Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 22, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1949
Miss Howard
Sunday Bride
Silverton Miss Dora Leone
Howard, daughter of Mrs. Ida
Howard ol 404 McClaine street,
Silverton, was wed to Henry
Franklin Jackson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Franklin Jack
son, Sr., of 111 Sherman street,
Silverton, in a beautifully ar
ranged ceremony at the First
Christian church Sunday after
noon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Arthur
Charles Bates read the lines of
the double ring ceremony before
the candle-lighted altar in all
white decoration of chrysanthe
mums and lacy ferns as back
ground. The Misses Lucile and
Leila Miles, in identically fash
ioned gowns of pink and blue,
were candle lighters. Mrs. Elaine
Hamre-Frye of Salem sang, as
sisted at the organ by Mrs. Ar
thur Dahl, who played the wed
ding marches.
Accompanied to the altar and
presented in marriage by her
uncle, Dr. R. P. Isham of Au
burn, Wash., the bride wore the
traditional satin dress modeled
with slight train, the skirt being
draped in soft silk brocade, lace
trim, long sleeves and sweet
heart neckline. Her net, finger
tip veil was held in place by a
floral halo. She carried a white
Bible topped with a white or
chid. Her sister. Miss lone How
ard, honor attendant, wore pale
green and the bridesmaids were
Miss Katherine Loe in pink, and
Mrs. Marion Miller in pale blue,
their gowns similarly fashioned,
their flowers Identical bouquets
of various colored chrysanthe
mums. Her flower girl, little
Miss Dianne Plank, daughter of
Mrs. Doris Plank, wore a iloor-
length pale green frock and car
ried a flat basket of baby chrysanthemums.
Dale Krug was best man for
Mr. Jackson. Ushers were Har
old Mires, Kenneth Webb, Odin
Sandvers and Leslie Moen.
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Howard wore forest green
and a corsage of tan baby or
chids. The mother of the bride
groom, Mrs. Jackson, wore soft
brown and a corsage of green
baby orchids.
At the reception for more than
200 guests in the church social
room Mrs. J. G. Langsdorf, cou
sin of the bridegroom, cut the
bride's cake. Mrs. Doris Plank
presided at the coffee urn.
Serving at the punch bowl was
Mrs. Edith Wager, also a cousin
of the bridegroom. At the gift
table, in charge of the guest
book and assisting the guests
were Mrs. Arthur Dickman, who
was also in charge of decora
tions, Mrs. Gladwyn P. Hamre,
Mrs. Oral Egan and Mrs. Dan
For traveling the bride wore
an autumn green suit and top
coat, gold hat, black accessories,
and her wedding corsage. Fol
lowing a brief wedding trip
along the Oregon and Washing
ton coast resorts, Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson will be at their rural
home in Hobart Road, Silverton.
mouth Civic club members were
guests of the Independence Wo
man's club at Independence. Dr
H. M. Gunn, president of Ore
gon College of Education, spoke
on "Education in the Public
Schools." Those attending from
Monmouth were Miss Kathar
ine Arbuthnot, Mrs. D. R.
Dewey, Mrs. E. B. Ebbert, Miss
Clara Trotter, Mrs. C. F. Gil
lette, Mrs. H. W. Hagmeier, Mrs.
Donald Searing, Mrs. Searing
Sr., Mrs. Kent Farley and Mrs.
G. L. Russell.
Miss Hug Bride at Church
CeremonyThis Afternoon
An attractive bride was Miss Kathleen Anne Hug, who was
wed this afternoon to William J. Hughes at a ceremony in St.
Vincent de Paul church, the Rev. George O'Keefe officiating
at the 4:30 o'clock riles.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. George Hug and the late
v It. Hug and Mr. Hughes is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Hughes of Portland.
Yellow and white chrysanthe
mums and other fall blooms dec
orated the church for the serv
ice. Wayne Meusey played the
organ music.
In White Velvet
Given in marriage by her old
er brother, Lt. Comdr. Wallace
Hug, the bride wore a handsome
wedding gown of white velvet
Around the yoke of illusion was
a bertha with sequin trim, long
sleeves with the sequin lum
and the skirt swept into a train
The fingertip veil was arranged
from a tiara that had white
roses at the side and bouvardia.
For her flowers the bride car
ried a crescent bouquet of white
roses and bouvardia with an or
chid in the center.
Miss Beverley Naubert of Ta
coma was honor attendant. She
wore a dress in gold crepe, a
headpiece of chrysanthemums
and Talisman roses, and a bou
quet of the same autumn flowers.
Donald Deeks of Portland was
best man and ushering were
Charles Hampton of Philomath,
William Little of Portland, War
ren Dobbin of Eugene, Edward
Fitzgibben of Portland.
For the wedding the bride's
mother was attired in a royal
blue gown with matching hat
and a corsage of Talisman roses.
The bridegroom's mother wore a
green gown with matching hat
and corsage of Talisman roses.
Reception at Hotel
The reception was given in
the Mirror room of the Marion
hotel. The bride's table was set
with a blue cloth and festoons of
smilax, the smilax and bouvar
dia also encircling the wedding
Serving the cake were Mrs.
Wallace Hug, Mrs. Keith Powell
and Mrs. Aaron Gould, the lat
ter a cousin of Mrsi Hug, Port
land. Invited to pour were Mrs. B.
O. Schucking, Mrs. Ray Gilbert
and Miss Elizabeth Putnam. As
sisting with the serving were
Miss Patricia Vicsko, Mrs. John
H. Johnson, Miss Jane Hughes
of Portland, sister of Mr.
Hughes; Miss Dorothy Roth and
Mrs. Robert Hermans, both of
Albany, Miss Donna Joe Short
of Portland. Mrs. Roger Schnell
greeted guests at the door. Mrs.
Reed Vollstedt of Albany was
in charge of the guest book. Also
assisting at the wedding and re
ception was Miss Elizabeth Dick
ens, long-time friend of the fam
ily, Portland.
For traveling the bride wore a
dark blue silk faille suit with
winter white hat and to her
coat was pinned the orchid cor
sage from the bridal bouquet.
The couple will be at home in
the Fisher apartments here after
November 27, Mr. Hughes at
tending Willamette university
law school.
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Wed In October Among October weddings was that of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Maurer, Jr. The bride is the former
Theresa Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hess of St. Paul,
Mr. Maurer the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Maurer of St. Paul.
(Jesten-Miller studio picture)
Wedding Nov. 6
Hubbard A double ring cere
mony at the Reorganized Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints in Woodburn, united Miss
Luella Jean Hawley, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hawley,
Sr.. of Hubbard, and Eldon D.
Slover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Slover of Woodburn, in marriage
Sunday, November 6, at 7
o'clock. Herbert Hawley Jr.,
brother of the bride, performed
the candlelight ceremony amidst
baskets of pink and white chry
santhemums tied with pink and
blue bows.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was gowned
white lace. The dress was
designed with a bustle, long
sleeves and a train and with the
dress the bride wore a veil. She
carried a bouquet of pink rose
bude and small white chrysan
themums centered with a white
orchid and tied with blue bows
and streamers.
Matron of honor was Mrs
Herbert Hawley Jr., sister of the
bridegroom. She wore a blue
"gown and carried a bouquet of
pink and white chrysanthe
mums. The bridesmaids, Mrs.
Patsy Hawley and Mrs. Alice
Polly, wore pink gown identical
to the matron of honor and car
ried pink and white chrysanthe
mums. Little Bonita Gusa was
flower girl and carried a basket
of small pink, white and blue
flowers. Her pink silk dress was
made like the brides. Larry
Weigart, nephew of the bride
groom, and Arlie Lenhardt,
cousin of the bride, carried the
rings on white satin pillows. The
pink and blue candles were held
by Mrs. Arlene Omans, Mrs.
Ruth Nelson, Mrs. Mary Parks,
Miss Marie Priest, Miss Dolores
Gusa and Miss Lavita Slover.
The latter two, wearing blue silk
gowns made like the bride s and
coronets of flowers, lighted the
Best man for his brother was
Sammy Slovei.. Rodney Polly,
the bridegroom's cousin, and
Floyd Lenhardt, the bride's cou
sin, were groomsmen and the
ushers were George Weigart and
Jack Slover.
Harold Hawley, brother of the
bride, and Brice Camp were the
soloists and were accompanied
by Jackie Lenhardt, cousin of
the bride.
Mrs. Hawley chose for her
daughter's wedding a black
crepe dress with teal trim and
black accessories. The bride
groom's mother, Mrs. Slover,
wore navy blue with black ac
cessories and each wore a cor
sage of baby orchids.
A reception was held at the
American Legion hall immedi
ately following the ceremony,
with Mrs. Floyd 'Lenhardt and
Mrs. Roy Lenhardt in charge.
More than 200 attended. Mrs.
Maymie Gusa served the cake,
Mrs. Mildred Hawley presided
at the punch bowl and Mrs. El
len Polly at the coffee urn.
Those in charge of the gift table
were Mrs. Etta Avin, Mrs. Eva
Lenhardt and Mrs. Marie Wei
gart, while Mrs. Luella Len
hardt passed the guest book.
Other assisting were Mark
Parks, Arlene Omans, Marie
Priest, Ruth Nelson, Lillian
Haven, Pauline Haering, Azora
Knowles, Eva Edmonds and
George Wolfe.
The couple left after the cere-1
mony for a week's honeymoon
at Oregon and California
beaches. For traveling the bride
wore a green gabardine suit with
wine accessories and an orchid
corsage. They will make their
home in. Woodburn. '
TO MR. AND MRS. Dale Esch
go congratulations upon the
birth of a daughter, Gaylen, on
Friday, at Salem Memorial hos
pital. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Bean of Mt. Angel and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Esch of
Plan Dance
Annual holiday dance for the
Salem Spinsters club is planned
for Christmas night, December
25, at the No-Name ballroom.
Miss Margaret Lovell is gen
eral chairman with Mrs. Roger
Schnell as co-cha'irmah.
Plans -for the dance were out
lined at the meeting of the club
last evening when Mrs. William
R. Shmn, Mrs. Robert W. Gorm-
sen and Mrs. William McElhinny
entertained the group at the
Karl Becke residence
Proceeds from the benefit go
to . the club's philanthropic
funds, being used this year for
the benefit of the YWCA build
ing campaign.
Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdale,
Jr., and Miss Sally Ann Barr are
on the tickets committee. Mrs,
Travis Cross is publicity chair
man for the dance.
Mrs. Rex Adolph and Miss
Helen Zielinski are to have
charge of refreshments, Mrs.
Richard F. Gentzkow, Miss Su
zanne Small, Miss Joanne Fitz
maurice, Miss Charlotte Alexan
der and Miss Evelyn Johnson to
be in charge of decorations.
Miss Jane Carson heads the
recreation committee- and the
patrons committee includes Mrs.
William R. Shinn and Mrs. Stu
art McElhinny.
The club has slated another
meeting for December 5 with
Mrs. John Steelhammer, Mrs.
Vernon Drye and Miss Helen
Zielinski as hostesses at the
home of Mrs. Steelhammer's
mother, Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde.
Two Win Honors
Two Oregon State college co
eds from Salem were recently
recognized for outstanding
achievement in two fields. Miss
Peggy Burroughs, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burroughs,
was tapped last week for Or
chesis, national modern dance
honorary. Miss Claralyn Lee,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Lee, was recently tapped for
Euterpe, -music honorary at Ore
gon State.
Miss Burroughs has been ac
tive in campus affairs as well as
modern dance. She participated
in "Salute to Rhythm," modern
dance recital given last spring.
Miss Lee, a sophomore in home
economics, is active in music ac
tivities as a member of both a
capella choir and Madrigal, cam
pus groups. Both are members
of Delta Delta Delta, national
social sorority.
LINCOLN Mrs. Carl Yun
gen was hostess for a dinner re
cently honoring the birthday
of her husband, Carl Yungen.
Additional guests were his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yungen.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yungen and
Board Is
The board of Women of Ro
tary met for dessert Monday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs.
Chester Pickens and planned
for next week's meeting of the
membership. . 1
The luncheon will be at the
Golden Pheasant at 1 p.m. Mon
day with Dr. Victor Hugo Sword
for many years an educator in
India, to be guest speaker.
Attending the meeting of the
board Monday were Mrs. Ernest
Crockatt, Mrs. Gardner Knapp,
Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. P. H.
Brydon, Mrs. Charles Fowler,
Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs,
Ralph H. Cooley and Mrs.
Floyd Bressler.
Its such
good salt!
VISITORS for a short time In
the capital Monday were Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Snyder of Enter
prise, enroute to California for
a few day's slay.
Plain or iodized; always free-running,
always uniform. Your grocer has Leslii
in the good-looking red package.
Job's Daughters
Salem bethel, U.D., Job's
Daughters, met for a business
session Saturday afternoon.
Special guests included Miss
Jean Herrig, honored queen of
bethel No. 35, Salem; Miss Mar
garet Ames, honored queen of
bethel No. 34, Independence;
Miss Clara Brown, junior prin
cess of bethel No. 34; and Mrs.
Ira Mix, guardian for bethel No.
Plans were made for initiation
at the evening meeting, Decem
ber 3, a Christmas party also
to be held at that time- with
members of the Order of De
Molay as guests.
Morris of Dallas was among the
out-of-town guests attending the
wedding of Miss Betty Heiden-
strom and Steven Mead, Sunday,
Mrs. Morris, is an aunt of the
45.RPM Singles
"Don't Rob Another Man'a Castle"
"There's Not a Thing"
"White Christmas"
"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"
"My Hero"
"Tell Me Why"
"Don't Cry Joe"
"Swing to 45"
"Why wai I Born?"
"Festival of Roses"
"If You Ever Fall in Love Again"
"Jealous Heart"
Corner State and High
Downstairs, Oregon Bid a;.
Dial 3-8632
Open Friday Nifhti Tin fl
Plan Parties
Jaycee-Ettes met last evening
at the home of Mrs. Don Judson.
Plans were discussed for the V
Christmas party on December
19 with Mrs. Larry Moore as
chairman; and for installation in
January when husbands of
members will be guests.
The group accepted its new
constitution. Games were play
ed and refreshments served.
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Gerlinger will be
Mrs. Gerlinger's brother-in-law ,
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George
T. Bragg of Portland and their
three children, Miss Elizabeth
Bragg, Robert Bragg, who is a
student at Oregon State college,
and David Bragg.
It's o crime to keep on hauling coal and ashes through
your living room to heat the house.
Get a handsome new Duo-Therm Thrift Circulator
light one match to start it then tend he fire by turning
a dial!
Turns cheap fuel oil into waves of clean, safe, silent heat
and gets more heat from every drop of oill
Forces heat into every nook and corner gives you
' uniform floor-to-ceiling warmth saves up to 25
on fuel bills.
467 Court Street
You SAVE every time you use it, and you SAVE
right from 'the steal, too, because we've been
authorized to introduce this regular $12.95
value at a $3.00 SAVINGS while quantity lasts!
There's leg-flattery from
toe to top in every
pair of these first quality
sheer nylons. Pull fash
ioned. A grand value at
its regular price ... A
double value at this new
I ir,clUD,r,G tiSllfefogg
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I For Christmas I tySl
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Prefcuional ttyU mtdt by (lit twMY
largest nunirfKhnr foe kom att.
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