Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 22, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Annual Tea
Of Kappas
JDue Dec. 29
At the meeting of Kappa Kap
pa Gamma alumnae last evening
plans were made lor the group's
annual Christmas tea.
This year's lea will be given
Thursday, December 29, in the
home of Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis
on Fairmount Hill. The affair is
for active members of Univer
sity of Oregon and Oregon State
college chapters, mothers of the
members, and as additional
guests, two representatives from
each of the other Panhellenic so
rorities. Mrs. Arthur Fisher is general
chairman for the tea.
For the program Monday eve
ning Melville T. Wire was a
guest to discuss etching. Mrs.
Wire was a guest for the dessert
and program.
The alumnae voted a contri
bution of $5 to the Community
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Daniel J. Fry with
Mrs. Robert Kreason of Dallas
as co-hostess. Twenty-four at
tended the event.
Miss Helen Kuttler was a
guest. She is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Charles W. Mills.
Today's Menu
Bt th. Associated Prcu)
Hearty Breakfast
Stewed Prunes with Orange
Steam-fried Eggs
Oatmeal Muffins
Currant Jelly Beverage
Oatmeal Muffins
Ingredients: 1 cup sifted all
purpose flour, 3 teaspoons bak
ing powder, teaspoon salt, Yi
cup sugar, V cup butter or
margarine or veg'.table shorten
ing, 1 cup quick-cooking rolled
oats, 1 egg, 1 cup milk.
Method: Mix and sift together
the flour, baking powder, salt
and sugar. Add the butter or
margarine or vegetable shorten
ing and cut in with a pastry
blender or two knives until mix
ture resembles corn meal. Add
the rolled oats and mix well
Beat the egg with a rotary beat
er or electric mixer thoroughly,
add milk and beat again to com
bine; add to flour mixture, stir
ring only until dry ingredients
are moistened. Fill greased muf
fin pans about two-thirds full
and bake in a hot (425 degrees
F.) over for 15 to 25 minutes,
depending on size of muffins.
Note: For steam-fried eggs,
fry in butter over low flame, in
COVERED skillet.
Miss Heidenstrom Wed
At Silverton Sunday
Silverton Miss Betty Lufile Heidenstrom, daghter of Mr.
and Mrs. Trygve P. Heidenstrom, Silverton, and Stephen Ray
Mead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Mead of rural route 2,
Silverton. exchanged their marriage vows Sunday afternoon
in a 4 o'clock double ring ceremony before the colorfully dec
orated altar of Immanuel Luth-'
eral church, the Rev. Wilmer
N. Brown of Salem, assisted by
the Rev. S. L. Almlie of Sil
verton. reading the lines. Light
ing the tapers were Mrs. John
Middlemiss, in pale green, and
Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr., in wine
colored identically modeled taf
feta formals, with wristlet cor
sages of tiny yellow chrysan
themums. Singing were the
Four Norsemen male quartet,
Elvin, Paul and Clifford Alm-
quist and Olaf Paulson, assisted
at the organ by Mrs. Lester
Hagen of Salem, who also
played the wedding marches.
Accompanied to the altar and
given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride wore ivory skin
ner satin, modeled on long
lines with slight train, over the
wrist sleeves, moderately draped
skirt edged in filmy lace, net
yoke and flounce inserts. She
carried a white Bible topped
with a white orchid, from which
fell streamers with bouvardia
tied in the bows. The veil was
fingertip length, held in place
by a beaded coronet, and edged
in heirloom Irish lace. For her
matron of honor the bride chose
her sister, Mrs. Alvin Almquist.
and for her honor attendant,
Mrs. Wayne Grodrian, both
wearing identically fashioned
gowns, ankle length formals of
satin rayon with bow bustle
backs, Mrs. Almquist in gold
and Mrs. Grodrian in soft green
color. Both wore black lace
mitts and each carried a ring
bouquet of rust and gold chrys
Ervin Overlund of Silverton
was best man for the bride
groom. Ushers were Elvin Alm
quist, Perry Dowd, Olaf Paul
son, Jr., and John Middlemiss.
Mrs. Mead, mother of the
bridegroom, wore a blue-gray
tailleur with black accessories.
and for her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Heidenstrom chose a dress
maker suit of wine color with
blue accessories. Each wore a
pink carnation streamer cor
Mrs. Bruce Billings directed
the decorations of the altar,
chancel, social rooms and serv
ing tables, assisted by Mrs. Mary
The reception for about 300
guests was held in 'the church
parlors with Mrs. Ed Given and
Mrs. P. A. Loar cutting the
bride's cake. Presiding at the
coffee urns was Mrs. Mary Mc
Wain. Pouring the punch was
Mrs. Wade Scott.
Assisting In the kitchen and
serving the guests were Mrs
Fred Blaisdell, Mrs. Perl Bye
and Miss Lu Ann Hatteberg
At the gift table were Mrs
Paul Innis and Mrs. Douglas
Kaufman. Mrs. Adne Tokstad
presented the guest book. Mrs
Oscar Overlund and Miss Ina
Harold were in charge of the
For traveling the bride wore
a suit of gray rayon and wool
with navy trim and navy ac
cessories with slight red trim
She wore as her corsage her
white orchid of the ceremony
Following a honeymoon trip to
the Oregon beaches, Mr. and
Mrs. Mead will be at home to
their friends at the suburban
home on route 2.
The bride is a graduate of the
Silverton schools, of Mt. An
gel college, of the Eastern Ore
gon School of Education, and
The Dalles school of nursing
She is an officer of the Silver-
ton Business and Professional
Women's club, and active in the
work of the church guild. The
bridegroom completed a four-
year course in education during
nis service in the navy of the
United States following his
graduation from the Silverton
Capital Unit
Aids Gift Fund
Capital Unit No. 9, American
Legion auxiliary, voted a gen
erous contribution to the "gifts
for Yanks" fund at its meeting
last evening. Also, at the meet
ing was the display of gifts to
be turned over to the rehabilita
tion committee for distribution
in the veterans' hospitals.
Delegates named to the Mar
ion county council include Mrs,
Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Anson
Ingles, Mrs. Clara Poland, Mrs.
John Riches and Mrs. Merle
Travis, the alternates to be Mrs.
A. D. Apperson, Mrs. Ted Bork
man, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron,
Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf and Mrs.
Ted Brabec.
Announcement was made the
rehabilitation committee is to
meet Friday of this week at 8
p.m. at the home of Mrs. James
Refreshments followed the
meeting, Mrs. Allan Carson ar
ranging the tea table. Miss
Peggy Gabriel and Mrs. William
DeVall poured.
Fashion's Sleeve Jean Desses, designed, features leg o'
mutton sleeves cut off at the top for a bare decolletage in this
honey-colored satin evening sheath shown in Paris.
St. Anne's Guild !
Plans Activities
About 40 attended the des
sert party and meeting for St.
Anne's guild, St. Paul's Episco
pal church, Monday afternoon,
at the home of Mrs. A. D. Wood
mansee. At the business session
several activities were discussed.
The guild members will assist,
with other organizations in the
church, at the reception next
Sunday evening in the parish
hall following confirmation
services at 7:30 o'clock. The
Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell,
bishop of the Oregon diocese,
will be here to officiate at the
confirmation and with members
of the class will be honored at
the reception following. Mrs.
Harold M. dinger and Mrs. W.
H. B.urghardt are co-chairmen
for St. Anne's guild part in the
reception, the group to have
charge of decorating the table
and the room.
Announcement was made of
the bazaar in the parish hall, all
day, Wednesday, December 7,
an annual event. Each organiza
tion of the church sets up a
table at the bazaar, St. Anne
members to sponsor a gift and
miscellaneous table. Mrs. Donald
A. Young is in charge for the
St. Anne table.
A letter was read from Mrs.
Kenneth Dalton, former mem
ber of the guild, now in Ger
many, and the guild voted to
send a package in care of her
for a Christmas party for chil
dren in that section.
The Rev. George H. Swift.
rector of the church, was a guest
at the Monday meeting and gave
a short talk. Miss Jean Quick-
enden, youth director at the
church, also was a guest and re
ported on the young people s
Assisting Mrs. Woodmansee
in serving the dessert were Mrs.
Raymond Busick, Mrs. Tom
Dunham, Mrs. Charles Heltzel,
Mrs. Robert Sears, Mrs. Vernon
Gilmore, Mrs. Harold M. Oling
cr. Mrs. Louis Gerlinger and
Mrs. Donald A. Young poured.
Mrs. Louis Lorenz and Mrs. W.
S. Van Meter were guests.
As is the custom there will be
no December meeting, the next
event to be on the third Mon
day in January.
Shower Given
Wallace Road Mrs. Wilbur
Olson was the honor guest at a
shower given by Mrs. Frank
Kron and Mrs. Jack Alln at
the home of Mrs. Kron, Friday.
The rooms were beautifully dec
orated with chrysanthemums in
fall colors. A dessert luncheon
was served to Mrs. Rose Meyer,
Mrs. Joe Singer, Mrs. George
Meier, Mrs. Arthur Anderson,
Mrs. Louis Singer, Mrs. Louis
Himmel, Mrs. Kyle Cook, Mrs.
E. Miller, Mrs. Violet Perbrick,
Mrs. Wallace Park. Mrs. Raul
Nickolson, Mrs. Margaret Hades
peck, Mrs. Vernon Coates, Mrs.
Esther Wendt, Mrs. James Peder
son, Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, Mrs.
Victor Olson, Mrs. P. W. Hale,
Mrs. Ben Edwards, Mrs. Jack
Olson. Mrs. Stina Schindler,
Mrs. Glen Martin, Mrs. Anna
Woodburn Duo
Wed Nov. 15
Woodburn Miss Lorraine
Ficek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Ficek and Edwin Pavli-
cek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Pavlicek, all of Woodburn, were
united in marriage at a beauti
ful service November 15 at 9
a. m. at St. Luke's Catholic
church. Rev. Father Hanley of
ficiated at the rites.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore a
white satin wedding gown with
nylon yoke, trapunto quilting on
the bodice, long pointed sleeves
and full skirt extending into a
train. Her fingertip length veil
was held in place by a coronet
of seed pearls and she carried
a bridal bouquet of American
Beauty roses.
Matron of honor was the
bride's sister, Mrs. Daryl Paint
er, gowned in orchid net with a
corsage of white chrysanthe
mums. Maid of honor was Miss
Colleen Ficek, a sister, in I
formal of pink organdy and car
rying a nosegay of small pink
chrysanthemums and roses. Jun
ior bridesmaids were two other
sisters of the bride, Misses Ar-
lene and Laverne Ficek, wear
ing formals of aqua and bun-
gundy. They carried nosegays of
orchid chrysanthemums. All of
the bride's attendants wore
matching bonnets. Flower girl
was tiny Marilyn Sowa in a yel
low dress of floor length, carry
ing a basket of flowers.
Best man for his brother was
Leonard Pavlicek and ushers i
were Tony Pavlicek of Port- j
land, a brother, and Joe Ficek.
Mrs. Marie Donnelly was organist.
A wedding breakfast was
served at the home of the bride's
parents for the wedding party
and the immediate families.
A reception was held at 5 p.
with about 200 people attend
m. at the American Legion hall,
ing. Mrs. Tony Ficek of Mill
City cut the wedding cake, Mrs.
Joe Ficek was at the coffee urn
and Mrs. I. Zelinka served the
punch. Mrs. Philip Zastoupil
was at the gift table, assisted byi
Mrs. Daryl Painter, and Mrs. i
Tony Pavlicek passed the guest:
A wedding dance at the Am
erican Legion hall followed the
reception for friends of the
After a honeymoon Mr. and
Mrs. Pavlicek will reside at the
Cook apartments on Corby street
in Woodburn.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1949 1
Both "Men who Core"... Both prefer "CARSTAIRS"
Bayer, Mrs. Fred Olson, Mrs.
Mike Focht, Mrs. Joseph Simon
yi, Mrs. Frank Shampier, Mrs.
Harvey Olson, Mrs. Monte Har
ris. Mrs. O. B. Alln, Mrs. N
F. Brown, and the hostesses.
Tn rft n.
These twins look alike sea
eye to eye on many things. And
when it comes to whiskey both
enjoy a double taste treat.
That's why tliey go or
Carslairs White Seal whiskey.
Both get premium flavor
and extra smoothness ... a
double taste treat in one
distinguished bottle I
Try Carstairs today and you,
too, like thousands will
say it's the perfectly balanced
blend . . . extra light,
extra smooth!
The Man who Cares... says
White Seal
3nvited !
Remember ...
This Date!
Salem Fire Departments ggx
II1M in Mi
NOV. 24th
Dance to the Music of
and his
Danes Proceed! to Finone. Salem 1950 Convention
Of Oregon Stat Fir. Chiefs and Oregon State Fire Fighters
Ine. Tax
Ine. Tax
e mn
and his
Dance Proceeds to Finance Salem 1950 Convention of
Oregon State Fire Chiefs and Oregon State Fire Fighters