10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 21, 1949 MoUvRi-flnHcCVA Bill ! The 1950 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan combine! the modern styling ao widely acclaimed by the car-buying public with the comfort and economy demanded of a family automobile Smart new treatment of the grille and parking lights and a colorful new crest the first in Ford history distinguish the front of the new models. Comfort features irclude new non sag front seat springs covered with a new foam rubber cush ion, additional head room and smoother, quieter V-S and 6-cylinder engines. Dancer in Oxygen Tent New York, Nov. 21 (ffV-Bi (Bojnngles) Robinson, 71-year-old Negro dancer, remained in critical condition today at Col umbia - Presbyterian med leal center, where he is under treat ment for a heart ailment. No overnight change in his condition was noted. Robinson is in an oxygen tent. qettnore for your dryclaaning dollar 7 Coming for Holidays Fruitland Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dalke are having their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dalke of Seattle, Wash, for Thanksgiving holi day guests. Business Begins Recovery With Industry Strike-Free By G. A. PHILLIPS New York, Nov. 21 W) Free of crippling strikes for the first time in two months, business and industry made a strong recov ery last week. Almost all Important Indicators of activity pointed higher, with the rebound most pronounced in the steel mills and coal mines Retail trade recovered sharp-- ly in areas that had been hard hit by the lack of purchasing power of strikers and registered a modest increase over the pre ceding week in other areas. Overall volume however, was till under that of a year ago when the national economy was bouncing back at an annual gross product rate of $280,000 , 000,000, highest in history. (It is estimated to be currently run ning at a $250-$55 billion an nual rate). The stock market shook off two-week decline and went Into a sustained advance that more than regained all the ground lost during the repeated retreats in the closing stages of the labor troubles. Investment rate issues made a good showing in the bond department and the few new money issues that were brought out for investor apprai sal received an approving nod. One of the most significant events of the week occurred late Thursday. A buying drive of size and force developed sudden ly in the New York textile mar kets. It sent prices higher and carried forward bookings far in to next year for some types of goods before it ended. The idea of good business the balance of this year and well in to the new one apparently gain ed new recruits this week. A big gathering of radio manufac turers in New York brought out reports of booming business not only in television seta but in radios ai well. President Truman told a New England council meeting he be lieved the country was over the worst part of the adjustment "that had to come after the in flationary boom we experienced last year, and Jack Straus, pres ident of the big Macy depart ment store chain, told his stock holders the nationwide down ward trend in retail sales ap pears to be at an end. NO LAXATIVES NOW- SAYS HAPPY 79-ER! "Had to fieht constipation the last SO years. Nothing helped. Then I got wise to eating KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every morning. Al most at once I had results. No laxative for last 6 months!" writes 79-year-old Mr. J. Wenig, 7723 So. Mich. Ave., Chi cago, III. One of many unsolicited ALL BRAN filers. Are you constiDatcd due to lack of bulk in the diet? Tasty ALL-BRAN may help you. Eat an ounce daily, drink plenty of water. It not satisfied after 10 days, send empty box to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich. DOUBLK VOUB MONEY BACK J 'Death Sentence' for States A clear piece of evidence of the welfare state's threat to our institutions is the proposal for a Columoia valley Administration, declares Raymond Moley in the December Reader's Digest. His article is condensed from Newsweek. Senate Bill 1845, which is actively being pressed by the Interior Department, applies not only to the immense Columbia water shed but to almost everything else in Washington and Oregon, Moley states. "More autocratic and much larger than the Tennessee Val ley Authority, the proposal would set up a monopolistic government corporation, well protected from the state govern ments of Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho." CVA's three directors would be utterly free from local con trol and could "only with great difficulty' be removed by' a new president. The magnitude of the admin istration, Moley contends, would ultimately bring a vast horde of employees to the region, with full voting rights and under con trol of the director. Since the Columbia valley is dependent on water for power, irrigation, navigation and lum bering, the autocracy of the CVA would mean power of life or death for every economic and political activity. It could at will rearrange highways, railways, bridges,! mills and electric - light plants, publicly or privately owned. With its huge properties re moved from state and local tax ing authorities, those agencies thus impoverished, "would be come mendicants dependent up on the CVA for doles." ' It Is not only private enter prise that is proscribed in the CVA it is the public's control of its own government," Moley states. "We would have to go back a hundred years to find a parallel to such serfdom." Sr. Louis Festival Scheduled Sunday St. Louis The St. Louis par ish announces its harvest fes tival for November 27. There will be a ham dinner served between 12 and 2:30 o'clock Mrs. Clarence Grassman is chairman for the dinner, with Mrs. Lawrence Ferschweiler and Mrs. Emma Leith as co-chair men. Entertainment is planned in conjunction with the dinner, IN THESE 6 BOTTLES Bur Pepsi 6-it-a-time.;; tad sire. Sparkling Pepsi tastes twice as good s . . goes twice as far . . . gives twice as much. You'll enjoy Pepsi America's farorite cola in the big. Big 12 ox. bottle. Pick up 6 today! WHY TAKE LESS-WHEN PEPSI'S BEST! Bottled in Salem by Ramage's Under Appointment from Pepsi-Cola Co., New York Buya Carton Today mmmm SKIRTS Beautifully drycleomd and prened Look at that skirt-every inch of it shows extra dryclraning care! Stub bom tpots are gone I Fabric glows with life I Colors sparkle! Style details perk tip t Get extra-value-try our finer dr) cleaning now! Electric Cleaners ISS Highland Ph. 1-4121 That means exactly what it says. ..credit that s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-i to fit your own particular needs. Upon accepted credit, a budget plan to fit your purse will be worked out for you . . .weekly or monthly payments that yoo can easily afford. ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY PLATE WORK' FILLINGS EXTRACTIONS INLAYS CROWNS BRIDGE WORK Plate Repairs While You Waitl Lighter! Easier to Wear! More Natural-Looking! "Elastic" Credit allows you to get the modern, better-looking, more comforta ble dental plate you need right mow You can pay for it while you are wearing it, with terms suited to your pay check. No Appointment Necessary! No Waits! No Delays! 125 NORTH ri:. PHONE LIBERTY ueiJIIST 3-8825 1SS FftRKEB At Erickson's you'll find the largest assortment of the FN EST TURKEYS, and at the LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS. CHICKENS BY THE HUNDREDS Bakers, Fryers, and Stewing Hens, Fresh dressed and Pan Ready. And then too, the LARGEST SELECTION OF NICE CUTS OF BEEF AND PORK, and plenty of them at OUR LOW PRICES. TURKEYS GRADE C TOMS . . 39c lb. GRADE B TOMS . . 45c lb. Fancy Grade A Toms 48c lb. TURKEYS TURKEYS GRADE C HENS . . 49c lb. GRADE B HENS . . 56c lb. Fancy Grade A Kens 59c lb. TURKEYS BY THE PIECE LEGS, BREASTS and WINGS BACKS and NECKS TURKEYS HALVED BREASTS 69c lb. 49c lb. 31c lb. d quartered GIBLETS While They Last . . . . 69c lb. EXTRA SELECT FRESH OYSTERS Mpt . 35c P, 59c The Finest for the Occasion. FRESH CRAB MEAT AND SHRIMP FINEST QUALITY CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 25c OCEAN SPRAY, STANDBY. PUMPKIN standby 2 15c MINCE MEAT EZIE. .... 31c ROYAL PUDDINGS 4 25c Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch, Tapioca and Gelatins NucoA MARGARINE 2 - 47c swANco MARGARINE 2 - 43' Finest Quality None Better VELVEETA CHEESE 2 z 79' FRUIT COCKTAIL---29c maraschino CHERRIES-29c Heinz Vegetable SOUP iVKtTABLE Ift JS0UP I Reg. 10 oz. can 39c Heinz Tomato Soup Reg. 10 oz. Can W Cans 33c HTOMATtJ HEINZ FANCY MINCE MEAT Large 22 oz. can 53c No. 2H Large 30-oz. Jars ALMONDS , 33c FANCY IXLs Soft Shell. WALNUTS lb 29c Large Soft Shell. BRAZIL NUTS Large Washed. MIXED NUTS Fancy No Peanuts. ( Fresh Peanuts Hoody's Fresh Roasted. ib. 33c ib. 35c lb, 29c Filbert Meats "tr29" SHELLED CANDIES CHOCOLATE CONES 1 lb. pkg.. . ... 27c SOCIETE ft Jumb VJUIM liU)J3 xib. SATIN MIX i SOCIETE FANCY ASSORTED lb. pkr. 27c CHOCOLATES l 79c JANE ADAIR 67c PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER 12 oz. A Large 28 Jar .OIC ez. can STRAWBERRY PRESERVES ap Shady Oak Mb. Jr Ajt HUNT'S' DILL PICKLES Kosher or Regular OA Large 24 oz Jar A C DR. PEPPER SODA POP ... . 0 bottles jC FREE 6 Bottles with purchase , of 6 Plus bottle deposit. Here's a Good Deal! ONE2Vi lb. Pkg. CENTENNIAL PANCAKE FLOUR for 10c with Crown Cake Flour 33c 2Vi Ib. Pkg. HEINZ TOMATO CATSUP 23c Large 14oz. Bottle FREE CAKE PAN All-Purpose Cake Mix Devils Food. ITS KEW! IT makes 10 KINDS of CAKE ITS EASY! OVEN-READY IN 5 MINUTES OR LESS nPPTmHTni Cake Mix OCCIDENT Cookie Mix Ji .. FREE-7"xl3"CakePon 'PRODUCE" 95c FRESH CRANBERRIES Fancy OQ Quality A lbs. .7C TEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT Large S OO 180 size O for X7C ORANGES Large Size Size 2 dos. 59c SWEET POTATOES or YAMS Wash and r)n Waxed 9 lbs. ZyC BROCCOLI Garden Fresh fA ' Bunch IUC CELERY, Lorge, Crisp 1A. Stalks, bunch JC KRUSTEAZ 17oz.pkg. JIG Pineapple Juice 37c Large 46 ez, Can Heinz Plum or Fig Puddings 13 oz. Can 49c I f t! u fi. it It if (i i Aii lifilltLijv 3060 Portland Road TWO BIG STORES 3720 E. State J