B-29 Rescue Plane Survivors Agree Escape 'Miraculous' up. Pearson said. "It was hor- Stayton High School Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21, 1949 3 rible." Ruins Being Cleared Stayton Work of demoli here, has resigned to accept sim ilar duties in Stayton. The change is effective December 1. Jordan was on the Albany po lice force for several years ba fore coming here. The B-29, based as Roswell. N. M., came here to join the huge search for another miss ing B-29 ditched near Bermuda tion of the ruins of the Stayton 6ft Tampa, Fla., Nov. 21 W. Four airmen who survived when their B-29 crashed into Tampa Bay Friday agreed that their escape was "miraculous," but all were grief stricken because they were unable to save their five buddies who perished when high schpol gym, which was destroyed by fire the night of October 26, is well under way. The contract was awarded a group of men who made the lowest bid, and the contract oils for clearing away every thing except the concrete piers and the sidewalk. The bidder also has the right to all salvage. On the job are Eldon Weitman, Gene Germeau and Willie Col lins. with 20 men aboard. It was ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 taking off to join the hunt when it crashed. the plane fell. The airmen were all veterans of World War II. They said their nine-man crew had been flying together for a year with out a previous accident. Staff Sgt. James L. Hendricks over the right wing," Pearson of Olden, Tex., 27, a radar scan ner, said he also could "feel that said. Like the other survivors. Pearson was in the rear of the plane when it fell. He made his the crash was coming." The survivors suffered shock, but only minor scratches and way out of the wreckage bruises. Capt. Neil Pearson, 32, of Mc Keesport, Pa., the crews radar operator, said he "thought we were gone when I saw flames in the engine. "A soon as we hit, I saw an orange streak of flame spread through the rear escape hatch. The radar operator said he Dunkcrque, France, was once ceded to Oliver Cromwell of England In return for the use of his cavalry. Shortly there after, it was repurchased by France. ran across the mud flats toward the wrecked front portion of the plane. "I got within 25 yards of the plane to try to rescue the rest when the gas tank blew Police Chief Resigns Scio Howard Jordan, who has been serving as police chief ji ms.iCmis' my tHiJMifmwm 1 i Polk County Landmark Doomed Old White covered bridge spanning the Little Luckiamute near Fern's corner on the Kings Valley highway will soon be replaced by 182 foot concrete bridge under state contract. Only two covered bridges will then remain in Polk county. People Asked To Give Thanks Governor Douglas McKay is sued a proclamation Saturday officially setting Thursday, Nov. 24, as Thanksgiving day in Ore gon. The proclamation follows: In the noble custom of thla tKtuttful Jnd of ours. Than Itsgl vint Ur bring with It the pleasure ol counting the ble&s lnaa of b year Howlnc toward a cloe and of voicing worahip our appreciation to Cod for those manifold kindnesses. It has been a memorable year and In Oregon It has been the second most aus picious In the economic history of in? Commonwealth. The abundance of larm and factory has stood for a h lit her stan dard of livlna. not only tn this country of beneficent miftht and plenty but tc the faraway millions with wiiom we nave shared our wealth in an unerring oemm stratton of the spirit of Thanksgiving. We have built for contentment at nome and for increasing harmony abroad in the months of this year. We must stay strong for the uncertainties of the futre by conserving our natural resources, by continuing to exert our personal re sources of devotion, loyalty and dtlllitence and by protecting the freedom so essen tial to a way of life that has become a model and Inspiration to all persons of good will. I Douglas McKay, Governor of the Stat of Oregon, being moved by the sig nificance of the foregoing truths and act ing by the authority in me vested, do here by proclaim Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November, In the year of Our Lor one thouAiind nine hundred and forty nine, as Thaniuttivmc Day tor Oregon, u be observed as a public holiday. i May the people of Oregon do homace l to God in their homes and churches thle I Thanksgiving day. May they honor the state and country they love by dlsplayinii I the flag. And may they resolve again no apply themselves even more zealously to : the task of perpetuating a great heritage. In witness whereof. I have hereunto wt I my hand and caused the Seat of the State : of Oregon to be affixed. Commies Charged With Plundering Art Berlin, Nov. 21 (P) East Ger man communists were accused in the west Berlin press today of plundering the Soviet zone's art treasures on an organized scale. The British-licensed newspa per Telegraf said socialist unity (communist) leaders in all five eastern states are appropriating valuable tapestries, paintings, china, and rugs. A personal diary of Germany's greatest poet, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, turned up in the party headquarters at Weimer after being reported stolen, the newspaper said. V SPECIAL! Salem's Largest Selection of UNPAINTED FURNITURE Hardwood 3-D RAWER CHEST 15"x22"x29" YOUR CHOICE VANITIES DESKS WARD ROBES CHESTS' TABLES STOOLS BEDS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN HUTCH NITE STANDS STOOLS BOOKCASES RECORD CABINETS' END TABLES WALLPAPER SALE Reduction Many Patterns To Choose From ri Mi t wilt ill day lr THIRTY MINUTE FLOOR LACQUER A tough snd durable costing for ill wood snd cement floors, linoleum, porchet, lief, furniture, woodwork. CjrwKti, OallMU, ennui. PAINTS Maku lin.l.wm ty Hot gretM, dirt snd mint won't touch your linoleum when it'i nniihed with Lin-O-Bone. OalUns R.d.WOOdROW CO, GIL WARD, prop. 4 from Penng J wut Mm brld of Thrifty (Gifts AT PENNEY'S ... A WORLD OF 100 W0OL t " "Jf SU you Stf VVeU vvu' V, 14 " -' A r ' . 9 1 SPREADS . . 1 SPREADS TOWELS ftjy i 1 J JM IIS V l i ZirilJ I BEAUTIFUL MULTICOLOR CHENILLE SPREADS f Designed especially for f Christmas giving . . . and Jtf priced with your budget in mind! Penney'i took this tfjj 5 lovely traditional holiday C blossom and had it worked f 1 in all iU rich color on thick- IVJJ S? tufted chenille. Pick It In ? color (come see our big f choice) or in snowy-white. B t It If COMES IN ALL THESE LUSCIOUS DESORATOR COLORS: BLUE ROSEDUST GREEN WHITE get snuggle - down deep warmth. lovely to look at "decorator" colors (not one, not two but nine mellow shades). And because you shop with cash, carry your blankets with you, thrifty Penney't can pare the price way down to a low, sensible $8.90! And you share the sav ings! 72"x90". Weighs 314 lbs. GERANIUM RED YELLOW GRAY MULBERRY ORCHID 8.90 VALUE-PACKED MEZZANINE... .TOWELS... SHEETS ft WOVEN PLAID JACQUARD SPREADS it Bold blocks of bright color make these rayon and cotton jacquord spreads attractive and right for Christmos! Now at Only 5.90 SOLID COLOR CHENILLE SPREADS 6.90 Thickly tufted new Chenille in many soft pastel shades. PLAIN COLORS OR WHITE Lovely pastels, the very same towels ond wash cloths that she hos admired in magazines. Bath Towels 1.39 Hand Towels 69 C Wash Cloths 25 C BOXED TOWEL SETS For holiday gifts, these boxed towel sets in bright plaids are tops! Two bath, two hand towels, two matching washcloths. Come in and set them at only . . . mm Ji.tiO 1.89 "MR. AND MRS." TOWEL SETS Distinctive, Attractive. Just the Thing or a Gift! Boxed for easy handling. Come in today for yours . 2.98 SHEETS "NATIONWIDE" BRAND PENNEY'S FAMOUS NATIONWIDE SHEETS, ARE TOPS IN VALUE! SUPERIOR QUALITY 132 THREAD COUNT FABRIC NOW FOR ONLY . . . Size 81x108 1.89 Size 81x99 ....... 1.79 Size 72x99 1.69 "PENCO" QUALITY SHEETS ..THE SMOOTHEST, FINEST QUALITY SHEET.. AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE! Size 81x108 2.39 Shop Penney's Every Friday Night Until 9 p.m. 9 i NO WONDER PENNEY'S IS FAMOUS FOR BLANKETS! HERE IS A BIG PENNEY VALUE! S MEZZANINE I I is Size 81x99 2.19 Size 72x108 Oj -ji Size 63x108 1.98 USE PENNEY'S CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN SHOPPING DAYS LEFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS! BUY YOUR GIFTS NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE! i I i I 1 1 t5 I hi 15 63 SHOP AT PENNEY'S FOR CASH . . . CARRY MORE GIFTS HOME! 3