Pint-Sized FaVmhand Five-year-old Teddy Ray Hooker, who has been driving a tractor, since old enough to "cry to get on," is a two-fisted milker as well. Father Ray Hooker, owner of a 160-acre farm near Skiatook, Okla., says Teddy is "the best doggone hand I ever had." (AP Wirephoto) over in the process, so that it has become almost axiomatic among some lawyers that if a person is ambitious to reach the Supreme Court, judicial experi ence seems to be more of a han dicap than otherwise." So that his frank observations about judicial appointments may not be misconstrued or in terpreted as a campaign for his own promotion, Judge Knox states: "I am supremely hap py in my position, because I'd rather be a judge in my own right than one-ninth of a court, and I don't know if I'd even ac cept a Supreme Court appoint ment if it were offered, which I am sure it will not be." FEDERAL JUDGE SAYS: Experienced Jurists Should Be Promoted to Highest Tribunal All judges sjiould be appointed for life and greater considera tion should be given to judicial experience and the promotion of district court jurists in filling higher U. S. court vacancies, Fed eral Judge John C. Knox declares in the December American magazine. While he doesn't criticize any specific appointments, the chief judge in the southern New York district makes it plain that he thinks competent lower court justices as well as judicial expe rience are overlooked too fre quently in the selection of judges for higher U.S. courts. State, county and even muni cipal judges should be appoint ed for life, he says, so that they'll be able to mete out justice without regard for political ex pediencies. It's a great handicap, Judge Knox agrees, to require a judge to be a politician to re main a judge under a system which requires him to seek re election every so many years. While stating in a signed arti cle that "I don't want to Imply that there is any lack of ability in the present Supreme Court," the venerable judge, a democrat who was appointed to the feder al bench nearly 32 years ago, adds: "In the present Supreme Court there are only three men Chief Justice Vinson, Justice Minton, and Justice Black who have had prior experience on the bench, and Justice Black's was confined to a service of about 18 months. "I think more judges ought to be advanced to positions - of higher importance, If they are worthy of promotion, and that men in lower courts should feel that promotion is the reward of ability and competence, just as it Is in other careers. "If experience Is worth while In other professions, I can't for the life of me see why it should n't be where the courts are con cerned, but it doesn't always seem to be. "Upon occ a i o n I have thought that some of the ap pointees were selected because of t h e i r economic, social, or should we say? political points of view , . . "In fact, over the years, many appointees have had no judicial experience at all, and many good judges have been passed France Nears End Of Food Rationing Paris, Dec. Iff) France Beared the end of food ration' ins today. The French cabinet last night voted to take sugar and rice off the control list today, leaving only coffee distribution con trolled by the government. The government said the normal cof fee ration would be doubled this month. The cabinet, which recently derationed cooking oil, also vot ed to abolish the national food control board on December 31. To keep the price of. sugar at its present rationed level of about 13 cents a pound, the gov ernment plans to allow sugar im ports from Algeria and Tunis. Similar Imports of cooking oil also will be permitted. Everyone Knows Only Coterized Oil Leaves NO CARBON! SOOT! DIAL 35622 or 35606 Salem'1 KietwlT Cfttrli4 Oil DMki Howard J. Smalley Is There a Santa Claus? Pan-American to Prove 'Yes' Seattle, Dec. 1 (U.R) Is there a Santa Claus? To the skeptics, Pan American World Airways says "sure!" And offers to prove it. Airlines officials today offered to produce a signed letter from the old gentleman for any child whose parents will follow a simnle set of rules. Fairbanks Alaska, has been officially designated by Santa Claus as the post office nearest to the north pole. He's sending a special dog sled from his Arc tic headquarters to the Pan American office at Fairbanks. Here are the instructions: 1. The parents must write letters to their youngsters! and sign them "Santa Claus." 2. Place the letters in airmail envelopes stamped with six cents postage and addressed to the boy or girl. Allow room on the left hand side of the envelope for Santa's picture which will be stamped on by the airline. 3. Take the letters to a district sales office or put them in an other envelope and send to Pan American World Airways, 1302 4th ave., Seattle, attention Santa Claus. 4. The letters must reach Seattle or district sales offices not later than Monday, Dec. 12, 1949. The letters will be flown to Fairbanks and mailed there to Santa Claus. After a pause of three minutes for the round-trip by dog sled to the north pole, the airlines will return the mail to the states. Rescue Party Finds All 6 C-54 Airmen Perished Longview, Wash., Dec. 1 W) Whether to attempt to retrieve the bodies of six airmen from the snow-covered, blizzard-swept sides of Mt. St. Helens or to leave them there until spring was to be decided today by air force officials. The shattered C-54 transport was located by a search party yesterday 7,000 feet up at Mud-J1 dy glacier on the 9,671-foot high mountain. But the only two members of the party actually to reach the wreckage Robert Quoidbach of Longview and Corp. LeRoy LaVigne of Vir ginia, Minn. said they found no bodies inside the plane. Quoidbach estimated it would be next June before a ground party could safely search the treacherous mountain sides for the bodies. The ground party was forced to return to its base camps last night by a driving snowstorm and frigid 50 - mile - an - hour winds. The C-54 crashed nine days ago on a training flight from Mc Chord air force base near Ta coma, Wash., to Portland, Ore. Stanton Patty, Longview Daily News reporter who accompanied the search party, said the plane's tail section was buried in the snow, about 150 feet from the hardly-dented fuselage. "The main landing gear was on a ledge 100 feet or so higher up the slope," Patty continued. "Nobody knows precisely where the plane crashed, but some as sume it crashed near the top of the mountain and tumbled on down." Chief Needs Help West Linn, Dec. 1 (P) Police Chief William Ellis has asked Portland detectives to help in vestigate a burglary at the high school here in which the safe was cracked open and $120 tak- , It occurred sometime Tues day night or early yesterday. The first window that could be moved up or down was in vented in Holland in the 17th century. All Safeway Stores in Salem Are Now Open FRIDAY EVENINGS 'Til 8 P.M. i 0 Safeway Stores in Hollywood and 1420 State Street open every week day evening 'til 8 P.M. Shop leisurely in the evenings, avoid the rush of daytime crowds. jS 2C jC jC jC j j1" j ?C j1- jS jS Z1 j t- jl jC ?C I- jK j-!'- 3CjS j j j I- j Zfc LES NEWMAN'S Your Friendly MEN'S STORE 179 N. COMMERCIAL ST. Next Door to Busick'i OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL CHRISTMAS Patty said Quoidbach and La Vigne let themselves down i 50-foot cliff by rope to inspect the wreckage. "They said the interior 'of the fuselage showed four smashed seats, four cracked windows and a pair of overalls. The inter phone and microphone were in tact on their rack, even though the fuselage may have rolled more than 1,000 feet." Seals Will Be Sold at Booths As has been the custom for many years, booths will be es tablished in public places for the purpose of selling Christmas seals to those persons who did not receive them through the mails. These booths will be set up this week in the post office lob by for operation from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; the Kress store from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. as well as Friday evenings; Montgomery Ward from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., and Friday evenings, and Ladd and Bush bank from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Although the seal sale will continue through December, A. L. Schaefer, president of the Marion County Tuberculosis and Health association, sponsor ing agency, states "we would greatly appreciate having re turns made promptly." Early returns would ease the load of the post office during the Christ mas rush, he points out. Total returns to date are $4, 242.15, approximately the same as a year ago at a similar date. Duty-free Goods In Western Europe Paris, Dec. 1 yp) American tourists will soon be able to tote their souvenirs, perfumes and new dresses from one west ern European country to anoth er without paying customs duty. An agreement was reached yesterday between 18 Marshall plan countries creating a single uniform list of goods overseas visitors can carry in duty free. No date was set for putting the list into effect, but' it was hoped most of the countries could start by Jan. 1. The agreement affects all ov erseas visitors, including Ame ricans, but does not permit ci tizens from one Marshall plan country to carry the listed goods to another. "Megacyle" as used In radio is the measurement of frequen cy, meaning that the rate of vi bration is at 1,000,000 cycles per second. Sears Open Monday and Friday Nights 'Til 9 P. M. PAY CHECKS Gladly Cashed 550 North Capitol Ph. 3-9191 Khans Plan lo Use Chalet Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec. 1 VP) Arrangements for Film Star Rita Hayworth and her husband, Prince Aly Khan, to move to their winter chalet around Christmas time led to the belief today she expected her baby be fore that time. Aly and Rita have been in Lausanne for nearly a month and have made secret reserva tions at Montchoisi Maternity clinic here. No word has leaked out as to when Rita expects to enter the clinic. Rita lives in almost complete seclusion while she awaits the birth of her baby. When she does leave her hotel suite she is always accompanied by Prince Aly or his half-brother, Prince Sadruddin. Outside the prince's family the couple receives few visitors. Ri ta made a rare exception when Actress Constance Bennett came to the hotel last week-end. The only other outsiders to come to her suite are her French teacher and her hairdresser. i Capita! Journal, Salem; Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 21 Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" 7399 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 7949. EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY' We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. . Let us fill your prescription. j Special This Week-End Johnston's Chocolates One lb. S1 -00 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 Factory AT PURCHASE We were very fortunate in buying a won derful group of coats at unheard of prices. You'll be amazed when you'll see this grand selection and at such very low prices. 100 ALU WOOL COATS Made to Sell up to 39.95 YOUR CHOICE ONLY AND HERE IS ANOTHER WONDERFUL BUY! EASTERN MANUFACTURER'S Dress Sample Sate! Dress Values to 19.95 Your Choice ONLY 1 Use Our Lay-Away Plan Kay's Yes! You Can Charge It 460 State Street Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Plenty of values here for thrifty shoppers: quality and freshness assured. A complete variety 01 meats, nsn and poultry. These values are good Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The prices are low and the quality Is High, the variety is unlimited. Plan a shopping trip to Randall's and see what an eco- ! nomical and pleasant experience meat buying can be. 1 Freshly Ground Fresh Country Hamburger ,. iic Sausage ib JJC EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD ?Qc Steaks I iZL AQc ROAST Rumps ' Ribs Ib. Pork Steak . . lb. 39c Pork Chops . . lb. 49c Veal Roast . . Ib. 39c Veal Steaks . . Ib. 49c SLICED BACON Sugar Cured Center Slices .lb. 47c Salmon Steak )b 55c Halibut Steak , 49c Skinless AA Eastern Hockless AA' WIENERS ib 39c I PICNIC HAMS ,.... 39C LINK SAUSAGE We Now Make Our Own Fresh Daily. . . lb. 49c A4ICD DCCC Eastern Oregon Hereford LUWIXCK DCCr Lean Young Tender. IMS Ml l s l UUJ ib. 31c FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Phone 2-9237 SNOWDRIFT 3 Ib. tin with coupon . 62c CINCH We, Chocolate, Golden pkg. 39c s KLEENEX 2pugs 35c VtJgtj&S CIGARETTES Popular Brands ..Cln. 1.45 WJi DDE A !" 1 -2 Ib- Loaf 1CV tBtmi Us Yur j BREAD suceq White EsCsTC Fa,m Fre5h i COUPONS! Hlll Grade A Medium Zl k' A LWJ Guaranteed dozen PALM OLIVE PINEAPPLE Nobbi can""3. . .. 2 ca, 29c Regular 9 cakes Size. O ( ) TOMATOES Large No. 2 'a cans 2 for 35c w " OLEO Good Housekeeping Approved Z lbs. SUPER SUDS FLOUR 1.75 , ar&e Ific (with cwpon) MILK ,,1Qcvel5i6c GRAPEFRUIT rSta ,aeh 5c AJAX ClettBSCT LETTUCE solid Jumbo Heads 2 for 19c 2 Ifw) 1 C SWEET POTATOES , 25c RAD too ORANGES .. .,, 49c usi Redeem the entire strip of cou- i in Allim Snow White "f pons. And we will give you an I Alll IM IllAfrK il It additional box of Regular Size VnUlill IVW1LI Lb V Palmolive Soap Absolutely Free PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1-2-3 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S, 13th -State St. . Phone Oil Co. 1405 Broadway