"Command Performance" Capt. Sherman Anderson, his wife and their son, Shawnee, 10, look out of a window of their Sedro Valley, Wash., home as Major William Fel lenbaum points to where two F-84 Thunderjets put on a "command performance." The special exhibition came after Anderson, bed-ridden since he crashed over Italy as a flier in 1944, wrote air force officers he never had seen a jet plane. (AP Wirephoto.) Perhaps the high arching roc ket to saturate an area within 500 miles; perhaps the ram-jet to nail a vital target thousands of miles distant. DEATH BY REMOTE CONTROL 6000 MPH Guided Missile So Deadly as to Ban Itself From an Atlantic seaboard site in Florida, less than an hour's drive from Daytona Beach, the U. S. in the foreseeable future will fire it's greatest weapon the guided missile that screams through the Ionosphere at 6,000 m.p.h. to bring death and destruc tion to any point on the globe! Cape Canaveral proving grounds, darling of a nickel nursing congress, is being read ied for tests that, in the opinion of Dr. Karl Compton, will per fect a weapon so lethal, so total, that fear of retaliation alone will forever ban its use. The complete story of the years of planning and research that have gone into this Cape Canaveral project is told in the December issue of Liberty Mag azine in an article entitled, "U.S. Site to launch 5,000 Mile Guid ed Missiles," by Allen Chellas and Pat Tucker. "The Cape Canaveral project is nobody's pet," asserts the Liberty article. "Plans were begun under the late Secretary Forrestal; his suc cessor, Louis Johnson, has al ready made it clear that they will be carried out. Says Sec retary Johnson emphatically, 'It is required by all services, and will be operated bv all serv ices!' " However, the Liberty article does reveal that since somebody had to be in charge, executive responsibility was tossed to the Air Force. "Of the nation's half billion dollar appropriation for develop ment of new weapons, a whoop ing twenty per cent is earmark ed for guided missiles. And congress has already indicated that if the current $75 million budget for Cape Canaveral proves inadequate, it is willing to up the ante to $200 million. Declared vitally necessary to national survival and defense by military and scientific experts, the proving grounds will answer the critical question which missile will -be the deadliest in any given set of circumstances. Top man on the Florida roc ket launching tower is Brigadier General William Lloyd Richard son, trim and dapper, who quiet ly reminds that "there is still no defense against the V-2 once it is in flight. (Germany's ace in the hole during World War II). Additional revelations in the Liberty report indicate that the most difficult problem facing the scientist-missileer is the use of atomic energy in guided missiles. There is no difficulty, of course, in loading the war head of a "bird" (scientific vernacular) with an atom bomb. The prob lem lies in the use of atomic energy to send guided missiles hurtling through the stratos phere. Dr. Compton says that nuclear fission plants will be available in the U. S. by 1950 and the picture of smashing a vital elec tronic development on the out skirts of Moscow from a launch ing pad somewhere in the U. S. is not pure fantasy. "Easily within the realm of reasonable speculation, too is the sub-marine-controlled roc ket or ram-jet. And there's the weird, and entirely feasible, con ception of biological warfare with guided missiles carrying the most frightful of epidemic diseases in their warheads.' The one ray of hope offered in the plethora of atomic, jet and rocket hopelessness comes from General Richardson, who says that we may soon be able to detect and divert enemy mis siles. "Screaming and thundering at 6,000 miles per hour 250 miles high, out of sight and out of hearing, atom-powered missiles will search out with robot preci sion a target smaller than the Pentagon, smaller than the Kremlin, from any point on earth." Blankenship as 'Massy Butter kins a vocal duet; Shirley Page "Pearly Sagebrush a piano num ber and De Ann McClaughry as Eiterli a classical piano num ber. Accompaning the girls at the piano were Mrs. Fred Mc Claughry and Mrs. Dan Scharf. One family was represented in the audience by four genera tions, Mrs. Sarah Wright, her daughter, Mrs. Orpha Doty, her daughter, Mrs. Roger Lucas, and her daughter, Shirley Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richard son and daughter, Dorothy have (Advertisement) East Salem Club Program Offered at Middle Grove East Salem, Nov. 21 A variety program was presented at the November meeting of the Associated clubs of Middle Grove held at the school house. At the business meeting a bazaar or country fair was planned for the night of December 16 at 7.30 o clock in the school house. There will De a program with Mrs. Robert Fromm, Gil Blankenship and Mr. Mrs. Ernest Crum acting as the committee. Refreshments will be served and that committee will be Cleo Keppinger, Wil liam Kleen and Ted Kuenzi. A general committee meeting planned for Monday night with each group affiliated with the associated club organization asked to send one representa tive. This meeting will be held at the Paul Bassett home on Silverton road. Swegle and Middle Grove schools have a combined recreation program which the community club did sponsor, and will be taken over by the associated clubs. Appointed to serve with Oar ence Irving, vice principal were: Melvin Van Cleave, Lewis Pat terson and Cleo Keppinger. As there are a number of children at each meeting Mr. Irving an nounced that the movie projec tor for the school could be used for selected movies to be shown the children during the pro gram and business hour. Jack Wikoff, Jr., will act with Mr Irving for this project. The Boy Scouts will have a paper drive soon and turn the pro ceeds to the club building fund Numbers on the program were several songs for community singing; a baton twirling num ber by Shirley McLucas from Portland with her mother, Mrs. Roger Lucas at the piano. Shir ley is a member of the Journal Juniors. Accordion numbers by Lawrence Fischer; a rope spin ning act by Don Schmidt with I Lawrence Fisher at the piano. A vaudeville closed the pro gram. Several young girls call ing themselves the "Can Can" (can entertain, and will when they can) took part. The "Tony M.C." was Joan Scharf; Teresa Blackwell as "French Puddles" gave a vocal solo; Janice Scharf as "Mosshead Pansey" a piano solo; Grace Vanderhoof as "Dim ples Vanderbottom and Fabra returned to their home on Gar den road from a trip north to Vancouver, B.C. In Bremerton they were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Calhoun. The WSCS of Middle Grove community will meet Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Leonard Malm on Silverton road. 18 Killed, Many Hurt In Mine Strike Riot Lagos, Nigeria, Nov. 21 P) Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Not. SI, 194911 Eighteen persons were killed and 31 injured in coal mine strike disorders near here Fri day. A government press release today said strikers, using crow bars and mining tools, clashed with police at the Iva valley mine and the police opened fire. The miners are striking for higher wages. The police were removing explosives from the mine at the time of the clash. (Advert UemeaU) FALSE TEETH . That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Manr weirer of fmUt teeth htvt uf fered reil embarriAiment beetUM Ihtlr plate dropped, altpptd or wobbled at Jiut the wront time. Do not live Id fear of thta happen I nr to you. JuM winkle a little FASTEETH. the alkaline (net), acidi powder, on your platea. Holdj falM ter'h more firmly, mo they ftel more comfortable. Doe not aour. Cheek "Plata odor" (denture breath). Oet FAsTRTn at any drug itore. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsioa relieves promptly because it goes right to the sen of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have your money back. CREOMULSION forCoughs,ChestColds,Bronchitii Take Advantage ot Ut Wttbt & v-U o fcreat t 0 Now You Can Modernize Your Own Home At Pre-Wor Prices COMPLETE bathroom set includ ing toilet, botin, and sturdy steel shower . . . ALL with brass trim READY FOR INSTALLATION! Investigate these great money saving values todayl Here's an Example For as Low as 10995 Toilet $35 Shower Complete With Curtain $50 Lavatory $24.95 DE WEESE & CO. Authorized Crane Dealers 1174 MILL STREET - - f - Sub Launches Guided Missile Smoke engulfs the conning tower of the U.S. navy submarine C&rbonero as the vessel launches a loon during exercise Miki, recently held in Hawaii. The guided missile was guided down a line of ships as a target for anti-aircraft guns (Acme Telephoto.) If you're moving .. . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent Truck r Rental Service By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Center and Church Sts. Fhone 3-9600 New OUT-A-SIGHT HEARING If You Have Hesitated securing better hearing because you Ild not want to be seen wearing that little hearing; "button" in your ear, hesitate no longer! lt'a out of tight. Mail Coupon Now SONOTONE ; 1933 State St., Salem, Ore. Without .blltation I would like a i Heme tryout of Invisible Hrarinf. Picas. furnUh me wllh further Information about Invlijble Hear IDI. NAME ADDRESS ! CITY REST ASSURED... 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