: Hungarian Village Bride Relative; assist Katica Bognar (center) as she dons the traditional national costume for her wedding to Janos Nagy in Mezakovesd, Hungary. Extra Guest Rooms Provided In New Modern White House Washington, Dec. 1 W) President and Mrs. Truman are going to have room for extra guests when they move back into a safe and modern White House in late 1951. They'll have space, too, to store all those things that people don't like to throw away. They will find it expanded- into a 77-room mansion with a two-story basement when the re pair job about to get under way is finally completed. The present 150-year-old structure, to be completely reno vated inside, has 69 rooms and no basement. Engineers disclosed today that eight additional rooms will be built on the top-or fourth floor, possibly for use by guests. Tn V" past this floor has been used for maids' quarters and is who could not be accom modated in the limited bedroom space on the third floor. The third floor is used by the chief executive and his family. Presidents themselves have been known on rare occasions to sleep in the "attic" to permit very important visitors to occu py their bedrooms. So, when the new rooms are added, it may not be necessary ever again for citi zen No. 1 to. do like the office clerk who doubles up on a sofa to make way for a rich relative. Actual work on repairing the home of presidents will get un der way in about a week. An underpinning subcontract was let yesterday. The first job will be a demolition one to get ready for the new interior foundation and strengthening the base of the outside sandstone walls. Maj. Gen. Glen E. Edgerton, one of the engineers attached to the renovation commission, said the new White House should last 150 years or more. Congress has appropriated $5,400,000 for the whole job. The commission is now con sidering how to dispose of nun dreds of pieces of scrap and oth er materials salvaged from the historic structure without run ning afoul of the congressional dictum that there be no "com mercial exploitation." General Edgerton said the commission might ask new legis lation to defray the cost of dis tributing the souvenirs. Care must be taken to authenticate these, he said, to avoid an ava lanche of fakes being sold to the gullible. For example, he said, there are about 500,000 bricks many of them still charred from the burning of the mansion by the British in 1814 and most dat ing back to 1818 when restora tion was completed. Old timbers could be sold or donated whole or by the splinter. Damaged mantles, scraps of metal and even nails all are among the disposable items. The material will be put in four categories: (1) Complete items like doors and mantles that can be preserved for use the renovated mansion, (2) pieces with historical value for display in museums, (3) frag ments that may be of sentimen tal value only, and (4) perish able stuff for the dump heap. Moscow Woos Catholic Unions London, Dec. 1 ( Moscow once again Is wooing turopes Catholic labor unions to form a solid "front" with communist workers in what may become a new campaign aimed at disrupt ing the west's recovery program. The Russian-led cominform (communist international infor mation bureau in a resolution published yesterday after a secret meeting this month in Hungary urged communist workers: "In the struggle for working class unity special attention should be given to masses of Catholic workers and working people and their organizations." This call coincided with a bit ter rift which has arisen here in the organizational meeting of the anti-communist free world labor confederation over failure by its credentials committee to invite Catholic unions from Bel gium, The Netherlands, Switz erland, Denmark and Luxembourg. Observers here felt that the cominform may have been well aware of this snub and -had de cided to take advantage of it. Ex-Vice Premier to Be Tried for Treason Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec. 1 U.R- Fonner Bulgarian Vice Premier Traicho Kostov will be tried on charges of plotting to overthrow the communist regime and as sassinate the late Premier Georgi Dimitrov, the Bulgarian govern ment announced today. A 20,000 - word indictment charged Kostov and 11 others with "treason, treachery, espion age and economic sabotage." The average hen will lay somewhere between 180 and 345 eggs per year depending upon the breed and various other con ditions. . i his SPECIALIZED S CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN TS YOUR CHILD'S NEEDS Scientifically made in 1 'i erain tablets which assures accurate dos age, eliminates cutting. Orange flavored too, easy to take. Only 35c. ST.JOSErH ASPIRIN FOR CHI10REI USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 sacks $5.00 Bulkrt0n $io.oo 2 ton, .... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 NOTICE WINTER DRIVING FACTS Cold Weather Hint to Save Your Car ... or Your Ufa! 21r, - MTCONCMVI J-on. Wn CONCMTt -50 -40n.. CN YOU VjN TIME' 75 rr. NO CHAINS -13 88 n. 'CHAINI ON IIARWMIU Braking Distances on Various Road Surfaces at 20 miles per hour -171- -100 -ts -ISO -7t NO CHAINI 183 n. New research by the National Safety Council brings this warning skiddmg and reduced visibility substantially increase the traffic death rats) during winter months of snow and ice. Equalized brakes, tire chains, good windshield wipers, defrosters, good lights, reduced speed all can prevent your sliding to the junk pile or hospital. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 194927 Aumsville Mrs. Ardis Bradley and Shar on and Carl have moved to Astoria to make her home with an uncle, Arnold Wagoner. Mrs. Bradley has been postmistress here for several years Her place is being taken by Miss Delores Bradley. The annual PTA bazaar was a big success in more ways than one. A record crowd came to eat and to remain for the pro gram later. A final check gave the total receipts as $486.64. Thanksgiving guests at the Elmer Klein home were Mrs. Elizabeth Linz, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jarvis and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Klein and Sandra Lee, all of Salem, Bonnie and Glenn, home from OSC for the week-end. Coming home with them were four students from Alaska. They were Dick An derson, John Stanford, Don Mc Millan and John Groves. Their home is at Ketchikan. Records indicate that the first drive-in motion picture theater was built near Camden, N.J., in 1933. FOR Insured Savings Federal Sff First Current Dividend 2Vi 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty Al Brown's Pigeon Champion of Show A bird owned by Al Brown was awarded the 'champion of the show" classificatior as a re sult of the recent pigeon exhibi tion sponsored by the Salem Racing Pigeon club. A number of local exhibitors received first ribbons for their birds. These include R. Page, F. Page, J. Gunnell and D. Cham bers. Reisbick brothers of Portland, Al Brunton of Seattle and M. Clark of Toledo, all received recognition for their entries. it COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK TO RIDE YELLOW CAB Phone 2 2411 I V sW 1 B i I J.llia W'l, AsTasssr.MWv'HV IK t Presenting Gay Prints in New Advanced Styles We Have Discontinued Buying Walnut Meats Until a Later Date WATCH FOR OUR AD WILLAMETTE GROCERY CO. Trade and Mill Streets 20 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS - Shop Now We cordially invite you to come to our beautiful new store . , . a 'fashion center where values are supreme and where helpful courteous service is a habit. The whole store's a gift shop . . , every thing says "Merry Christmas." PRE-HOLIDAY SELLING Glamorous New DRESSES Hundreds have arrived since the Grand Opening Rayon Crepes Men's Wear Printed Rayons Gabardines Dresses Made To Sell For Much More 10" Whether you plan -gay festive affairs for the season or prefer to be casual about your engagements, you'll find dresses to suit your needs and your mood. Gay colors, sparkling trims, clever tailored dresses and very dressy ones ... all at the one low price. Other Dress Values $8.99 to $16.99 A Very Good Hosiery Buy 15 Denier 51 Gauge NYLON Hosiery PERFECT FIRST QUALITY Full Fashioned Regular $1.65 Values Hosiery made to our own high specifica tions ... in our own exclusive dance-inspired shades of Ballet, Bolero, Cotillion and Tango. Exquisitely sheer. A most ac ceptable and appreciated giftl BUY EARLY $1 19 It's Smart to Be Thrifty Shop at 490 North Capital St. W Ope USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN r LAN I J n Friday Nite 'Til 9 p.m... M Shop Your opportunity to save on dresses so appealing youH wear them now. ..so new and smart, you'll enjoy them all through spring. Gorgeous multi-color and monotone prints! Fine 100-denier ace tate rayon! All sizes: 9 to 15, 12 to 20, and 161 to 24tt. 9:00 p.m.' :W SW Friday J' $3 wl 1 &J?$j I I I As Nk r f I iPw lt J It ffi 1 m "fk Jc iwfel iW 1 ft 0umm M H t ft Jet Black Suedes 5.95 Midnight black suedes that dramatize your after five o'clock sophistication. Plat form soles for cushiony comfort . . . exquisite styling for subtle foot flat tery. Sizes4Vito9. Small But Roomy Multi-Pocket Bags 1.98 p. and up us tax Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort &atyadZ?t, yaaMviZe&MytXii K&tey Jaa6' f(J Not too big, not too small btsM ust right to carry all hr rm.dt. Durable leather-Ilk. plastics In ast't. styles, color) PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 550 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-9191