-10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1949 Airmen Rescued Some of the 18 air force airmen snatched - from death when their B-29 went down at sea give out with ' a lusty cheer aboard an AF crash boat in St. George's har - bor, Hamilton, Bermuda. In background, officers and crew of the Canadian destroyer Haida watch the rescued airmen s: depart. Four of the 18 men were removed from the de i stroyer by stretcher. Photo by Stanley Tretick of NEA-Acme's a Washington bureau. (Acme Radio-Tclophoto) Snatched from Death SSgt. Manuel R. Oropeza of Globe, Ariz., one of 18 air force men snatched from jdeath when their B-29 went down at sea, is transferred by stretcher from Cana dian destroyer Haida to Air Force crash boat in St. George's harbor, Hamilton, Bermuda. Despite three-day ordeal in rub ber liferaft, Oropeza wryly observes "One thing about it, we didn't get sunburned." Photo by Stanley Tretick of NEA Acme's Washington Bureau. (Acme Radio-Telephoto) Keizer Rural Fire District Will Ballot Upon Director Keizer, Nov. 22 The Keizer rural fire protection district will hold their annual election the first Monday of December at which time a director will be elected to serve a term of five years. The polls at the fire hall will be open from 8 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock at night. According to J. C. Mount, secretary to the board of direc- tors, any name to appear on the ballot must be presented to the secretary of the association by a petition signed by 15 electors of the fire district 15 days be fore the election. The newly elected board mem ber will attend the first regular meeting of 1950 which will be held January 5 at the fire hall and at that time this board will elect their officers. The volunteer fire depart ment, a separate asociation, op erates under this board of direc tors, who in turn are responsbile to the county court for the op eration of the fire district. Cub Packs Meet Cub pack 41, Keizer, met at the school auditorium for their November pack meeting. In ad dition to a number of Wolf, Bear, Lion and Arrow awards, six boys received their Webelow for completing three years of cubbing. This is the highest award obtainable for a cub and the only cub award which may be worn on the Boy Scout uni form. Receiving the Webelow1 were: Orrin Gilbertson, Jan Shidler, Bud Shaeffer, Fred Gast, Jr., Robert Yunker and Al "vin Karn. All six boys have indi cated their intention to apply lor admittance to Scout troop 41. ' After the presentation of awards an inspection was held by district committeemen Dav is, Randall and Kleinke of the Cascade area council. A rating of 94.9 out of a possible 100 points was given which the com mittee stated was an exception ally good rating. - A contest of skills represent ing the seven dens was held with the following boys winning for their dens: den 6, David Reh fus: den 7, George Napp, Jr.; den 3, Fred Gast Jr; den 5, Jan Shidler. - Refreshments were served the cubs, their parents and visitors at the close of the meeting by the Cub Mothers club. The Keizer Ladies Sewing club motored to the C. Daley home at Woodburn for their fi nal November meeting. The Da lcys are former Keizer residents. Mrs. Daley, assisted by Mrs. Richardson, a neighbor, served a lovely roast turkey dinner to her guests who also brought the usual covered dishes and des serts. The women will meet at the H. M. Broadbeat home at Keizer for their December meet ing. Present for the day of quilting were: Mrs. Nick LeRud, club president, Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Mrs. H. M. Broadbent, Mrs. A. L. Mason, Mrs. Elmer Ideen, Mrs. A. E. Cummings, Mrs. J. E. Whitehead, Mrs. R. C. McClay, Mrs. Sam Richards, Mrs. Mary Sloan, Mrs. John Derrick, Mrs. Luther Melton, Mrs. Otto Yunk er, Mrs. Ben Claggett, Mrs. Roy Melson, Mrs. L. E. Gilkey. Miss Lois Keefer, Miss Ruth Rulif son, Miss Alio Hall, Miss Echo Hall and Master Clifford Yunk er and little Miss Patricia Mel ton. A visitor was Mrs. Richard son. The group has finished one quilt and are nearly througn with another which they antici pate will be completed before the Christmas holidays. Dance Proves Success The Firemen's Ball, complete with fire truck parked in front of the Roller rink, was held Fri day night and was a huge suc cess in spite of the heavy fog which made driving hazardous. The hall was jammed with danc ers who had much fun danc ing both modern and square dancrs. Several Paul Jones ad ded to the hilarity of the eve ning. In addition to a large Kei zer turnout people attended who were from Salem, Brooks, Four Corners and other nearby com munities. Cub pack 41, planning com mittee met Monday night at the F. C. Gast residence, 465 Man brin drive. Election of officers was held. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mor itz and children, Gladista, Lor etta and James Jr., of 4210 Toni Ave. have left for San Diego to spend the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. Moritz' brother, whom he has not seen for sev eral years. Stolen Goods Found By Police in Albany A camera and vacuum clean er reportedly stolen from cars parked in Salem have been re covered by Albany police with the arrest of Arthur Calvin Har mon, 25, Parker, Wash., and Faye Eugene Jones, 26, Van couver, Wash. The thefts were reported Saturday by a Eugene woman and Beaver Creek man who had parked their cars in Salem. Deputy Sheriff Tice inter viewed the men in Albany and said admissions were made that the goods were taken from cars here along with items picked up from other parked cars. Princess Joins Prince in Malta Valletta, Malta, Nov. 22 (P) Princess Elizabeth was a happy naval officer's wife today. Her husband's ship was swinging at anchor in sight of her window Elizabeth joined Prince Philip here Sunday night, arriving in time for at least a part of her wedding anniversary. Her plane had been delayed in London 24 hours by fog. Philip bounded up the steps to his wife's plane as soon as it landed and welcomed her pri vately inside the cabin. Outside, she faced photographers, and greeted Malta's governor, Sir Francis Creasy, and Archbishop Gonzi. But ceremony was at a minimum. The royal couple is staying at Villa Guardamangia. The villa overlooks the harbor where the anchored ships include the de stroyer Chequers. Philip is sec ond in command of the Chequers. NO CARBON! SOOT! DIAL NOW 35622 or 35606 For Your Load of CATER1ZED.OIL! Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway Discovered How To HEAR AGAIN IN 20 SECONDS . was In despair when I began to lose my hearing. Then one day in just 20 seconds I discovered how to hear again. Thanks to tro new Beltone Phantomold, there's NO BUTTON IN MY EAR. Discover how you, too, can hear again. Come In, phone or write for FREE booklet that tells all the facts. MONO-PAC OM-Ufitt Hearing AM James N. Toft AND ASSOCIATES 228 Oregon Bldf. Salem, Oregon fjH Modem Sectional By BILTWELL Made by a famous manufacturer to give you the most for your money in smart modern styling and luxurious comfort! 3 well-built pieces that lend themselves to a variety of room arrangements. Covered in frieze. FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty THE NATION TODAY Social Security Tax Goes Up One-half Percent on Jan. 1 By JAMES MARLOW Washington, Nov. 22 W) On Jan. 1 the social security tax is going up from the present 1 per cent each to 1 ',4 per cent each on all employes and employers covered by the law. This increase of one-half of 1 per cent in the social security tax Congress voted for this increase in 1947. This is the way the lax works and how it will work after Jan. 1. The employe You're a covered employe. Now you pay a yearly tax of 1 per cent on whatever salary you make up to $3,000. There's no tax on anything you make over $3,000. So the highest tax such an em ploye has lo pay now is 1 per cent of $3,1)00. or $30 a year, earned from any one employer. When the 1VS per cent tax a year on the first $3,000 goes into effect, the highest tax is $45 a year. (What happens in the case of an employe who changes jobs during the year? . Suppose he earned as much as $3,000 from one employer and paid the maxi mum tax on that $30 and then went to work for another employer duuring the year. (Is he all finished paying his social security tax for the year? No. He has to pay 1 per cent of his pay up to the first $3,000 of it earned from the second em ployer. But isin't $30 the most an em ploye has to pay in any one year now? Yes. But when he pays more than that, he can get a re fund by asking the internal rev enue bureau for it at the end of the year. The bureau collects the tax.) The employer Salem Nursing Home 3595 "D" Street EXPERIENCED NURSES 24-HOUR SERVICE Best Foods and Diets To Your Doctor's Orders WE ARE A STATE LICENSED NURSING HOME Your Protection for Better Service Miss Bernice Struckmeier For Appointment Phone 2-3853 You have to match, out of your own pocket, whatever tax your covered employe has to pay: 1 per cent of his salary up lo the first $3,000 of it. So the most an employer has to pay on any employe's salary is $30 now, or 1 per cent of $3,000. Suppose the employe's total salary is $5,000 or $10,000. No matter. The employer pays only 1 per cent $30 on the first $3,000. Suppose the em ploye's salary is $1,000. The Boss pays only 1 per cent of $1,000, or $10. When the tax goes up to Vk percent Jan. 1, the employe and the employer each will have to pay 1 lk percent of the employe's salary up to the first $3,000, or a maximum of $45 each. (So, while the combined tax on employer and employe now is only 2 per cent, after Jan. 1 it was to have been 3 percent.) This is an explanation of how the tax increase on Jan. 1 came about. When the Social Security Act was passed in 1935, congress said the tax should start in 1937 and would run this way: 1937-8-9 1 per cent each on employes and employers; 1940- USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 sacks $5.00 Bulk- 1 ton . . 2 tons . . $10.00 J7.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 2114 per cent; 1943-4-52 percent; 1946-7-8 2'h percent; and starting Jan. 1, 19493 per cent. But as 1940 began to roll around with the tax due to go up from 1 to 1 M per cent con gress voted to keep it at 1 per cent. Year after year it voted to freeze the tax at 1 per cent to prevent an increase. But in 1947 congress voted to keep the tax at 1 per cent on employers and employes through 1949 and then let it go up to IV2 per cent on each, starting Jan. 1, 1950. Since congress hasn't changed what it agreed to in 1947, the tax rise of one-half of one per cent starts Jan. 1. This year the present con gress, before it went home, con sidered a bill to increase social security taxes on an increasing scale until they reached a total of 3 'A per cent each on em ployes and employers in 1970 and thereafter. The house passed this bill late this year. But the senate didn't. So the bill didn't become law. Therefore, the law passed by congress in 1947, and not chang ed since, goes into effect Jan. 1. Pray Calls for 100 More Portland Police Portland, Ore., Nov. 22 U.R) Chief of Police Charles P. Pray today asked for 100 additional foot patrolmen to combat a rise in sex offenders, street assaults and armed robberies. Chief Pray, whose policy of shifting cops from prowl cars to pavement beats gained national attention in Collier's magazine said .the change had increased spot arrests but he needed more footpads. Pray said a survey showed other Pacific coast cities, except Seattle, had more police protec tion than Portland. Los Angeles had 2.06 cops per 1000 citizens. Portland had 1.41. I Qrag I white or veiuw Only the Best is labelled BELLOWS EstablM fm ffil fit ffl M2& .wu r ..3 .10 issi'v .GO 45 Quart Partners Choice The century-old name on over 200 wine and spirit offerings, is your assurance of fine quality at a fair price. -BELLOWS ft COMPANY New York Colorado Springs Chicago Billows Partners Choice, Whiskey- Blend, 86.8 Proof 60 Grain Neutral Spirits fcf a diale of a different; dien does if all I WHAT DO WE MEAN when we say that in Dynaflow Drive "oil does it all"? Simply that in Dynaflow Drive, the spinning of oil in the Dynaflow unit does what you have long needed shifting gears to accomplish. For instance Here you are starting out. In most cars, you have to throw out a clutch and shift into low gear to get starting power. In Dyna flow, you simply set your lever in Driving position and nudge the gas treadle. Oil spins in a sealed drum to give you all the power needed for starting but there's no transmission gear-whine whatever. Now you are beginning to move. In most cars, you shift manually into second, then third each time repeating that press-the-pedal-move-the-lever routine. With Dynaflow, oil simply spins in a different path within the Dynaflow unit and you move into cruising pace easy as a bird taking off. Here's a slow-moving vehicle you want to pass. In other cars you may have to shift again with a definite loss of forward motion. That means a lag before you get action and maybe another shift back into high after you have passed. Not so with Dynaflow. Just step on the throttle, and spinning oil takes the path to give you extra power for passing. Response is as fast as engine response practically instantaneous. Whm mmttmr mmtmmmbitmm mrm hmiit . MUCK trill mmlU thrm Uit ti HENRY I. TAYLOR. ABC Nttwcl. Vftf AWor rafting. Here's a common traffic situation. Usually you go into second or low in order to get a good fast getaway. With Dynaflow, just press the gas treadle, never touching the shift lever. Spinning oil will find the proper channel of flow to give you getaway power power that's ever-smooth and great enough to step you out smartly and with unbroken, velvety smoothness. Does that mean you never shift at all? Not quite. For emergency braking power, for starts on very steep hills with heavy loads, for rocking out of . sand or snow, you may occasionally change to Emergency Low range. This simply puts the entire Dynaflow operation into an extra powerful range. . But for all normal driving, you can use Driving range entirely. Oil will travel whatever course is required to give you the kind of power you need without any gear-changing whatever. , To see what a whale of a difference that makes in ease, freedom of mind, and restfulness in a long day ask your Buick dealer for a demonstration. That, plus some very particular advantages in economy of upkeep, will convince you that Dynaflow is truly the "drive of the future." rVoit )fjT OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. I