Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 19, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Thanksgiving Festivities Due;
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HELPING WITH THEIR hit to spread holiday direr for patients of the state tuberculosis hospital, also for vet
erans in hospitals, are these Keizer school pupils who are Junior Red Cross workers. This group is from the
seventh and ciehth grades, left to right: Peggy Kagan, Priscilla Durham, Joyce Mount, Merritt Linn, Buddy Schaef
fer, Sandra McMorris. They are shown here making nut cups to be used as festive holiday dinner favors at the
Family Events Mark Thanksgiving
With first of the big holidays, Thanks
giving, due next Thursday these next
few days are busy ones with plans for
the traditional family dinners, also for
welcoming home young folk from
schools and colleges.
Holiday dinner guests of the Rev. and
Mrs. George H. Swift will be their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Putnam and family, Roger, Jr., and
Mareia; Mrs. Swift's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parker of
Portland; Mr. Putnam's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Putnam; and the Swifts'
daughter, Mrs. Scth Smith and her son,
Michael, of Long Beach, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandcneynde will
entertain at a family dinner for their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
John Steclhammcr and little daughter,
Jan; their daughter, Miss Patricia Van
deneyndc; their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Vandeneynde
and son, Peter, from Portland; Ted Reed
and children, Diane and Wally; John
Steelhammcr, Sr.; Mrs. Johanna Lowe.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke will enter
tain a family group for the Thanksgiv
ing day dinner, the group to include the
couple's son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. William R. Shinn and family;
their younger daughter, Miss Marjorie
Becke, who is to be home from Unver
sity of Oregon; and Mrs. Beckc's mother,
Mrs. G. L. Lovcll, and her sister, Miss
Margaret Lovell.
Holiday dinner guests of Mrs. Lewis
D. Griffith will be Dr. and Mrs. John
J. Griffith and daughters, Mary and
Joan; Mr. and Mrs. John Copenhaver
and family, and John Griffith.
Holiday dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley will be
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard L. Cooley and litllc daugh
ter; their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. John P. Maulding of Eugene;
and Mrs. Ralph Cooley s brother, Clif
ford T. Headrick.
Miss Dorathea Sleuslofi will entertain
at a holiday family gathering, guests
to include her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers
and their two sons and daughters-in-law
and families, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Chambers; a cousin. Miss Edna Lucker,
and her niece. Miss Joan Lucker of
Washington, D.C., who is a student at
Willamette, and Mrs. Richard Chambers'
sister, Miss Josephine Kauffman of Port
land. Reunion Slated
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearcy will enter
tain for a family reunion and holiday
dinner. Thursday, the occasion being a
gathering of brothers and sisters of Mis.
In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Mclnturff and son, Willard of Coos
Bay, and Mrs. Milnturffs sister. Miss
Edith Wellborn of Coos Ray: Dr. and
Mrs. David N. Mclnturff of Sunnyvale,
Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lawson of
Belllngham. Wash., and their twin son
and daughter. Norman and Nancy Law
on, who are students at Willamette uni
versity; Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy and their
on and daughter in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Atlee Pearcy and children. Rarhara,
Sheila and Joel; and as special guests.
Justice and Mrs James T. Brand, lung
time- friends of the family. J. W. Mc
lnturff and 'Dr. David N. Mclnturff are
brothers of Mrs. Pearcy, and Mrs.
on Is a sister.
Holiday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Carson will be Mrs. Carson a
brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
D. J MrLellan and Mrs. W. E. Deency
nd family.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Humphrey will
tntertain at their Fairmount hill home
for a family gathering Thanksgiving
day, guests to include Mrs Humphrey's
mother, Mrs. John W. Scott, and lier
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clarke and Mr. Humphrrv's
brother and sistor-inlaw. Mr. and Mrs.
George S. Humphrey of Oswego.
Holiday guest- of Colonel and Mr.
Philip W. Allison will be his brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton
Allison and Mrs. Stanton Allison's moth
er. Mrs. Fred Ccowther, all of Portland.
A family gathering will be held at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Alex
ander. In the group will be their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward O. Stadter, Jr., and their three chil
dren, also Mr. Stadter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. O. Stadter, Sr., of Bend; the
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George C. Alexander of Eugene; and
the younger daughter, Miss Charlotte
Alexander, who is to be home .from
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Roberts are
to entertain at a family gathering. Their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert E. Miles, are, to arrive Sunday
from Oakland, Calif., to be here a week
or 10 days., Other dinner guests on
the holiday at the Roberts home will
include their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Coc Roberts, and Mr. Rob
erts' sister, Mrs. Gayle Roberts Finley.
Relatives Entertained
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Linden, Sr., are
to entertain at a family gathering
Thanksgiving day, guests to include Mr.
Linden's brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Linden of Portland; Mrs.
Charles Galloway of McMinnville, an
aunt of Mrs. Linden, Miss Betty Gallo
way, and Mrs. J. S. Wilkin, Mrs. Lin
den's mother.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine will
entertain as holiday dinner guests his
mother, Dr. Mary Purvine, and his aunt,
Mrs. E. A. Pearce of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard are
expecting their .son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alexander,
of Eugene, and their son, Robert Shep
ard, student at Oregon State college, for
the holiday.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E A.
Linden. Jr.. for the holiday will be
Mrs. Linden's mother, Mrs. Ethel Odcll
of Gresham, and the hostess' sister. Mrs.
Delia Nance and two sons, Harold and
George of Culver, Ore.
Mrs. A. W. Salter of San Francisco is
here for a week to visit her brother-in-law
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mus
grave. She returned recently from a
trip to Europe.
Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand will
entertain at dinner Wednesday evening
for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mclnturff of Coos
Hay other guests to include Mr. and
Mrs. Wendell Webb.
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae are to meet
Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Roy llarland with Mrs. Edward Lind,
Miss Helen Lane, Mrs. James Smart and
Mrs, Wilmcr Wells as co-hostcsses.
Plans will be discussed for the bazaar
to be given by the group on November
28 at Ralph Johnson Appliance company,
also for a Christmas decorations display
to be at the home of Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr., early in December.
Spinsters club is meeting Monday
evening, Mrs, William K. Shinn, Mrs.
Honor! W. Gornisrn anil Mrs. William
MrKlhinny to entertain the group at the
hnmr nf Mrs. Shinn's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Karle Rerke, at S o'clock.
Plans for the benefit tea to be given
by the Salem Federated Music Teachers
on December 4 were reported when the
group met at luncheon Friday at the
('olden Pheasant. The tea is to be given
at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert
L. Elfstrom. Mrs. Clyde Gilbert, Mrs.
Nettie Lnrsen, Miss Ruth Bedford. Miss
Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs. Harvey Gibbons
and Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson reported
on the plans.
Robert Schroeder. former piano tea
cher in Salem, was a guest at the lunch
eon. Mrs. Ronald Craven, president of
the group, presided at the meeting.
Je-sten-Miller -l.dlo viciur
AN early December bride will be
Miss Mavis Eggens, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Eggens, who
is to be married Saturday, December 3,
to John Petty, son of Mrs. Maude Petty
of Gladstone. Miss Eggens has an
nounced members of her wedding party.
The ceremony will be solemnized at 8
o'clock in the evening in the First Meth
odist church here, the Rev. Brooks
Moore officiating. Candlelighters will be
Miss Frances Glibert of Eugene and Mrs. ,
Lewis Sturges of Albany.
Mrs. Wayne Kunze of Orchards,
Wash, is to be matron of honor. Brides
maids will be Miss Ramona Evans of
Salem and Mrs. Richard Thurin of Port
land. Jack Roake of Oregon City is to serve
as best man. Ushering will be Roger
Mockford of Eugene, Wayne Struble of
Eugene, Richard Thurin of Portland and
Dean Earhart of Corvallis.
Art Dimond will be soloist for the
wedding and Miss Jessica Kinsey will
be at the organ.
The reception following also will be
at the church.
The engagement of Miss Lucille Hof
fert. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Hoffert, to James P. Moisan, son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Moisan, all of Salem,
has been announced.
No date is set for the wedding. Miss
Hoffert attended Salem schools and is
now on the office staff of the legal de
partment of the highway commission.
Mr. Moisan attended Sacred Heart acad
emy, Mt. Angel college and University
of San Francisco. He was in the navy
during the war and is now with the
Salem Box company.
Next dance for the Town club is an
nounced for the evening of December 10.
Dinners Arranged
Plans for the annual fellowship din
ners of the Salem branch, American As
sociation of University Women, have
been announced by Mrs. F. A. Massee,
fellowship chairman. Approximately 20
members of the association will be en
tertained at the home of each of the 10
hostesses for the affair on Tuesday, No
vember 26 at 6:15 o'clock. Miss Lorena
Jack is chairman of the dinners and her
committee includes Miss Eleanor Steph
ens and Dr; Helen Pearce.
Following the dinners, entertainment
will be provided to acquaint members
with the AAUW fellowship program.
Fellowships have been awarded by the
national association since 18!0 and each
year a large number of awards has been
made to women In this country to aid
them with graduate work in specialized
fields. The association also sponsors in
ternational study grants and since the
inception of this program more than 100
women in IS different countries have
received AAUW grants of S.iOO each.
Last year the Salem branch established
the Beryl Holt grant. The branch also
contributes to the Margaret Snell fel
lowship, a $1500 scholarship sponsored
by all branches in the northwest and
awarded yearly for graduate study.
Hostesses and co-hostcsses for the fel
lowship dinners Include: Mrs. F. L. Utter
and Miss Lorena Jack; Mrs Charles A,
Rateliff and Mrs. E. A. Carleton; Mrs.
John O. Burcham and Mrs. Llovd L.
Hockett; Mrs. F. W. Rurlingham and
Miss Beryl Holt: Mrs. P. L. Calvert and
Mrs. R. G. Docge: Miss Lelia Johnson
and Miss Ann Boentje; Mrs. Mary
Thomas. Mrs. A. P. Sprague and Miss
Elise Schroeder; Miss Mabel P. Robert
son and Miss Mary Eyre: Mrs. Raymond
Walsh and Mrs. Ellen Fisher.
A dessert meeting has been arranged
for members in the Monmouth and In
dependence vicinity for the same night
at the home of Mrs. H. Kent Farley of
Monmouth. Mrs W. F. McBce of Inde
pendence will act as co-hostess, and Miss
Irene Hollenbeck of Salem is 1n charge
of transportation for Salem membert
who will attend.
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GIRL SCOUTS OF TROOP No. 37 are to provide a box of food for a needy family at this Thanksgiving time,
presenting the gift through the American Red Cross. Two of the girls are shown here preparing the articles for
the box, Marlys Clark at left and Linda Davis, with their leader, Mrs. John Reed.
THANKSGIVING dance for Cos
mis club is announced for next
Saturday evening, November 26,
in the Mayflower hall, dancing to be
between 8:30 and 12 o'clock with Claude
Bird's orchestra playing.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouser are chair
men for the evening and will be assisted
by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gately, Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell Sloan and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wright.
Martha Mills, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Charles W. Mills, will observe her
fourth birthday anniversary Monday.
In honor of the occasion Mrs. Mills
is entertaining a group of Martha's
friends in the afternoon. Feting the little
honoree will be Becky Purvine, Barbara,
Steve and Kip Fouchek, Susan McGee,
Susan Fisher, Vona Richards, Laura
and Harter de Weese, and Barbara Mills,
younger sister of Martha.'
Miss Helen Kuttler, aunt of Martha,
will assist at the party. Miss Kuttler,
sister of Mrs. Mills, has been visiting
here from Davenport, Iowa, en route
to San Francisco to live.
A supper club recently was formed
by a group of friends on Fairmount hill,
the group to meet the second Saturday
of each month. Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Humphrey were hosts for the first gath
ering and Mr. and Mrs. Urlin S. Page
will entetrain for the December 10 event.
In the group are the Pages, the
Humphreys, and Dr. and Mrs. Vern W.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarke, Dr. and
Mrs. John J. Griffith and Mrs. W. E.
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WF.D NOVEMBFR 1J at a ceremony In St. Joseph's Catholic church were Mr. and
Mrs. Rirhsrd F. Orntikow, the bride being the former Marrella Schwartz, daughter nf
Mr. Joseph Schwartz. Mr. (ienttkow is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Genticow.
The aoupla will be at koine on route 4.
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R. and Mrs. Dewey Brundidge
are announcing the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Barbara
Brundidge, to Keith D. Evans, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Evans.
Miss Brundidge is a graduate of Sa
lem schools and attended Oregon State
college. She is now employed by the
state forestry department.
Mr. Evans is a graduate of Willamette
university where he is a member of
Sigma Chi fraternity. He is now em
ployed by Montgomery Ward & Co.
No date has been set for the wedding.
A group of five make up the direc
torate for the annual pi Beta Phi alum
nae sale scheduled for November 30, the
event to be at the sorority chapter house
at Willamette university between 2 and
5 o'clock in the afternoon and 7 and 8:30
o'clock in the evening. Articles for
these sales are made at the Pi Beta Phi
settlement school in Tennessee.
Mrs. Paul W. Morse, Mrs. Merrill D.
Ohling, Mrs. Chester A. Downs, Mrs.
Ervin W. Potter and Mrs. Ralph E. Pur
vine are the five on the committee ar
ranging for the sale.
Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport is to be
hostess for her study group, Monday,
members to be entertained at luncheon.
This is the social afternoon for the
group, bridge to follow tht luncheon in
place of a program.
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. Robert Krea
son of Dallas and Mrs. Robert Elgin are
to be hostesses Monday evening for the
November meeting of Kappa Kappa
Gamma alumnae at the South High
street homeof Mrs. Fry. Dessert will be
at 8 o'clock.
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Wedding Nov. 27
Prominent wedding on the holida;
week calendar wilf be that of Mis
Kathleen Anne Hug and William
Hughes on Tuesday afternoon. The bride
to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Georgi
Hug, and Mr. Hughes is the son of Mrl
and Mrs. William E. Hughes, Portland
who will be here for the wedding.
The ceremony is to be solemnized al
4:30 o'clock in the St. Vincent de Pa J
Catholic church. Wayne Meusey is
play the organ music.
Wallace Hug, elder brother of th
bride-elect, is to give her in marriagd
Miss Beverly Naubert of Tacoma is t
be honor attendant for the bride am
Donald Deeks of Portland is to be bes
man. Ushers will be Michael Brophy d
Medford, Charles Hampton of Philorrj
ath, William Little of Portland and Vi
ren Dobbin of Eugene. t
The reception following is to be
the Mirror room of the Marion hotei
....a. iwgci oilmen is tu gicci uie jUIJ
Mrs. Reed Vollstedt of Albany is to pas
the guest book.
Serving the cake will be Mrs. Wallac
Hug, Mrs. Keith Powell and Mrs. Aaro
Gould, the latter a cousin of Mrs. Hud
Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs. Ray Gill
bert and Miss Elizabeth Putnam havl
been invited to pour.
Assisting at the reception and with tlii
serving will be Miss Patricia Viesk
Miss Jane Hughes of Portland, sister o
Mr. Hughes, Miss Dorothy Roth and Mn
Robert Hermans, both of Albany, Mis
uonna Joe ahort of Portland.
In addition to the bridegroom's pan
ents and sister, other out-of-town gucstl
expected are Mrs. Archibald Morrison
Portland, a cousin of Mrs. Hug; Mr. anl
Mrs. tred bhogren of Mosier, Ore., am
Mrs. E Reed of Portland.
Miss Naubert, the honor atlendani
arrives this week-end from Tacoma anl
she is entertaining with a small luncheoJ
party to honor Miss Hug, Monday, at thl
Senator hotel, Miss Patricia Viesko ad
sisting. Covers will be marked for six.
Among those to be away for Thank
giving day are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chan
bers and son who will be dinner guest
at the home of Mrs. Chambers' brother!
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charlo
tngfer in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills also wi
be.away for the holiday, planning
with their son and daughter-in-law.
and Mrs. Charles Mills at Berkeley. Tin
younger Mills is in the law school ;
University of California. i
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley and dhi'
dren, Eileen and Allan, plan to be i
Longview for Thanksgiving at the hon;
of Mr. Hadley s parents, Mr. and Mr
C E. Hadley.
Mr and Mrs. Harry W. Scott and so:
Richard, and their son and daughter ir
law Mr. and 'Mrs. David L. Scott, will I
in Davis, Calif., for the holiday as guest
at the home of the Scotts' son and dauglil
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Scott.
Mr and Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen an
son will be in San Leandro, Calif., f''
Thanksgiving to be with Mr. Gormsrn
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gormsn
They will leave at the midweek and wil
return the following Sunday.
Mrs. Dan Johnston will be in Th
Dalles for Thanksgiving to be with hi
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr:
William Dick.
New officers for Daughters of 5
Elizabeth of St. Paul's Episcopal churc
are Mrs Wayne Gordon, president; Mr
George Corwin, vice president; Mr
W'lmei C. Page, sccretarv-treasurcr. Rd
tiring officers were Mrs. Floyd W. Shepl
era. president: Mrs. Gordon, vice pre
a I
f I y
dent: Mrs. Philip W. Allison, sccreta
The group met this week for a lunch!
ion at the home of Mrs. Keith Powell
Remember Day
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MEMBERS OF HORIZON club, senior Camp Fire Girls organization, are another group preparing a box of food to
be given a needy family at Thanksgiving. Left to right: Mary Sundet, Betty Cooley, Ann Forristal and Sue Perry.
Each year the Horizon club does some service of this type.
Rainbow Reception
Chadwick assembly, Order of Rain
bow for Girls, is entertaining next Tues
day evening at a reception, the event to
honor Miss Dorothy Pederson, grand
musician in the order, and Wayne Henry,
member of trie grand executive commit
tee. The Rainbow girls will meet at 7:15
o'clock for their regular assembly meet
ing, Miss Marilyn Power presiding as
worthy adviser, assisted by Mrs. Wayne
Henry, mother adviser.
A program will follow introduction
of grand officers and distinguished
guests. The program will include a duet,
violin and viola, by Misses Roberta Gra
ham and Doris Helen Spaulding; piano
solos, Miss Marilyn Blakley; vocal solos.
vMiss Ada Hudson piano duet, Misses
anlyn Lorenz and carol liiiticKer;
eading, Miss Patricia Feller; vocal solos,
liss Pebble DeSart.
The reception will follow the program
end will be on the fifth floor of the
Masonic temple, friends and members
of other Masonic-orders being invited.
The Rainbow advisory board is in charge
of the reception arrangements, Mrs. W.
G. Burris as general chairman. Assist
ing are Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. D. G. De
Sart, Mrs. Clarence L. Webber with
Mrs. Helen Anthony in charge of the
dining room and arranging the table.
Gail H. Jones and H. R. Robinson are to
assist with the serving.
Members of the assembly are asked
to be in formals for the meeting and
The auxiliary to the 369th engineers
and the 409th quartermasters is to meet
Monday evening in the quonset hut.
Plans will be made for the group's
Christmas party.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton and their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Doughton, are to be in Albany
on Thanksgiving to be guests of the
renior Mrs. Doughton's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster M. Wintermute
are to entertain at a family gathering
Thanksgiving day, their dinner guests
to include Mrs. Wintermute's father, E.
V. Elfstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Elf
strom and daughter. Miss Patricia Elf-
V'rom, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johnston and
ton, Jimmy.
For Woman's Club
Two events are on the calendar this
next week for Salem Woman's club.
The weekly Tuesday program this
Week will be by the international rela
tions department at 2 o'clock at the club
house. Mrs. P. T. Bouffleur as chairman,
assisted by Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs. J.
M Devers, Mrs. F. W. Durbin, Mrs.
William Neimeyer. Mrs. Harley Osborne,
Mrs. Charles E. Roblin.
Featuring the program will be a talk
by Mrs. Charles A. Rateliff on her
travels In England last summer, her
topic to be "Persons and Places in Eng
land." Meeting Friday
The regular club meeting is announc
ed by Mrs. George W. Ailing for next
Friday, November 25, at 2 o'clock in the
club house.
Mr. and Mrs. Ardc Tarcm are to be
guest speakers to tell of Estonia, and
their three daughters will be there in
costumes of their native country.
Mrs. I. F. Bryan is chairman for the
Mrs. Guy N. Hickok and Mrs. Charles
" natciui are co-cnairmen tor me tea
and will be assisted by Miss Virginia
"yrd Mrs. Harley Osborne. Mrs. Jus-
"nt Kildee, Mrs. Bfed Kerby. Mrs. J.
Roy iMcEvoy, Mn. Custer E. Rom.
Tuesday Eve
The marriage of Mrs. Sarah May, Ore
gon City, to Russell E. Winchcomb of
Salem was solemnized November 12 at
the home of the bride. Only immediate
family members and close friends were
present for the service, the Rev. Orval
M. Whiteman officiating.
The bride was attired in an afternoon
dress in wine color with accessories of
winter pink. She wore an orchid for a
corsage. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Ralph May, Oregon City, was honor at
tendant, and Gordon Winchcomb was
best man for his father.
A small reception followed the cere
mony. Mrs. Ralph May served the cake.
Mrs. Dean May poured and Mrs. Gor
don Winchcomb served the ices. Mrs.
Jemes Mellion was in charge of the
guest book.
The couple are at home at 790 North
17th, Salem.
Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T.
Newbry are to entertain at a holiday
dinner at their East Rural street home,
In the group will be Mrs. Newbry's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Johnston of
Corvallis, and her brother and sister-in-law,
Colonel and Mrs. Harold Johnston
of Tacoma; Robert Frink of Medford; the
hosts' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyndel Newbry and son, Ronald, of
Ashland; and the daughter, Miss Shirlee
Newbry, who is to be home from Oregon
State college for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs Newbry were among the
local contingent journeying to Eugene
today for the annual University of Oregon-Oregon
State college football game.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woodrow are to
entertain Sunday evening at their Fair
mount hill home at an informal dinner
for a group of friends. The couple are en
tertaining with a series of informal din
ner events during the early winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Simmons are
leaving next week for Eugene to make
their home.
Among affairs given in farewell to
Mrs. Simmons was the luncheon for
which Mrs. Russell Bonesteelc entertain
ed for her bridge club, Thursday, Mrs.
Simmons being presented with a surprise
farewell gift.
Next event for Town and Gown club
will be Thursday, December 1, no meet
ing being held in November because of
the Thanksgiving holiday.
Members of the Macleay Women's
club were guests of Mrs. John E. Ed
wards, at her home Thursday afternoon.
During the business session It was
decided to make a donation of cash
toward Christmas for the children at the
Indian school and to send a, Christmas
package to the Corvallis Children's
Farm home.
The group also voted to have a Christ
mas party at the school house, with a
no-host suppei and exchange of gifts,
December 9, m cooperation with the
Community club.
During the social hour two contests
were led by the hostesses with Mrs.
Harry Martin Sr.. and Mrs. Chester
Lynds tying for first in one and Mrs.
V. L. Mastcn receiving high in the
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Robert Anderson. Mrs. Chester Lynds
of Corvallis was a guest.
Members present were Mrs. Joseph
Woodzewoda, Mrs. William Bcttelyoun,
Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. W. F. Cole,
Mrs. V. L. Masten, Mrs. L. H. Foster.
Mrs. Harry Martin Sr., Mrs. Arthur
Spclbrink. Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mrs.
M. M. lagee, Mn. Wilbur Miller and
the bosteu.
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Jeten-Milr studio pictjie
RECEPTION will be given at St.
Mark Lutheran church, 334 N.
street, Sunday afternoon between
3 and 5 o'clock to honor the Rev. and
Mrs. Thomas A. Allport and family and
the Rev. and Mrs. John Baglien and in
fant daughter. The Allports will sail
from San Francisco on November 30 for
Lehue on the island of Kaui in the Ha
waiian islands. The Baglicns will leave
the first of December for Chchalis. Rev.
and Mrs. Allport both attended the Sa
lem schools. They have been in Bel
lingham, Wash, for the past five years.
The Rev. Mr. Baglien has been associ
ate pastor of St. Mark Lutheran church
for the past year and a half. Both Rev.
Mr. Allport and Rev. Mr. Baglien at
tended Midland college and Western
Theological seminary in Fremont, Ne
braska. The reception will be informal with
the two couples greeting their friends.
General chairman for the reception will
be Mrs. Everett Holmes. Mrs. Oscar Liu
dahl will be in charge of the dining
Mrs. Mark Getzendaner will pour the
coffee and Mrs. A. J. Torgerson will
pour the punch. Assisting in greeting
guests will be Mrs. Ray Poff, Mrs. Os
car Sederstrom, Mrs.. J. A. Sholseth,
Mrs. C. E. Jaqua, Mrs. LcRoy J. Stew
art. Serving will be: Mrs. Lyle Erts
gaard, Mrs. Mark Gchlcr, Mrs. Arnold
Olson, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mrs. Rex
Ohmart, Miss Alice Cook. The refresh
ments are in charge of Mrs. John Thies
en, Mrs. George Dilts, Mrs. Elmer Mc
Clean, Mrs. Magnussen, Mrs. George An
derson. Passing the guest books will be
Miss Kay Lovell and Miss Lorraine Lan
geland. A musical program consisting of the
following will be given: Selection by
the Junior choir under the direction of
Victor Palmason; vocal solos by Mrs.
Lyle Ertsgaard, Rev. Mr. Allport, Vir
gil Mason and Manning Nelson, instruc
tor at Vancouver Junior college, Van
couver, Wash.
Friends of the Allports, the Baglicns
and of St. Mark church are invited to
Royal Neighbors of America met this
week at the Veterans of Foreign Wars
hall for the annual homecoming dinner
and meeting. A turkey dinner was
served in the dining room to members
and their families and invited guests.
The tables were beautifully decorated
with autumn flowers and Pilgrim scenes
prepared with small dolls.
Following the dinner, a snort program
was presented in the hall. Twenty-year
membership pins were presented to the
following members by the district dep
uty, Mrs. Sarah Peterson: Leda Addie,
Emma Blixseth, Mable Brown, Alta
Cannon, Louise Peterson, Irene Speed,
Mary McMorris, and Anna Sitncr. Mrs.
Cordelia Baker, who was unable to be
present because of illness, has been pre
sented with her 50-year membership
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Clayton Jones showed
colored movies of a recent trip to Banff
and Lake Louise.
UO Group Meets
University of Oregon mothers are
meeting Monday aflernnon in the par
ish house of St. Paul's Episcopal church
between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock to
address letters to Oregon mothers
throughout the state in the interest of
the state organization's life membership
Members of the-Salem unit of the UO
mothers are invited to assist the state
officers with the work by attending the
Monday meeting.
Mrs. George H. Swift, state president;
Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice, state re
cording secretary; and Mrs. Grant Fallin,
president of the Salem unit of the UO
mothers, will serve tea following the
letter addressing.
to Sh'dre with
1 '
ANOTHER JUNIOR RED CROSS unit busy with holiday favors to be given residents at the state tuberculosis
hospital and other institutions is the Leslie junior high school group. At work here on the favors are, left to right:
Russell Doss, Ann Butler, Mrs. Mark Astrup, who is the Marion county Junior Red Cross chairman and a visi
tor at the unit this day; Laurel Herr, Philip Burkland, Bob Given and Phyllis Shrake.
T. ANNE'S guild, St. Paul's Epis
jSi copal church, is to be entertain
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, dessert to be
at 1:30 o'clock.
Hostesses with Mrs. Woodmansee are
Mrs. Raymond Busick, Mrs. Tom Dun
ham, Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Mrs. Robert
Sears, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore and Mrs.
Harold M. dinger.
The Thanksgiving holidays have
changed dates for several organizations.
Soroptimist club is not meeting for its
weekly session, Wednesday noon, the
next meeting to be a luncheon on No
vember 30.
Zonta club has no meeting slated for
next week, either, the next event to be
December 8 as a luncheon meeting.
The board of officers for Women of
Rotary is meeting Monday at the home
of Mrs. Chester Pickens.
Members of the Lions club auxiliary
are to meet Tuesday, all day, at the
home of Mrs. Edward Majck to work
on aprons for the apron sale planned for
December 2 and 3. A no-host luncheon
will be served.
Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, plans its regular meeting for
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Sar
lem Woman's club house.
Jrten-MIIW atuitlo plcturt
NEW PRESIDENT for the Rarrm Memorial Hospital auziliarr, taking over her duties
recently, is Mrs. Ed B. Goeckner. The group Is busy en several projects to assist tht
ARRANGED for Tuesday evening
is the November dinner meeting
for the Salem Business and Pro
fessional Women's club, the dinner to
be at 6:30 o'clock in the Senator hotel.
Walter Meacham of the Oregon Trails
association is to be the guest speaker.
The program committee is in charge
of the program, Miss Alberta Shoemake
as chairman. Mrs. Alma Werstlein is
In charge of the special music.
Hal Hibbard camp and auxiliary.
United Spanish War Veterans, are meet
ing Monday evening for a no-host din
ner at 6:30 o'clock in the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, an informal social
evening to follow. On the committee
for the evening are Mrs. Clyde McClung,
Mrs. Lulu Humphrey and Mrs. Laura
Salem bethel, No. 35, Jobs Daughters,
has its regular meeting scheduled for
Monday evening. Officers are to be
elected for a new term.
Following the meeting, members of
Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Amar
anth, will be entertained.
Members of St. Joseph's Mother's club
are sponsoring a cooked food sale Sun
day following masses at the church, the
sale to be in St. Joseph's hall. Mrs.
Robert S. Gentzkow and Mrs. Richard
Hauge are co-chairmen for the event,
assisted by room mothers.
JRten-MUlr itudio plctur
A wedding this morning was that of
Miss Irma Marie Brisebois, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Brisebois of On
tario, Canada, and George Edward Day,
son of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Day of
Salem, the two exchanging their vows
at St. Joseph's Catholic church at 9
o'clock. The Rev. Gerald Linahen of
Oakridge, cousin of the bride, officiated
at the service.
For the music, Gerald Neitling was
soloist and Mrs. Mary Barton played the
Given in marriage by Howard Hicks,
the bride wore a white taffeta gown. It
had a yoke of net with lace ruffles and
seed pearls around the edge, pointed
sleeves with the seed pearl trim, and a
train. The fingertip veil of illusion was
arranged from a lace crown edged in
seed pearls. For her flowers the bride
carried an orchid with shower on a
prayer book.
Miss Georgia Green was the honor at
tendant, wearing a delft blue gown and
carrying a cascade bouquet of baby pink
roses and chrysanthemums.
Mrs. James White was the bridesmaid.
Her gown was of pale blue, designed in
the same style as that of the honor at
tendant, with a bertha collar and the
skirt caught up in front with a bow.
Like the honor attendant she wore a
crown and elbow length gloves matching
her gown, and her flowers also were a
cascade arrangement of pink blooms.
Miss Judy Rae Henningsgard was the
Junior attendant, and she wore an or
chid pink frock made in the same pat
tern as those of the other two attend
ants, and she carried a miniature bou
quet matching those of the other two.
Charles F. Domogalla was best man
and James White, groomsman. John and
Philip Day. brothers of the bridegroom,
were the ushers.
For the wedding, the bridegroom's
mother wore a navy costume with cor
sage of pink roses. The bride's mother
was unable to be here for the wedding.
A reception for some 125 friends and
relatives followed the ceremony and was
given at the Mayflower hall. Mrs. How
ard Hicks served the cake and Mrs. El
vyn E. Zahradnik poured. Misses Bar
bara Saddler and Cecelia Green assisted
lit the reception and serving were Miss
Joan McCarthy, Miss Frances Dvorak
and Miss Vclma Wickman. Tire bride's
table was set in white, stcphanotis en
circling the wedding cake.
For traveling the bride wore a pale
blue suit with navy accessories, a navy
hat with pale blue feathers, and an or
chid corsage.
Following a trip north, the couple will
be at home at 1510 Slate street.
Miss Mildred Christenson is to enter
tain for her bridge club Tuesday eve
ning, late refreshments to follow the
card games.
Wonrihurn Mrs. Kenneth McGrath
was elected chairman of the women's
division of the Woodburn Golf club at
the annual election meeting and lunch
eon Thursday in the clubhouse. Mrs.
Edgar Tweed was elected first vice
chairman: Mrs. Carl Handc. second vice
chairman and Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth, secretary-treasurer.
The group will hold monthly lunch
eon meetings through the winter months
on the first Thursday of each month.
Mrs. Leland Plank was reported as
winner of the eclectic for October and
West Salem Lions club auxiliary is
entertaining at a turkey dinner Monday
evening at the Gold Arrow with hus
bands of members as guests. The din
ner will be at 7 o'clock.
Ardo Tarcm of the YMCA is to be
guest speaker to talk on Estonia. Motion
pictures also will be shown. All West
Salem Lioni and their wives are invited.