;18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 jBreittertOn BOSS Sievers and Newcombe Picked as Top Rookies J New York, Dec. 1 OT Roy Sievers, slugging outfielder of the St. Louis Browns, and Don Newcombe, lireballing ace of jthe Brooklyn pitching staff, have been named the outstand ing; baseball rookies of the ma jor leagues for 1949. 1 Sievers was chosen the top freshman in the American league and Newcombe headed the newcomers in the National in the annual poll of the Base ball Writers' Association of America. ; This is the first year the writers chose rookie standouts for the two leagues. In the past they have picked one for the entire majors. Shortstop Alvin Dark of the Boston 'Braves winning last year and 'Second Baseman Jackie Rob inson of Brooklyn the year be fore. ' Newcombe, who won 17 and lost eight for the National league champion Dodgers, was an al most unanimous pick of the 24 man senior league panel. The 23-year-old Negro star received 21 votes. The other three went to Del Crandall, 19-year-old catcher of the Boston Braves. The honor was more closely contested in the American league where six players re ceived nominations. Sievers, however, got 10 votes to double that of his closest challenger, Pitcher Alex Kellner of the Philadelphia Athletics. Sievers batted .306 in 140 games with a seventh-place ball club, hitting 28 doubles, one triple and 16 home runs. Legion Post to Sponsor City League Hoopers ', American Legion post No. 9, with plans to sponsor a city league basketball team, issued a call Thursday for a turnout of Candidates from post member slilp or the ranks of Interested veterans. ! The Legion will supply warmups, suits and several bas ketballs as part of the sponsor ship program. The team ranks will be open only to veterans, but membership in the Legion post is not an essential require ment. Candidates were urged to con tact George Huggins, Jr., (phone 3-9119) or the post. Given Spokane Managership Spokane, Dec. 1 VP) Alan Strange, former big-league and star with the Seattle Rainiers will manage the Spokane Indians of the Western International baseball league in 1950. The announcement of Strange's appointment come to day from Roy Hotchkiss, co owner of the Spokane club. Strange will come to bpokane from Bremerton where he man aged the Bremerton Bluejackets for four years. He succeeds Jim Brillheart who led the Indians in 1949. Hotchkiss said Strange Is ex pected to arrive here tomorrow to sign a contract and work on plans for a 1950 team. Salary terms were not revealed. The appointment confirmed persistent rumors that Brill heart would not be back in 1950. The Indians finished in third place last year rivio LEAGUE . ..... ... - ... . Bh.l..lh 11. Baiem i.ioni no. a .... Young 428, Todd 439. Halvor.on 489, De Uney 505: Holljw.od Liana No. 1 (01 Hanna 410, Mootry 375, Farkner 344, GU- mwania ,u . ..., Llnebarry 380, PIcaT.ll 474. McKlnney 41; moot. i.oaiB no. ......... ., bel 392, Hedene 386, Cooter 439, Bmyres 372. Marlon lidm ti; m, ...-.n-.. 414, Chrtstenscn 398. Schachtstclc 499, Jor dan 480: Jr. Chamber Commerce (1) Schmidt 333. Porter 437, Schaeler 387, uoera , zigier High aerlei, Everett Holmea, 620: high game. Brown, 298: high warn aerlei, Sa lem Uoni No. 3. 2257. Odeil's Kin Quits to End Coaching Criticism Seattle, Dec. 1 (U.R)-Unlver-sity of Washington backfield coach Don Fleming resigned today to stop criticism of head coach Howie Odell for having a member of the family on his staff. Fleming Is Odeil's brother-in-law. "I am resigning In the best interests of all concerned and to terminate the criticisms in Some quarters of Coach Odell for having a member of the family on the coaching staff," Fleming said. Fleming joined the Husky staff in the fall of 1948. He came from Creighton Prep In Omaha, Neb., where he had won the Nebraska state foot ball championship the previ ous year. Director of athletics Harvey Casslll said the balance of the Coast Conference Grabs Most All Far-West Spots coaching staff would remain intact. He said another assis tant in addition to the back field coach replacement may be added at a later date. Cassill and Odell agreed that the staff needs a top-notch defensive coach following the 1949 season in which the Hus kies showed a weak defense in losing seven of their 10 games. Odell said he had no one in mind for either position. As for Fleming, he said "it will be most difficult to im prove the quality of our back field coaching. Don has turned in one of the top jobs in the conference in bringing along young backs." The Huskies piled up an im pressive record despite their poor showing in the win-loss margin last season. SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys STATE HOUSE LEAGUE To rnmmUiinn Marion MA (2) Wal lace 346, Proebateh 406, Osborn 309, Ba tter 346, Sterett 458; See. of State Capitol No. 19 ) Miller 463. King 608, Grant 436. Porter 422, Schultze 421. Hlway Salem 1-A (3) Roake 433. Wal lace 411. Hill 440. Paxson 438, Merchant 425; Ind. Acc. No. 1 (0) Buchanan 418, Porman 375, Oerdon 3WI, savage oi, o- Ind. Ace. No. 2 (1) Aahby 518, West 497. Gallagher 4D2, Harris 461, Oustapson 496; Hiway Salem No. 1 (2) GriMUtM 522, Towle 342. Kayser 618, Williams 417, ieter- Library No. 2B U Hiuenco in, 469. Ryan 352. Reed 502. Elgin 456; Fores try No. s!S Vi) Ewlng 416. GarU 490, Ladd 477, Hanncrman 416, Maul 431. Printers OSPD (2 Krejei 402, Milner 519. Stone 433, McCrary 405, Mills 445; Ta Commission 1 Welch 465. Weigel 268, Mason 427, RObD 47. jonnson in. Hitrh inri. uprlei and name. Leterneux, 571 and 229; high team series, Hiway Ba iem No. 1, ZSZ3. Capital Alleys MAJOR LEAGUE r..nt,nrrf rafn W. Va!d 558, White 467, McCluskey 585, Henderson 636, Olodt 492; Maple's Sportlnf Goods (1) B. Valdez 619. wicKiuna m, woiifu n Patv ft&tt H. Pace E12. Cllne's Coffee Shop (2) Cline Br. 675, Olney 613, Farmer 520. Bone 517, Oslund 509; Acme Motor (1) Mlrlch 500, Frleaen 560, Irons 567, Btelnbock 490, Hartwell 580. Capital Bed din it (2) Larson 623, Wllker- son 546, HUDer DBU, loung mo, ruuiiu oo. Wnnrlrv-K Furniture (It Ollnner 522, Scales 529, Perry 408, Foreman 6b4, Ken- Ross 401, Btarr 458, Coe 550, Seltsinger 469; LnVon's of McMlnnvllle (1) Myers 529. Rvnls 495, Kraft 469, Minder 496, u. Glodt 451. Mar's Lunch (21 Kay 534. Gregory 616, Carlson 495, Beal 551, Crlswell 552; Salem Hardware (I) Tried e 47, uarrison odd, Loean 507. Bovce 563. West 648. Hlght Ind. series. Walt Larson of Capital Bedding, 823; niRti inn. game, to. mcuius kev of Cunbonrd Cafe. 236: high team frame ana series, ivmr s iuncn, ivia ana 2333. Duckpin Bowling MKNS AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Warner Motors (21 Ed Owens 370. P. B. Churchman 342, Spud Spagle 345, How. By UAL WOOD (United Fresa Bporu Writer) ' San Francisco, Dec. 1 (U.R) Tihe Pacific Coast conference, as tisual, dominated the annual United Press All-Far West foot ball team this year, by grabbing ejght of the 11 places on the first team, and nine out of 11 on the spcond squad. The only men able to crash tpe select circle of western stars from outside the PCC were the incomparable Eddie Lebaron of Oollege of Pacific; Guard Vern sterling of Santa Clara; and Hall Haynes, Santa Clara back. J The rest of the first team jru made up of the stare from Jthe All-PCC team: Darrell Robinson of Oregon and Bob JWilkliuon of UCLA at ends; iackles Jim Cullom and Jim Turner of Callfornal; Rod fani of Cal at the guard with Sterling; and Jim Caatagnoli Bf Stanford at center, f Along with Lebaron and Jtaynes In the backfield are Ken Carpenter of Oregon jState and Ernie Johnson of UCLA. ' This club possesses weight, ruggedness and speed in the for ward wall; cleverness, passing, punting and running of excep tional value in the backfield. The only man to make the club for the second consecutive yar is Sterling, Santa Clara's gVeat guard, who has been a tower of strength all season in the Bronco line that is regarded as one of the best in the nation. 2 Lebaron, of course, made the Bnlted Press second all-America a,nd, If playing on a team with a better schedule, probably would rate as the finest quarterback in oollege football today. He had to be to beat out Bob Celeri, California's ace signal caller, for the first string berth in the west. i Haynes is the boy who made the Broncos tick in their crucial games against Stanford, UCLA, St. Mary's and USF. He not only Is a great ball packer, be Is a deadly tackier; fine safe ty man, and the third leading punter in the nation. Johnson and Carpenter pro vided the backfield spark that lifted UCLA and Oregon State back among the football powers. I The balloting was exception ally close among the west's (ports writers at the end and center positions. , Wilkinson and Robinson bare ly nosed out John Rohde of Col lege of Pacific and Bill McColl, Stanford's great sophomore. At center, Castagnoli had a close rce with Leon McLaughlin of IJCLA, and Harry Kane of COP. The lineups: nnl Team roi Wlklruon. UCLA ...E Cttillom, California ..T nana, California ...O, wtaanou, stanf d ,C Idaho: Oampora, College of Pacific: Dahma, Ban Dleso State; Rau, Stanford: Leon. Nevada: Beasley. St. Marya: Dow Snn Jone state; Mocklor, Rcdlanth ouarda Colquitt, Idaho; Wood, Col lege of Puget Sound: Chrohot, Oregon; Fix and Pomeroy, Stanford; DcSylvla, Oregon State. Centers Kane, COP; Rlchter, Califor nia: Toler. University of Snn Franclsrn: Oo&selln, Arizona (Tempel state: Cheim, mm ,wr omtc; loraFson, wasninalon State: Michaels, Washtnaton. Backs Sanders and Lewis, Oregon; Monachlno, California; Brogan, Idaho, Paul and Cross, Washington Stat; McRI henny and Helnrlch. WnshlnDtnnr & i;.,.. sell. Puget Sound; Stewart. Redlqnds: H Hussell. Snn Jose state: White. Arliona (Tempel State: Pr..man D..H i. Brown. USK; Kloslerman. Lo'vnl. Sears Open Monday and Friday Nights 'Til 9 P. M. PAY CHECKS Gladly Cashed 550 North Capitol Ph. 3-9191 Beeond Tram McColl, Stanford . KlllAifttrd. Ida. . Daniels, Oregon McL'uhlln. UCLA eirrllng, Santa CI ra O ewope, Use Tomer, California, .T, Bird, VBO rtoblason, Oregon ....,, Rohde, COP Ufbiirc.it. COP B Celerl. Calif. dtrprtiter. 030 B MaUon, USF Ahnaon, UCLA B Martin, UBC Htyne. Santa Cl'ra B Powers, VBO honorable mention Kndi, Hatfield, IMC; Rose, Stanford; Morgan, Ban Jojie State; Pols foot, WSC; Cloldt and Apkint, WfiAhlngton; Bauer, Montana; Clsterna, Arizona (FlaHtaff) State; McQuIre, Ore ton State. Tackle Hock, S&nt Clara; Ovariaard, Metropolitan . . . CkriAtwA CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS MINIATURE 8 SERIES STRING SPECIAL 49c Christmas Cards "Sunbabe" Doll ard Branch 383, Bob Hulst 417. Loder (21 E. Surratt 40D, Prank Chakarun 383, Bill Shuck 3, A. Woelko 447, Dewey Baum aart 403, Dour HcKar tl) BOD TTJ 433. BUd Ready 426. Wall? Do&s 310, Herbert Berry 381, Don Bowers 368. Otto J. Wllion (31 Shorty William 348, Harry Wilson Ait, Dorvan Holt 423, Dave Moon 376, M. Van Dell 608. Stan Baker (3) Johnny Cooter 425. Bill Campbell 410, Dallas KJaer 431. Hal WU aon 358, Frank Snelsrove 431. Valley Mo tor! (1) Vern Boock 381. Bob Burns 334, Arnold Holmei 353, Al Wolf 290, Olenn Schroyer 504. Tearue Motora (4) Lewis Nelson 400. Ed Lyle 389, Bill Hamby 498, Mike 'lesk 386, Hubert Mink 440. Shrork Motors (0) Bob Shuck 333. Al Walen 470. Mori-La Amu, 304. Ed Burton 334. Ed f arrell 300. Htrin team series and game: Kaiser Prazer, 161 and 2193. High Individual series: IS. Van Dell (Bulck) 608. HiKft individual game: Olen Schroyer (Ford) 184. 49'ers Reverse Strike Stand San Francisco, Dec. 1 UR) The San Francisco 49ers, after pulling the first strike in profes sional football history, reversed their field late last night and announced they would play the New York Yankees in tn All America conference playoff game here Sunday. A spokesman for the team said after a secret meeting last nignt that the players had de cided unanimously to put aside their salary differences with management and go into the gama "with a most determined will to win." He said they had 49c Box .$1.69 BOX OF 50 ATTRACTIVE CARDS IN A GRAND ASSORTMENT Only A LOVABLE MOLDED RUBBER DOLL SHE DRINKS, WETS AND CRIES Doll's Bath $1.69 Rubber Balls 59c HOLDS WATER HAS DRAIN HOSE AND FOLDING WOOD FRAME Special 7-INCH DIAMETER BALL RED, WHITE AND BLUE TRIM CELLOPHANE WRAPPED THI STORES OF BETTER VALUES 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon ' Mm UTILITY BLANKETS 66x84, 5 lb., 100 virgin wool PASTEL BLANKETS 72x90, 4 lbs., 6" binding, virgin wool. TAKU GOODS i or coats, suits or skirts, 54" or better. .. yd. up DAVcNO-UTILITY ROBES $095 Plaids and plains virgin wool W nn $550 $00 $195 I up THOS. KAY WOOLEN MILLS 260 South 12th St. decided their obligation to their than their quarrel with the team loyal fans was more important I owners. a I SETS THE KEYFOR A y r for tor art . . beavty for b Rpe for wirbl this btovriM 90 wreH b tht wvtk for hro IradMoaal carols ... ami a Cttorlat lb Kftg In fcr favorite shoot $3 (ptu tax)t meM. 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 Then buy a Ward guaranteed fmmm motor 1 AcGn c wf ILK tf?(Pt REBUILT SPECIAL! LIMITED TIME ONLY! COMPLETE MOTOR IMLM10M GUARANTEED WORK BY REPUTABLE SALEM FIRMS ! You'll get complete satisfaction from a Wards rebuilt motorl Here's why : . . before a Ward motor is rebuilt, it's completely torn down. All pistons, rings, pins, gaskets and other worn parts are junked! Every nut, plug, bolt and stud is removed. All other parts are chemically cleaned, sorted and refinished. Then Wards motors are re-assembled with necessary new parts, ust like a new motor . , . fully tested . . , fully guaranteed I Wards motors ore complete. There Is nothing else to buy I A Ward rebuilt motor will give real new car performance for your car or truck. YOU CAN BUY A WARD MOTOR INSTALLED FOR AS LITTLE AS 'II00 MONTHLY There's no need to put off installing a like-new Ward rebuilt motor that you need now! Before more trouble develops, let Wards install a smooth running dependable rebuilt motor in your car. Use Wards Monthly Payment Plan ... at the time of purchase make a down payment, the balance in reg ular monthly payments up to eighteen months. Get complete details today I You can't buy more motor tor leu money anywhenl Wardi low price beats 'em all I And you get the best motor you can buy I No stronger Warranty Is written, not even by car manufacturers! Wards Warranty assures you of best factory rebuilding I No rebuilder Installs more new parts than Wards I NEW rod bearings, main' bearings, camshaft gear and bearings and many more I Wards Authorized Installer takes every care to install your motor perfectyf And a thorough 00-mil inspection is Included. Best Motors You Can Buy for Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth V