Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21, 1949
Peacemaker Stops a Haymaker Peacemaker (between
puglists) takes an unappreciated haymaker on the schnozzle
as opposing factions in the National Maritime Union express
their opinions at a general membership meeting in New York.
The intra-union squabble centers around dismissal of 14
union officials by top executives of the NMU. (Acme Tele-photo)
Noronic Master
Loses License
Ottawa, Nov. 21 VP) Justice
R. L. Kellock today ordered sus
pension for one year of the li
cense of Capt. William Taylor
of Sarnia, Ont., master of the ill
fated cruise ship Noronic.
A 99-page report on the disas
ter has been delivered to Trans
port Minister Lionel Chevrier
for presentation to the house of
commons later today. The Noro
nic burned at her pier in Toron
to Sept. 17, with a loss of li9
The suspension order was
contained in an accompanying
Uirief judgment delivered by
Justice Kellock in the Canadian
supreme court.
One hundred and eleven of
the dead have been identified.
Hogg Judge at
Chicago Show
Ronald V. Hogg, Route 8, Sa
lem, is leaving Wednesday for
Chicago where he will judge
Hampshire sheep at the Interna
tional Livestock Exposition,
America's largest livestock
He was one of the sheep Judg
es at this year's Pacific Inter
national Livestock Exposition in
Portland and has acted as Judge
at two Oregon State Fairs.
Since graduating from Ore
gon State college in 1923 he has
been floekmaster of the R. W.
Hogg & Sons sheep, one of the
noted Hampshire flocks in the
U. S. At the San Francisco Ex
position in 1939 the Hogg flock
won the coveted Silver Plate
awarded to the champion pen of
nine Hampshire ram lambs
For the past 10 years Hogg has
been on the board of directors
of the American Hampshire
Sheep association and last year
served as president of the Ore
gon Purebred Sheepbreedcrs association.
Accompanying him on the trip
will be Kenneth McCrae, Dor
set sheep breeder of Monmouth,
and Charles Buffim, sheepman
of Junction City.
Amity Mrs. Iva White of
Portland was a guest of her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Glandon, last
Sales Are Successful
Aurora Net proceeds of the
Presbyterian Ladies Aid bazaar
exceeded $80. Proceeds of the
"white elephant" auction spon
sored by the Aurora Lions club
amounted to more than $180
and will be used to augment the
recreation fund to establish a
regular recreation program for
Aurora youngsters.
Right Toys for Children Found
In Age and Growth of Child
This Christmas, give your child "not one great slather of
carelessly bought toys but a balanced diet of adequate tools of
play," urges Laird S. Goldsborough in a Report to Consumers in
the December Reader's Digest.
"The adult achieves by an activity called work; the child is
constantly achieving and grow-
ing by an activity called play,'
Goldsborough says.
"Toys are the tools of play. It
is not what the toy does or how
much it costs that counts, but
what the child does creatively
with the toy.
Mechanical toys, for instance
are fine for older children but
not for very young ones, accord
ing to child specialists. All the
play is in the toy," they state.
"whereas it should be in the
Recommended for infants are
plastic rattles (some are easy on
adult ears), water toys such as
celluloid ducks and fish, and a
new and popular item called
"Baby See" a round, unbreak
able mirror set in a washable,
chewable frame.
Color is important for the in
fant ages and for children up to
two years old. Bright red and vi
vid yellow are better than "baby
blue" or "baby pink."
Good for one- to two-year-olds
are wooden floor trains (with
out wheels), large beads strung
on heavy string, any soft cuddly
toy such as the Teddy Bear and
toys making jingles and rhyth
mic sounds.
The physical and mental vigor
of the two- to four-year group
call for trucks, wagons and sim
ple puzzles. At this age, boys as
well as girls may be encouraged
to play with dolls, the author
Creative toys and games are
in order for children of four to
six. Cash registers, telephones
scales and other things for play
ing store are recommended. Gar
dening activities, if only in a
window box, should be encour
Drawing and painting should
get attention at this age, but
child specialists frown on the
books with outline drawings to
be filled in with crayons. "The
drawing is so much better than
any child can do that it discour
ages creative effort."
Large square and oblong
blocks are highly recommended
for children of five years and
up. These can be made out of
scrap two-by-fours by any dad
possessing a square, a saw and
Other "raw material" toys are
smooth boards for seesaws,
wrapping paper in big sheets for
smearing with finger paint, and
parents' old hats, clothes and
shoes. "Dressing up is one of
the best forms of social play."
Buy that electric train for the
boy from six to ten. These are
the ages, too, for Meccano and
Erector sets, and for the first
baseball and bat and other
equipment for outdoor sports.
For girls in this age group;
more elaborate doll houses and
kitchen equipment.
Pension Clubs
Have Election
Delegates to the state council
to be held in Eugene December
18, and district members of the
state council were elected at an
all day meeting Sunday of
Townsend clubs of the first con
gressional district. The meet
ing was at Mayflower hall.
In the afternoon program the
main speaker was E. L. McDon
ald of Portland, state organizer,
and saxophone selections were
given by Dwight and Meredith
Roe of Salem.
Delegates to the state council
are: Maude Morlan, James Mat
thew, E. J. James and S. L.
Elected members nf h .into
council were: Lula Kiehl, C. H.
Mahany, Maude Morlan, C. H.
Harbaueh and Anna Arnnlri nil
of Salem; M. S. Cunningham of
Woodburn; James Matthew, St.
Helens: F. L. Snoderass and E
J. James. Portland: Frank Ves
tal, Newberg; Mabel Mullan and
S. L. Mullan, Milwaukie.
Another meeting of the dis
trict council will be held De
cember 18 in Salem.
Henry Jaquef Shows
Winter Craler Picture
One of the interesting persons
in Marion county is Henry Ja
quet, Silverton farmer, who fol
lows art painting as a hobby.
Mr. Jaquet, 81 years old now.
has painted numerous pictures of
Oregon scenery. His latest is a
winter scene of Crater lake.
Another interesting thing
about Mr. Jaquet is that practic
ally every brick in Salem's City
hall went through his hands
when the building was under
construction 36 years ago. He
was employed in the brick yard
near the penitentiary where the
brick were being made, and per
sonally handled thousands of
them every day.
Typhoon Due
Manila, Nov. 21 W) The
weather bureau said today a ty
phoon with winds up to 90 miles
an hour would pass about 200
miles north of Luzon Island ear
1 tomorrow. The typhoon was
moving west northwest at 10
miles an hour.
35622 or 35606
For Your Load of
Howard J. Smalley
Oil Co. 1405 Broadway
I've Become a
Dessert Magician
9:00 P.M.
Electric Auto Fan
Adjustable 5.95
Id vol for winter when used with ear
heater. Keeps vapor off windshield,
prevents fogging. 3 rubber blades,
2 speed switch. Wise buyl
Reg. 2.69
Save 60c
You can't hold out much longer against winter
so winterproof right now save money ot
Sears. Complete oil changeover to ALLSTATE
compounded oil faster on the start, tougher
on the go, because it's 9 ways superior to just
regular oil. Drive in today. Change oil at Sears,
and save!
5 lb. Pressure Gun Grease 98
Sure, all-winter protection against a freeze
up. Won't boil away; special ingredients pro
tect against rust clogging. Drive in today for
Sears winterproofing save!
ALLSTATE Methanol Type ANTI-FREEZE FILL 1 .09 1 gal-
'mr - , Hi.r !! trawll..titi
Plastic Seat Covers
long-weortng; Low-priced
Coach & Sedan )A QC
Deluxe heavyweight woven plostk wMi
vinyl artificial leather trim. Choice o
pattern, colors. A reol valvel
Economy Car Radio
Silver torw Finer Reception
Exceptional Value 39.95
Hear favorite programs as yov ride,
now at lower cotrl Hear Its finer per
formance features. Pitt all cart.
Fine Car Heater
Improved Allstate Quality
NeutroJ Gray. . . 1545
Pott warn comfort priced to save) 6-m.
fan, dependable 6-ro motor dehvow
1 40 Co ft. of worm olr per mmwSe.
Beter-Rcbuilr Engines
An Old Engine From Car
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Short Block for Ford V-8 36-38
Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto owners! Re
power your car at Seors low prices. Trade in your old
engine regardless of condition. Have better, more de
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shown typical of new parts going into all ALLSTATE re
built engines.
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New 'Thin' Fog Light
5s 4 -in. Amber Sealed Beam
'ur" 7.96
reew "Thin" OetJan for easy At on of
oew end old cor, twit retoSowt. eVome
v?T''t" - - - qiy
Strap-On Chains
long-Wearing 98c p
Stuck? Strop on torn Allitot. Mr
chain and pull out in a jiffy! H.avy
taal link chaini wb (trap Willi
aiy fostenor.
Appleton Spotlight
Deluxe Qvolily liOO-ft. Beam
New low Prica . . 14.95
Ptrtjf Hme of Ifcm lem pftco. eVoes eeP
Plenty of Free Parking - Shop in Warm
Air Conditioned Comfort
PHONE 3-9191
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Family and friends say, Jk
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The answer is Reddi-wip. iMflfit
Made with pure, rich cream,
it "whips itself" at a finger's
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that makes exciting treats
out of simplest desserts like
Selatins, fruits, cakes, pud
ings. Keep Reddi-wip to
refrigerator. Use it daily.
From Your Milkman or Grocer "It Whips ItscX
When you smcke PHILIP MoRRISl
j- .. can prove
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In ust a tew
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i;-U un VOUr
A " ore sent brand
Everybody rarkj about PLEASURE, but
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That cigarette is Philip Morris!
Remember: less irritation means more pleasure.
And Philip Morris is the ONE cigarette proved
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