) 9 9 Oregon Rural Phone Firms Seek Info on Federal Aid By WILLIAM E. LOWELL Washington, Nov. 22 VP) Western States have been relatively 1 slow In howing Interest In the government's new rural tele phone program. Congress, shortly before adjournment, authorized loans for Im provement, expansion, construction, acquisition and operation of - - " 'VH ' M '''IP if?. :V 'Fed Up With the Sea' Aft er following the sea for 12 years, Captain Francesco Al locca of Vancouver, B. C, has decided he is "fed up with the sea" and plans to seek peace as a monk at a monastery in Italy. (Acme Telephoto) Malecki, Turkey Over Atlantic New York, Nov. 22 (U.R)--Gene Malecki of 815 Wildwind drive, Salem, Ore., was off for Turkey today with turkeys. One of them, a prize 84-month-old, 36 'A -pound torn of the Oregon broadbreast bronze variety, named "Unity," was in a cage for presentation the day before American Thanksgiving to President Ismet Inonu of Turkey. Two others, 25 pounds each, dressed, stuffed and complete with cranberries, were to be pre sented to Inonu and Cemic Yesil, Turkey's secretary general. Malecki has already given away two other turkeys on be half of the Pacific Coast Tur - key exhibit one to President Truman and the other to the Turkish ambassador at Washing ton. . "Unity," Malecki said was raised by Dick Rain of McMinn ville, Ore., and won top honors at the McMinnville show over 100,000 other birds. Malecki said he planned to visit in Turkey with a Universi ty of Oregon classmate named Kaya, who was best man at his wedding. Didn't say if he's tak ing him a turkey. Skeleton Arouses Interest in K. F. Klamath Falls, Nov. 22 UP) A human skeleton found on the upper Klamath lake shore set off an investigation in the near by Klamath Indian reservation area yesterday. State police said the bones were scattered, possibly by coy otes, and appeared to have been exposed by the receding waters of the lake. The skull has been sent to the Portland crime labo ratory for examination. The bones were found by Sports Fishermen E. H. Martin and Fred Wymer, both of Kla math Falls, while fishing near Barclay springs Saturday. $50.00 Deluxe cabinet models $174( 100 & up Small Down Payments Convenient Terms Visit Salem's Only Sewing Art Gallery Directed by SHIRLEY KAU Nationally Famous Sewing Machine Artist YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa telephone lines in " rural" areas. Spokesmen for the rural elec trification administration, which will administer the program, think the apparent lack of in terest in the West may be due to several causes. Farmers, for Instance, were busy when the legislation was under consideration. Policies and procedures to make the law operative have not been worked out. Application blanks haven't even been' printed yet. In the Western area thus far, the three Pacific coast states have shown most interest. Nine existing companies In Oregon and seven in Washing ton have asked for information. Five companies, three groups of potential telephone users and two individuals have written the agency from California. One Californian wrote that. though a major trunk telephone line is only 11 miles away, four closely grouped communities near Los Angeles have been told direct telephone service from existing lines will cost be tween $10,000 and $13,000 for construction costs. Another said a village com pany would quadruple its serv ices if it could arrange to in stall modern equipment. There have been seven In quiries from Montana. The last accurate figures lor farm telephones were those of tlje 1945 farm census. The pres ent situation will not be reveal ed until some time in 1951, when returns are in from the 1950 census. However, estimates indicate Bring The Whole THANKSGIVING DINNER ROAST TURKEY $1 Pl.TTfi ATT. THF TR.IlWlWrNflS Homemade Pie, Too! Why Not Breakfast Every Morning AT THE SNACK SHOP Where a Good Cup of Coffee Is Still a Nickel! Open 7 Days a Week 17th antt Center THREE FEATHERS IJie Mark of a Princely Host the Elegant Eighties ...still the mark of a Princely Host RARE BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THREE FEATHERS DISTILLING COMPANY. LAWRENCEBURG, IN0. Sewing Art Course With the Purchase of Any Cabinet Model 'drseWestrnghouse ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES ' ? 11 wilf I KM If u that, at the end of last year, not! more than 42 per cent of the nation's farms had telephone service. REA - estimates that 78 per cent of farms have electric serv ice now, compared with 46 per cent in 1945. Project Leaders Meet Grand Island Mrs. Ernest Douglas and Mrs. Lester Scrog- gan of Grand Island, who are members of the Unionvale Home Demonstration unit, attended the project leaders training at the 4-H club building at Mc- Minnville. The Unionvale unit November monthly meeting was postponed to December 1 at the Unionvale church with Miss Al ma Hartman demonstrator Color and Design." Go north. Go louth. Go east. Go west. You'll find my goods Are best by test. fWM Family For a Hie Princely Whiskey Princely hosts hive proadly terrcd tkit excellent vfciskey liote 1882. $360 pint '-'Hot. Convenient . Economy Fluk Siu team to do the most intricate Needlework on your Sewing Machine Faster and Neater than you can sew by hand Phone 3-4311 00 L $025 lv.T.J La 47 Jt I 7 til north liberty WEDNESDAY Open Friday Nites 'til 9 WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS CLEARANCE Dress Shirts 1.69 0 Values to $3.98 Broken Sizes Various Styles 0 Whites and Colors CLEARANCE Bed Sheets 1.49 81 x99 size 39 Sheets only Slightly irregular CLEARANCE Flowered Wash Cloths 19c Beautiful rose design Heavy Terry Full size CLEARANCE Women's Cotton Dresses 1.59 80 Square percale All sizes Colorful print CLEARANCE Girls' Blouses 1.00 Broken size Just 18 1.98 value CLEARANCE Net Panels 49c Full size ecru Net designs $1.49 value CLEARANCE Men's Athletic Sox. 29c Sizes 12 only White Regular 49c ' CLEARANCE Plastic Yardage 19C yd. 36 inch width Various patterns Limited quantity CLEARANCE Cotton Bed Spreads 2.88 0 Regular $6.95 Value Two Colors 0 Limited quantity CLEARANCE Boys' All-Wool Pants 3.88 $8.95 value Broken Sizes Glenn Plaids CLEARANCE MEN'S LARGE SIZE Shorts 25c Gripper-boxer styles 79c value Large sizes only CLEARANCE Women's Coats 15.00 All Wool $29.95 values Tweeds and Fleece 0 Smartly styled CLEARANCE Ladies' Cotton Vests 49c Broken sizes Tea rose 89c value CLEARANCE Ironing Board Cover 1.00 Two piece set $1.95 value Just 12 pkgs. CLEARANCE Men's 'Shingle' Gloves 29c Double thumb Elastic wrist Fleeced fabric CLEARANCE Women's Raincoats ' 8.95 Hooded style Colorflil gabardine Values to $14.95 PRE CLEARANCE Men's "Titex" Rainwear 3.98 Pants or Shirts Regular $8.95 value Durable quality CLEARANCE Bath Towels 59c Large size Extra Heavyweight Regular $1.00 CLEARANCE Pottery Dish Sets 69c 5 place setting Various colors Only 15 sets CLEARANCE Women's Jeans 1.99 Sanforized Blue denim All sizes CLEARANCE . Women's Handbags 1.88 Variety of styles $2.95 value Just 25 pieces CLEARANCE Ladies' Blouses 1.99 Values to $3.95 Broken sizes Crepes and cottons CLEARANCE Boys' Briefs 29c Regular 50c Short leg 0 otton knit CLEARANCE Bath Mat Sets 1.00 Two piece set Regular size Gorgeous colors Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., - HOLIDAY Hundreds of sensational buys from every department. Many items reduced to Vz price and less. . Odd lots, broken sizes and colors. Sorry, no mail, phone, or C.O.D. Merchandise goes on sale Wednesday morn ing. Come early you'll find terrific bargains. CLEARANCE Pillow Cases 29c Famous name Second selection 0 Limited quantity CLEARANCE "Kantrun" Nylons 89c 0 Regular $1.29 0 Slightly irregular 0 50 pairs only CLEARANCE Rayon Panels 1.00 0 43x81 0 Fine quality 0 Various colors CLEARANCE Women's Sweaters 2.99 0 All Wool 0 Slight irregularities 0 Limited quantity CLEARANCE Women's Dresses 4.99 0 Better quality 0 Values to $14.95 0 Limited quantity CLEARANCE Unbleached Muslin 10C yd O Ideal for linings 0 Lightweight 0 Limit 10 yards CLEARANCE Men's Work Sox 19c 0 Part wool 0 Long length 0 Grey color CLEARANCE Down Pillows 6.88 0 Full size 0 $8.95 values 0 Xmas gift item Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1949 3 CLEARANCE Plastic Tablecloths 56c 0 Regular $1.00 0 Colorful plastic 0 54x54 size CLEARANCE Vanity Cases 5.88 0 Regular $8.95 0 Light tan 0 Just 6 cases CLEARANCE Girls' Coats 7.88 0 Sizes 7 to 14 0 Various colors 0 Smart styles CLEARANCE All-Wool Yardage 1.00 yd. 0 Limited quantity 0 $2.95 value 0 Come early for this CLEARANCE Women's Rubbers 1.00 0 Light zyphyr rubber 0 Low, medium, high 0 All sizes heel CLEARANCE 'Famous Name' Woolens 3.88 0 Wool crepes 0 Limited colors 0 Values to $5.95 CLEARANCE Hot Plates 1.49 0 One burner 0 White finish 0 $3.95 value CLEARANCE "No-Mend" Nylon Hose 1.00 0 Only 200 pair 0 Popular colors 0 All sizes IILUU-J U- I mm