11 '9! 26 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 Glorify Yule Fruit Cake s v vvw -m Christmas Fruit Cake With varied sauces fAP Newaleaturea) This year try a new holiday dessert. Serve your Christmas fruit cake with a wonderful ar ray of sauces. You can make both the cake and the sauces well in advance they'll keep beautifully for several weeks. Both the cake and the sauces are perfect for gifts. The cake may be baked In aluminum foil containers and then simply wrapped with ribbon. The sauc es can be packed in covered con tainers the latter to double for refrigerator jars later on. CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE Ingredients: 1 cup mincemeat, 3 medium-sized apples (peeled and cored), 1 cup raisins, cup candied cherries, 2 ounces cit ron, 1 cup orange juice, 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1 tea spoon baking powder, A tea spoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ginger, 'A teaspoon nutmeg, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs (well beaten), 'A cup molasses, cup butter or vitaminized margarine (melted), 2 teaspoons sherry flavoring, 2 teaspoons brandy flavoring. Method: Put mincemeat, apples, raisins, cherries, and citron through a coarse grinder and stir in 'A cup of the orange juice. Mix and sift the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and sugar. Mix the eggs and molasses together; heat the remaining 'A cup or ange juice and add; gradually beat in the melted butter or margarine. Add sifted dry ingre dients and stir until smooth. Fold in fruit and flavorings. Pour into 2 well-greased glass or metal 1-quart size loaf or round pans. Bake in a moderate (350 F.) oven for 1 to 2 hours. ORANGE CITRON SAUCE Ingredients: 2 tablespoons butter or vitaminized margarine, 1 cup confectioners' sugar, 2 table spoons finely chopped citron, 1 tablespoon orange juice, Vi tea spoon orange flavoring, dash of salt. Method: Cream the butler or margarine; gradually blend in the sugar; add the citron, orange juice, flavoring and salt and mix well. HOLIDAY SAUCE Ingredients: 2 tablespoons but ter or vitaminized margarine, 1 cup confectioners' sugar, 2 ta blespoons brandy flavoring, dash of salt. Method: Cream butter or mar garine; gradually blend in sugar, flavoring, and salt and beat well. CARAMEL WALNUT SAUCE Ingredients: lVfe cups sugar, 'k cup butter or vitaminized mar garine (melted), dash of salt, Va cup finely chopped walnut meats. Method: Stir sugar in saucepan over low heat until melted; add butter or margarine and salt, and stir in walnuts. Holiday Bells Luscious ham, scored and spiced and baked until it is just about the best tasting dish in town, is a good idea for Christ mas dinner. Jelly-glaze so that each little square sparkles with crispness. Garnish with sprig of holly and candle made from green pepper, berries, and cream cheese. Surround with tart and tangy cranberry sauce bells, topped with cream cheese bow. Spiced Cranberry Bells 4 cups fresh cranberries 2 cups water 2 cups sugar teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons gelatin 4 cup cold water or orange juice Combine cranberries, water, sugar and cinnamon. Cook about 15 minutes, or until all the ber ries pop and mixture begins to thicken. Add gelatin softened in cold water or orange juice, and For Quick Meal Bake Waffles When you're having a wonder ful time with the merry flurry of Christmas preparations shopping and making and wrap ping gifts don't you often wish you didn't have to take out so much time for the tedious job of fixing meals? But, after all, the family still gets hungry and you just have to do something about filling them up. . And that, my busy friends, is just the time to put your waf fle baker to work. Waffles, you know, are grand filler - uppers and so quick and easy to make when you use waffle mix. If your hungry horde thinks plain waffles and syrup are strictly a breakfast dish, there are ever so many ways to fancy them up for dinner. Ever try them with a topping of creamed chipped beef? U-m-m-m, good! Another of our favorite cold weather specialities is Corn Waf fles. Just add 'A to 1 cup of drained, canned corn and about Vfe cup chopped green pepper to regulate batter made with mix. Or maybe you'd like to serve waffles for dessert. Then we suggest spicy Apple Waffles dusted with powdered sugar. Add 'A teaspoon cinnamon, A teaspoon nutmeg, 1 cup chopped apples, lA cup chopped nuts to the batter. Bake them at the last minute and serve hot so the powdered sugar dusting melts a bit. Another dessert idea is to put a scoop of ice cream atop each tender - crisp waffle and pour lots of butterscotch or chocolate sauce over .all. Holiday cookies are a tradi tion because they're so de lightful to serve when guests drop in, and so perfect for "ex tra" gifts. Possibly you would make more cookies for the holi days if you realized how easy it is to make them, if you have a few really good recipes. By us ing a good basic recipe and changing it with different decor ations and different flavors and colors, you can turn out ever so many cookies with much less trouble. Be sure you use good ingred ients fresh dairy products, the very best flavorings and col orings, nice fresh nuts and fruits. Probably you don't need to be reminded that accurate meas urements mean better baking. Your chances of success are im proved, and your chances of fail ures cut practically to nothing, if you choose a good basic recipe and follow the measuring and mixing directions carefully. Don't trust your memory on re cipes for holiday cookies or any cookies. Unless you use a recipe almost every day, you can easily forget one of the in gredients, or put the recipe to gether in the wrong order. So don't change the meth od or leave out ingredients. Get the fun of creating something new by the decorations and col- Egg sandwiches for school lunchboxes may be varied a number of ways. Add a few ta blespoons of crumbled crisp ba con to the chopped hard-cooked egg and salad dressing to moist en. Or spread the sandwich bread with deviled ham before topping with the egg mixture stir until dissolved. Rinse small molds or custard cups- in cold water and fill with cranberry mixture. Chill until firm. Un- mold and top with garnish of cream cheese put through pastry tube. I WILL BUY YOUR FURNITURE Glenn Woodry, Ph. S-5110 SttS? When it rains it pours Plain or iodized change to GOLDEN WEST'S RICHER FLAVOR get per pound ! HICHK flAVOR 1 w me cop... ...secAusitris IH6HBtNrH A smile of satisfaction is your reward for serving Golden West. This mellow blend, so rich in luxury flavor Central American codecs, has the tempting, richer flavor everybody prefers. Serve Golden West for coffee satisfaction every time. You pay no more for Golden West than for other coffees. But you fret mors naturally rich flavor from the grind that's right for your coffee maker. Make it as you always do. Just use less. And you'll agree that the rich flavor is unchanged. It's naturally richer.. .ground S ways so your coffe maker can extract all its goodness. It gives you more cups per pound! Each pound goes 13 further.. .giving you as much as 18 xtra for other groceries. That's th way to save. Coffea Pot or Percolator Silex or Glass Maker Drip Mtrhod A HOLIDAY TRADITION ChristmasCookies Enjoyed Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades Wa also wash., retnpe, paint and re-iUte your old Venetian nlltidi ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Huge St . West Salem We give S & H Green Stamps ors and flavors you use in the holiday cookies recipe you choose. Use unusual shapes like trees and stars and wreaths and bells and crescents. Here are just a few suggestions for your holiday cookies: CHRISTMAS TREES Sprinkle with green sugar crystals before baking, with a few mixed colored candies to re semble tree ornaments. WREATHS Sprinkle with green sugar crystals and decorate with any of the following: Red sugar, sil ver candy shot, pieces of cand ied cherry for berries and citron for leaves. Do this before bak ing. CHRISTMAS TREES Frost after baking, with white icing. Then decorate with green sugar and vari-colored candies to resemble tree balls. STARS Frost with white icing, then sprinkle with pink or yellow su gar. Make a candle in center of star using red for flame, green for candle and mixed colors for candle holder. WREATHS Frost with white icing, then sprinkle with green sugar crys tals. Make a bow with pieces of candied cherry. Or frost with lit Tlie Mark of a Princely Host Born in the Elegant Eighties ...still the mark of a Princely Host 1 FM? ,025 The Princely Uliiskey Princely kosts luvt proadly icrveo! this excellent whiskey since 1882. PITCT ConTenienl Flaik $960 H t. Economy Sixa RARE BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THREE FEATHERS DISTILLING COMPANY. LAWRENCEBURG, IND. green Icing, and make a bow of holly berries and pieces of cand ied cherry or red icing. TO COLOR CITRON Soak slices of citron in small amount of water with green ve getable color added. When desir ed green shade is obtained, dry thoroughly on absorbent paper. LEO H. JOHNSON Electrical Contracting Repairing - Supplies See Us For Lighting Fixtures 250 Court St. - Ph. 20715 Just back of Busick's IT'S THE EASY WAY TO MAKE FRUIT CAKEI SS: ill LYONS RADIANT MIX DICED GLACE MIX READY TO USE for delicious, colorful holiday fruit cakes. A 1-pound package makes 2 pounds or more of fine homemade fruit cake. Simple recipes inside each package. Also use ttaciiant Mix to add goodness and color to cookies, candies and dessert recipes ! LYON Malnn of LYONS famous Claeo Fruiu lyons-Magnus, Inc., San Francitco 3, Calif. ttYy'B.IL MEVER BUY It's been true over 40 years . . . it's true today . . . It will be true in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER, BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good fresh bread it is. hi i, t HANZ TOAST WT$ TH GOOD M GOOD MOANING 4