Bacall Says Sex Appeal Depends on What's Unseen By BOB THOMAS i Hollywood, Dec. 1 VP) Sten right ud. ladies and eentlemen. Newbry Defends Office Selection North Bend is to have the new branch state building for the Coos Bay area and there are some folks in the city of Coos Bay who are sore. The trouble, so far as the Coos Subsidy for Filbert Men Washington, Dec. 1 (U.R) The agriculture department announ ced Wednesday it will pay a subsidy to Oregon and Washing ton producers to help them di vert surplus filberts into non competitive markets. The department said the pay ments wiould be equivalent to not more than 5.5 cents on each pound of filberts certified as surplus under the department's program by next March 31. The payments will be paid on unshelled filberts diverted to domestic shelters, to export, or other outlets not competitive with the unshelled market. The department already has moved to hold 25 per cent of this year's supply of unshelled fil berts off the market as "sur plus" under the marketing pro gram. A subsidy will be dis- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949n Bay failure to get the building Newbry says, lies in the fact that while the Chamber was thinking about it the North Bend cham tribuled to growers on a basis of each producer's contribution to the surplus pool. in an order announced Wednes day. The bus will leave McMinn ville at 9:40 a.m., arriving at Tillamook at 12 noon. On the other trip the bus will leave Til lamook at 11:45 a.m., arriving at McMinnville at 2:15 p.m. The route is the same as that recently abandoned by the Roy ber and officials got busy and lo cated a suitable site on the main highway and arranged for erec Oregon Motor Stages Extension Granted Starting Thursday, Oregon Motor Stages is operating two one-way trips between McMinn ville and Tillamook via Hebo. The schedule is by authority of the public utilities commission or some lessons in sex appeal. The teacher: Lauren Bacall. In an unusually frank discourse, Prof. Bacall declared "you don'tj have to be uncovered to be sexy. "Snowing your legs or your bosom isn't necessarily sexy. It's a fallacy to think just because tion of a suitable building which the state will lease. "There was no secret about this", Newbry says. "Stories giving the cities and towns de signed for branch, offices were sent out by the wire services last August and a representa you're wearing a low-cut gown or a tight sweater that you look sexy. "Sex should be subtly sug gested. You do it with a look or an expression or with your voice." (She said this in her But Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry says that first notice of intention to locate a branch in that area was given to the by Chairman W. E. Kimsey. The monthly master point play will be held at 7 p.m., Sunday, De East lines. Coos Bay Chamber of Com merce and invited cooperation," Newbry said. The Romans are credited with introduction of the glass win cember 4, at Mayflower hall on Fairgrounds road. Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce tive of my office notified the dow. famed "If you need me, just whistle" tones. I was beginning to get the idea.) "An actress should be good enough," she continued on the "Bright Leaf" set "to put across the idea of sex without undrap ing herself." You may recall that one of her many studio suspensions was for refusing the scantily-clad role of "The Girl From Jones Beach." No bathing girl, she. "I have never posed for cheese cake," she rernarked. " I just don't like it and I consider my self lucky that I haven't had to Be suDjeciea 10 it. i m jusi noi the type. "There are lots of actresses who never pose for cheesecake, yet are considered sexy. Ingrid Bergman, for one." As for the current trend of exposing the chests of male stars, she added: "I think it's terrible. They are certainly scraping the bottom when they have to resort to things like that to sell pictures." Educators Address Classes at Monmouth Oregon College of Education, Monmouth Dr. Elmer Ensz, principal of the Monmouth-Independence elementary schools, will be the sixth in a series of special speakers addressing school organization classes at OCE. Dr. Ensz will discuss work of the school principal before the group Friday. Other educators who have al ready addressed the classes, con ducted by Dr. Kent Farley, in clude Dr. Rex Putnam, Oregon superintendent of public instruc tion, Josiah Wills, superinten dent of schools for Polk county Dr. Leo Shapiro of Portland, Dr. Wendell Van Loan, superinten dent of the Corvallis school system, and Lester Wilcox, as sistant superintendent of public instruction. The next three meetings will be given over to a special panel of PTA officials for considera tion of the work of the PTA and its correlation with the work of the elementary teacher. Last to appear before the group will be Miss Florence Beardsley, director of elemen tary education in the state de partment of education who will speak December 12. Winners Announced In Elks Bridge Play Winners in the weekly dupli cate tournament of the Elks Bridge club included Col. Philip W. Allison and Ellis H. Jones (north-south), and Mrs. Stuart Thede and Oliver B. Huston (east-west). Second place awards went to Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Frasier of Albany, and Mrs. Rupert Park and Mrs. William Whitmore, while third was won by Mrs. Ward Graham and Mrs. Arthur L. Lewiss, and Mrs. Paul F. Burris and John M. Pugh of Shedd. Eleven tables were in play. Plans for the dinner and grab bag tournament at the Christ a. mas party December 7 at the Legion building were announced So? "TXevty &lUttm4' ttFtSJsMf-i WITH A SINGER SEWING MACHINE I . . for there is nothing so wel comethere's no gift as prac tical as a singer. Portables from , '89.50 Consoles from . M 47.50 Budget Trmt Liberal allowance on Tout present machine. Beat the Christmas rush. Stop In today at your . . . SINGER SEWING CENTER lllll M I I I . uig PorliA value event atl ft 4 WW- Shoulder Picnic "Style,, Pork is big news this week at Safeway. And pork roast at 29c a lb. is sensational news! If you really want to save and still en joy mighty good eating, pork at SAFEWAY is the best idea of the week. r3 POUND- Prices In this ad are ef fective through Monday, Dec. 5 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Pork Shoulder Steaks lb. 39c Pure Sausage E lb. 39c Smoked Picnics si;,, lb. 39c Bacon A 29c "ZST Ui- 49c Other Featured Values Sirloin Steak t; lb. 89c SI: lb. 65c RoundSteaklb.79ccomtlb.75c Beef Pot Roasts bld cuts lb. 55c Rib Roast slb.75ccG:l:lb.65e Lean Ground Beef lb.29c APRICOTSo.1 Mont.. unp..ll. No. 22 n 31 C TOMATO JUICE Libb,,N..V.n.225 GREEN BEANS s.titlB.ut. n. t ,.,,22' DEL MONTE PEAS lt,w. n. m . CHEERIOS CEREAL 7.M.Pt,.15 LOG CABIN SYRUP J4-oi. Cabin 49C FOR THE THRIFT MINDED SALMON BEANS Chili Beans D.I Mont. NO. V2 rj. Tttty Can 89c Idaho Red 2-Lb. i AA Dry Bean. Pkg. (J Smith 300 Can 3 for DFFTtf WhIt Tg No. 2 Jill Villi Chip Sliced Con POOCH- 6 Com 25c 9c 39c Nob Hill Coffee Ib. 62e Wb1.23 Airway Coffee ,. 59 21b. $1.17 Edwards Coffee ,. 67c 2.,b.$..33 Hershey's Cocoa ub.,iz39c BREAD Mrs-Wriht- Id IE1V White or wheat, Mb. loaf FLOUR Kitchen Craft, enriched 10-Ib. sack 87 Green 3eaais,: 2-25c Buy several cans for future use this is a real good price! Emcltas c- a 45 Your choice of Snowf lakes or Busy Bakers Stock up! Corned Bee! LIBBY'S 12-oi, Can 39' Quick, easy to serve, tender beef, corned to your taste. Com Flakes - 2 25c KELLOGG'S Cover with banana slices for a treat. Kraft MIRACLE WHIP A Tart, tasty dressing for your salads and sandwiches. 20 Famous brand facial tissues Keep several boxes handy. Zee Tissues PKG. OF 400 Lux Toilet Soap 11 White King 2 7' All Safeway Stores in Salem are now open Friday evenings until 8 P.M. Safeway Stores in Hollywood and 1420 Stare Street, open every week-day evening until 8 P.M. Shop leisurely in the evenings avoid the ruth of daytime crowds. IS..! Tfce Season's Finest PRODUCE ORANGES 5-LB. BAG 49C FLORIDA ORANGES, Ib. 8c SQUASH APPLES Potatoes Danish, Ib. 3 c ubbard, IL Tc Marblehead J Delicious, 2 lbs. 19c Romes, Ib. 8 c Winesaps, 2 lbs. 5c No. Is, 10-Ib. sack 49 C No. 2s, 50-lb. sack 98 C No. Is, 25-lb. sack 89 C FRESH DATES i ,b ceii Pkg. 29c BRUSSELS SPROUTS cello, pkg. 23c CAULIFLOWER SnowyWhite ib. 10c GREEN CABBAGE Soli(1 ,b. 3c CRISP CELERY Green variety lb. 9c LETTUCE Dcw-frcsh heads lb. 10c BOILER ONIONS ..,, s., PARSNIPS ....,.. Per lb. Uniform size SPINACH Ler 10 o, pk. 225c TOMATOES Red-ripe 14-oz. carton TURNIPS Fine In stews Per lb. c DUZ Granulated Soap 20V2-OI 27 e Pkg. Ivory Soap Reg. lart 2fM17 large Slia 2,.,27' V TREND Mad by Hit Pwm poopl Ivory Snow t'r27' 11 -OX- AQC Pkg. Iy 130 N. Commercial Dial 3-3512 A frv4 mart of TK 5frQr Mfg. C.