Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
Rotariani Hear Hedge A. M
Hedge, of the operations divis
ion of the department of agri
culture, spoke at the Monday
noon meeting of the Silverton
Rotary club, telling of the work
of his department. Report waj
made that 22 members of the
club had perfect atendance rec
ords from July 1 to November
1 with slightly more than hall,
or 27 members, falling below
that mark.
Liberty Grange Meets The
Red Hills Grange of the Liberty
community will meet at the
Red Hills Grange hall on Lib
erty road at 8 o'clock Tuesday
night This will be a business
meeting and not preceded by a
covered dish dinner.
Salmon Run Starts The sal
mon run started at Oceanlake
over the week-end, according to
word received from Gene Read,
secretary of the Chamber of
Commerce there. The fish are
now entering Devil's lake
through the Dee river. Several
good catches were reported late
last week, Read states.
Salem Senior Honored
Among the eleven members of
the senior class at the Univer
sity of Oregon tapped for Fri
ars, senior men's honorary so
ciety, is Robert Weber, Salem.
The men were tapped at the
homecoming dance Saturday
Church Plans Service The
Monitor Community Full Gos
pel church will hold a special
Thanksgiving service at 10 o'
clock Thursday morning with
the public invited by Rev. E. C.
Schilling, pastor.
Licensed in Portland Mar
riage licenses have been issued
in Portland to Gordon R. Jones
and Mattie E. Bennow, both of
Salem; Charles J. Stout, Salem,
and Carol L. Clark, Portland:
Harold D. Murray and Martha
Ellen Taber, both of Amity and
Clinton Sheldon, Amity and Wil
ma M. Heathman, Portland.
Elan Funeral Held Funeral
services for Walter R. Elan, 65,
who died at his home in Corval
lis Thursday night, were held in
that city Monday afternoon with
burial in the Pugh cemetery at
Shedd. He was the father of
Ivan Elan, Aumsville, and is
also survived by his widow, Mrs.
Gladys Elan, Corvallis, and
three grandchildj-en. Elan had
been custodian of the Corvallis
post office for several years and
had spent most of his life in the
Oakville community.
Meat Plant Purchased Clar
ence Isomk of Salem, and
Claude Brandall, Lebanon, have
purchased the slaughter house
operated at Sweet Home by Vir
gil Childs. Both men plan to
move their families to the new
location in the near future with
the partners planning to make
improvements and enlarge their
Fire District Electing A
member of the board of directors
of the Keizer rural fire protec
tion district to serve five years
will be held at the Keizer fire
hall December 5. The new di
rector will take office at the first
board meeting in January when
officers will be named. J. C.
Mount is the retiring member
and is eligible for re-election.
Names of 15 electors in the dis
trict are needed to place the
name of a candidate on the bal
lot by petition.
Salem Man Fined Louis E.
Scott, Salem, was fined $25 and
costs in justice court at Albany
with $10 of the fine suspended.
Scott was the first person found
guilty in justice court of viola
tion of the new state law requir
ing a motorist to stop while a
school bus is discharging chil
dren. Scott was found guilty of
driving past a school bus unload-
' ing children on highway 20 near
Liberty earlier in the week.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Following New Citizens;
HANNBOAN To Mr. tnd MM. Harold
Hsnrjetan, l&l Duncan Ave., at tha Salem
Memorial hospital, a bor. Nor. 20.
KUIFIRS To Mr. and Mn. Henrr
Kulpers, Sclo. at the Salem Memorial los
pltal, a f irl, Nov. 1ft.
RICHMOND To Mr. and Mra. rrank
Richmond, Rt. ft Box 451, at the Balem
General hoRpltal, a tirl, Nov. SI.
WEYMORE To Mr. and Mri. Clrde
Wevmore, Rt. i Box 335-C. at tha Salem
General hospital, a bor, Nov. 20.
HIN8HAW To Mr. and Mri. Howard
Hlnahnw, Eueene, at the Salem General
hospital, a bor, Nov. 20.
Mcpherson To Mr. and Mrs. Donald
t,. McPherson. 10ft B. 3-Hh. at the Bslam
. General hospital, a tin, Nov. 30.
CAPRUTH To Mr. and Mrs. rranlt J.
Carruth, 43ft N. Cottsze, at the Salem
Oenersl hospital, ft bor, Nov. . 30.
WOODS To Mr. and Mrs. Lrnss P.
Woods. 702 Harrison, woodburn. at the
Balem Oeneral hospital, a flrl, Nov. M.
BACH To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L.
Bach. 520 8. 35th, at the Balem Oeneral
hospital. tin, Nov. II.
LAPIN To Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lapis.
Rt. 2 Box 315. at the Balem General hos
pital, ft tlrl, Nov. II.
DeBANTIS To Mr. and Mrs. tmldlo
DtSantls at BUvcrton hospital, a tirl, Nov.
Wlllamlna Mr. and Mrs. Ttlsieeuer are
the parents of a son. Steven Charles, born
November 13 In MrMlnnvllle. Orsndpar
tnt are Mr. and Mrs. Oarland Huddles
ton and Mr. and Mrs. William Rusecuer
Mr. and Mrs. John fttnt of Wtllamlna
are the parents of a aon. born November
10 at tha McMlnnvlUt hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. wtlmer Leno of Orsnde
Bonds are the parents of a tin born No
vember 14 at tbe McMinnville hospital.
Mr and Mrs. Prsncls Llnch art the
r-irents of ft tirl. born November 1ft ftt the
. atcMinnvUkt hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Rlbert Weiber of Orand
ftnnde are the parenu of a damhter. born
Nivember 1 at the Oeneral hospital la
Bherldsn Mr. and Mrs. R. tsntermen
re the paren's of a son. birr, November
10 at tha McMlnnvuit hospital.
Ruling on Firemen A direc
tor of a rural fire protection dis
trict can hop on the fire truck
and serve as a volunteer fire
man, Attorney General George
Neuner ruled today. But, Neu-
ner said, no director can sell
merchandise to the district or
be paid for repairing the fire
Icy at Government Camp
The state highway commission
today reported icy pavement
near Government Camp, Mea
cham and Ontario. It said there
is bare pavement at all other
Townsend Clubs Central
Townsend Club No. 6 will meet
Monday, Nov. 21, at 259 Court
street. Townsend Victory club
No. 17 will meet Tuesday night
at 8 o clock at the home of Mrs
Olive Reddaway, 1421 North
Church street. The ladies' aux
iliary will meet Thursday after
noon at 2 o'clock at that place.
Inspect Linn Schools V. May
Lindsay, state supervisor of el
emetary education, is making a
standardization inspection in
Linn county and is including
Millersburg and Knox Butte
Legion Meets Monday The
regular meeting of Capital post
No. 9 American Legion will be
held as scheduled, it is announc
ed by John Kerrick, vice com
mander of the post, who will
succeed the late Sephus W. Starr
as commander. Initiation of new
members will also be held at
this time.
Leave Salem General Dis
missed over the week-end from
the Salem General hospital with
recently born infants were Mrs,
Martin Krieg and daughter, 441
Pine: Mrs. Homer Stiffler and
son, 508 E; Mrs. Leslie Hendrick
son and son, Rt. 5 Box 190 and
Mrs. David Harding . and son,
Arco, Ida.
Ripe Berries Found When
Mrs. William Johnson looked
out her window Monday morn
ing and noticed that her red
raspberries were in bloom she
was surprised and later astound
ed when investigation revealed
a quantity of ripe fruit. There
will- not be sufficient, she re
grets, to feature as a part of the
family Thanksgiving dinner. The
Johnsons live on Ht. 7 box 174
on what is known as the old
Andresen place.
Log Permits Granted Fol
lowing log hauling permits have
been issued by the county court:
Eldon Reynolds, route 4, Henry
Query, route 3, Walter L. Rack,
route 4, Jacob C. Strom, 4661
Clark avenue, all Salem; E. G.
Neal, route 1, and Dolph Heater,
both Sublimity; Guy Music,
route 1, Aumsville; Lloyd Wal
ker, Mt. Angel, and Archie L.
Chamberlain, Marion.
JSLm $1,639
rgMff At, STATE fc local nxes
Orwig's Market has young
fresh killed turkeys, 39c; also
baby beef for lockers, 37c. 4375
Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128. 287
Special reductions on high
class merchandise. Gilmore's
Upstairs Dress Shop, 439 Court
St. 277
Home made pies and rolls.
Phone 25379. 278
Turkeys roasted.
Ph. 25379.
Rummage over Greenbaum's.
Extra good clothing. Misc. ar
ticles including bird cage and
rolled double size camp bed.
Tues., Nov. 22. 277
Public cordially invited to Ba
zaar sponsored by American Le
gion auxiliary post No. 136 at
Women's club November 22,
7:00 to 10:00 p.m. 277
Cooked food and bazaar sale
at Gas Co. Nov. 22. Neighbors of
Woodcraft. 2T7
Leslie J. Carson, Doctor of
Optometry, vision specialist. 1991
Fairgrounds Road. Phone 24074
Phono 22406 before 6 p.m t
you miss your Capital Journal
Federally Insured Savings
Current dividend 2H .iee
FIRST Federal Savings FIRS!
142 S Liberty Ph 3-4944
Extensive line of gifts in
hardware, houseware, china St
spurting goods Use our 101
lay-.way plan. Salem Hardware
Co, 120 N. Commercial.
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m l
you mis your CapiUl Journal
Frozen Food
Bank Stuccoed
The large brick building on
the east side of South Commer
cial street, between Bellevue and
Oak streets, is to be given an
exterior stucco covering A crew
started the work Monday.
The building was up up about
four years ago by W. C. Gabriel,
and was intended as a frozen
food bank. On account of finan
cial difficulties the project was
not completed, and the building
has since stood idle. It is now
the property of the Brice Mort
gage company of Portland.
The city building inspector's
office was unable to get infor
mation Monday as to what use
will be made of the building. A
Portland crew merely said they
had been employed to stucco the
Oregon Motors Hearing
State Public Utilities Commis
sioner George H. Flagg said to
day he would hold a hearing in
Portland Wednesday on the ap
plication by Oregon Motor Stag
es to extend its bus service from
McMinnville to Tillamook.
Hollywood Lions Rev. O. W.
Clemens, a member of the or
ganization, will speak on some
phases of Thanksgiving during
Wednesday's luncheon of the
Hollywood Lions club.
Glass Door Causes Injury
Jerry Simmons, 13, who lives at
1310 North 17th street, got a se
vere cut on the left arm Monday
while playing on the interior of
Parrish junior high school buil
ding. By accident he thrust an
arm through the glass panel of
a door. First aid took him to a
surgeon for stitches.
Seek Missing Girl Salem de
tectives were called upon Mon
day to aid in locating a 14-year-
old Salem girl reported missing
since early Sunday morning.
Plat Approved Approval has
been given by the county court
to a plat for Sandy Acres, tract
being developed in the Keizer
section. The land is owned by
Dempsey D. and Mary M. Sulli
van and will include 33 tracts. A
road through the plat will be
known as Sandy drive running
west from the North River road.
Laying Gas Main Portland
General Electric company has
been granted a county court per
mit to lay a 1-inch gas main on
Pine street to Oak street in
New Engineer to Tour Col,
Donald S. Burns, new district
engineer of the Portland office
of the army engineers, will
make a tour of the Willamette
valley project next week with
Ivan Oakes, project engineer.
They will start the tour Monday
and spend three days on the
projects. Colonel Burns came to
Oregon from Washington, D.C
IN Ml Ut ON $
13 Ha
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. 11
vou miss your Capital Journal
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730
Finest grade Utah lump coal
by sack or bulk. Phone 2-2436
Capital City Transfer company
Air-steamship tickets, Kugel
735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694.
Xmas Gift Boxes of Aufranc's
Delicious Canned Fruits ready
for mailing. Prepaid in the con
tinental U.S. Ply 3-8487. 277'
Call 2-3639 for Venetians or
roller s hea d e s, Reinholdt At
Lewis. 277
For Thanksgiving turkey with
the purchase of a new Westing
house or Universal electric
range. Yeater Appliance Co.,
375 Chemeketa. 278
JV4 current rata on your
savings. Salem Federal, 560
Stat St Salem ' largest Savings
IDEAL GIFTS of Bleached
and Graded No. I Oregon Wal
nuts and Filberts are now avail
able in S and 10-lb burlap bags
for shipping at Salem Nut Grow
ers Cooperative. 2R28 Cherry
avenue. Phone 3-3568. 283
Exclusive presentation. Imper
it.1 wallpaper R L Elfstrom Co
Phono) 22406 oe-tur 8 p m. If
vou miss your Caoital Journal
Johns-Manvllle shingles ip
plied by Mathis Bros., 164 a
Com'L Fret estimatt Ph. 34642
r Till if W uUSMsl nmwt
eswaw-mir-a vn!,mai W'Wmlmrt 11 -"-TTT "!' T.V "!
l2&&2 J
Funeral Services
For Frank A. Baker
Funeral services will be held
at the Clough-Barrick chapel
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m.
for Frank Alvin Baker, Salem
mail carrier for many years,
who died Saturday at a local
Rev. Dudley Strain will offi
ciate at the rites and interment
will be in the IOOF cemetery.
A mail carrier in Salem for
over 30 years! retiring 15 or 16
years ago, Baker was born at
Redwood Falls, Minn., October
9, 1872. He came to Salem with
his parents 76 years ago. Baker
was a member of Salem lodge
No. 336, BPOE, which will have
charge of ritualistic rites at the
Surviving Baker are a son,
Howard Baker of Madison, N. J.;
a sister, Mrs. Ella Mae McDow
ell, and a brother, Chester Baker
of Salem.
Heads Townsend Clubs E. J.
James, Portland, was reelected
yesterday as president of the
district Townsend clubs. Dele
gates also were chosen for the
state council meeting December
18 in Eugene.
Liaison Officer Announce
ment has been made by the Ore
gon adjutant general's office of
the promotion to captain of
Charles Barclay and his appoint
ment as liaison officer for the
41st division. Barclay October
18 of this year was named aide
to the assistant division com
mander, Brig. Gen. H. G. Mai
son. Taking Barclay's place as
aide to the general is First Lt.
Marshall C. Glos of Portland.
Circuit Court
Prsnk Halfrrtv vs McNesby and Aubrt.
motions to strike filed.
Neva vs Ernest Lrle McKlnnls. applica
tion for trial.
State on relation of Asnes W. Mercado
va Rudr Mercadio. order adJudilnt defen
dant In contempt of court, sentence sus
pended on compllsnce with court order
and also further ordered defendant not
to molest plaintiff or children. Hours for
visitation fixed.
Frances I. Hooper vs Dan c. Wltzel. mo
tions to strike filed, with second amended
Carl Esmond Oordon vs E. M. Larsen,
dismissed on motion of plaintiff.
Claude W. Jorxenson vs Pioneer Trust
company and others, answer of Pioneer
Trust compsnr asklna te court to clarltr
terms of a will.
Oscar H. Loe vs B. J. and Ruth Klein
and Martha Klein, complaint seeking to
enjoin defendsnts from allegedly tre-spi
Inx on land leased br delendsnu
Probata Court
Marr Joan and Kenneth Ditchen. mi
nors, final account of Oladys Ditchen,
tuardlan, guardianship closed.
Oeorto WUllj Hetu estate, order con
flrmint ssle of reel property for 13000 to
Clyde McKlllop.
Cora M. Nash estate, closlnt order filed.
District Court
Contrtbutlnx to the delinquency of ft
minor. Dick Bakke. 3040 Laurel avenue,
waived preliminary examination, bail II,
000. 'iee Court
DlordTly roiwlurt ftirmond P. Duffy,
4M. IS. Ubtriy, fiDd 2i.
Drl vine under I hp influiv1 of ln'nil
cunt: Oforte Mvrr., Monmouth nntt
1 2. SO. 4rivr llcnv rcvikt! for an
yesr, 10 -day Jtl) term uprrxd.
NA triage Licenses
WfndMl iViitrom. 3B. irvof, tnd
Wilirm V Wm:ee . 10, mtaurcnt wn
ir. both Detroit.
Ju!;d Nu on. 31, iiftortr tn1 Bettr
Oomw, IK, at hunt, both Aunuvul.
Wlllum Hi Birtr !tat f it m
plort. anrt S'flia Job Cat mo, JuaJ,
at udc dU toth fit . Ok.
Administrative Off!? Now Housed at Detroit Damsite
Top: New quarters for army engineers supervising construc
tion of Detroit dam. Col. J. W. Miles, resident engineer, has
his headquarters here. Below Administrative and engineer
ing offices of Consolidated Builders, once temporarily housed
at Mill City, have moved into this modernistic office build
ing at Detroit damsite.
To Extend Pole Line Port
land General Electric company
has been granted a county court
permit to extend a pole line
from Hawthorne and Monroe av
enue intersection for 2200 feet
along an unnamed road to mar
ket road 27.
Hearing Continued Hearing
on the matter of extension of
Brown avenue in the Middle
Grove area has been continued
by the county court to Decern
ber 9.
To Arrange Meeting County
Judge Grant Murphy has been
directed by the county court to
arrange a further conference
between the court and city offi
cials on the question of the coun
ty assisting in the North Salem
drainage project by construction
of a culvert under Silverton road
and deepening a drainage ditch
2100 feet north from the cul
vert. Moving Building Kay Sim
mons, 2235 Trade street, has
been granted a permit by the
county court to move a one-story
20x30 building from Center and
Lancaster about three blocks
north on Lancaster drive.
Infants Taken Home Leaving
the Salem Memorial hospital
with recently born infants are
Mrs. Marston Leek, 1130 Vista
avenue and daughter; Mrs. Or
val Bilyeu and son, Mehama, and
Mrs. Milton Roten and daughter,
Nohlgren Is Home August H.
Nohlgren, 345 Salem Heights
avenue, who fell at his home Oc
tober 13, was able to leave the
Salem Memorial hospital Sun
day and is now t home.
Rotary Luncheon Dr.
George D. Hocking, head of the
department of romantic lan
guage at Willamette university,
will speak on the subject "A Few
Observations on Paris and Lon
don, Politically and Socially,"
during Wednesday's luncheon of
the Salem Rotary club.
Mrs. Freeman Phipps'
Funeral Tuesday
Funeral services will be held
at the Virgil T. Golden chapel
Tuesday at 2 p.m. for Mrs. Daisy
E. Phipps, resident of Salem for
23 years, who died at a local
hospital Saturday.
Born In Illinois in 1R73, Mrs.
Phipps was graduated from the
St. Cloud Normal school in Min
nesota an dtaught school in that
state until her marriage in 1900
to Freeman Phipps. She was su
perintendent of the primary
Sunday school at Jason Lee
Methodist church for many
years and was active in the af
fairs of that church.
Surviving besides her hus
band arc a daughter, Mrs. Fred
crick Klaus of Salem: a brother.
John L. Waller of Prosser,
Wash., and two grandchildren
Scio The Munkcrs Com
munity club met at the home of
Mrs. David Potts. A community
"get-together" is planned for the
evening of December 2. to be at
the school house. Rodger Cain
will show films and refresh
ments will be served.
U.N. Voles
( Continued from Page 11
3. The fate of Eritrea will be
further studied by a five-nation
commission that will report back
to the U. N. next year. Ques
tions of partition, annexing part
or all of it to Ethiopia, or of in
dependence have not been set
Soviet Bloc Opposes
A Catholic-Moslem bloc of
Latin American and middle
eastern nations hammered out
the compromise solution in a
small working group, got it
adopted by the political commit
tee 50 votes to Ethiopia's lone
negative in the political commit
tee, and carried it up to the
final voting stage today.
The Soviet bloc opposes the
majority, solution, demanding
quicker independence for Libia,
and short cuts to freedom for
Somaliland and Eritrea. It had
no chance of carrying its point,
based on the decisions in the 59
member political committee,
where it abstained on the final
Russia, Ethiopia and Liberia
have voiced fears of Italy's re
turn in any authoritive role to
Africa. But Italy herself, the
United States and Britain, and
the Latin American nations all
have expressed their belief that
the new Italy has abandoned
any idea of future aggression.
About 330,000 British and
French troops were evacuated
to England in the epic allied re
treat from Dunkerque in May.
$L 'ftm.
ski art iu hiticu. aamrr. vt am vtirut tiammt
rv Pvtt Ca4tM Csafw Wt ItVw As? G W (hfitni, Sk W $
Oflirial Campaign Poster Now On III-play Usable clothing,
wearable shoes, and bars of soap arc requested in Salem, to
be shipped overseas for free distribution to needy, regardless
of race, creed, or color. Donations may be made from now
through Sunday at St. Joseph's church, or St. Vincent Dc Paul
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21, 1949 8
Sfsrr Funeral
Sel Tuesday
Full American Lesion ritua
listic services will be held in
connection witli final rites for
Sephus W. Starr. 51, comman
der of Capital Post No. 9 and
chief of the bureau of audits and
accounts for the office of secre
tary of state.
The services will be held from
the W. T. RiRdon chapel at 1:30
o'clock Tuesday with interment
in the mausoleum. Rev. George
Swift, rector of the Episcopalian
church and chaplain of Capital
Post No. 9. will officiate with
the final rites also in charge of
the American Legion.
Starr died suddenly a few
minutes after 7 o'clock Satur
day morning at his home at
1624 N. 20th street.
All members of the American
Legion who attend the services
are requested to wear their of
ficial caps. Both pall bearers and
a majority of honorary pallbear
ers are past commanders of the
Active pallbearers will be
Robin D. Day. Brazier C. Small,
Ira Pilcher, B. E. Owens, Law
rence Osterman and Chns. Hus-
gins. The honorary pallbearers
are Governor Doufilas McKay,
Secretary of State Earl Newbry,
State Treasurer Walter Pearson,
Supreme Court Justice E. M.
Page, Circuit Judge Rex Kim
mel, Superintendent of State Po
lice H. G. Maison, William
Healy, assistant secretary of
state; Carl Gabrielson, head of
the motor vehicle division of the
secretary of state's office; State
Senator Allan Carson, O. E.
Palmatecr, Claude McKinney,
George Averett, Arthur Johnson,
Fred Gahlsdorf. John A. Olson
and Ed Keech, the latter a room
mate of Starr's while at the
University of Oregon. Newbry,
Pearson and Healy are the others
not past commanders of the post.
Supreme Court
Continued from Page 1)
The court today took this ad
vice and dismissed Eisler's case
with a brief order. It noted that
Justices Douglas and Clark took
no part in the action.
In other matters today, the
1. Agreed to say whether the
U.S. district court here proper
ly dismissed government anti
trust charges against the nation
al Association of Real Estate
Boards and the local real estate
board. The lower court held that
it is no more of a law violation
for real estate men to agree on
commission rates than it is for
union members to agree on the
minimum wages they will work
Patent Office Upheld
2. Upheld, 6-2, the United
States patent office in its 1945
disbarment of Vernon M. Dor
sey, 80 year old Washington, D.
C. patent lawyer for submitting
a "ghost written" article in a pa
tent application. The tribunal
overturned the U.S. court of ap
peals here, which had branded
the disbarment proceeding as an
example of "bureaucratic lynch
3. Held, 6-2, that Georgia
courts should give Richard J.
Brown a trial of his $5000 dam
age suit against a railroad.
Brown, a brakeman, sued as the
result of injuries suffered when
he fell after stepping on a large
clinker. Georgia courts threw
out the case on the grounds that
the presence of the clinker in a
railroad yard could not be con
sidered negligence on the rail
roads part.
The winter temperature at
Verkhoyansk in eastern Siberia
lometimes falls to 90 degrees
below Zero (Fahrenheit).
( Continued from Page 1
First official acts of Moisan
when he took over as mayor
were to take the lead bringing
Gervais electricity and its own
water works. Later when he was
a member of the school board
Gervais established the first un
ion high school in Marion coun
ty. Moisan Is survived by a son.
Benjamin Moisan of San Ber
nardino, Calif.; brothers, G. T.
Moisan and F, A. Moisan, both
of Salem, Lou Moisan of Alham-
bra, Calif., F. R. Moisan of
Marshfield, and Fred A. Moisan
of Portland, and two sisters,
Mrs. Rose Nash of Salem and
Mrs. Agnes Nys of Brooks.
Recitation of the rosary will
be held Tuesday night at 8
o'clock in the W. T. Rigdon
chapel here. Funeral services
will be held Wednesday at 9:30
a.m. in the Gervais Catholic
church. Interment at Belcrest
Memorial park.
CVA Rearing
i Continued from Pape 1
This would throw the propos
ed visit into a time that politics
will be boiling in both Washing
ton and Oregon. It is understood
to be Chavez's wish not to hold
the hearings during a political
campaign so as to avoid getting
politics involved in the issue.
In such a contingency the on- .
ly thing that could be done
would be to postpone the hear
ings until after the elections
next November. That would de
lay getting the proposal before
congress until the 82nd congress
convenes in 1951.
Neither Senator Magnuson
(D-Wash.) nor Senator Cain
(R-Wash.) is in the capital. Mag
nuson is in Europe and Cain is
touring his home state. Both
have insisted that the committee
hold hearings in the northwest
to get the opinion of persons
not able to make the trip to
Both Oregon senators are op
posed to the administration bill.
Another thing that must be de
termined before the committee
goes west is where the hearings
will be held. Tentative sched
ules which named certain town
brought immediate objections
from other towns.
Trustees Clash
( Continued from Page 1)
The miners have been work
ing this summer and fall with
out a contract. About $13,000,
000 was collected since June 30
and Bridges, fearinf his rctnnn.
sibility as a trustee in the ab
sence of a contract, voted against
using that money.
Lewis has argued that the ho.
nefits should be kept up, even
if it means spendine the summer-
The senator has asked for a
court accounting in order to quit
us a trustee. Bridges in the past
18 months has voted with Lewis
in most thines. He slrteH with
the UMW chief in deciding to
cut off all but emergency pay
ments on Sept. 16. It was three
days later that 480,000 hard and
soft coal miners walked out.
The bituminous coal miners
cast of the Mississippi were idle
ior 3.5 aays, until Lewis called
a truce on Nov. 9. That truce ex
pires Nov. 30.
School Census Taken Ther
are 364 children between the
ges or lour through 19 years in
school district 11-C at Aums
ville, accord in e to the.
completed by Mrs. P. B. Collins
clerk of the district Girls out
number boys 165 to 199.
Mrnday, November 21
ath engineers and 409th quar
termasters, Army Reserves, at Army
ltc.serve quomet huts.
Company B. 162nd infantry mrI.
mrnt and headquarters detach
ment, Oregon National Guard, at
Salem armory.
Ornanlzed Marine Corps Reservs
unit at Naval and Marine Corps
Unserve Training center.
Headquarters and headquarters
company 6. 2 2nd engineer construc
tion training group. Army Reserves,
at Army Reserve quonset huts.
Capital post No. . American Le
'lion. 'I'ut'sday, November 2?
Marlon county chapter, Reservs
Olfiecrs association.
8:)4ih Army Postal Unit, at Army
Reserve quonset huts
Third battalion. 413th Infantry,
Armv Reserves, at Army Rcservt
quonset huts.
Fry Graduate
rort Ueniiina. Oa Pvt Richard
O. Pry. son of Mr. and Mra. Earl
Pry of 673 Piedmont avenue West
Salem, cw, was graduated recent
ly from Die Airborne course of tha
infantry school.
On rss Curtis
Two men from this area are
amoiiff those serving aboard the
'enplane tender USS Curtis one of
the units of Vice Adm. Gerald P.
lioean's western task force.
lhe two are Seaman Dale Thom
i Netland. USN son of Mr anrl
Mrs.. Mvron Netland of Lebanon
and Chief Yeoman Walter Ray
mond Walson. USN. s.n of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Thomas Watson
t route t Hubbard
Card of Thanks
We greatly appreciate and
thank all our friends for their
sympathy and kindness and flor
al tribute during our recent lost
of husband and father. Mrs. F.I
va Coons and family. 277'