Mart 11:30 lod'ys Children Vorah Drake N'rlhwesternera Oueen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World irlghter Day N'westcrnera Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12: (10 Life Beautiful News Baukhage TakTop Trades H'llywood Musis 12:15 tncass News Come Get It News News H'llywood Musis 12:30 P. V'ng's Fam Bright A .Light Jack Norman NW News News 12:45 Bight to Hap. rt Baker Meet Mcnjoua Bob Eberly Dave Dennis TibO Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Brkf. In HoiTT Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas arry Moore Brkf. in Uolly. Harvey Harding Mac's Melodies 1:30 Lorenio Jones jarry Moore Kay West Organ Rev'rleg Mac's Melodies 1 ;45 Y'ng Wid. Br n 'tlrkham News Kay West Ring 8ings Mac'g Melodies 2:00 Wh. G. Marries irkham News Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:15 Por. Faces Lift- Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Pools Mac's Melodies 2:30 ust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Groom Muslo for Frl. Mac's Melodies 2:45 -'"ront Pg. Far'll .'unefuliy Yours Bride & Groom Music for Frl. Mac's Melodies 3:00 Veto. Travelers rt Klrkham Talk Way OuT Hoedown Tarty Mac's Melodies 3:15 Velc. Travelers rthur Godfrey Talk Way Out Hoedown Party Mae's Melodies 3:30 unt Mary rthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodies 3;45 .Ve Love, Learn rthur Godfrey Ted Malono Gay Nineties Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn, Secret rthur Godfrey Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Tims 4:15!Road of Life rthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Fr. Hemingway Philosopher 4:301 ' I'-i") "urt Massey Squirrel Cage Dehlnd Story Byers Can B 4;45lPaula Stone 5dw. Murrow Cin. Bear N'ews Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Thursday P.M. 5:00, Chll r UAL dren's Theateri B:15, On the Upbeat) 5:50, 550 Sports Club) 8, News; 0:15, Organ Muslci 0:80, 'Round Campflret 7:00, Headlines in Chemlstryt T.w, eve ning Farm Ilourt 8:00, Pianlstf 8:30, Vets' Newsi 8:43, News & Weathen 9, Music That Endures! 9:45, Evening Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off . Prize Apples Sold For $4.15 a Box Yakima. Deo. 1(H A car load of apples packed during the international apple packing con test here November 19 sold to day on the New York auction for an average of $4.15 a box. Contest officials cheered the news received by teletype from Victor Joseph, president of the International Apple association. They said the price was a WvmmgSMmiijSSStgms mA JHaha1jsprat1 ACROSS 37. So. American L Pertaining to Indian a U. S. Ter- 38. Ancient Greek ritory citv 8. Stores 13. Colonnade 14. Sum 15. Not here 16. Tablet 17. Sign of the infinitive 18. Pronoun 19. Kind of bean 20. Rent 21. Matter: law 23. Measure 25. Extend 26. By S7. River In New Mexico and Arizona 28. Angry 31. Very minute 84. ArtleBs 35. Ireland 36. Exist! 29. Palm leaf 40. Possesses 42. Thickness 43. Indian mul berry 44. For example! abbr. 45. Paint 46. Temper 60.Ingredlent of varnish 52. Green mineral 53. Assume 54. Threaded again DOWN 1. So. American river 2. Tennis stroke 3. Metrical accent 7 5 3 14 IS 16 7 WMP 1 ' " '3 75 IP 5 " IP Tl 13. ! ""33 ' "1 1 I I IH 1111 1 AP Ntwjftof urei ROOM AND BOARD I WENT TUH D BCTM.IN' ALLEY WHERE ALFY PLAYS EVERY NIGHT, BUT DEY AINT SEEN HIM AROUND FER OVER. A WEEK---DEY SAID IY5 funny he ain't even showed UP T'GIT ALL DA PRIZES HE Fth ROLLIN "" TV- xCVTHREE HUNNERT (ArA A WEEK ASO Weather; 10:15, Especially for Women t lt:00, School of the Alri HUB, Concert Hall! 12:00, News; 12:15, Noon Farm Houri 1:00, Ride 'em Cowhoyt 1:15, school of the Alrt 1:30, Story Behind Discovery; 1:45. Melody Lane) 2:00, The Clubwomen's Half Hour; 2:30, Memory Book of Muslci 8:00, Newsi 3:15, Musle of the Masterst 4:00, Oregon Beporteri 4:15, Favorite Hymns. dollar higher than the market. Joseph, who was here to crown the world champion ap ple packer, sparked the sale by draping the car with GXX flags. A band of stevedores played an hour-long concert before the auction opened. Anthony J. Marciarelli, New York City commissioner of mar kets, opened the special sale. His call for buyers to pay top prices was immediately answered by Max Klahr, a fruit buyer, who bid the first box at $100. R ee AU IE EJ olslsl I u -L 30 i! HHh w MamH.cans 0(1 a tB IRA C U N DBS O D A S REC U ReJm U u A T E TRgEpUpjY EQW E W Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla 4. Let It stand 6. Relatives 6. Division of a play 7. Negative 8. Remain . Scuttle 10. Part of the . Bible: abbr. 11. Head 12. Long narrow opening 18. American poet 19. Majestic 20. Rich soil 21. Shower 22. Volcano 23. Dig out Of tht earth 24. Biblical high priest 25. Broad sm!l 27. Yield under pressure 28. Egyptian goddess 29. Caudal appendage 50. Additional 32. Pear-shaped fruits 33. Silkworm 38. Tree 39. Pertaining to oil 40. Queen of the ftoda 41. Old 42. Half quart 43. Bast Indian money 4B. Ladle 46. Metric land measure 47. Nothing 48. Corroded 49. Went first 51. In that case 52. Comparatlre ending By Gene Ahern THAT SETTLES (T SOME KNAVE OF A MANAGER. PERSUADED ALFY , TO SKIP WITH HIM AND BOX IN WON THE B G TIME UNDER ANOTHER. NAME 1 91 4