3 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 Marshall's even hand some, kind of. I'd never seen any of his movies before I met him, so this is the first time I found out what I'd married. . "But the dog doesn't know him. I'm not even sure he'll let him in the house tonight." EVEN DOG DOESN'T KNOW HIM Wife Finds Out How Her Actor Looks After He Sheds Whiskers By VIRGINIA MacPIIERSON Hollywood, Calif., Dec. 1 u.R Marshall Thompson's wife, Bar bara, who has been married to the young actor for almost a year, found out for the first time today what he really looks like. "Not half bad," she reports. "But he does remind me a little of n nonlnrl era no " n.rbrS or,t iniiiofort onrlviafter ail Into the No. 1 complaint of Holly wood wives: home-grown beards for movie roles. Up till now, she says, she's never seen her hus band without chin-whiskers. "When I met him he had long hair and sideburns for 'Rose anna McCoy,' " she said. "When we got married he was growing a beard for 'Battleground.' "You should see our wedding pictures! I guess, a few years from now I'll be showing them to my children and saying: 'here, kids, (ugh!) is your father.' " MGM made him wear the beard on his honeymoon, too. It was, Barbara shudders, scratchy. "But I got used to it. Except when we'd go out to dinner. Peo ple used to stare at us and then start laughing. They couldn't figure out whether he was an actor or a screwball." After "Battleground" came "Devil's Doorway." More whisk ers and sideburns. Three months more of the things. "We were on our way to Aspen, Colo., for location, " Bar bara said. "And some kids on the train kept nudging each other. Finally they asked me: 'What's that? A boy or a girl?' " In Colorado the honeymooners bought a husky dog. The pooch liked the whiskers fine. Didn't seem to bother him that Thomp son's hair was blonde and his beard black. "It did me, though," Barbara added. "He always looked like a patch-work quilt. But today was a big day In the Thompson love nest. Mar shall reported for work in "Mystery Street."" The first role In a year he plays with a bare face. "It's amazing," Barbara gig gled. "My family is beginning to think maybe I didn't do so bad, Less Money for Oregon Farmers Corvallis, Ore., Dec. 1 U.R The Oregon Extension service today said the state's farmers will make less money this year than last. Prospects were termed better than pre-war but not as good as the 1948-'49 period. Higher farm production slightly less demand, higher costs to farmers for goods, ser vice and labor, and higher inter est, taxes and insurance pre miums were given as the reasons for a smaller farm slice of the net state income. The average farm marketing year in Oregon from 1945-'49 saw the state's crops sold for $375,000,000, putting farming at the top of Oregon s list of cash income jobs. The Extension service did not make a dollar estimate of this year's predicted decline or this year s expected farm income, Monty Urges West to Unify New York, Dee. 1 U.R)The western democracies face the choice of uniting or seeing the end of western civilization, Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery said in the most important speech of his current American visit. "Monty," most colorful of Bri tain's wartime heroes, spoke as commander-in-chief of the west ern union at the annual dinner of the English-speaking union of the U. S. A. He received a one minute standing ovation at the end of his address in which he dedicated himself as an "inter national servant" to the protec tion of the "peoples of western Europe." The dinner guests also ap- ." " guaranteed" " ," WATCH CLOCK ' and ' JEWELRY REPAIRING I at REASONABLE PRICES The Jewel Box ' 443 State lone door from Western Union ERICKS0N SUPER MARKET GROCERY Prices Also Effective at Paramount Market Plus 2 Service Charge for Credit or Delivery Paramount Market Salem's Quality Service Food Market 260 North Liberty Phono 2-2461 "SHE" is having a Gorgeous Dessert Tonite! (WITHOUT WORK) 8 "js?) Ask for (?edcU-LUtp Today From Your Milkman or Grocer i "She" is one of millions who have discovered Reddi wip -the new easy way to glamorize desserts, instantly. Keddi-wip made with pure, rich cream "whips itself" to perfection at the touch of a finger. Even simplest desserts become glorious treals when you make them luscious with Keddi-wip! Economical, too, 31 servings in the throw-away container. Ask your favorite grocer or milkman for Reddl-wip today. Keep it in your refrigerator. Use it daily to add glamor to all your gelatins, pastries, puddings and fruits. See how it wins the compliments of your fnmily and guests makes all your meal-planning easier. FROM YOUR MILKMAN OR GROCER "IT WHIPS ITSELF" plauded loudly when Montgom ery, dressed in a formal blue uniform with colorful rows of military decorations, praised Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, under whom he served as Bri tish forces commander in Europe. "I am devoted to Ike," he said. "The people of western Eur ope must be protected against in vasion, not just told they will be rescued after it," Montgomery told his formally-attired audi ence from a platform decorated with huge American and British flags. "The point that Is fundamen tal is that to promise to rescue the west in due course after a successful invasion from the east is quite useless. If the west is overrun again, that is the end of the people who live there . , . the end of western civilization . . . and the end of a good many other things, too." Falls City The Loyal Worn-1 Chester Benefiel Friday night at en's class will meet with Mrs. 1 2 o'clock for the Christmas par ty and small gifts will be ex-1 pie food for the Christmas box changed; also a small gift of sta- for Ray Zack. REMEMBER- Daily Wallpaper Surprise 9:30 A.M. till 12 Noon All This Week WMtlWWWCUlM 340 Court St. Salem Sean Ooen Monday and Friday Nights 'Til 9 P. M. fl PAY CHECKS Gladly Cashed 550 North Capitol Ph. 3-9191 i wUK kKM,,h i TTIKIDS YEAR s vm HILAR 1 I ARMOUR'S MILK 10c I TENDERLEAF TEA 29c S&W COFFEE,, 69c HERSHEY'S t CHOCOLATE SYRUP 2 .... "C MISSION Vl"' Macaroni & Cheese Dinners 25c CHEF BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI DINNER ." w,t .Sx ARMOUR'S RICHEDDAR "J f CHEESE 2 .... jC 7 Grade A LARGE EGGS 49c Dox. Sweet Pickins A PEAS, No. 2 can UC Van Camp's AA Pork & Beam, 3 tall ens tjOC Seaside Lima ft Beans, 2 No. 2 cans. . X C Three Sisters Sliced AA Beets, No. 2 can, 3 forOOC SA coicAnPAikowt-ni PALKOUVE S!3S317c SUPER SUDS nr 17c VEl 3 17c AJAXCbxr 25 i FAD 5 i7c DROMEDARY CAKE MIXES Save 15c with Coupon on Box White Cake Mix.,10 Devil Food Mix 14 Ginger Bread Mix ....12c "rArT" -MMisslllissssssssssss H ii i m Pineapple Libby's Sliced, No. 2 29 Libby Crushed No. 2 25c Rosedale SI., No. 2 25c Rosedale SI. No. 2Vi 33 Libby Juice, 46-oz. 37c Hunt's Yellow Clinr No. Zi 23c 29c DCArUCC Halves Del Monte DC ADC Melba "IW No. JM can. . . Stokley'i Red Tirt Pitted Red Cherries 29c Dromedary PIMIENTOSi:'. 15c CHICKENS Leghorn Stewing; Hens 39c lb. Colored Bakers 49 c lb. No Charge for Drawing FRYERS Cut to Broiler Si" 1 .29 ea. ORDER THAT TURKEY EARLY SMOKED HAM 'j or whole Armour's, Cascade, Mor rell's 59 e lb. Swift's Boneless Ham 59c lb. Picnic Hams ' H or Whole 39c lb. PORK No Fresh Over This Price Chops, Steaks and Roasts . . . .' 49c lb Side Pork, Spare Ribs, 49c lb. Country Sausage . . . .29 c lb. BEEF U. S. Inspected Quality Roasts 49 c lb. Rolled Rib, Boneless . 52c lb. T-Bone Steak 49 C lb. FISH We Hove LITEFISK Fresh Oysters 59e pint Red Snapper 29c lb. Fresh Salmon, By the Piece 39 C lb. Fresh Frozen Smelt, ' 5 lb. box 75 c each EXTRA SPECIALS Fresh Beef Tongues, Hearts, Pork Hearts, Pork Liver 29 c lb. Smoked Cottage Hams . 49 c lb. Lean Slab Bacon 49c lb. LARGE FRANKFURTERS OR SMALL WEINERS 35c lb. These are high quality Inspected and this a special low price to in troduce this product. CASCADE SKINLESS FRANKS 39c lb. Idaho Potatoes 10 bba9 45c u. s. No. l's. CELERY 7c California Excellent Quality CABBAGE 3c Solid Green Heads. FRESH TOMATOES 19c Mustard GREENS Green and bright JF Large Bunch FRESH SPINACH Washed and Ready to cook If" Cello Bag IDC VEGETABLE SALAD MIX Fresh fl Cello Bag ..... . IUv each ORANGES New Navels, Jumbo At size 126 size doz. C Sunshine FIRESIDE MIX No. 2 Bag 49c Sunshine Crispy Crackers 1 lb. 25c I 3720 E, STATE ST. 3060 PORTLAND RD. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 2-3-4. Open 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Daily, Including Sunday. Friday and Saturday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Todays BEST BUYS ABC Crackers Real Crisp 2- lb. box 39c HEINZ OVEN BAKED' BEANS 3 1-lb. cans and 1 Dual Casserole Dish 79c All for HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE 5c 8 oz. can CATSUP Van Camp's 2 Large jC Bottles -WfV WESSON OIL 3K 57 Ft. SC0TTS TISSUE 3 -29c DOG FOOD Beg More AP 3 tall cans "tlv 25c 3 tall cans Please 3 tall cans. I,