IS Capital Journal, Salem, CLASUI1BD ADVMTUINai Um 18 Per Lin I time ...40 Per Lin I tiro 40e Per UM 1 month $3 00 Outside of sla 15 per lis per ly Win. I0e: I time mlo. tot time mux. tiJta. No Refund READERS In Local News OoL Onlri lOe Pr tin To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES NICK LOCATION NORTH fllM 10M down - 150 per mo. New t bdrm. home. Living rm., bith, kitchen, nook, hardwood floors through. OU heat. fIS,. Very good 3 bdrm. horn. Witn stairway to attic. Living rm.. din tit, kitchen. Nice clean bsmt. Oil furnace. OUT WALLACE BD. M300. 3 A. nice view. 3 bdrm. home. 1 food smell chicken houses, garage, Iruit ft berries. Oood terms. V. Omer Huff Ml Ohameketa. Ph. iml or Ml'1 a!79- FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COUPLETS WTTO OARAOE. OUTSIDE PATIO PIREPLACE. PENCED IN BACK YARD. LAROE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA PRICED TO SELL. PH. 3-5348 OR 1-3734 e FOR SALE by owner ft builder: New 3 BR auburban home. Harawooa noon, ven. bllndi, automatic floor furnace. $7800. Terms. Ph. 38812. a277 tlt.m. CLKANmodern 4 bdrm. home En glewood Dlst. Fireplace. Pull basement, close to school. Immediate possession Liberal Terms. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 111 S. HI, li Phone 34111 m NEW t bdrm. PHA built, close to school. 1 block to bus. payed street. 910 Ford St. . 279- S.M ACRES on Pacific Highway North. , Has 3 bdrm. home, also new 3 bdrm. homo. Ideal for auto court and trailer park. Priced for quick sal. 113,200. , Term. . Call O. V. Hume with - STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 113 High 'J1 iiX A377 . film. LATE built 3 bdrm. home 8, HW v floors. Utility room. 10x23 garage. Lot 60x180. 11500 down. I 7M. FOUR Corners Dlst. rooms on one w noor. utility room, uaraga, ivuximi. tlSOO down. v SIMM. OOOD I Bdrm. horn on 8. High St. Pireplac. basement, garage, 92000 . down. Call O. V. Hume with - STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 193 B. High Phona 34121 a277 19M. NEW Modern 3 bdrm. home. N.E.. los to school. Oil furnace. Hardwood noor, tc. $950 down. 951 per month. "- PHA, no extra loan charges. Call Stanley Brown with " STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 193 High Phone 34131 e277 C DRIVE BT"177TN. 9th then call 3-7341 A. or 38942 If you are interested In buying trie best 7 bdrm. amaii nom in flaiem w for the prlc. 280 - fli.M. BEAUTIFUL Modern 3 bdrm, horn t all on on floor. Close to Salem High. - Auto oil furnace. 3 car garag. FHA loan. Immedlat possession. m. Call Stanley Brown with : STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 193 S. High Phon 34121 a271 I . BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floors. Wired for electric ranae. Electric water htr. Oil furnace. Flre- place, V. blinds. Pull casement. Insu- l a ted and weather stripped. Oarage. Near bus and stores. FHA available. Can borrow up to 19400 on this. 30 yrs. to pay. 3100 equity will handle. Full price. 99500. 2180 UNIVERSITY PHONE 3-5807 I 3B0 W OWNER Modern 3 bdrm. home. 1 yr. old, excellent condition, choice lot, Rea sonably priced as are moving out of j stat. Be at 90S Tryon Ave. a377 I"RM. HOME." Water heaterotl circu lator, sink cabinet included, wired for lee. heat. Nice restd. dist. Close to bus tns section. Ill Bo. 2nd St., Silver! nn. . Ph. 3-334. a30 $950 DOWN 19700 full Prlc. Easy monthly pay ments. Nice clean 3 bdrm. home all ready to mov In. Lane lot, near school ft store. ENGLEWOOD 110.350. A beautiful home with 3 nice bedrooms, full bsmt., oil furnace, Jinj lawn ft shrubs. The price U right. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Ph. 3-4129. s277 1015 RATCLIFF DRIVE New 3 Bed Room Home. Bungalow type. Living room la 14x32. rest of rooms are lood sire. Flreplsce, elec. nest, narowooa iioors, lots elosel apace. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pht). 3-4707 494 Court Very Distinctive , This is really an outstanding 3 RR home. , Large LR with thermo-pane windows for eomfort A besuly. 8,arloua bedrooms beautiful bath, modern Kitchen A utilit room, all electric, sit. aaraie. fine bis 1 landscaped lot. F.nilrwnod dlst. Owners need Isrirr home. Worth th asking prlc. Call BON CLE AMY. i Walter Musprave, R'ltor 1311 Edteweter. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-919 ' a3i PTRN. f RM. HniKE. 3 baths, garage. .l auto. heat. Insulation. Can use for 1 ' or 3 famillej. near school and bus. Ren.v , Consider trade. Ph. 2-5403. a379 ;,- FURNISHED v t bedroom plastered and Insulated house located est. FurnUhlnss in T tlud ranee and wahlne machine. 4 Mov right In for lt4M down. No. 381A ;'- 10 ACRES , bedroom home with basement Hard , . wood floors Beautiful yard Bnvm ,p Wrrie. filberts, family fruit. Paed road. 110 800. Will trad for 3 bed , room home in ntv. : UNUSUAL t bedroom home with den located norih ast. This home has many features not found in the ordlnsry house. Fire - Plata, patio, hardwood floors. llO.VKi No. 37 : SACRIFICE! On of Candslaria licit hm' mtwl beau tiful view lots. 73s no Street improie . Stents paid. Onl $S. No. 9)1 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE tftl South Hlsh Phone 3-97RS I . Bun.: t-1739. 4-3174, 3-IP05 377 PNOI K rfOOO "stpECI l 19354) with 11550 cash b; t H A. An st tractiv 3 bdrm. Is, llv . kit., dlnrtt. bath, auto, furnace, garage, fireplace. E. M. Hunter Real Estate , TTO B. Com'l. Ph. 3-4949 . 3-8497. i37l 3 BDRMS. 14550 All em floor, bath, tlv kit., tarare, be. lot. South. llMto rah bal. monthly O. 1. SPECIAL 95009 appraised I53M. has I room and bath, paved, close to bus. B. t. Saie.n. E. M. Hunter Real Estate . tTI t. Cm L Ph. t-4449 t-1491. Bill i Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER Brand new. Beautiful homo, 1371 so. ft.. 3 bdrms. with Ite. cists., living jooa 14x24. Roman brick fireplace, 1st. dm lm roca. kitchen with loU of built-ina, brkfit. nook, bdwd. fin. throuihout, full cement bsmt. Located In new dut. In outskirts of town. Lot 7Sil7S. Will sell thU horns for 19950. which la Icas than th vets' appraisal. Bring a builder with you. He will agree that this Is an exceptional! well-built home. Phone 3-1170. a277 Here Is Your Chance To bur a new 3 B R. home, hdw. firs., paved street, oil fir. furn. I960 down ft only 14 per mo.. Inc. tsxes ft Ins. GOING! GOING! Pins 3 B R. horn In excellent reslden tisl dlst. Owner has purchased property In Calif. ft is leaving Salem. Who will be the lucky one to get this? All newly decorated and ready to mov In. BURT PICHA, Realtors J 79 N. High St. Office: 3-3649 Eve.: 3-9390 or 1-7451 a377 FOR SALE LOTS UNOBSTRUCTED view lot on Kins wood Drive. 45x150. 11740. By owner, 3-1513 aa27l lit DOWN. SI5 MONTH with water electricity. Close to school ft bus. Beau- Uiui location. General Real Estate 355 Center Ph. 3-3389. aa278' FOR SALE FARMS Ivan B. Sutton, Broker By City Hall. Jefferson. Oregon Phone Jefferson 253 40 acres river bottom. All can be lrrlaat ed from river. 20 acres bean yard all ttt up. All equipment. Including 2 riding cultivators, tractor, plows and other misc. machinery. 7 room house, bsrn, garage and chicken house. Full price 812,500. Easy terms can be arranged. If you are looking for a paying proposi tion ana one mat win stand lnvest:g tlon, be sure and see this. Ownr has holdings elsewhere. b379 f7!W. IIH ACRES south, close to school. 2 bdrm. home, 3-car varan, poultry nouw, gsroeo space, oaiancc in orcnarc Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS FOR SALE ACREAGE $6500 33 acres. 3 BR house, view, good barn, creek, timber, fine garden. This plac Is .a real buy. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 390 N. High fit. Ph. 3-4129. bb279 It's A Steal Move right In mod. furn. house on paved niway, t ml. from stayton near Bantlam river. 8 A. best of soli. Oarage. Well for Irrigation. Terms. L. m. A Ism an, Rt, 1, Aumsvllla. Stayton Phone 183-R. bb277 lot ACRES. Wa Id port. Ore. Timber, springs, some cleared, orchard. 53500 cah. Ph. 2-7071. bt380 REAL ESTATE $800 DOWN A larae 3 bdrm. home with large living room St nice size dining room. 3 bdrms down. Larue bdrm. up. About 4 years old. Has a nice fenced In yard with lovely shrubs. A real buy at 18750. Only J 300 down. Bal. at 140 per month. Locntrd about l'k miles north of Salem. Se Mr Rawlins. NEAR HOLLYWOOD A real buy tor some one who wants a nlc home for the small price of 15300. In northeast Hollywood dlst. 3 bdrms near school. See Mr. lleins. 2 ACRES Located north on paved road. Fruit trees, berries, small barn, chicken house. ' land well tllrd. Believe It or not only I42u0. See Mr. Tlhhftl. 4 ACRES On of the finest acreages In Salem. 3 bdrm. home. Located northwest. Close In. Oood home with excellent out bldss. Beautiful landscaped. Can easily be resl place you would be proud to own. See Mr. Tlhbells. RAWLINS REALTY "HOLLYWOOD DIST." Office 3-4664. Eve. Mr. Rawlins 3-6013. Mrs. Hlens 3-7128, Mr. TIbbetts 3-74.16. e27 BEST BUYS $1000 DOWN 3 odrm. auburban, modern. Bom fin ish work to be done. Total price only 94950. Eve. ph. 2-7A74 or 3-35. $1500 DOWN Almost new. Appro. 1000 sq. ft. Un finished upstairs. Attached garage. Lee. lot North sat Enslewood. Well worth 19AM). Eve. Ph. 3-7874 or 3-3559. LESLIE Very well built older type home. Very close to Leslie St McKlnley schools. eull basement. 3 bdrms. Fireplace. Nice et ting. FH A. terms available. Total price only 19350. Eve. Ph. 3-7874 or 3-3551 98 ACRES Good seven room home. Approx. 40 acrea cultivated. LoU of timber. 9 large wal nut trees. School bus at front door. We consider this a very good buy for 113,300 Stock St equipment avallnble. Would trade tor eood grocery store. Eve, pli 3-9403 or 3-3:.Mt, $1000 DOWN 11 acres with all equipment. Modern outbuildings. Immediate pontteMiton. Owner leaving city. Would consider car as lo n pay mrn t Tot al prlc jn 1 197. SO. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-SJ59. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7920 or 3-4W1 :277 GOOD VALUES THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should pay half the I3.S00 by owner Hits a one-rootn house. Itvrnhle. on rood hlnhway 9 miles from etalem "nil Mr. ScdrrMrnm. ATTRACTIVE 4 room. 3 vr old home Close to bus. Price only 14850. Call Mr Voorhers. 3 RFHHOOMS OFFERED for the price of two. This lovely home has all modern conveniences. Including Dtipns-all and etec. dish washer, all Included In price or I94. Close to bus. Call Mr. Seder- strom. LOW DOWN PAYMENT, The difference between I he sale price of UJ.IWfl end the rHA commitment of 110.400 Is the onlv down payment required on this lovely 2 bedrm. home in new and mo dern district. House has everything in cluding automatic oil heating plant and tarse Int. Don t wait. Call Thelma or Mr Vrtorhrca CLOSE IN 10 Acres Suburban home. 3 hedrm. houc Oil furnace: 3 fireplaces. Bsrn: chicken houe. around stream. Lots of shrubs. Bom fruit. Call Mr. Voorhees. LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS 944 State St. Ph. 3-3893 Even in us call- Thelma, 3-9053, Mr. Voorhees. 3-4007. Mr. Srderstrom, 2-5319 377a 155 MO, 1NTFRFST Rrs.SOSUUE VALUE IN THIS 3 BR HOME ON IOT 501180 11E HF.ATFD UTILITY RM COMBINATION UV- lNo a- pinino room, fvd. st. WALKS I'll 2-ftn tio.500 FNtii.rwoon 11500 win handle. e believe this home hns the n'.ceM floor plan of any 3 BR hi-m w have seen In some time, La llv. im with flreplare. Ill 11 dining room, utility room, many bum-ins. .m medlata po..ton Ph 3-890. 8500. ACRE Many large fruit shad trees, full bml . d nine rm.. fireplace. 3 BR . lee unfinished unMair. ideally located 9 mi. to city limit. e.t Pi. 3-90. REAL HOMEY FULLY Insulated A weather stripped. 9 BR home. N.irih on pavement, prewar butlt. fun bawment. seml-fintshed at tic If you want a nic horn worth the money, see this one. It has an 19700 FHA commitment. Th 3-9880 Ed Lukinhral Real Estate 4SI N. HIOH EVI PH. 4-3339 - 8-3794 . f l? an REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Now Just $4800 Neat small horn, lara lot, hardwood floor. North. 3 Bedrooms Older Style Excellent location on Saginaw, tra larg lot. Part basement. 11500 down, full prlc 18500. Will Take in Lot as Part Payment On this neat 3-bedroorn bom with small chicken nous and 1 acr lsnd. Priced at 17300. Drive By and See New and attractive 3 bedroom horn located on 340 West Rural, oU floor furnace. HW floors. Lot si 10x230. 98500. Driv by then let us show you through. 4 Bedrooms Manbrin Gardens $9500 Needs some redecorating but a swell buy for th money. Plrcplaea, oil furnace, etc. Don't b sorry you missed It. New 3 Bedrooms Ranch Style See it before you buy. It's nlc, it's new and It has 3 bedrooms, larse lot, 1300 sq. ft. floor space. Northeast. 911,750 with FHA financing. Located on Madison Street Modern 3 bedroom horn with unfinished upstairs, basement, oil furnace, fireplace, etc. A well built horn In a good residential district. 113,500. Trailer House for Sale 18 ft. Silver Lark trailer house. 1947 model, sleeps 4 very comfort ably, fully equipped and in excellent condition. 9950. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 77 Court Street Phone 2-4111 . J-4111 Evenings: Henry 1-3633 - Warren 3-5998 Dan 3-5629 f279 GRABENHORST SPECIALS GOT A YEN We don't mean that this place can b bought with Japanese money, but it will fill a resl desire for a suburban home. Delightful 1 acres, summer house, pump house, chicken house, bsrn. corral, sprinkler sysiem, thousands of dollars in shrubs. Lovely home, carpeted from wall to wall in llv. rm.. din. rm., 1 bedrm. down, 2 bedrms. up. full bsmt., suto. oil heat, dbl. plumbing, kitchen and nook, garage. Prlc 122.000. CALL PETER OEISER. OWNER SAYS Reduce the prlc on my apartment house 13500. Now It is one of the best Investment buys In Salem, returning S440 per mo. Best location In No. 3 business zone. CALL ROY FERRIS. SACRIFICE Large 3 bdrm. home. llv. rm., 14x26 ft. with hdw. firs, and fireplace, full bsmt.. kitchen with nook, lge. yard. dbl. garage, on bus lln and close to Jr. High and grade schools. CALL EARL WEST. INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 3-0808 - Roy Ferris 2 -80 10 Peter Oeiser 1-9999 REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR SAVTXuS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examln security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5. We mak all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 1S3 8. High C WANTED REAL ESTATE MIDDLE WEST client wants best farm S 25.000 cash will buy. BURT PICHA .Realtors 379 N. High St. Office: 3-3649 Eve.: 3-5390 or 3-7451 ea277 WE ARE in need of good houses to sell In or near Salem, li you wisn 10 im your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-2471 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list it witn us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. caa EXCHANGE REAlESTATE 35 ACRE farm completely fenced. 10 acre of filberts, balance pasture wnn some timber St year round creek. Route 4 Sa lem located one mile north of Aums vllle. Will take small modern auburban home on Salem city bus Una as part payment. Phone 20998. cb278 RESORT PROPERTY NEW REACH home. Utilities. Motel site. Ocean view. Sacrifice cash, trad. Sa lem prop. Ph. 2-7071. CC280 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNl'slfALLT WELL built apartment n. propertv, 4 rentals. Near state house, east. Write box 282 Capital Journal. cd279 SPECIAL 6 nic rooms for owner plus 3 addi tional rentals Is offered in this extra fine property for only 125.000. Court St. location. For further Information or to see this call L. H. Ellis, broker, 3133 Oarden Rd. Ph. 3-123l. jd279 MOBILE Service Station for sale. Lo cated at corner of Fairgrounds St Jef ferson. Inquire at 150 Storta Ave. Cd279 DO YOU want your own business? If you have 93500 and are Interested tn own ing a nlte club business, write for In formation St particulars to Box 266 Capital Journal. cd2B0 TRAILER court. 6000. terms. By owner Chas H. Moore. 1739 N. Water St. cd277 n3.WWrT.ATE built 4-unlt court NE. on bus line. Income of 9270 per month. This court is In the very best of con dition. Shown by appointment mif Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. HUh Phone 3-4121. Cd277 GOING: BUSINESS for lease. Close to De troit dsm site. For complete informa tion call ED BYRKIT. Ph. 33101. Cd N. rOM'l. bldf i tn rns.. 113.000 By owner, terms. Ph. 3-9829. 5dl'"! ii" COM'L, store bld. & 9 Ht rm.. 17 or R owner, terms fh 2-9829 ed377 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves, until 9 P.M. MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL B P M. POMPT.ETR HOME FURNISHINGS LOWl.rT PRICES HIGHEST Ql'ALlTY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T PEAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d277 DR1.E. ROLL AW AY bed. walnut dining set, dressers, etc. 1343 Wilbur St. Ph. 3-9711. d377 WANTED FURNITURE I AM In need of a complete household of furniture ft appliances, will Buy au or part of what you have. Pay spot cash, huhest polM prtce. Bee or call Wll lard Pavmer, 1419 Alder Ave Ph 3-5944. Salem. da379 LARGE QUANTITY furn it ur wanted. We buy complete household furnishings If you ar moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. 1-8359 days. 1-44(17 eve. TRADER LOUIR 3055 Portland Rd da AUCTIONS COMPLETE 5 ROOMS Sells at Auction Tl'E4AY. NOV. 33, 7 39 PM. Glemvood Ballroom 149 Westlnahouse elec. ranee. 1949 Westlnehouse 1 ft. refrtg. 1943 auto. Bendit. 13x19 rue ft pad. 2-910 rue and pad. Sinter treadle sewing ma chine. Lovely davenport ft chair. Mas- i bed set. Poie rw of many ether items. See Tuesds elaj lifted. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 YF R DID flUFRN'SFT cow. 1 year eld Jersey-Ouernse. Both fresh middle of Jan. Also two IS-year-old Jersey Ouernsev heifers Rt. 9 boa 383. Salem. On Silvrrton highway near Little Pud ding river brldty. e271 BONDED AND llt'ENPD livestock euver B. C McCandiistt, 1127 S. 33. Pa. 9-817 3U I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK EIGHT BROOD Sowg to farrow January 10. One sow with six pigs, on month old; on large boar; fifty shoats weigh ing 70 to 100 pounds: will sell any or allPhone Salem 4-2425 evenings. e279 LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. T. Sne- men, ioau Lancaster ur. Ph. 31345. ea299 PETS SIAMESE KITTENS. Inquiries Invited. Mrs I. Kuck, 14026 S.E. Mill, Portland. Ore. ctSIO FREE CUTE puppies, 3 mo. old. 970 Ford ai. fa. j -50. ec292 FUEL 1" OLD rm. a rt. old fir. Arnold Phil lip,, dox 2,1, Turner. Ph. 1X2. ,,280 Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phon, 3-7721 ar 1-8A34 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD TOR rUHNACE At HEATER .,30: Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edelnt Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging 15.60 load Doubl 110.00 Also 19" Oreen Slab or V Phon 95333 EE1 WOOD FOR BALE, dry fir. 913 50 cord oat 915. Delivered. Ph. 334 Jefferson. ee279' CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dn Planer Ends k Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WOOD ft sawdust. Rea. Ph. R, W. Maker West Salem Fuel Co. It IN. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, ll-IN. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edg water St.. West Salem ei PHIL UPS BHOS Old fir, oak, asb ft maple, slab and edgings. Ph 31453 WALNUT shells tor sal. Klorfcia Packing uo.. tee w. rront. DRY 19" slab ft edging. Ph. 3-1458. ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY DRIED PRUNES. 1718 N. Winter. II278 33 CHRISTY Hampshire pullets, 7 mo. old. raying. Mane oner, k, q. cook. Rt, box 764, Liberty dlst. 1277 ORDER YOI'R Thanksgiving turkey. Hoi onoecRs Turgey rarm. Fh. Oervau 3333. Box 31. Brooks. 1278 YOt'NG TURRET, corn fed. also chick ens. Dovw Sstter. 3260 Lancaster Dr Ph. 25708. f279 YOUNG fat hen. 325 Hollywood Ave. Ph 2-584)3. 1279' NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Foi Hatchery, 3830 Stat St. Ph. 34989 V !RDuCE GOOD YOUNG locker beef. Half or whole 30c lb. Ph. 3-9147. ff279" CHOICE APPLES. A. C. SairagatTrVace.v da. Ph. 3-1344. If377 EASTERN ALFALFA by ton or truck load. Aciaress ins s. istn. pn. 2-1933. mil HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: Man between an 13-44 yrs. for delivery and service work by a hardwire and furniture store located 30 miles from Salem. Stat experience and ref erences. Box 281, Capital Journal. ia278 at HELP WANTED FEMALE POSTING CLERK, some bookkeeping knowledge ft typing exp. nec. See Mr. Clark, commercial Credit Corp., 460 N. Church. gb379 WANTED:" Woman, sees 39 tn'ss. Hourly wage, old reliable firm. 349 N. Com mrrclal, Rm. 39, Apply 9 t 11 am. 0393 WANTED women nut aheller. AU sinter work. 460 N Front Klorfln Packmc Compan b EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OPPTTB AND Cl-ERTOAL POSITIONS 1., t.t, ptrMt Phnn. I-IIM (f WANTED POSITIONS EXP. WOM4.N wants" housekeeping cook. ine. la or eut of Sal em. Ph. 9-3191, Rm 143. hl?7 TH.NKGIV1Nn DINNERS eoooked In my home. Delivered. Ph. 3-4700 h379 GRAD. NUR9fT middle a led ft adaptable win rare for elderly person or Invalid Your horn. Ph. Monmouth 107. h!79 CARPENTER WORK wanted, ph. I-14VI W4HIn and TYPING I , cjeaa reliable B37T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Investors Here Is Your Chance WE HAVE AN 19 UNIT AUTO COURT 9 TRB. OLD. IN TOP SHAPE. ALL THE WAV THROUOH. OVER 700 FOOT FRO NT AO I ON 99E, JUST SOUTH OF SALEM. 10 HOUSEKEEPING APTS-. 9 SLEfPINO APTS-. COMPLETELY FURNISHED WITH ALL FINE FURNITURE UTILITY UNIT. 3 SEPAR ATE 5-RM. HOUSES, WITH ELECT. STOVES AND REFRIO'S., BASE MENTS. THERE IS ALSO BLACKTOP IN FRONT AND A STREET BORD ER I NO THE PROPERTY ON ALL SIDES. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF ROOM FOR EXPANSION THIS PROPERTY IS NETTING BETTER THAN 13i. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE ONE OP THE FINEST COURTS IN THE WEST. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office: 2-8629 Home: 8-7163 191 S. High St. A. A Larsen, Realtor WANTED SALESMEN SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL THE TOP LINE OF APPLIANCES GOOD REMUNERATION TO ENERGETIC MEN WHO LIKE TO SELL IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY R. L. ELFSTROM CO., 340 COURT ST. WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTING. Ph.3-6822. 1.3 COOKING- nd light housekeeping convalescing mother with Infant. 3-8193. h273 CARPENTER work. New. repair. Pb. 3-2093 h291 STEEL Ouitar player wants to contact good standard player to practice with, will Join good Western bano. Lots of lead guitar and vocalist back ground. Write to Ernie, 1330 Candlewood Driv;, Salem. Ore. T277 CARPENTER. Let s remodel ft repair be fore holidays. Good work. Reasonable. Ph. 28226. h279 CH1LDREN taken care of In my home. By hour or day. Ph. 3-9669. iai s. Capitol. h278a CHILD care by day or hour. 1090 N. 18th. h277 WASHINGS ft IRONINGS wanted. 13.50. Ph. 4-3519. h278 EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, er a drain-board that leaks? If so call th trouble shooter. Ph 3-5833. h292 BABYSITTING by adult. Ph. 28741. h29T TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h286 TYPING and baby sitting eves. Exp. ft re liable. Ph 3-7854. D284" BABY SITTING. Phone 20580. REFRIGERATION SERVICE ft Electric Appliance repair. All wdrk guaranteed Ph. 3-6941. h277 Mimeographing-Typing TREE WORK, topping, trim minx, remov ing, ins. op. Work guar. w. a. ucahis ter. 340 Trade. Ph. 2-1499. h287 PAINTING, Interior ft ext. Ph. 3-3979. h288 HOUSE RAISING, foundation, concrete work. Kiang Bros., rn. 3-3:02. naoo NANCY'S Nursery. Day or br Ph. 2-4940. IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 3 p.m. h280 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h279 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 3-4850 FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN. HftC water. Heated. 123.50 per mo. 858 Center. Jk282 PLEASANT sleeping room for man. 1030 Norway. Ph. 2-4547 after 9 p.m. Jk230 HEATED sleeping rooms. In good location. 795 NWlnter St.. Ph. 3-5539. JkZBO" 3 RMS. with board for men in comfort- able home. Ph. 2-1028. Jk280 CLOSE IN room for clean employed man. 540 S. Liberty. Jk27B" SINGLE SLEEPING rm 472 N. Liberty. Jk278 HEATED SLEEPING rooms lor men. Dou- e ft single. 385 N. 14th. Jit 278 NICELY furn. bedroom clone in. Kit. prlv., No drinkers. 696 N. Cottage. Pb. 3-9430 Jk277 SLEEPING RMS. 13 Wk. 393 N. 14th. 3-9058 JH294 ROOMS. IDS 8. Cottage. Ph. 37817. Jk392' ROOMS to rent by the week or month. Very reasonable. Howl Salem. Ph 3-3161. Jk277 NICE SLEEPING RM. Garage. Ph. 3-7558 Jk393 MEN'S WABM sleeping room. Prlv. ent Ph. 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. JK3TS' ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow's ik27f HOLLYWOOD. 2033 McCoy. Ph 3-6093. Jk2B3 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE 3 RM. unfurn. apt. Elec. beat. Lots of built -Ins ft closets. Close In. S65. Ph. 3-1994 or see at 656 Ferry St. after 3 p.m. JP279' I RM. and kitchenette furn. apt. Private entrance. Near state house. Adults on ly. 332. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 3-4419. . jpiTit LARGE 3 rm. apt. Outside ent. Clean, auto. heat. Everything furn. 160. Call 670 N. Church. Jp279 CLEAN, QUIET. WARM 1 rm. apt. Middle aged lady preferred, 645 Ferry. Jp279 CLEAN, SMALL furn. apt. 350 S. Cottage. JP277- SMALL I ROOM apt. HftC water, elec. ranee, refrlg., ft heat. (37.30 mo. 535 N. Winter. Jp277 CLEAN 8 RM. furn. apt. Prlv. ent. ft prlr. Dam. Pn. 3-6004 )P373 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. Elec. stove. refrlg., laundry facilities. Prlv. ent. Utilities Included at 16333. Hollywood dtst. Ph. 3-4878. JP279 NEW 3 RMS. ft bath, partly furn. 1047 Madison. jp379 NICELY FURNISHED large 2-rm. apt. 165. Ambassador Apt.. 550 N. Summer. JpZBO 3 RM. APT. Private bath and entrance. ' t. irom bus and stores. Adults. 733 13th. JP378 t RM. APT. partly furn. ChUd excepted. 399 Mission. JP271 FURN. COURT arts. 4 blk. from State house. Ph. 2-0714. JP277' SMALL FURN. apt. Prlv. bath. 4 blocks P. O One woman. 133. Ph. 2-0794. p278' FOR RENT. 1 room furnished apt. 2nd f.r lady preierred. Ph. 3-1520. ivmm NEW APT.. 3 ran. ft bath. Partly furn 1047 Madison. Jp277 CLOSE IN. clean, t room. prlv. bath. 33 rerry. JP277- RM. APT., 3 B R. Ph. 3-3169. Jp271 9 RM. FURN. apt., main floor. Refrlg. A electric raree, 17.00 week. Elderly gen tleman preferred. Ph. 3-5279. Jp277 IF YOU want a very nice clean 3 rm. furn. apt, private bath, all utilities furn., Ph. 39U8 eve. after 8 pm. p379 t ROOM furnished apt. Ph. 3-7319. Jp37S 9 RM. APT. partly furn. PrtVat bath. Ad ults. 119 Chemeketa. JPZ77 FOR RENT HOUSES BDRM. USE., basement, sawdust fur. nect, eaa rani. 890. Call eve. 3-43J5. )m373 BDRM. unfurn. house. Near bus line Adults. Inquire 3437 Portland Rd. 3 doors north of Anchor Cafe. Jm279 BDRM. unfurn. house, earaee. 193. In quire 1915 N Church. Ph. 3-9934. Jm379 BDRM. modern house, basement, aute oil furn. Oaraae. will lease. Require refer. 1321 N. C a pi tot. jm277 NfqRI.Y new 3 B R. house and tarace AU elee , V blinds, hdwd. floors. i mil E of Pen Four Corners. No pets. 879 mo. Available Sunday. Set caretaker at 454 State. Ph 3-1135. Jm377 4.RINS, NOT modern" Hal la Hlfhwav Rk Bet 931. Pa. 37939. Jm396 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IWANTED SALESMAN FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ORRGON BLDG. 3 or 3 room suite, 1 sin glaPh. 3-4114.' J277" FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store. Also 2 story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor s headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St. Tel. 3-4121. j' FLOOR space on State St. Leak spec on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8483. J I) DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph 39103. J IM A OF GOOD LAND, lovely small home. 1 BR, elec. wtr. htr. ft range, lge. gar. ft small l rm. House. Could use as bedroom. All kinds fruit trees, nuts, berries. Good dtst. Near school, 350 mo. See at 480 simi Ave.. corners. J279 BUSINESS RM. for rem. B. L. Stiff. J FLOOR I ANDERS for rent Montcomery Ward. j FOR RENT 36x40 warehouse. Phone 39813. jjig. POWER TOOL rentals for horn and in dustrial use Howser Bros. Pb 3-2646 I' TRAILERS 92.00 ter day Bowser Bros Mlo 6 12th. West Salem. ! TO DO good Job rent a good noor sand r W aeU everything; to eomplet the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J OOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. SINGER ELECTRlo portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Pre pick up ft delivery Sloier Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com ) Ph 33513 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE DESIRE small unfurnished house at mouera.e raies. preferably north. Write box 280 Capital Journal. Js278 ROOM & BOARD BOARD ft room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST & FOUND DIAMOND ring found. Owner must pay for adv. Ph.3-9S63. k278' LOST! Small ladies wrlstalchTKeepsa ke to owner. Generous reward. Finder Please call 2-1714 after 5:30 p.m. k277 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 CDurt we ciose oaiuraaya 12:30, m296' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. Stat ft Commercial 6ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL BK-u ttuAK sningies No. 1 2x3'a any tnuuDt acuverea lowest market prices 18 in. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall anaitcs. iea Muuer. saiem-lndep road Call 2-1196 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself ton anallt framln lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on that next Job. WEST 6A- saw hill. iom Wallace Rd. Ph J ;. 289 Waterproof Wallboard Hard durable material, 3 thickness, cheaper than plywood. Use for wall, flooring. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5821. One mile north of : 'elzer. ma277 oAVB ON R CO PINO Let Wards give you comp;et fN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free ewtlmat Phon S-S1U1 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM, OREGON WINDOWS New ft used windows ft window sash. Wood ft metal frames. Low priced. C. O. Long Ph. 2-&821. One mile north of Reiser ma277 PERMA-STONE for fireplaces and home Salem Perma-Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th ei. aaiem. Phone 2-0609 after 6 p.m. ma393 SHAKES - SIDING Cedar shakes in carton, 913 aq.. under course included. Asbestos siding 110 sq., no paint, fireproof. C. G. Long Ph 2-5821. One mile north of Kelxer. ma277 WRECKING a house at 642 N. Libert Bathroom fixtures, windows, doors and flooring. Soil pipe and fitting. ma278 DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your eon' tractor ana carpenter using trie finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir timsnea mmoer in saiem on hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 25 tan Ave Ph 349.19 Pree parking ma rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KENMORE WASHER, 130. Box springe ft mattress ootn for 17.50. Ph. 3-1021. n273' CIGAR STAND fixtures In excellent eon on ion cheap for Immedlat sale, t'h 2-8735. n279' COMPLETE FIREPLACE MATERIALS also New' Improved! Hsndsome' ALUMINUM OARAOE DOORS PUMILITE BLOCK & SUPPLY COMPANY n377 FOR SALE: Washing machine. 3 yrs. old. Phone 4-2526. n382 SMALL GIRL'S bike. Practically new. For sal or trade for larger blie. Domingo De Leon. Rt. I, Oervaia, Ore. , B376 ELEC. RANGE 142 50. Wood range 14 30. HrraKiast set 815. Living rm. set: dav eno: toasters; waffle iron: floor lamps: end table: vacuum cleaners; elee. heat ers. 16.50 ft up. Oil. wood, gas heaters 113.50 ft up. Singer sewing mach. El ec. roaster: gas floor furnace, cheap: ra dios: csr radio: car heater: tires; tubej: car chains: new O. E. refrlg.: rue bed springs: mattresses: printing press ft misc.. all priced riaht. Rardman Bras.. 4'i miles north of Salem on Port, hiwar. Ouen 7 days a wk. from 9 a m till 8pm tiJ73 PROJECTOR, Kodastlde. Model 1A. In tn carton. 120. 4300 Hudson St. nznt UPRIGHT PIANO. Oood eood. 89F11 Salem A3 79 PLYWOOD plan boxes. 11 09. Tallman J9 8. 13th. 278 ELECTRIC Sinter sewing machine, deluxe console desk model reversible feed. Reasonable. Anton Koch, Rt, , Box 503 n279 WALNUT efflc desk for set ty. Modern sty lejt ea iP hJ -9773. n 378 RM. OIL circulator heater valued at 3100. Used I winter. Will aril for 930 Ph. 3-9130. nasi OIL CIRCULATOR heater. Oood cond. Ph 3-9340. n278 I rt AUTO Bin I. 1 boy's leather Jacket sis 14. Gee cond. Ph. 37330. B293 AUTOMOBILES NEW 1950 KAISERS are HERE NEW LOW PRICES $1995 at Salem Save Over $300 Don't be fooled. Nobody under sells TEAGUE MOTOR CO. We always give the best deal. TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 335 NORTH LIBERTY, SALEM, OREGON FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' B FLAT TENOR saxophone. Exc. condition. 1543 Let SL Ph. -9313. 2 DINING RM. tab! ft chairs. 3 arm chairs. New. Grey coat No. 1. 1027 Oak St. n277 FOR SALE - SHOE REPAIR MACHINERY Champion 55 stitcher and motor, tike new. Champion 5 In 1 Model H. Landls finisher and motor. Single pate her. Shoe press; Jack and lasts: other tools, supplies and materials. Sacrifice quick sale, 11200. Write to R. L. Roberts, P O. Box 703, Mill City, Oregon or Ph. 1042. n276' NOW ORGAN MUSIC THROUGH YOUR PIANO! Hear the beautiful Lowry Org a no. Ideal for home, church or school us com in for demonstration. Stone Piano Co. The Valley's Finest Piano Stor" 1340 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. n277' HEAT your home electrically with West- lnghous or Wesln automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. FULLER brushes. 1745 Orant. Ph. 3-8357. n29S" SPENCER Corsettler. 3355 D Si. Ph. 3-5072 n277 GENERAL ELECTKlO Crosier. Gibson and Montag Appliances at Gevurtz. n COLDSPOT refrlg. Good shape, 850. 791 Kosemcnt. nnv 4 H.P. JET pump. Almost new. Includes jet, tank ft pipe, S75.00. Ph. 3-8803. na?7 BEAUTIFUL brown squirrel coat. Worn 3 times. PerfectPh. 3-6780. n277 UNIVERSAL Apt. bed. Simmons sprlnxi Fn. 3-3844 or 3-B02S. Hill OIL circulators at close out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cheme keta. h284 SEWING Machines Free West lnghous. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cheme keta. n284 PLASTI-KOTE the cellophane-like fin ish for your floors, woodworks er lin oleum. YEATER APPUANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. USED Radios. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. n284 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, ralllaxs tn stock ft mad to order. U4 n uioeriy. n281 USED electric water heaters. YEATER A PPLIA N C E CO. 379 Che meketa.n284" BEAN POLES, lattice batten ft mlsc strips. 100 Lsna Ave. Ph. 26082. n292 SALEM SA.VTj a. O RAVEL COMPANY Cnn'.ract Work Road Oarlnt DlWhln 8wer ft Basement Equipment Rental is B "t yds 10 B A yds D-7 Cat ft Doier D-6 Cat ft Doeer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-828 or 3-440 baiem Oregon n LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load. 810 pet 1.000. You haul. Independence Lumber ft Mfg. Co. Ine. Independence, Ore. B PHILLIPS BROS. Pert Hirers well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock aork Cedar fence posts telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles Yew posts. Ph. 3-1458. Rt 6 Box 118 WOMEN'S CLOTHING, size 14 to 16. See Sunday ft eve. 310 N. 19th. n278 BABY TEND A 110. Car seat 12. Two rock ing chairs 14 each. 3 new 5.50x17 tires S20. 2 burner hot plate 110. Set of Ency clopedia Brltannlca Jr. Ph. 3-2665. 445 CI.emawa rd. n279 T TRICYCLES for sale. Excellent con dition. Ph. 3-7733. n276J SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED RENTED Washers Renaired Ei PICK DP DELIVER Swlnf m.chlnM tlectrtrted ft .on vertl to or coraole. New OMd. T.rnui. W. DAVENPORT PH. 3-7671 1930 H. 18111 n2M WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK tor road, and drtfewara eemrnt read, mis concrete, farden .and Bulldozlnt, drainage and ditching -jc .novel and drat Una Pb S-B249 USED electric retrlir ratora. YEATER AP PUANCE CO. 378 CBemeteta. nas USED electric rantea. YEATER APPLI ANCK CO. 7 cnerneketa. nJ- USED Oil HEATERS lit 50 IM SO and Ml it OOOD HOUSEKEEPINO INO. Ul Court at Pbon, 1-9011 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Good small piano, will pay cash. Ph. 2-8723. na279 RANTED furniture vo giu ft -epaii Lei Bros Purn Rsflelshlng Co "h 3-7001 WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 31. H C Hanson. 320 S. Lancaster. na292 USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-91M. ns PERSONAL This Man Knows! Noted Psychic Advisor Without asking a single question he tells you what you want te know tir ing names, dates ft facts. Advises ft help you on all affairs of life such ss tore, health, marrlaee ft business. Asoc ial readings 12. Satisfaction guaranteed er no fee accepted. Hours 11 to 8 30 daily ft Sunday, till 1 p.m. Sat. Allrma Mot-el. Apt. 1. 3643 Portland Rd. Take Capita bus. Permsnently located. pJftO ARE YOUR FLOORS dull-Iooklnt ? Furni ture marred ft scratched? Have Salem Lighting ft Appliance Company demon strate Plastic Rote to you. 336 M. Hlsh P288 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and esychle reader Madam sol res your worries Advice 9 a.m. te It p m di;W 173 S Coral Under new man arement. 37t STANLEY HOME Products. Lee Mtndt P279 "3-4455 P3B0 1163 N Hth Ph. 3-4801 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. J. M. Stovali 3045 Sunnnlew. MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you where ethers have failed Satisfaction assured Advtc on all af fairs of life. Soeclal reading 13 00 Lo cated lust south of Hubbard on Hlhwa 991 Between Wood burn and Hubbard Look for sirn Reading Dally p278 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O 714 Ph t-3"!! AUTOMOBILES MODEL A Pickup Hake an offer. Rt. box jjo. in. 3-JD03. ai'l ! PONTMC 4-door Sedan etc." rond. PB. 134. AumstUi, Ore, Robert Ore 278 I AUTOMOBILES PHONE 2-417S on- AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors Fine Cars SOLD te the highest bidder not later than 10 a.m. Dec. 1, 1949, 1939 Oldsmobil coupe. Can b seen at Bale ft Brady service station and bid te box 178, Cap ital Journal. asu WILL SELL or trad my equity In 1949 Hudson con. Less than 3000 miles. Ph. Dallas 3463 day, ask for Mr. Ttrud avL 2155. n IOTT HUDSON. 1100. 3188 N. Liberty St. Ph. 26462 after 3 p.m. e.379 49 MODEL 9t Oldsmobil Sedanett. Ra dlo. Heater, Royal Master Tires, life guard tubes, one owner. Original cost 13400. Sell for 13850. 1713 North 34th St. Evening only. e.379 1940 BUICK super 4 -dr. $439 cash. 384 rnone x-5020. 150 UflEr oar irrr 950 ft your old on 13th St. Junction uitu nu iv p.m. q293' FOR SALE or trad for ear er pickup. Willys Jeep. Harvey Moullet, Bex 1348. 8tayton. 4x77 1341 PONTIAC. Custom, Torpedo ".' Miv tor in A- lshape, front end Just rebuilt, good tires, leatherette seat eerer. If you ar looking for some real nice transportation that' dependable see tnl one. Ph. 4-2434 after 8:30 p.m. q280 MODEL A. Excellent condition. Ph. I-183B. 378 ZEEB'S USED CARS BtTY ELL TRADE TERMS S LOTS Ph. 3-1436 Ph. X-TTU 3323 Fairground Rd. 520 Hood St. MODEL A roadster, 380. Ph. 3-3991. Saginaw. 1319 Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tire tune at east trie FirM com nrst served as this i a close-out sal Dealers welcomed R, D. Woodrow Co.. 450 Center. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD CLEAN USED CARS Western Motors rk. t-tm ? PONTIAC Good Will Cars t PONTIAC 8DN. CPB. ' DO DOE SEDAN '37 PONTIAC 8EDAN .... '39 PONTIAC COUPE '37 CHEV. SEDAN 39 PONTIAC SEDAN 39 PONTIAC SEDAN '49 OLDS SDN. CPX '41 PONTIAC SDN. CPE. . ;. 11199 1099 9 ! mi ri.YaiuUTH SEDAN MODEL A FORD SDN Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 990 W. Liberty ph. .,ui Eisner Motors to Sell 9 49 CHEV CLUB CPE. Perfect ah..., naif extra,, 91935. 944 D. St. ,277 '41 NASH I paaj. eoup,7'40 Packard ae4L .J. " """" a. nwdel A. '37 Hudaon. '30 Cnev. Bed. '35 Doaf, led. 34 Chev. ,ed. '33 Chev. aed. Thai, ear, are priced for quick aale. Hardman Bros., 4'4 mllea north of Salem on Port, hlway. Open from 9 a.m. tm 1 p.m. T dan wk. . . .371 FINANCIAL BILLS UNPAID? Let Peronali YES MAN pay them for you! Reduce your monthly payments with thl ' Smaller Payment" Plan. Oet axtra easA and spread the payment over 39 months. You choose the monthly payment. Yen choose the payment date. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If a loan is the best solution stop In or phone the "TEE" MAN. He says Tea te 4 eut ef t. OPEN SATURDAY t TO 1 P.M. Personal Finance Co. OF SALEM SIS Stats, Rm. 133 Ph. 3-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lk. S-123, M-185 r373" FARM AND CITY LOANS 4,'b and . fOUR OWN terms ef repayment wtthta ithdd vmd i or neaj estate Contracts and Second Morteagea CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 801 Pioneer Trust Bids Ph. 3-119J r PRIVATE MONEY Spec al Rates and Term On Larger Loans Long and Short Tin Payment Roy h simmons 139 South CommcrelM St Phoa t-tltt r AUTO LOARS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8 Church Farkini a Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Lie. No. M-199 8-114 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1989 Fairground Read Nest Door te Bank Pre Parking Phon 37033 Lie N Ulc-M1 Floyd Ken yea. Mgr. r1 sn OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST 8 to 49 Year end No Cmaleelea Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 St,t t pen i.imi GENERAL FTMANCB CORP LOANS LM. S-133 and M-ISI and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 139 8 Commercial St Tel 3-9111 MONET TO IOAN oe Real EltaU flrat in., surl rtche, Real tor,, 179 H. RI91I St. Pnn, 9-1449 TRAILER MME t' I rm . 4100 !. tandem. Sltmp un.t.. b.c. rona.. ii.h. se or Ph. 414H after 1 10 p.m. ar Sit. l w. Brownlntav,. t7, Continued on Pag 19) I)