..J M "I 3 i j J 12 Capital Journal, Salem, .CLASSIFIED ADVIITIllNOI r un. in Par Lin I tlttlM 404 Per Lin i times so Pi uu 1 month I3.O0 Outside of rtelem lie pr 11m P.' ar Mln. loet I times mln. 104 lirMi mln. 11.30. No Refunds READERS In Local New, Col OnlTi loo per lino To Place an Ad Pbona Z-240 FOR SALE HOUSES ! BY OWNER rand new. Beautiful hoiM. 1377 H. ft. S bdrtna. with lie. cist . living room 14x24. Roman brick fireplace, Ige. dln Ing room. Hub kitchen with loU of buUt-lns. brMst. nook, mwo, nn. throughout, full cement burnt. Located In new diat. In outskirts of town. Lot 75x176. Will Mil thl nome tor iww, which la leu than tho vets' appraUal. Brine a builder with you. He will agree that thu La an exceptionally well-built 'home. Phone S-1170. 277 Completely Furnished 4 BR modern houe. Splendid rental Investment. Very cIom in corner, wauu. . 11600 down. Nurses Attention 1 BR home, beautiful corner, fireplace. CIom to hospital on Center. 18600. McKinley School Modem 3 BR home. Immediate possei aloD. 18760. Term. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor ' 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7443. ve. 3-0136 4174' FOR SALE BY OWNER On N 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPLEX WITH OARAGE, OUTSIDE PATIO ft FIREPLACE. FENCED IN BACK YARD. LA ROE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA PRICED TO SELL. PH. 3-6348 OR 3-373 S39M. BT owner, 4 rm. modern borne Oarage, wash house. Lot 120 138 3351 Bhelton St. Ph. 30383. 276 ATTRACT IVB amall BR house, bUMy room, carport, nice lot. North. $4760 amaU down payment ft term. Pb. 1-5021, 3646 Maple avenue. 276 FOR SALE by owner ft bullrler: New 3 BR suburban home. narawoou hoofs, n bllndi, automatic floor furnace. 87800. Terms. Ph. 29812. 277' flijm. CLEAN modem 4 bdrm. home En glewood Dlst. Fireplace. Full basement, close to school. Immediate possession. Liberal Terms. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 183 8. High Phone 34131 S317 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Price reduced to 88.000. Well built 3 bedroom home, large LR with fireplace, DR. K with nook and unfinished up talrs. Full baaement, sawdust furnace, good corner lot, double garage and many other fine feature. Near public and parochial schools. Illness reaaon for Mlllng. COME IN OR CALL "' Daytime Phone J-5131 Evening Phone 35614 or 2840 'McKillop Real Estate 493 CENTER AT HIGH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS a276 MEW bdrm. FHA built, close to school. 1 block to bus, paved street. 810 Ford St. a279 1.64 ACRES on Pacific Highway North. Has 3 bdrm. home, also new 2 bdrm. home. Ideal for auto court and trailer park. Priced for quick sale. 113,200. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 'IBS I High Phone 34121 a277' I3MW. LATE built 3 bdrm. home S. HW floors. Utility room. 16x23 garage. Lot 66x186. 81500 down. 7au, FOUR Corners Dlst. 8 rooms on one floor. Utility room. Garage. Lot 100x180. 31600 down. $J0.?oo. GOOD 3 Bdrm. home on 8. High St. Fireplace, basement, garage, 32000 down. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 15J B. High Phone 34131 a277 810.500 SOUTH I MONTH eld 3 bdrm. home with unfin-j . lahed upstairs. Close to Leslie ft McKin ley schools. Hwd. firs. Oil fur. Fire- filare. Beautiful wall to fall carpet in kvlng rm. SUBURBAN SOUTH APPROX. U A. 15 cherry trees. Good lata built modern 3 bdrm. home. Atu Gar. $0760. NORTH I BDRM. home with dining nook. Hwd. 'firs., fireplace, air conditioned, large lot with extra bldg. Price 88960. 4 C. W. Reeve, Realtor 7M. NEW Modern 3 bdrm. home. N.E., close to school. Oil furnace. Hardwood floors, etc. 3950 down, 851 per month. FHA, no extra loan charges. Pall Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 B. High Phone 34121 a277 J OWNER Very mod., w elf "construct ed, 2 bdrm. home, (lsoo. F.H.A. approv ed. See at 1382 Franklin, W. Salem, or Phone 38189. a276 DRIVE BT 1775 N. 5th then call 3-7341 or 38643 If you are interented In buying 'the beat 3 bdrm. small home In Belrm 'for the price. 380 iix.aat! Br.AI'T.FYlTModern3' hrtrmThome all en one floor. Close to Salem High. Auto oil furnace. 3 car garage. FHA loan. Immediate poise union. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1M 8. lllh Phone 34131 a!77' Triced to Sell 3 bdrm.. large living room, utility, large 'clowti, plenty of storage. Attached ga 'rage. Automatic oil heat. In city near school ft bus. FHA terms. Ph. 37038. 378- $5500 Neat 1 bdrm. home. Ilv. rm 12x24, nice 'kit. dble. sink, elect. M. Well loc. En ' glewood. lovely lot. Drive by 2113 Ne- n rasa a, men ran ua $5750 lovely I bdrm. home. Ige, llv. rm.. kit ith nook, inolrta utility, lot of bullt 1 Ins, in perf. cond. Well hx. on Ige. lot. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. I Ph. 3-0458 , Ives. -Sun. 3-5297, 3-8901, 3-4)63 a378 ; IMMEDIATE J POSSESSION t'j teres, new two bdrm. unfinished house. 3lt acre, new two bdrm. unlln- lhed house, eood well and water y Item. Price 14393. J SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 141 II. Rilh St. Phoni 17444 fro. phonM 3-4&41 1-4405 0374 VERY ATTRACTIVE " , 14 acrea 13 mile north. Just off Pacific ( piway. neat small nouae, larwe llv. rm.. , picture window, fireplace; good poultry house and water system. 11500 down, balance like rent. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 141 N High St. Prion 3-7880 Eve. phone t-4591 - 3-8M5 alii NEARLY NEW Two bdrm., fireplace i qualify for Ol. ' loan Under tiooo. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14 N High St. Phong 3-780 Vva, phdcta I-08O8 a378 Ore., Saturday, Nov. 19, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floors. Wired for electric rang. Electric water heater. Oil furnace. Fire place, V. blinds. Full basement. Insu lated and weather stripped. Oarac. Near bus and stores, FHA available. Can borrow up to 84400 on this. 20 yr. to pay. 12100 equity will handle. PuU price, 88600. 2180 UNIVERSITY PHONE 3-5807 ,2W. BT OWNER Modern t bdrm. home, 1 yr. old. excellent condition, choice lot. Rea sonably priced as are moving out of state. See at 898 Tryoo Ave. a377 i KM. HOME, Water heater, oil dreu lator. sink cabinet Included, wired for elec. heat. Nice resld. dist. Close to bus Iness section. 611 So. 2nd St., 811 vert on. Ph. 3-224. aaao $950 DOWN 16700 full price. Easy monthly pay ments. Nice clean 3 bdrm. home all ready to move In. Large lot, near school ft store. ENGLEW00D 11 0.7 SO. A beautiful home with 3 nice bedrooms, full tamt., oil furnace, find lawn ft shrubs. The price Is right. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS ,MLI? Hlin 277 NEW BDRM. ranch style modern home. Deep tone decoration. Lots of built-in. City and school bus by door. Attached garage. Insulated and weather stripped. 3190 Sunny view. Go out Market to Chllds. Corner of Child Sunnyvlew. a27 1015 RATCLIFF DRIVE Hew 3 Bed Room Home. Bungalow type. Living room la 14x22, rest of rooms are good aiie. Fireplace, elec. heat, hardwood floors, lot of closet apace. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 1-4707 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 aaia- OWNER will accept car aa part down payment on 1 yr. old. 3 bdrm. nome. lo cated Englewood dlst. Harawooa noon V. blind. Excellent oil heat system, Fireplace. Inside utility. Ph. 2-2198 before 7 p.m. ELEC. RANGE 843.50. Wood range 14.50. Breakfast set 816. Living rm. set; uav eno: toaster: waffle Iron; floor lamps: end tables: vacuum cleaners; elec. heat ers, 18.50 ft up. OH, wood, caa heater 812.50 ft up. Singer sewing roach. El ec. roaster; gas floor furnace, cheap; ra dios; car radio; car heater; tires; tubes: car chains; new G. E. refrig.; rug.-, bed springs; mattresses; printing press Ac misc., all priced right. Hard man Bros., 41 miles north or Salem on Port, hlwey, Ouen 7 day a wk. from 8 a.m till 8 p.m. a278 Very Distinctive This Is really an outstanding 3 BR home. Larce LR with t her mo-pane windows for comfort & beauty. Spacious bedrooms, beautiful bath, modern kitchen A utility room, all electric, att. garage, fine big landscaped lot. Englewood dlst. Owner need larger home. Wortb the ask In price. Call BON CLEARY. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor FT EN. 7 RM. HOUSE, 3 baths, garage, auto. heat. Insulation. Can use for 1 or 3 families, near schools and bus. Reas. Consider trade. Ph. 2-5483. a278 FOR SALE LOTS UNOBSTRUCTED view lot on Klngwood Drive. 85x160. 81760. By owner, 2-1513. aa378 3 REAUTIFtrL 1 acre lots. North. Ideal building alte. High ground, lots of ever green tree. Good well, new pump, these are really nice lots. Eve. 2-0473 Call Mr. LeClere J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317Court St. Ph. 2-7758 aa378 aoNE!.-158x328rOnly llOOo! S. 12TII 188 ft. front, 13700. WALTER SOCOLOPSKY Real Entate Ph. 3-8835. aa27fl $10 DOWN!! , IS per month. Lot with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Street. Ph. 3-9203 Eva & Sun. 3-5905, 4-2874, 3-1327, 3-3738, 2-3532. aa276- 1 DOWN, 318 MONTH with water ft electricity. Close to school A bus. Beau ttful location. General Real Estate 333 Center Ph. 3-3289. a278 LOT BARGAINS n s 189. 8900. 80 X 95 on pavement. 3930. DOWNTOWN business lot. Corner 87 x ill. 925.000. FAIR MOUNT HILL VIEW lot 30 1 160. 33.- 500. CENTER ST. large busl. lot. 310.500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 8. Com'). St. Ph. 3-8389 Eves. 3-7440 aa278 FOR SALE FARMS 100 ACRES, NORTH 180 PER ACRE. Good prod, loam, all seeded and fertil ised. Good dlat., near mkt. and school. Good bldR. site, trees. Will sell 220 A. with small new tuie. and barn. Owner will make good term. SEE THIS TO DAY! SUBURB ANE8TATK LIQUIDATED 384 acres, DEEP, RICH. LOAM., on pavmt. North edse of Salem. Borders fast-developing ub-d I vision. Well tyled mod. 3 HH. home, bftjm't.. auto, oil furnace. MOAT DEAIRAHLB setting In Ise. oak grove. Gueat rise., other bldex. Full of valuable equipment. WELL ESTAB. IN COME If you don't care to sub-dlvlde. We have all data, picture, price and terms. INVESTIGATE NOW1 MR WORKING MAN. cut your HIGH COST of llv-ina' Ymir deal is this 121, acre. RICH BOTTOM LOAM, on pave ment, few mln. from down town. Incl. 4 A. caneberrle, i A. orchard, 3i acre past ure. balance crop land. YR CHEEK full length of place. Home i nH new but la sound and has a tiep of living? 3 bdrm . llv. rm., Ue. kit. bath, utility i Barn is sllahMy ard but the com are at home and still give milk. Well built, lie. purr, rue., and DO e that 30x80 GREENHOUSE, with heating plant. Flower and shrubs In abundance. 2 lovely bid, sites farina highway with creek for bnrkgrd. Lest we forset-the price Is VERY F HIT, 110.000. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Peraonal Service 164 S. Com l. St., Ph. 3-8389, Eev. 3-7440 b278 FINE HOG & POULTRY FARM 34 A. rolling, well-drained sott. hog pen now handling over 80 hosa, chicken house with auto, lltht A water, will handle over 600, brooder house, good barn, Ford tractor ft equip'!., exception ally good farm home, wait to wall car peted. Llv. rm A dtn. rm.. fireplace. Ige kit., nook, utility. 3 bath. 2 BR, 7 ml out some fruit A nut. 116.500 Con alder home in town in trade. M.L.B. 1179 Crawford RURTriCIIA, REALTORS 379 N. High At Eve 3-5390 Or 3-7451 Oflicer 3-1649 b376 9TM. ACRM south, cloae to school. 3 bdrm. home. 3-car c a rase, poultry houae, garden spare, balance in orchaK Term. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS FOR SALE ACREAGE It's A Steal Move right in mod fum. house on paved hi Way, 4 ml. from St art on near Antism river. 6 A bei of soil Citrate Well for Irritation Term L M Alaman. Rt, I, AunuvUle. Ataytoa Phone 13 R 0371 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS CANDALARIA HEIGHTS VIEW HOME New 3 bdrm. home. llv. rm., ft din. rm., kitchen with brkfst. nook, ft lot of built-in. Full daylight burnt., with rumpus rm. ft fireplace, auto-oU heat, lovely floor plan. All room off entry haJJ. CALL EARL WEST 99E AND FABRY ROAD Just 3'i mi. South of Sslem, 354 ft. highway frontage, coxy 3 bdrm. home in excellent condition, new well ft pump bouse ft g a rase, tool shed, aome fruit, plenty of room for court or business bldg. Exactly 1 acre of ground. Price 16.660. CALL ROY FERRIS SACRIFICE! Lee. 3 bdrm. home. llv. rm., 14x36 ft. with hdwd. fir., ft fireplace, din. rm., 2 nice bdrm., plenty of closet apace, full burnt., le. yard, on bus line and within 1 hick, of both Jr. High and grade schools. CALL PETER OEISER INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evening and Sunday Call Earl West 3-0608 - Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Geiser 3-9968 You Name The Down Payment If you can pay $70 per month including principal, in terest, taxes and fire insurance on this practically new 2 bedroom suburban house. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds and unfinished upstairs. Full price $8500. No finance charges to pay. Come to 3705 Sunny view avenue and we will show it to you. FOR SALE ACREAGE 160 ACRES. Waldport, Ore. Timber, springs, some cleared, orchard. 93500 cash. Ph. 3-7071. bb280 19 ACRES Pen 4 Corners, your money will NOT buy more In this location, 116,000. NEAR NEW WASHINGTON SCHOOL. 6 acre, well drained loam. IDEAL 8ITZS for approx. 30 home. On paved street. 15250. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St., Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440 bb273 REAL ESTATE Homeseekers Agency RENTAL AND SALE SERVICE vrrv noon completed furnished 5 room home 5.oo SPLENDID business location, 3 rm. 140.00 BUSINESS ROOM 120.00 3 ROOM furnished apt 130.00 VERY GOOD tnewl 3 room apt. wit.i f Hilda l re and elec. range 145.00 FOR KALE: 22 businesses and 9 cabin. trailer camps, etc. Before you rent, sell or buy. Contact the Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON BEST BUYS $1000 DOWN 3 bdrm. suburban, modern. Some fin ish work to be done. Total price only 14930. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $1500 DOWN Almost new. Approx. 1000 sq. ft. Un finished upstairs. Attached garage. Le. lot. Northeast Enulewood. Well worth $9500, Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. LESLIE Very well built older type home. Very close to Lealie ft McKinley school. euU basement. 3 bdrma. Fireplace. Nice et ting. F.H.A. terms available. Total price only $9250. Eve. Ph. 2-7874 or 3-3558. 98 ACRES Good seven room home. Approx. 40 acre cultivated. Lots of timber. 9 large wal nut trees. School bus at front door. We consider this a very good buy for $13,500 Stock ft equipment available. Would trade for good grocery store. Eve. ph 3-9403 or 3-3558. $1000 DOWN 11 acres with all equipment. Modern outbuilding. Immediate possession. Owner leaving city. Would consider car as down payment. Total price jnb $9750. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Coi, Realtor GOOD VALUES THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should par half the $3500 asked by owner. Has a one-room house, liveable, on good htahway 9 miles from Salem. Call Mr. Sederatrom. ATTRACTIVE 4 room. 2 yr. old home. Close to bus. Price only $4850. Call Mr. Voorhee. 3 BEDROOMS OFFERED for the prtce of two. Thl lovely home ha all modern conveniences, including Dtapoa-all and elec. dl-ihwaaher, all Included In price of $n450. Close to bus. Call Mr. Seder strom. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. The difference between the sale price of $12,800 and the FHA commitment of $10,400 1 the only down payment required on thl lovely 2 bedrm. home In new and mo dern dlatrlct. House ha everything in cluding automatic oil heating plant and larse lot. Don't wait. Call Thelnia or Mr. Voorhee. CLOSE IN. 10 Acres. Suburban home. 3 bedrm. house. Oil furnace; 2 fireplaces. Burn; rhicken house. Ye.ir around stream. Lois of shrubs. Some fruit. Call Mr. Voorhee. LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS , 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenlnva call: T helm a. 2-8053, Mr. Voorhee. 3-4007. Mr. Srdemrom. 3-5219 c377 155 MO.. 4 INTEREST REASONABLE VALUE IN THIS 3 ' BR HOME ON LOT 60x180. LOF. HEVTFI) UTILITY RM COMBINATION LIV ING A DINING ROOM. PVD, ST. A WALKS. PH 2-680 $10,500 ENGLEWOOD 11500 will handle, we believe this home has the nleert floor plan of any 3 BR home w have seen In some time. Le. Ilv. rm. with fireplace. 11x11 dining room, utility room, many built-in, m mediate possession. Ph 2-6680. I8MW. ACRE Many large fruit ft shade trees, full bstnt . dining rm.. fireplace. 3 BR . Ite. unfinished upstairs. Ideally located 3 ml. to city limit, eaat. Ph. 3-6680. REAL HOMEY FULLY Inaulated A weather (tripped. 3 BR home. North on pavement, prewar butlt. lull basement. em1-f InUhed at tic. If yo'i want a nice home worth the money, see thl one. It ha an $6700 FHA commitment. Ph 2-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 4S3 N. HIOH EVI. PH. 4-3334 - 3-8704 1-7769 c277 FURNISHED J. bed room plastered and l rum la ted home located east. Furnlshina Include ranee, and ahine machine. Move rlsht In for $1.450 00. No. 287-A 10 ACRES!! 3-bedroom home with basement. Hard wood floor Beautiful yard. Boerrber rlea. filbert, family trutt. Ped road. $1000 will trade foe 3-bedroom home in city. No. 620 UNUSUAL 3-bedroom home with den. located nortneaxt. Thl home ha many feature not found In the ordinary house. Fire place. Patio, hardwood floor. 110.500. No. 397 SACRIFICE!! on of Candalarlx Heights most beauti ful view lot 73x120. Street improve- i ments paid Only $1 nns. No. II REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South HUh Street Ph 9-9203 Evt. ft Bun . I J;. 3-1321, 6-2874 rt 3T6 1-990, 1-3US IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR SAvrvuS Investment buy a lirst mortgage on real estate Salem vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amount 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5. We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High C WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 6. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca MIDDLE WEST client want best farm $25,000 cah will buy. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Eve. 3-5390 or 3-7451 Office: 2-3649 ca278 NOTICE! If your property Is (or sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE !5 ACRE farm completely fenced. 10 acre of filberts, balance pasture with some timber ft year round creek. Route 4 Sa lem located one mile north of A urns -vllle. Win take small modern suburban home on Salem city bus line as part payment. Phone 20998 cb278 Trade for Salem Home 3 acres and Ige. hse. In heart of West Stayton. Sell or trade for Salem prop erty. Value $6500. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1. Box 343 (Wallace Road) Phones 2-2147 or 2-8836. cb27 RESORT PROPERTY NEW BEACH home. Utilities. Motel site. Ocean view. Sacrifice cash, trad. Sa lem Prop. Ph. 2-7071. CC280 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU want your own business? If you have $3500 and are interested in own ing a nlte club business, write for In formation ft particulars to Box 266 i Capital Journal. cdJ80 NEW. MODERN department store In southern Oregon, size 50x100. 100 location. Sell fixtures and merchandise at cost. Long lease. Price around $30, 000. Reasonable term If desired. Write box 279 In care of the Capital Journal. ed2T6 DRESS SHOP Very well located. 1 1.250 for fixture and Inventory. Come In. no phone Informa tion Please. Eve. 2-0473. Light Housekeeping Apartment, $22,500 13 apartments all furnished. 3 bedroom living quarters. $500 month Income. Present owners retiring, will take home, farm, or small Income In trade in Salem, or between Salem and Portland. Eve. 3-0473 Mr. J. E. LeClere J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Pht 3-7756 cd376' TRAILER court. $6,000, term. By owner Chaa H. Moore. 1739 M. Water St od377 9t9M. LATE built 4-unlt court HE. on bus line. Income of $270 per month. Thl court 1 In the very best of con dition. Shown by appointment oni' Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1SJ 8. HUH . Phone 3-4131. rd27T "BUSINESS CORNER FOR RENT Downtown new store and large home In connection. Grocery atock and equip ment for sale at Invoice. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State St. - Ph. 3-3380 - 3-6813 cd276 MODERN 3 Bd. rm. house ft service sta tion on S A. Full price $4950. $1000 Dn. Bsl. $40 mo. Rt. 3. Box 2oo. m ml. E. of Lancaster on Center St. cd376 GOINC1 Rt'SINrss for lease. Close to De troit dam lte. Tor complete informa tion cU ED BYRKIT. PhMlOl. cd N COM'! bri A 5 tr rt. 113 W owner, terms Ph 2-9829 cd27 N t'OM'LTtoreldrV tivrmX-": o R owner terms Ph 2-98N ed2TT FURNITURE FOR SALE DBI.Kni.MWATbdWBlnutdinint nrt. dr.jver.. etc. 1343 Wilbur SJ. n. 3-47J1. dT7 WANTED FURNITURE I AM In need of a complete household of furniture A appliances. Will buy all or pari of what you have. Pay pot cash, hUhest posnlbl price. See or call Wi lard Pavnter. 1415 Alder Ave. Ph. 3-5944. Salem. da276 LASC.E OI iNTITT furniture wanted. We buy complete household furntshlnga If you are moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel 3-6558 day. 3-4407 ete TRADER LOt'TR Sn5 Portland Rd da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK EltiHT BROOD Sowa to fairowanuery 10. One bow with six pig, one month old: one large boar: fiftv ihoata weigh ing 70 lo 100 pound: will eel) any or all. Phone Salrm 4-2423 evenings. e279 t IB. BI Tt HI R HOGS, weaner Pits and aow with II pit. Ph. 3-2l. Soj ert Beutler. Rt. 6. Box JW. Salem. e376 BONDED AND LICENCED llvestockeuyrr B C McCandllsh. 1137 S. 93 Ph. 9-6117 LIVESTOCK WANTED Llt rAMD LIVESTOCK Surer H F Sne then, 1559 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31J4S. eeTW" PETS MRriMIE puppt... Rtfut.rrd. 135. ''.P S-43M. ,o!74' COCKER SPANIEL puppiM. 174 H llttl 4CJ7I- REAL ESTATE SPECIAL A BEAUTIFUL BUNOALOW TYPE 3 BDR. HOME. LOCATED ONLY 3 BLKS. FROM THE NEW WASHINOTON SCHOOL JUST OFF SILVER TON HI WAY. THE HOME IS 3 YRS. OLD, HDWD. FLOORS. LR., K., LOTS OF B-INS, LARGE NOOK. BENDIX OOES. OARAGE ft LOTS OF SHRUBS. A REAL SPECIAL PRICED AT ONLY 86850. VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT, AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WE'LL TRY TO ARRANGE IT. A REAL BUY HICI 3 BDR. HOME LOCATED IT4 EAflTT SALEM NEAR PARK AVENUE. I .. D R.. K BEAUTIFUL METAL B-tSS. TRAYS. COOKINO A WATER HEAT ELECTRIC. KtATINO OIL. LOTS OP SHRUBS Aj IS NICE CLEAN. THIS MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. PRICED AT ONLY (SIM. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. 44 ACRES. HOWELL PRAIRIE. EAST OP SALEM. 1 BIO BARN. CHICKEN HOUSE. OOOD I BDR. HOME. IP YOU WANT A HOWELL PRAIRIE RANCH SEE TH1S1 ) ACRES, LOCATED IN THE SILVERTON DISTRICT. OOOD HOME. OOOD BARN, ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEM. 14 ACRES WALNUTS. BALANCE PAS TURE. ... GRADE A DAIRY, BEST IN THE STATE, HIS LOSS. YOUR OAIN. SEE .'HISI CALL US FOR ANT PURTHER INFORMATION ON ANY OP THESE PLACES. EVENIHO PHONE: 3-5141, 34443, 1-7013, I HIi, I-34M GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEB, MGR. 1853 N. Capitol BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Investors Here Is Your Chance WE HAVE AN 13 UNIT AUTO COURT 3 YRS. OLD. IN TOP SHAPE. ALL THE WAY THROUOH. OVER 700 FOOT FRONTAGE ON 9E, JUST SOUTH OF SALEM. 10 HOU8EKEEPINO APT8.. 8 SLEEPINO APTS., COMPLETELY FURNISHED WITH ALL FINE FURNITURE UTILITY UNIT. 3 SEPAR ATE ft-RM. HOUSES. WITH ELECT. STOVES AND REFRIO'S.. BASE. MENTS. THERE IS ALSO BLACKTOP IN FRONT AND A STREET BORD ERING THE PROPERTY ON ALL SIDES. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF ROOM FOR EXPANSION. THIS PROPERTY IS NETTING BETTER THAN 13V. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE ONE OF THE FINEST COURTS IN THE WEST. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office: 2-8629 Home: 3-7163 191 S. High St. A. A. Larson, Realtor PETS SIAMESE KITTEN. Inqulrlu Invited. Mr4. E. Kuck, 14S20 b.e. Mm, roru.iia, wre. ee280 FREE CUTE puppiu, 3 mo. old. 970 Ford Ol. rn. . CHOICE t.n.rT blrd. 340 N. nth. c3 FUEL 16" OLD FIR. 3 ft. old fir. Arnold Phil lips, box 2flt, Turner, fd. iaj. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE Si HEATER Ce301 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawduat Green Edging $5.50 load Double 110 00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 85533 EE WOOD FOR SALE, dry fir. 813.50 cord. Oak 315. Deuverea. rn. ,iciit7i". ee279 WOOD and sawdust. Reasonable. Ph. R Maaer, s-joos. CALL' HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dleael and Stove OUs. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dn Planer End ft Block Wood. Ph. 28444 'WOOD ft sawdust. Rca. Ph. R. W. Maker 3-7868. West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Auto Pick up wood at 1535 Edge water St., west oaiem Btl IT I TUB nbtlA Old lit, oak, asb ft maple, 4V fit 16' slab and eaging rnatioo WALNUT shell tor sale. Klorfeio Packing UP. log n. rrunfc. DRY16" lab ft edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ce' TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside MlU Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 5 CHRISTY Hampshire pullets. 7 mo. old. Laying. Make offer. K. . cook, hi. i, box 764, Liberty dlst. 1277 WANTED: A U STB A White pullet. Ph. 27918. ; ORDER YOI'R Thanksgiving turkey. Hoi- onbeck's Turkey Farm. rn. uervai 3333, Box 81, Brook. f23 YOUNG TURKEYS, corn fed. alo chick- en. Dotm flatter, jaw Lancaster ut, Ph. 25708. 279 YOt'Nof fat hens, 625 Hollywood Ave. Ph. 3-5803. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or Tuture delivery, riatcnes every iues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969; PRODUCE POTATOES Don't pay tore price when you fan get them within twenty minute drle from the court house In Salem at a much lower price right where they were grown. These potatoes have been aorted carefully and sacked. ready for your own selection. Sacks are open for your in spection. No small one have been sacked. All are nice alze. Some large baking else. Come out Sunday If your employment Interferes with thl trip into the coun try l'i mile north of the Kelier school In Clear Lake road. Come out Nortn Front St. to the Kelier chool. Contlnje to Intersection of Clear Lake road, tane left hand highway ' mile, look for large green poultry house. We will be looking for you there. F. A. Brewster, box 261-C. If37 CHOICE APPLES. A. C. Savage at Waco.l- da. Ph. 3-1344. II27I EASTERN ALFALFA by ton or truck load. Addres 965 8. 13th. PH. 3-9923. U3II ROME BEAI'TY apple. Perfect, Dil'v ered. Call 3-4380. ff276 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED; Man between age 23-44 yr. for delivery and service work by a hardware and furniture store located 30 mile from Salem. State experience and ret ere nee. Box 381, Capital Journal. ia278' WANTED! Exp. furniture galenas al HOGG BROS. 360 State St. g' HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED fountain operator. Phong 28737 or 21098 for pergonal interview. gb276 WANTED women nut shelter. All flnter work. 460 N Front Klorfeln Packing Company. fb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS J44 sr.t, strm Prion. 1-1448 4f WANTED POSITIONS C A RPENTP REWORK wanted. Ph." 9-"l4 h)77 CHILD TIRE or baby tttlnt after I pn Your home or mine. Ph. 3-1943. h2"6 COOKtNO and light house keeping for convaioaeina mother with infant. Ph. 3-6193. h2T8 CARPENTER work. New. repair. Ph 3-3093 121 STEEL Outtar player want to cou'ic arod at nl a rd player lo practice w.t.i. wtlt Join good Western band. Lots oi lead guitar and roe al tit bsek ground. Writ to Ernia. 1339 Candle wood Dm. Salem, Ore. 1377 CARPENTER. Left remodel ft repair be for holidays. Oood work. Reasonable Ph. 38336. h26 CHILDREN taken care of In my home. By hour or day. Ph. j-969. nil S. Capitol U73 IREAL ESTATE Phone 3-3031 IBU5INESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED POSITIONS CHILD car by day or hour. 1090 M. 18th. h277 IRONINGS wanted. 83.50. h278 WASHINGS J h. 4-2585. FILIPINO wants cooking and housework or onvin. uo nome night. Write box 273 Capital Journal. h276 EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you nave a aoor tnat work hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If so call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-5833. t)2u2 BABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 26741. M97 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. eerv- icj. former pnone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h289- TYPING and baby ilttlni eve. Ezd. St re liable. Ph 3-7854. has FINK PAPERING ft painting. Ph. 3-5522. nasu BABY SITTING. Phone 20580. h287 WANT DUMP truck Job. Can 3-8301. h278 REFRIGERATION SERVICE ft Electric 2KH4iaiivtr icAJair. wars guarantcco Ph. 2-6941. h277 WASHI NO an TYPING Hi dean reliable. 44o anuioo oi. n377" Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 1-3649 h285 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- it hi, op. won guar. w. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h287 PAINTING. Interior ft eit Ph. 3-2979. h288 BOISE RAISING, f ou nd a tIo n rconc re te work. Klang Bros., Ph. 3-3292. h286 NANCY'S Nursery. Day or hr Ph. 3-4940. h284 IRONING. Ph. 34767 after S p.m. h280 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph, 3-6796 h279 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 3-4 8 50 ? EDUCATION MEN 17-45 WOMEN 18-35 Are needed by railroad throughout America as: STATION AGENTS TELEGRAPHERS Position open throughout the United State. Starting salary 1377.50 plus ben efit. Rapid advancement. For Informa tion on housing, part-time work and starting dates, contact representative of Burns School of Business MARION HOTEL FRIDAY, SATURDAY, & SUNDAY ONLY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. O.I. APPROVED hh276 FOR RENT ROOMS t LAROE RMS. 3 beds. 1 gmall. 1 rot. 160 Union. Ph. 3-9835. Jk277 PLEASANT sleeping room for man. 1030 norway. rn. 3-4547 after 6 p.m. Jk230 HEATED sleeping room. In good location. o n. winter sc., rn. 3-5539. Jk280 3 RMS. with board for men In comfort- aDie nome. Ph. 3-1028. Jk280" CLOSE IN room for clean employed min. atu o. iioerty. jk276 WARM SLEEPING room. Employed ladv. murncn priv. tn. Jk376 CLEAN LIGHT housekeeping room. 825. 1 dk bi, JK276 SINGLE SLEEPING rm 472 N Liberty. Jk278 HEATED SLEEPING room tor men. Dou- ie s single. 385 ti. 14th. Jk272 NICELY furn. bedroom close In. Kit. prlv.". no ariniers -ee w. voltage, rn. 3-9430 Jk277 SLEEPING RMS. IS wk. 395 N. 14th. 3-80 M JK294 ROOMS. 1M S Cot Ure.h 371 117. Jk292 ROOMS to rent by the week or month. very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph. 2-3181. Jk.277 NICE SLEEPING KM. Garage. Ph. 3-7558 Jk293 MEN S WARM sleeping room. Prlv ent rn. jjw laoa n. capltoi. Jk37S ROO M S448 Cen tr Rear Woodroar tk279 HOLLYWOOD, 3035 McCoy. Ph-OOM! Jk383 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICFLT FI RNISHED large 2-rm. apt. I6S. Ambassador Apt.. 550 N. Summer. Jp280 3 RM. APT. Private bath and entrance. ' oik. from bu and store. Adult. 795 S. 13th. Jp376 9 RM. APT. partly (urn. Child excepted. 399 fission. jp278 fYrnTcoI RT apt. 4 blksT from t:e house. Ph. 2-0714. JP377 VERT MODERN Vptrwith'bath ft refng". Hot water heat. Located 3 block 'rom Stat Bldg. ft new shopping center. 46 N. Winter. Jp2" SMU.L FI'RN. aptTVriv. bath. 4 blocks P. O. One woman. 833. Ph. 3-074. Jp378 9 LARGE dean room furnished apt. HftC water, otl heat, new gas range, atreet floor, close in. Rea. AdulU. 190 Div ision St. Cor. Divitlon ft N. Front St. IP276 FOR It NT. Troom furnished "pt.3nd r.r lady preferred. Ph. 21526 Jp277 3 RM. Ft'RN, apt, Prlv. ent. ft bath. Bus by door. Heat ft washing machine furn. M. S. of Capitol. 945 mo. 91 Mill St. Ip276 NEW APT.. 9 rm.' bath. Partly furn'. 1047 Madison. JP377 CLOVE IN, clean, 3 room, prlv. bath 633 Parry. Jp171 4 RM. APT., 1 BR. Ph. 3-516. , jpJTT I RM. FIRN." apt.7mBln floor Refr.f. ft electric raree, 17.00 week Elderly gen tlemen preferred. Ph. 3-5278. JpJ77 APT. IN W. Salem. J rm. uofurn. eirept elec rnni. Ph. 39009. JP379 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOUNTAIN & LUNCH, ALL EQUIP PED $ 4,500.00 VARIETY STORE, STOCK tc FIX TURES 5.000.00 APT. HOUSE, CLOSE-IN, FURNISHED . . $ 14,500.00 LG. SIZE BUSINESS LOT WITH 3 HOUSES $ 18,000.00 APT. HOUSE SITE NEAR STATE CAPI TOL 26,500.00 APT. HOUSE SITE, 2 HOUSES NEAR CAPITOL $ 30,000.00 APT. HOUSE NEAR STATE BLDG 20,000.00 APT. HOUSE, CLOSE-IN NORTH, BUSI NESS CORNER f 25,000.00 6 UNIT RESIDENCE COURT NEAR STATE HOUSE 28,500.00 8 UNIT RESIDENCE COURT, FINE LO CATION $ 48,000.00 AUTO COURT LOCATED SOUTH f 19,000.00 AUTO COURT LOCATED SOUTH $ 32,000.00 AUTO COURT LOCATED SOUTH $ 48,500.00 AUTO COURT LOCATED NORTH $ 39,000.00 AUTO COURT, 20 COTTAGES, APT. HOUSE It 2 HOUSES $ 80,000.00 GEN. MERC. STORE tV FOOD LOCK- ' ERS, 10 LOTS $ 31,000.00 BUSINESS BLDG., HOLLYWOOD DIS TRICT $ 37,500.00 NITE CLUB, GOOD BLDG. & ALL EQUIPPED $ 40,000.00 NEW BUSINESS BLDG. CLOSE IN $ 31,500.00 APT. HOUSE tc 2 UNIT FLAT IN PEN DLETON SHOWING EXCEPTION ALLY FINE INCOME S 36,500.00 TWO NICE GROCERY STORES IN PEN DLETON. BIG DISCOUNT ON FIX TURES, STOCK AT INVOICE. THESE ARE NOT SUBURBAN STORES. LAST YEAR'S GROSS SALE OVER $ 300,000.00 COME IN & TALK THESE OVER WITH MR. KIGGINS WE SPECIALIZE IN BUSINESS RENTALS & LEASES BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. HIGH ST. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 RM. ft Kltch. furn. apt. Prlv. ent. State et. near court nouae. aouiu onty. no drinker. 332. Ivan O. Martin. Ph. 34419. jp276 IF YOU want a very nice clean 3 rm. furn. apt, private oatn, ail untitle mm., Ph. 39138 eve. after p.m. Jp279 LARGE 3 rm. apt. 373 Market. 1 block to IS. Ph. 37236. JP376 tROOM furnishedaptPh. 3-7310. jp378 3 RM. APT. partly furn. Prttata bath. Ad- ults. 1196 Chemeketa. jpm FURN. sleeping rm. ft gar. for man. 329 per mo. Ph. 3-7815 alter 6 p.m. is 70 warncr. P276 FURNISHED cottage. 3315 Portland rd. ipz it FOR RENT HOUSES BDRM. modern house, basement, auto, oil furn. Garage. Will lease. Require refer. 132 1 N. Capitol. Jm377 THREE BDRM. house, re finished, oil heat. elec. hot water, wired lor range, fireplace, yen. blinds. Insulated ceiling, full basement, fruit, garden pdt, chick en house. 1 miles 8. from 12th Bt. cut off on old highway 99E. $60.00. Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Phone 3-1607. Two school busses at the door. Jm276 S RM. SUBURBAN semi-mod. house, chick en house, garden, partly mrnisnea. uia er adults only. Phone 3-0050. Jm276 NEW 3 BDRM, house. Immediate posses sion. Inquire 1365 Market St. m22a NEARLY new 3 B.R. house and garage. All elec, V blinds, hdwd. floors, "3 mil E. of Pen Four Corners. No pets. 870 mo. Available Sunday. See caretaker at 4545 State. Ph. 3-1125; Jm377 NEW UNFURN. 3 bdrm. he. 959 mo. Ph. 20081. jm.376" 4 BR HOME on Garden Ro,d. 844 Uoore at ElI,trom'4 or pnona 3-7444 eve. or Sun. Jm375 FOR RENT or aale, two 2 bdrm. nouse,. Eve. 340 Division. jmxie BR MODERN house. CloM to Sweale school, bus, store. 175. Ph. 3-17J4. Rt. 5 box 114. Im37 CABINS. NOT modem. Dallaa Blghway. Rt. 4 BOX 433. PH. 37424. jm30- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OREGON BLDG. 2 or 3 room suite, 1 sin gle. Ph. 3-4114. w r FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or store. Auo i itory alley warehouse with elevator dis tributor's headquarter. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Bt. Tel. 3-4131. J' FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8483. j U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103 r l4 A OF GOOD LAND, lovely small home. 1 BR, elec. wtr. htr. ft range. Ige. gar. ft small 1 rm. house. Could use as bedroom. All kinds fruit tree, nut, berries. Oood dlst. Near school, 150 mo. See at 480 Elma Ave., 4 Corner. J279 BUSINESS RM. lor rent. R. L. Stiff. FLOOR BINDERS for rent Montgomery Ward J FOR RENT 36x40 warehouse. Phone 29812. J278 POWLR TOOL rental for bom and in dustrial us Hower Bros Ph 8-3646 TRAILERS $3.00 per day Bowser Bros 14lv t 12th. West Salem I TO DO a good Job -ent a good floor aand r K ell everything to complete tb lob HOWSER BROS - P& 1-3648 I UOD I'SED PIANOS. R L. Stiff 4INGER ELECTRIO portable sewing ma chine Reasonable rate. Free pick u, ft delivery Sinter Sewing Machine Co 110 N Com l Ph S"13 r WANTED TO RENT DESK apace. Ground fir. Ph. 3-9013. Ja376 COUPLE DESIRE amaU unfurnished house at moderate rates. Preferably north. Wrlte box 280 Capital Journal. Ja379 1 BDRM. unfurn. nous or apt. Immedi ately. Ph. 35361. Ja376 RCMtVBOARD RM. FOR 1 OR t men. Home cooked meals opttonalPh. 2-870. JJ376 BOARD ft room. Ph. 3-8706. )J3B9 LOST & FOUND DIAMOND ring found. Owner must pay for adv. Ph-HOJ. k376" LOST! 8m sh ladles wrist witch. Keepake to owner. Generous reward. Finder please call 9-1714 after 8 30 pi, k3?1 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatt7 464C8urt We close Saturday 13:30. m396a DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 9 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR BARRT SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State ft Commercial Bu SALEM Phone 9-9111 BUILDING MATERIAL RED CEDAR shingle No. 1 3t3 any amount delivered lowest market prices 19 In. No. 1 carton Packed eedarwaU hakes, Ted Muller Salem-Indep road. Call 3-1196 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top oua!lty frammt lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid en that next Job. WEtfT SA LEM SAW MILL. 105 Wallace ltd. Ph. 3 -1591 tf Waterproof Wallboard Hard durable material. 3 thlekn.u. cheaper than plr.ood. Use for wa'J, floonne. C. O. Lont. Ph. J.3331. One 3BI14 north al : '.leer. Sia377 (BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PHONE: 2-3649 BUILDING MATERIALS SAVE o ROO PINO a-iT, -" flT eomwew ni. TALLED prtoa on your roofing need, wido rant of color. Call our outside Mlaamaa for free esUmaU. Som 1-3191. mono MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. ' WINDOWS wooa s metal frame. Low priced r S.il- Ph- '-5M1- -oni, or st. jTS- St" ma293 SHAKES . STTVTmTi 3-5431. On mil. nnpth f " floortn. sou Diii. " .n ItaljlMd Iuboct Id B.lem. OtThMd M FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS th. crton.JM. w Hudson St. ism" UPRIGHT PIANO. Oooa cond. MpTTs.l.m nJ78 ,s,'a0!3th"0 1,Me- ,I00' 'r,lr"',4 llS;7,!C J'"! machine, deluw seasonable. Anton Koch, Rt. t, Box 603. n27S WALNL'T olllce desk for aectr. Modern style. Reas. Ph. 3-0773. IaV 4 RM. OIL eireul.tnr ...,.. , . lT;Ytti 1 wm " 'or 530. T.yj?ci,iAT0 b"1"- cond. PhT mis' 'SyL"??J?u"'"" "M- e I3T .5. Ptt. 3-5403. n374 " JSf T?.0",!0; hoM- KiitW .-"u. S340 WASHING machine, O.E. with puinpT excellent condition. Ph. 3-3774. mi DINING rm: table ft chalrsrTarm cnairs, ew. Orey coat No. 1. 1037 Oak St. .171 FOK SALE - SHOE REPAIR MACHINERY Champion 53 stitcher and motor, ilk. new Champion 5 In 1 Model H. Landls nnlsher and motor, single patcher. Shoe press; Jack and lasts: other tools, auopllea and materials. Sacrifice lor julck sale 11300. write to R. L. Roberts, To ' M'U C"' Oreon or Ph ANTIqi'E GOLDEN oak dlnlni room ta '"!J!4?N 50'1' 'ter P ". 37 CHROME KITCHENETTE set. BluPlea 53o"N: 3h. yjs CHAMPION PLITQ tester. AC cleaner; -...-M rnoni s-Oii0. n376 I M 1 Til , i . . , . sir 14.Oor cond. Ph. 37520. n3S2" 343 BLACK leather coUapslblebabTliuxaTT oTl"-""-' Berry Bt. Ph. 30330. nj;, NOW ORGAN MUSIC THROUGH YOUR PIANO! Bear the beautiful Lowr, Ori.no. Ideal for home, church or school use. Come In for demonstretlon. Stone Piano Co. '.7" v," finest Piano Store" 1340 Falrsrounds Road Balem, Ore n277 HEAT your home electrically with Wesu ' "esw auumatlo electric heaters. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. PTLLER brushes, 1741 Oranl. Ph. 1-3357: n3o- SPENCER Corsettler, 3353 D 84. Ph. 3-5073? n377 UIKEKAL ELECTRIC Croslsf. Olbaon ana Monte. Appiiancj at Oavnrta. a wSSPJ"KlB Davenols' I375 H. 19th. B374' COLDSPOT ratrl,. Oood ahspe, ISO. 190 B377' "T Almost new. Includes let, t4nk ft pipe, 175,00. Ph. 3-8303. n277 OAS COOK STOVE and tank. 133. Ph" 3-4414 after 4. n377 3tEAljTlPirL brow n aaulrrel coaT worn 3 times. Perfect. Ph: 3-4740. n377 rNTtERAL Apt. bed. Simmons muiti. Ph. 3-3344 OT 3-3435. B277 ROYAL Rll'E wparator. One yeer omL - ..v.r.iT. wun motor attaenen. Ph. 3-1433. Box 341. rt. t. n37 ott elreulators at close out prices. en.u. Ni-riAncn co. 374 cneme- H3S4 alichlnei-Pree We.tlnxhous.. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 Cheme keta. D314- PLA5TI-KOTE th4 44llophane-llk. fin a lo. jour uoors. woMiworka or lin oleum. TEATER APPLIANCE CO 373 Chemeketa. n334 Cif? "" TRATER APPLIANCE CO? ... unvracKeta. n344" t washlnf machines TEATER AP- ri-"i i. cnemeketa. n344- TEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, ralllnea n v miwim m ao.r. 11W n. woeriy. nal ttto e'.ettrte water heaters. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 371 Chemeketa. n234- f BEAN pntra, lattlca batten ft mlec" trlpi. loo Lana Ave Ph. 34031. ran' (Continued on Page 13)