Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 194913 THERE'S A GREAT DAY COMING! . . I sfie' Me these wspy "dream gowns" SILK . . . NYLON . . . RAYON GOWNS! Yes, she'll wear these wispy sheer gowns in soft tones of chalk blues . . . shell pinks . . . white . . . other pastels. Daint ily trimmed with french laces , . . eyelet embroidery ... or V. jiuui ii iiii-lui ui iuiiuicu styles, W ; Shop now for her gift lingerie 'Jf . . . nov n girr wrappea ana ( '; -i j .. i . i .i I piacea in uur luyaway unid rne ? J GREAT DAY! f, 5 IM.a ;' Trr v - P7 It !' V It W fl II MMtlWT&Y rV.. tX' Jj JXJBW" w X As warm ... os glowing ... as beautiful and lovely J ' -r. O'vSjT ',fi" fUL"''0 as the Christmas holiday itself this is the flatter- .Vr. V J585'131' ' S 'n9, plesin9 them" of our lingerie shp- " For your choice for her pleasure . . . dream-enhancing sleep- ''Sr''imlk .y-in WeQr ' ' ' 9rac'0US excit'n9 hostess nd boudoir apparel ... .rfeCtM N"y' sweet, exquisitely trimmed and fashioned secrets for underneath! Fflv . JKiiTTrPlk? rfPTJv Come in tell us what she's like ... let us help you !JI& Jtf''V"''1 , ' complement her very personality with gifts of New! JuSt AmVed! VWAm wkir L JVl 'v. '-CI&IL. precious lingerie from our collection. . , . . . . . , SWV W' ' STRYPS.. llPV llUMeAA. PANTIES ' ji ifr CiJligU. - A long delayed shipment of this famous f'l I Hmem4W , , j ;1 iVNwWf4 - brand, VAN RAALTE STRYPS are here. Vv. jT t 'I . In all sizes from 5 to 9 in Van Raalte k j ' 1 . -m&i00Kr petal pink. Shop early for these, es- f mtmr - f I 'H yS pecially if you wish them as gifts. All l ' ' '!' 1 ' lingerie for Christmas gifts will be ap- : VN " I A " . propriately gift wrapped. Lingerie de- wS f. ' '" '''"' rtmBni n 'oshio'' ... buy her a fine robe for Christmas! . ,l BEAUTIFUL ROBES fl ' M ' AT-LOW COST r MPX M ) f ' 1 H , .Only a few cents more ... but what (C," ijljk 0 ""'1' ' i L wonderful quality in these nationally ad- l "4 , : i m i ; if I ; m I vertised robes! Fine velvets . . . quilted V VLijiCl M Jm t A i f t: , .4 r ll I rayon crepes . . . pure silks ..... ,Ai& ) & ; . 1 chenilles . . , glimmering satins and jfcy V ys1 ' A ; 1 '. -.H I many others priced from as low as $6.95 '' f """"H V, fi j MILLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE