16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21, 1949 Heart of, Happiness by PEGGY O'MORE '. ' (Chapter iO) Arleta, looked at a blue (lame llekina a a-lilwrlruT lump of coal, The flame turned amber, scarlet, and auil ana sat. Her father had deliberately plan. ned this? He'd had the vision of the lake In the valley, obtained the necessary land Dy promising ten tunes Its acreage, then, protected by the provisions in tne agreement, had sold out to a farm combine? She ran her tongue over burning try lips. "How could he sell?" ''Remember he gave a thousand acres of his own. He failed to tell his neighbors he Intended taking bis share out of the middle. "I don't believe It!" Springing to her feet, Arleta faced Kelly. "He wouldn't. It wasn't like him. How, Daddy never played that way I He always gave the other fellow the age." How Kelly's smile was crooked ' "And I thought you'd under stand," she began bitterly." And then she stopped. "Who's Ace?" the asked so abruptly Kelly started. "Whlck Ace?" he asked In re turn. Slowly Kelly shook his head. "I know the list of directors, dum mies for the most part, but no ' Ul. unlM It-ailaj4 nt,- than curiously he asked, "Where did you pick up the name?" Defiantly she drew out the pad she'd thrust Into her Jacket pocket wnen Tunia naa called ner. "mere, he said. "Hm," grunted How Kelly, "nicest tit of doodling I've seen, . , . Hm where did you get this?" Her cheeks were scarlet with de- Dance. "I went to the nursery when I came in from Lucky 's. I wanted to sort out my thoughts I found this In mr desk." -Together they looked down on the pad, and Into the eyes of each tame a look of compassion for the nan who'd crouched In a nursery enair to minic or me little aaugfv ter across the continent. "I," said Arleta breathlessly, "I should like to go home." Almost nothing was said on the arive back. ."I do appreciate your kindness," the said, "and the dinner. Was the food unusually delicious or was I unusually hungry?" "Both," Kelly answered absently, rhen: "Chips, loan me that pad. and tomorrow go up there and scour that room. You'll know what to ave If you find anything. Arleta's gloved fingers gripped the pad. "Another time," ahe said. "Oood night." "I wish Cal would hurry," she thought ;.-etfuly as she settled be fore the fire. She needed someone to whom ee could talk freely. She could Calvin. But would he understand a man's Forcing condemnation suits, then tailing to see that the victims were riven the equivalent of the land they'd lost, let alone the contract promise? "If Dad did such a thing" That pad. The words: "Idiots, why don't they 'lie?" Could that aave referred to the farmers? Then hy hadn't he seen to It their claims were In before those of the com- Sne? How Kelly had said It was cause he had sold his share after king that share "out of the mld- ue." Arleta shook her head. "Some iilng wrong some place," she mused. She rose now and went to the window to look out and to think If AUene Lane. Where and how kad the Lanes entered Into this Kid why were they more bitter an anyone, even prior to the kunting accident? Suddenly she realised ahe was rery tired. The day had held too Much. Tomorrow," she promised her- Elf. Tomorrow she would do many Infra: search the nursery, go Into e city, visit the courthouse and fek what had Kow Kelly called 'a transcript of the farmers' llalm suits. And that last one. the me the old attornev had hudlM lie one she'd been warned about est there be some reversal. Morning brought radio reports a breaking storm. Arleta went IP to the nursery. Methodically she went through Irawers and closets. She saved the leak for the last, but she found nothing that seemed Important, only packets of letters she'd writ ten her Darents. At noon ahe went down to lunch with her aunt. "Leta. child, something Is wor rvln? vou. I don't want to intrude Lut It might be that I could help you." Arleta shook her head, then laughed ruefully. "Not unless you could identify someone called Ace." "Ace?" Mrs. worming ton grew thoughtful. "Now I've heard that some place other than a bridge table. Ace" "Someone connected with my father." "Oh, of course." The woman sat up That's that man who nearly broke up your parents' marriage, the gambler. Your mother had no use for him." "When was this and where? And oh. Aunt Betsy Anne, do try to re member his last name." I doubt I ever heard It. It was when you were a baby, before your parents moved west. Your motner was staying with me. I heard her quarreling with your father and I was so amazed I stood there for all of a moment. Your mother said. Chips, you may take your choice, Ace or your wile and children. Of course I hurried away." Chips. Ace. Arletas mind had wheeled to another possibility. Auni Betsy, sne asxeo in a strain ed voice, "was my father a gambler?" Of course he was. Child." Mrs Worthlngton answered easily. "Oh, not a professional gambler, though I don't doubt he sat In on many a game for the fun of it. That's how he met this man Ace and that's why your mother objected to tne man. ' So that," said Arleta somber ly. "Is what Aunt Leta meant when she spoke of Inherited traits. She was speaking of me, not Calvin Well, thanks, darling, and If vou snouia rememoer tne name (To Be Continued) V I1 Pi , W l SMALL MEDIUM. LARGE Monday Highlights Two styles of bib apron in one pattern with in triguing pocket one puffed-up with a drawstring: one a little frilled bonnet. No. 3513 Is cut In small, medium and large sizes. Medium size with bonnet pocket. IS yds. 35-ln; l'i yd. 35-ln. contrast; book pocket, 1", yds. 35-ln. Delivery is guaranteed in amole time for Christmas sewing. Pat terns ready to fill orders same day received. It you Include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent by FIRST CLASS MAIL. Would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other pat tern stvles? Just Include the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order, nice of Book 30 cents. Send 3:e for PATTERN with Name. Address and 8tyle Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal, 314 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5 Calif R2841 -4 Bunnv Bathrobe Hir. 1 a warm bathrobe trimmed with adorable bunnies to keep baby comfortable on cold mornings. Simple-to-sew And lrt.sn.nalv.1 lha Tnh maku I delightful as well as practical ChrlSt- Hm Rill. Pattern Envelope No. R2841 con tains hOt-lron tranxf.ra fnr ,mhml. dery. tissue pattern tor robe size 1. 2. 3 Included, material requirements aim mnipirie sewing and embroider ing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS giving pattern number, your name address and zone num ber to Peggy Robert Capital Jour nal (2s MLulon Street. San Fran- aaaaaaaaaai eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOoaoao I fvf W I L1 l - sa l ii Cisco 3 calif. M A R Y W O R T H LET ME ADO THIS UP. ROPER I IN SPrTE OF THE AUNT HARRIET IS "CHOKEB EVIDENCE. I THINK VOLffcr! BIB&5-AN EX-FILM ACTOR-v' A5 WET WHO 15 MIXED UP IN THE. BURGLARY BUSINESS THEN IF MRS BRoWNSKI CAME 5EC HIM--SMSS A CONFEDERATE . RADIO PROGRAMS 1 F OKAW-WWy CUP SHEllMMA-WHAT 1 BPaaMBsaawa9BJffW'MB I RUN AWAY IF---X. WAS THAT" J JOti I ? w.i I n I aB - I I Bar- fl Saat mjm I I - 1 - - - . . - . J ftllTN HI k I LaiA BUT, I I E KI-.W KUIIN IVCA I rv.LVl I lL-U TTTJYTTT Iff i 1 II Li'tw ImiJj&lI vLf V' I05ll0 frTlliij ' I wo nbc rn cbs hm abo im mbo '' I LeV mL I ' ' I WfW'ffaw. WlMfi NTO II iHI l'WrHVTSlJI T0 "' C..U. KWM.alDS Ch.ll.M l .nl.'. M.llc.ll Rbilhai Rath. V "TT-i I 'tit riW'v l'jt VTtiU'- n I II WVZvM L$&V S:15is utile Ike laala-s Maltoall Bkrtka Seek. jT?iif. ' irf 'iPaP'jlV'l' I M. , lVlJT''Vll jk I I LaaSaC- JtSft. 7iiVlW 5:Solv.lt .1 r'it.at Ski Klas r.a. Mis i Cmh iTTfTS -fa Jill i ff 'jf AiLjV:V- 1 lTrWiatV ''iW :45iVic.ff'iias.wi s.t m r.a u B..l-m n... I aw. C) III h ylJf 71 Y' lSSf'?JV'i'rzA I laTTif Tfla Jtfl W, 6:IWM..I,.I S.lrM .! Tn..ler ntailfbttr. GabrM Btslar CanSUlliM T lUPeXV . Jtl III' ' -AyVXS'J y V?J'- f 2?V VTl J TSm KSS''lmfflav IP :15 Maiieal .lrM BaSIa Thnlif Han galllaa Saw. SUat i o "Y? Illi 3 nT. rSs ,9f,?X rH 'Tirii a-t lit i:m c..i, M.a .di. Tb..i.t uu nt u i Ml R natLaaiXlS ?WVT " J NSST A j Tl T g:5caSF M.l.aa ..l Th..l.r Kala Bulla raaaa B.etllaw a IJfJt? I W aBaB' W 7:15Mirlla U.UMr Frl.nS Ito. L.n. Raatar Matdar tiatctl Mat. Jatkaat VV fm, 17 Si I NiL "TBS V kl lilJWS aatr Pat ' V 7:3nttll Mermaa Rob Hawk Sbara Haallb CHa l( Ealj Kalibl a5f I li j 1 I fl f"' Tlfitlbel M.riaa. Bob Hank Sbara Waallb Pit. Kit Moa. Olrb.tk - TaV'P-. tFraf II l II rr1 1 C g:00 Sinatra, Klrak Lawtll ihiUVs. Bananeai Lat Gaa. Da It Traek MM 1 a-aaw -aMMMjj.awai I ul n I lMmM-Lm.JUmJ mmmmimmmmAlmmmA $'1A Ntwt I. Smith ShawlMod. BamaDaaa Ut Gaa. Da It Track HM I" ' . II. II , . i , . 8:30 Railraad Ha Talaal Iraati Bpaak. al Sonii Tht Balal Track lBS l ( ill I I I I ( HEAVENS1 I 1:45 Ballraad Hoar rmlcql cal U. J. Tailor Tb Balpl Track UM I I I I T" f uy CSfCl (X"iAH' :mTclopbaao Hr. laaor Sanclaai arlhar OaMb "w" Wlllaaaotto C. ,Ori." -WB.I 1 ! 1 LJ U ' 1 I I CT V rnT coos' I ra 6:15 Trl.abonc Hr. Inner aaclsa Baddr Waod Boat WUlaaatU U. Z2 J-3 fF. V .- A lie- S:30Danco Orcb. Hcalak Ralab Noriaaa law Morioa Sen I I I I I I I I k I infN I jlafi A j T 9:5 0' Orcb. :i.b IS B.lpb N.rni.a aialoria rirt rish.cn " J. 1 f ' ' 7 r 11 I r2- lrAJt-n 1 JOaSDUk H.n l.i 1 ll ll.,, cal Ncwc rrank Baca f (A I ( A 1 II' I CSS I n I L 7 10:30 SBorlt Final Alrlla Ceneerl Boar " Tam WaM 1 L I L A ff J I I ' ' It II M j I ' ' f . 10:45 Orcbeilra Orcboilra Concert Hoar gjj Moa. Tea Want C3 Yi'UZ- II 7-' 1 rZirZyt 1 F-J A 'QF'tf. A H:Mn" serenade Concert Roar 'u" """" Noclorn. Hr . -r4- fiZS I 1 I I'TC I N'iJ :,5wa Maecao. Cblco.oaa. Concert Hoar ",UJI Nocl.r.0 JFmz sWfK wn ypfe ;aiiP-feEsir- -&iJ -jfjlEJf-A j&yXr-f fhJtllXj TUtSDAY-A.M.r04:4ir.M. ar . , f C I VVYAA A X YJI I i Wtf7V&yW rrl wW'iOTw n :oo Hod rodn ncwi f m inowo O O i VA J XXX X 1 IWlWkAAy' l WtSAjij 6:15Ncwe , KOIN Klock Keep Smlllni Moi. Tlmek'par V aWbCa. v 1 V V WV A 111 if V Vf!!s2LZnX7 6:30 Form Time KOIN Klock Keen Smlllni Wereh Tlmo KOCO Klock CI 1(Sj TV QVy -5u (TV To i?Z? a y7V U. a -:45 f'" TU KUIN K'c mlll koco kiocb - Z KlS Vl 7:00 Earle Bird KOIN Clack Sewa Newe Tea Bitter CAriu. f-2 7:15 Old Sons a Newo cronikr Br'kfael Cans Newt Bala. r. w.w u -M ArrrfeoM 7:30 Nwf CBS Newt Bob Hatea Br'klatl Gaas Toa a' Hornlaa m 7 :45 Sim fierce Fred Reck Zeka Mannert Tea Tradeo Top a' Mornlos I lli'..aSl!!0 f.Wll i liilillll!'"! :li!.l't?inl MtliiailfiE?T " '1 '"''""""laril IT- T 1 "c!:"00ca' Albert Coniaraer Newmrcekf.il dab Cannier wlldwood Chtr. 8 'l--? N il'JrV- Ul,?.ill IW NAt NOTTHT- If, 'BCS OHOH-OH MftVBE I DID DO A J 8:15 " "' Newt Breakfael Clab riret Baa. Ch. r(a Maodo IT ,TP Kft0K' VilW VCflH fMfill til eORPV BUT NOW POcKV-LL M LJD cl.k,. tS.r-L V I 8:30Jck Bcrch Grand SI.- Brc.kf.el Club Heron of Reel Wc.larn Melon! 1 AlCriQHT- Ml tT-8 HIM- MM V THR 1 lrJsk I llM VSiS:i.. hMrMnw Brc.kla.l Cl.b Uaren .1 Reel Fleet. Tim. SM OR WHAT'S SORRV.TOO, 'fM Jl-QOTHIS? B UKEO ROCKV- 1 3 rnfj-r rWrf'nom uSiC Vl t'ffi 9:00'"J ?np w.ndr w.rren New. N W Newe (0 LEFT OF HIM" Jl VI Maurvl I Je M 1V A. uiiuko.ic.y ma i oioN"T do IT OR, IF HE DID, i:,'M ,111 1 9:l5 second Cn Annl Jcnnr Todar't Sf.re Mne. Mcmorlet I'L f "JriT-n-l.- eT - rTlJll V IT WftS ONLY JUOTlCE IliilW 9:30 Homelownert Helen Trent rl Llnkleller P.elor'o U.U JCPlUlLW JJIIIll ,1 . . j Ul.! Rwlll'f 111 II, liill vfW'l iflr.'il'llifSllB 19I rtar- WlTIMl 9:45 New. Oar Gal Sunder rt Llnkleller Rldert Fnr.. B. 'Sllllvlrl Ueli'l : 'liCi'IffT'l li li W, mVLVii? KllWllilfl ;linl ill 1 VfS'l 'h &nBWM'frVliiMl 10:00 "l Sleler Serenade Newt k Jrli'OOTlF'S ' li llH f'TljwA 1 vf ' ii t 'S 1 fjOjfelli X'jrTjuP 1 ?-g'H Oaldlni"i.b My Vr" Vtm VMiSmn ( r" j 11 c"'''"" " ".l7pe?r.k ' D i:5iPWKi5i f ' j it t I V 1:15 Stella Dallae MMro" "'riou'VU ilo'Jeer'Hwdhit r Ji7-Jlrn linrTjirSfeaiaal IMBTP H oaf I ' 'T-TTBIIB mrflr' It. Ill f--qC fjf- immmmm i 145 Wldder Brown Sep. pc, K.T Wool Blni Sinn ,i ' S:S2 OI'l"le Newip.per j Stewart Bob Pool. WHATSTMIS 1 H6ARJ ITS TRUE,EARTER.a MADE 10 T VOO DOUBLE CROSSERlVOU M I OH VES VOU ARE' 1 Vinsj'l T"'; KT .n ,,e Allen JarSlew.rl Bob Poole L Xrmnr-T O l rSr TlLLTWEM--SrrTr7tf5 DIPLOMA1. I 3:30 W Mar, Arlhar Godfrey n, Sc.tcd Hr. -J Wff l JTiJ n 1 fi I f rraaua. , 1ll " - 1- S:4SL. Kara trlbar Godfrey Be Seeled II f" If (Wel B i " 5l III 1 I U H 7 . . 4 :0o'woman't Beertl Srth.r Godfrey Teen Tone. RWWI M B91H Bf-4si! Iffiil ,SB kd a2J, . CHI DIALLISTlNOrKOACe Tlmt for Mel'dy Tlmt lor M1'f SUm Slug J. Cb. TbCaBM Tnc raccT I OtM '- THE FEAR- C(-AZED I ) Bachelors If AWE OrT.r i a 1 TH POLES ."ANY &AChEIjOR M3' NABS GOTTA rlRV MD EVEN EF TMEV D DRUTHER EMC. INSTEAD.'.' NC7W, THim V AR, WE. GOT TWO TsDF c -' v i ec iorvnvi i kj Atvi' iibiLu--tiv.iki r" BUT. ONE WORD O WARKIIISI T'VO V' INHOOMItsI GALS r j?Za1 -NAMEl-V, TH VyOLaT-OAl., TH PKa-QAi., AN'TH' I f pEAOV. WWHAL IHUc. BACHELOR5 15 M&ANr T 7 Cay T-ciC r-IAKKIU? UP NOT CHOMPED UP.T-BACHEU3t5 'S nfe . arflP IS PROSPECTIVE HUSBANDS NOT PROSPECTIVE J KQfJ DmMNEWS EF AH FINDS SO MUCH AS TH' r S ''oi, 3 REMAINS OF OOeaT. FRESHLY -EX BACHEtOR AH LL DISQUALIFY TH WHOLE BEASTLY LOT OF VOV J 1 a I a-k. I . i a a vr. . " ' N S I 1 H-OO e. il V'e- 0 ; WHATS THE VJ IM SUfTERlNG DID V CERTAINLV, r ) PUT COTTONjr SN0CE 5fV) f ' i'U'.VlJi- MATTER, MUTTPrFROM INSOMNiA VOO tR,ED MV Cl IN VOUR Lrj0! j THEN WHV DONT ' I whv ain't 1 r can't sleep' try? Isnwing wakes S ears lkeflj vou sleep in ( ? htf 'fyU.' NN MADB THEM. I D.CNT BE ARMBP, 'f JLH.'Nl! TOLLER CDVEREO Hl500CNE9S'SkE PROFESSOR, DID I HEAR V SAV MONSTER'. L PROFESSOB V USj WTH SHEET LE WTO THE VVHyf y TlMOroSTRTKi rt "1 V fsTwi tifJr """ "" tNe. . Niatjaai Sadtayaav -wT" -e, IN A CIVILIZED rOKeR CiAMt.MR. T- - Aucft m&WA' CON7 BE AN TO PARL OUR5Uf M I VERY WELL!--AND I'M uRt OUVt -GS? WEETII6HT, THE ONE WMOCAU nil mfq ARnnT V tOiOT, LUCIA'.- -A MOyfnBTMtK HUMILIATON WADt GHOT Of MlTLERVERV HAPPY MUTHOW HI HAND! YOU'VE fu . . I A OO&XT CONFESS 70 S HARE YOU'D BY PROVING THAT THE PiRlT Of MA0tAEgl0UCHARGL.''l 'jf MADtNQ AHOTHtK RfTTER LEAVE. TON r THE. GtiTAPOGOE MARCHiNtj ON? EA iHoedown Party Iloedowo Partr DTld iMI IFdIIob Lcwta HtninrwAr Behind Story Ctrm. Cavavllero NW Ntwt Meinar. Mnli Tnn Tladt M Km Mml( Mart Mule Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varletlea Hollyw'd Moila Hollyw'd Mal NfWI Davo Dennis Mae's Mclodloa Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Mtlodfcs Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae'a Melodies Mae's Melodies Marie Tims Pfalloiopher B can be Beast. B C'n bo Beaut. ItfAAf Monday r.M. B:00, Children's lVS Theater. 5:15, On the Upbeat i 8:50, 55 Sports Club. 6:00. . Newe; Dinner Melod.ee. f:M. Mule el Cseebs lovaklat 7:15. Erenlns Farm Bonn -M. U. of O. Sjmphonyl 5:45, News sod Wea ther; 0:00. Mntlo That Endoree; 9:45, Ee nine Medltatlone 10:00, Sim Off. KOAC tsetdar A.M. 10:00, The Newei 10:15, Eepeclallv for Wonent 11:00. School of Alrt 11:15, Con. eert Ball, It. Newit t;15. Neon Farm Heart 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy! 1:15, School of Alrt 1:80, Melody Lone: X:00, World Is Oar Affair. 1:50, Memory Book of Mulct Wlveit t:S0, Memory Book of Muelci Z:4A, School of Air; 1:00, Newil III Mill ie of the Mailers. Husbands Invited For Yuletide Party Monmouth The Martha Sun day school class of Evangelical church held its November meet ing at the home of Mrs. Anna Herron with Mrs. J. H. Cady as co-hostess. The husbands were entertained by Mr. Clyde Dick son at his home across the street. At the close of the evening re freshments were served to both groups. The Marthas held a short business meeting and plans made I for the annual bazaar to be held at Barney's store on December 10. A report was given on the Venetian blinds that were recent ly installed in the Martha room of the church. Mrs. G. L. Rus sell told about her recent trip around the United States and of the historic Episcopal church at Williamsburg, Va. Mrs. Rus sell, also, told of the First Bap tist church in Santa Rosa, Calif., which was built of lumber from the redwood trees. The Christmas party will be held in the evening of Decem ber 12, with the husbands being invited. fjj P - .A'aj'f'ailTL. TIT J RMWnC 0 M1MIUITEIBI1 WjWi-ByRlj a f EIIAM 1 0 HALj 'I i " " " "LLMU " "LEW ACROSS L Sunken fane. 4. Voleanto rock I. Pauc.t IS. School of what.. IS. Women'a part of a Moham. inedan tiouea t4. Rubber tre. IS. Flab hawk 17. Kind of null 1). Son SO. Tropical Iroeo 21. Sharpen 23. Sun jrod 21. Hat effect 27. Pronoun 28. Duty SO. Loweet or th. hlah tide. SL Conjunction P.rennlal woodlaoS herb Mother Rail bird Finely divides rock Equality Foe Leav. Ottomaa Place at Intervals Aeriform Suld Kellabl. Writer Troubl. Containtns nothina Air. Llkelr Placet to Bit Condensed atm08pherle moisture HTnH'rrHElTPlg Solution of Saturday's Punla DOWN L Past 2. Own. t. Mor. abundant 4. Thote peraon. or thinirs ' I I3 MH f I F"!8 ffl9 " I" 5 IS'5 'M I Tf. I Ml WL Sffi I f mm1 if m I 1 v.A 111! I-.,I I I a Newteoferee ,1.11 I. Boara of llaht a. Land meatur. T. Brletl. a. fimall flah . Playful atruirirl. 10. Malt liquor 11. By 16. Rodent 18. Improv. 20. Transit 2L Belonging ta whom 22. Egret 23. Knock. S&. Former Su- Jireme Court uttlce 28. Smalt pleca of fir. 28. Toward 29. Form of lotto) 32. Illumlnatlna device! 32. Short for a man', nam. 28. Outcome 28. Shoved 40. County In N.w York ttat. 42. Mak. lace 44. Flat toppeel flower cluster IB. Fellow. 48. Paroda 47. Tear 48. Slamete coin 43. aletal-beartnt compound SO. Uncooked ss. Dad I100M AND BOARD PS By Gene Ahern WELL, LETS GET DOWN TO CASES -I NEED A YOUNG HEAVYWEIGHT IN SAY STABLE Of BOXERS. AND I'LL BUY UP YOUR. MANAGERS CONTRACT ON THE FIGHTING LUMBERJACK FOR. 20OO j WHAT DO VUU iAi f 2000? ABSURD 3 the lad is truly a pugiustc gold mine i can match him n bouts to make around $ 20q00o in the next . year, then move him in for. a shot at the heavyweight title whch heu. certainly 1 . win y n " .AaUPY IS NOT I PC. SALE