12 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21. 1949 I I iduuei junta On Sick Bed THE NATION TODAY Public Housing Program - Slowly Getting Under Way By JAMES rtlARLOW Washington, Nov 21 W) The government's public housing pro- gram ii slowly getting a start. At this point, though, it has only - reached the beginning of the planning stage. . Because more than 23,000,000 low-income people live in slums and run-down city or larm homes, this program passed by con- : gress and signed Into law Dy- - President Truman lasi Juiy 10 has three aims: l. To wipe out slums, al ' though this program won't wipe out all of them. ... 2. Build houses where low Income families who can afford 1 only low rent can get decent homes. 3. Aid poor farmers in put ting needed repairs on their , homes or building new ones. The cost to the government is ' between $7 billion and $12 s billion spread over 40 years in . . grants, or outright gifts of t money; plus about $3 billion or so in loans, which the govern j ; ment will get back. Most of the money will go to cities and communities. They'll it hire private contractors to clear the slums and build public hous ing. The government will help ' when the cities and communities can't pay the bill themselves. The only individuals who'll i - get money are poor farmers, if ..)' they're approved by the govcrn- ment. And they can't get it unless " they can't get money any other ' way. They'll get two kinds of ',, help: loans and grants, p The public, low-cost housing V program calls for 810,000 units to be built in the next six years. Not a nail has been driven in- 1 to a shingle yet under this pro- gram. The program is getting ' under way, but only to this ex f tent: 2 The government this week ap r proved loans of $20,375,400 to -: 108 cities to make surveys and k plans for a total of 134,000 low J rent homes. Since they're only at the start ,. of the planning stage, no build- ing of homes can start before ., next year. r' When the plans and surveys 5 are finished, the 108 cities and communities can come back and ask the government for help in building the homes. - The government can make t loans to the communities up to 90 per cent of the total cost of the projects. The loans to be repaid in 40 years, at Interest. The other two parts of the ' - program help to poor farmers " and slum - clearance haven't started yet. Strathaven, Scotland, Nov. 21 VP) Sir Harry Lauder is still cracking jokes during what may be his last illness. The old-time Scottish come dian has been dangerously ill for three months. He has thrombosis (blood clot) in his right leg and a severe kidney ailment. He is 79, and for many weeks friends have feared for his life. But the old man hangs on. The doctors let him smoke his pipe now and again. And he still gets a bang out of cracking wise with his close friend and physician, Dr. John Stewart, and the few other friends who are allowed to see him. A spokesman at his home, however, said today his condi tion has been unchanged during the last month and there are no grounds yet for any optimism. Earlier, his physician had been quoted as saying he was confi dent Sir Harry would recover from his illness. Residents of Aurora Community Injured Aurora Numerous accidents the past week are reported. John Harms, 30, of Lone Elder, was injured when a piece of steel, possibly from an ax he was using in the timber, entered his eye. He was taken to the Good Sa maritan hospital, Portland by ambulance after an examina tion by Canby physicians. Richard A. Waggoner, Gay moor farm, was treated by lo cal physicians, for a right foot lninr .iirfororf whpn he was fractured left clavicle In an ac-Icident at the Wilkinson sawmill. stepped on by a cow. Charles D. Harter, senior member of the wood dealer firm of Harter and Son, suffered a Nothlnf Down fa) Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shadra Wt alM wah., rctipe, palat mn4 ri'iUU raar 14 VeBCllaa tolled ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Fhone i-131 MM Rute St Wat Salem W. fin 8 & H Green SUmps CASH LOANS Auto or Personal '100 to '1000 Son. COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN INCORPORATION 6alem Agency t 4M N. Chnrcb St Tel 3416 fioo "TttktI l!0 '9.6, NEW BEST-EVER BENDIX WASHERS! Best washing with "Dyna-Surge" tumble action 1 Beit Damp-drying with atepped-up spinning! Bast looking with smart new cabinet! Be-si economy Exclusive "Water-Rationer"! Bed buy New low prices! See them here today 111 NEW Bendix Deluxe Better than ever! New "Dyn SurRo" wnahinff. The Blunt of ih baflloB the flood of the rod and jet water a r action doea it. 99 8 NEW Bendix Gyromatk 249" Firwwt waahr aver built. Needs no Dniung down. Iyna-Surir wiumnR. water- -Knlinnr. Kmn injector optional See another Bendii "flrrt" the aeniwtionnl . ICONOAMT-J79'S 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL Sm twtso toadli "lest lays" Here It will pay you to buy a E35 OVEN-REAIDV TTUKKEV! No Feet, Head or Innards, t Entrails Removed at Once After Killing Plump, Heavy Drumsticks Lots of Dark Meat Five convenient locations 2120 N. Fairground Rd. - 245 Court Street - 935 South Commercial 1420 State Street - 1230 N. Broadway. These turkeys are really clean! Hardly a pin- s feather to pick. No singeing to do. No cleaning J left to do inside the turkey is completely ready for stuffing. , I The birds are selected from finest flocks fed to j produce tender, sweet meat. In plants as spot' J less as your own kitchen they are cleaned and dn aed under careful supervision. After each bird is drawn, it is thoroughly washed inside and out with a high-pressure stream of water. Noth s ing is left in or on the turkey to mar the fresh, j sweet flavor of the meat. Quick-freezing seals J in the natural goodness keeps it in. An indi s vidua package protects your turkey from the pj plant to your home. Buy your turkey from Safeway . . . OVEN- J READY. It's the easy way to enjoy turkey at i its best. For the convenience of out-oi-town and lale shoppers, Safeway stores at 2120 N. Fairground Road and 1420 State Street, will be open unlil 8:00 p.m. evenings. Exact Weight Ready-to-Coofc. Price Is Based on This Net Weight EVISCERATED U. S. Grade A Highest U. S. Grade :fZ 7 Jft dM F y Hand Cleaned, lUf'V Practically No I )mt 1, VA Pinfeathers M -I W i " ' A A j GIBLETS ( W Vir .M, lnside Bird AT .A Meat..-Bird I READY Tw II .. I because you save time, work, and inoney! . . . and you. can be sure it will roast tender, juicy and golden brown. We can guarantee perfect-eating because our poultry experts choose only birds which have been raised under ideal con ditions properly fed to produce tender, sweet meat. These tur keys are Oven-ready you pay for no waste parts. And there's no" cleaning to do. Save time and trouble Thanksgiving with a Safe.way Oven-ready turkey! Grade 'A' Waste -Free 12 to 16-LB. OVEN-READY WEIGHT HUNS Grade 'A' Waste -Free TOMS LB. 18 to 20LB. OVEN-READY WEIGHT LB. 53c Pritt e' en urMf-re utight FAMOUS BRANDS Skinned Hams Pork Loin Chops Fancy Sugar-Cured 49 Safeway's Thanksgiving Groceries, too, will SAVE YOU MONEY! These Prices Effective Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 21,22, 23 STANDING Rib Roast Trimmed W..t.-fte. Com1 65 LI. 75 LB. Pure Pork Sausage Leg o' Lamb Roast Swift Premium Bacon Fresh Oysters Leon Center Cur Country Style ., 49 ,, 45 WmtcFrM vi-ib. St 35 PUMPKIN Moonbeam No. 22 can 21 5C HOT ROLL MIX Pillsbury Pk9. 27e BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE pint jar 37e PITTED DATES Dromedary 7'i-ox. 25 C COCOANUT Dromedary-Shredded 8 6z. 29 C ALLSWEET MARGARINE Mb. pkg. 27e PARKAY MARGARINE Color Kwik Lb. 3 c NUCOA MARGARINE Mb. pkg. 27c SUNNYBANK MARGARINE Mb. pkg. 29c Mince Meat OREGON WALNUTS Mediums Lb. 35 c ALMONDS Blue Diamond Mb. pkg. 39c BRAZIL NUTS Mb. pkg. 39c OREGON FILBERTS Mb. pkg. 29c MIXED NUTS Sunset Fancy Mb. pkg'. 35 c LARGE PECANS Funsten Mb. 49c ALMOND CLUSTERS 7-oi. pkg. 29c JELLO DESSERTS Gelatins 4 pkgs. 29 C JELL-WELL DESSERTS Colorful 4 pkg.. 25 c BORDEN'S, NONE-SUCH 2ttt. For Wondtrful Pitill Jar 35 I L C OCEAN SPRAY- ft Cranberry iaucen-;, c... 2 S 25 Fancy Peas, SUGAR BELLE No. 303 Popular Siitil Co 2 : 25. Fmlf CocMoll. Hoitsu D.dgKt. 21, cn 29( FRUIT COCKTAIL Libby 303 c.n 7 MARASCHINO CHERRIES SiW ,,. 33( PIACHIS 0.1 Mont. H.l.i V c.n 29 OIL MONTI PEARS Chole. V, can 30 APPLE JUICI Hood Rlvtr Qu.rt 20c STUFFED OLIVES Gr.nd.. 3 o. bot. 37 KARO SYRUP Red Label 5-lb. con 55c KARO SYRUP Blue Label 5-lb. can 53c SUGAR Powdered or Brown Mb. pkg. IQc U t.r msH comv i mil i AlKVfAI Mb. DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS, Gr., No. 2 c.n 45c GREEN BEANS S.nti.m No. 2 c.n 22 FANCY PEAS D.I Mont. E.G. No. 303 en 15 NIILETS CORN Whol. K.rn.l H ot. c.n 18 CRAB MEAT Snatd. 7oi. cn S9 OYSTERS 8r..lw.Ur 4-ot. c.n A3t URGE SHRIMP Sh.dy River 5-et. c.n 49( SALAD DRESSING Duch.u Pint 3U TILLAMOOK CHEISI P.r lb. 65c CRISCO Shortening For everything you try or 3-lb. b.t. coe 79 Swift'ning Swift's tlsnd Urd 3-LB. CAN A Perfect Shortening 69e Kitchtn Craft FLOUR Enrichsd-whito 10-lb. Sack 85e FLUFM-EST Marshmallows Fluffy Fr.ih Kt2S TREND For AH W.ihing 19 11-01. Pkg. Pork Loin Roast Loin or Rib End Medium StiM Re.t Special lb. 39 QMDdMIBQi CRANBERRIES- 17c Dates i-ib. ceiio pkf. Tokay Grapes zib,. Grapefruit1 Lb. Grapefruit Whlle Lb. 29c 25c 15c 8c NEW CROP Navel Oranges Lo. 11c D'Anjou Pears Lb. Acocados c.i.vo,Lb. 49c Broccoli FG7 ,h 10c Sweet Potatoes lb. Cauliflower Crisp Celery Celery Hearts Lettuce Dry Onions Yellow LblOc Lb. 5c Lb. 12c 12c 6c 10c Lb. Lb. ROILING Onions Green Onions 10 Lb. Sack 39c 5c Runrh China Lettuce Red Radishes Bunch Squash D CfliMtL Hubbard Lb. Lb. 9c 5c 3c 4c Potatoes .sil0s49 Potatoessi25slbck89c YAMS Lb. 10c Parsnips Lb 9c Tomatoes 14 V"0 23 c Marblchead Lb. 1 -lb. CQc2 lb. $117 Butter Meadow Wood MILK Delicious APPLESwr Ortleys, Lb. 2 lbs. 15c EGGS Grad. "A" Medi umt d-. 55' Wm mix m Dag - - Dag k.l.... NOI HILL UJ62LtlM Sweet and Freih CMIT 19KT GRADE "A" t..69c m bb m t i w i t i &'r4 frtik nam row,(Mi i If PL lMB ING -HE A TING