12 MINSTREL OF SCOTLAND Harry Lauder, Allowed One Visitor, Feared Weakening Strathaven. Scotland, Nov. 19 U. The famous crooked cane Is in a closet with the kilts and the bonnet ,and Sir Harry Lauder, the minstrel of Scotland, knows he may never need them again. In the three months since he suffered stroke that would ' Bid to Be Made Valley Students A score of Salem high school students will set out Monday to visit Willamette valley towns to Invite high school boys to the Annual Older Boys conference slated for December 2 and 3 at the Salem YMCA. Heading the delegation will be Merlin Schulze, Older Boys Conference president to extend a personal invitation to the vis iting schools. High schools to be visited are Jefferson, Stayton, Detroit, Aumsville, Gervais, Willamina, Sheridan, Amity, Perrydale, Woodburn, Silverton, Hubbard, McMinnville, Dayton, St. Paul, Turner, Independence, Mon mouth, Yamhill, Carlton, New berg, Ed Newall, Dallas, Valsetz, Pedee and Falls City. Salem high school students mailing up the delegation are Richard Wyatt, Bob Meaney, Cleo Keppinger, Ron Walters, Bob Hamblin, Tom Angle, Lay- ton Gilson, Dennis Feme, G il bert Bateson, Gordon Sloan, Ed Knapp and David Blackmer. Tentative plans for the con ference sponsored by the Salem high, school Hi-Y chapter are to have Dr. U. G. Dubach, profes sor at Lewis and Clark college to speak on "What Are Em ployers Looking For" to the some ISO delegates expected. Several other speakers are being arranged for the conference. Episcopalian Church Combining Services Woodburn St. Mary's Epis copal church will hold a com bined service of the Litany and Ante-Communion Sunday, with Thomas Hanna, lay-leader read ing the Litany, assisted by the vicar. Rev. C. C. Slocum. Thanksgiving Day there will be a worship service at 10:30 a.m. with a brief sermon "The Meaning of Thanksgiving." Sun day, Nov. 27, the first Sunday in Advent, initiates the Christ ian calendar year. The tradition al Corporate Advent Commun ion for men and boys of the church will be held at the reg ular morning service. The service of confirmation or laying-on-of-hands, will be held Friday evening, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. The Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dag well, bishop of the Episcopal church in western Oregon, will officiate at this service. A recep tion for the bishop will follow. and refreshments will be served by the women's guild. Lutheran Brotherhood Observes Guest Night Aurora Members of Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, at tended a meeting of the Luth eran Brotherhoods of the Ameri can Lutheran church, Willam ette area, at Luther Memorial church, Portland. . The Lutheran Brotherhood of Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, recently observed "guest night" under the leadership of Allen Yost A motion picture depict ing economic and spiritual condi tions in Europe was shown, after which the pastor, Rev. H. Mau, presided at a question and an swer forum. Refreshments were served by Charles Meter, Wil liam Wenzel and H. R. Driever. Elk Banters Leave Unionvale Lyle Burnham of Unionvale, Clyde M. LaFol let, Woodrow Hawkins and Ted Hensley of the Wheatland dis trict are on an elk hunting trip in eastern Oregon. r I and The Kings Men Monday through KOCO- have killed many a younger man, the 70-year-old entertainer has been fighting his way back slow ly to an awareness of the world around him. He knows from the doctor's daily visits and the thousands of messages pouring in on his home that it was a very close thing. as his neighbors say And he appears to recognize that at his age the combination of cerebral thrombosis and ur emia is a tough one to beat. Only one visitor is allowed in his bedroom, his niece, Miss Gret Lauder. She reads him the newspapers and the good wishes from such friends as Winston Churchill and Danny Kaye, and lets him listen to the radio for a few minutes. But she firmly refuses his sug gestions that he be permitted a pipeful of tobacco. The doctor forbade it. The daily medical bulletin still says Sir Harry had a "com fortable" day or night. But fears persist that he may be weaken ing slightly. Twice this week Miss Lauder spent most of the night at his bedside. The doctors say it is the old minstrel's spirit which is keeping him alive. The same stength and drive that took him from a humble home to wealth and world fame. Churchill's message was one to a dear friend. They first met in 1910 when the wartime prime minister was a youthful home secretary. When they last met 1946, Churchill asked Sir Harry to sing his favorite sone "Keep right on to the end of the road." It is one of Sir Harry's favor ites, too. Sheridan Receiving Clothes Contributions Sheridan Clothing contribu tions to be given needy persons at Christmas will be received at tne American Legion hall Mon- day morning at 10:30 o'clock. eessie Wlrfs and Bessie Malo will be hostesses for a no host ess luncheon at noon. Members of the president's parley of the auxiliary will sort, mend and clean the clothing at their Mon- aay meeting. Missionary Speaker bilverton Rev. S. L. Almlie of Immanuel Lutheran pastor ate, is announcing a Friday evening,- 8 o'clock, meeting at the church, with Missionary W. Rin dahl of the Zula mission of the South African area will speak at the special service. With his talk, Rev. Rindahl will show slides and movies depicting his work in the foreign fields. EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of God Market St ft Park Ave. Take Madison Street Bus SUNDAY, NOV. 20 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Subject AN EXPANDING HORIZON' 6:15 Youth Groups & Vesper 7:45 P.M. Evangelistic Rally Subject 'THE GREAT ACCOUNTING' Old Fashioned Singing Music to Bless and Inspire Sat., 5:30 P.M. Program Over KSLM EVERYONE WELCOME Walter S. Frederick, Pastor Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY oma& Friday, 9:45 a.m. 1490 KC. - tip Heads Rescue Party Lt. Romeo H. Freer (center, white coat), of the Fairfield-Suisun air force base, headed rescue workers after the crash of two B-29 Superforts over Stock ton, Calif. He surveys wreckage of the craft which crashed in flames on a McDonald island levee, nine miles west of Stockton, Calif. (AP Wirephoto.) Clothing Campaign Opens at Woodburn Woodburn A Thanksgiving week campaign for clothing, shoes and soap for the needy and homeless of Europe and the Near and Far East will be con ducted in Woodburn beginning Sunday, and ending Nov. 27, un der the auspices of St. Luke's parish. All kinds of clothing, wearable shoes and bar soap is needed. Donors are requested to bring their contributions to St. Luke's church during the week of No vember 20 to 27. The articles will be shipped directly to emer gency zones in Europe and Asia for free distribution to those in need, regardless of race, creed, or color. Unionvale Church Brotherhood Host Unionvale The brotherhood of Dayton, Hopewell, Lafayette and Unionvale Evangelical Uni ted Brethren churches met at the Unionvale church. There were 19 Boy Scouts and Eugene btockhoff, the assistant scout master guests. Rev. Roy Knight of George Fox college, Newberg, conducted the devotionals, the lesson and LOOK AT THIS! That Has Just Arrived THE 1950 MODEL International-Harvester REFRIGERATOR BUILT RIGHT, PRICED RIGHT, ENGINEERED AND FEMINEERED So Every Woman Will Love It at First Sight NEW REFRIGERATOR The spacious interior of International Harvester Model H-M la impressing housewives everywhere. Actual capacity Is S.4 cable feet. Rigid, beveled-edge steel shelves, designed for maximum food storage, make bulky foods easy to handle. Two crlsper pans for vegetables and fruits, can be shifted to suit housewife's convenience. Fifty pounds of frozen foods fit In the full-width freeser compartment Added storage space Is provided by the Pantry-Bin, which holds Z6.1 quarts of unrefrlgerated foods. 4 BIG 19S0 MODELS From 7.4 coble feet to 9 '4 cubic feet. A choice of full-width and conventional half-width. prices $214.95 t0 $299.95 SEE THEM ON DISPLAY NOW Henry M. Lehman REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES 337 N. High Solem Phone 2-7941 was the speaker. A men's quar tet from the same college were in charge of the singing. Rerfreshments were served The next meeting will be held at Lafayette Thursday, Decem ber 15. Amity Property Moves Amity A real estate deal here this week was made where by Mr. and Mrs. Farrington of Seattle, Wash, became the own er of the house, barn and some acreage which was originally the Watt home located on the west side of 99W highway just inside the city limits to the north. The R. O. Jones family acquired the place from the Watt family, and a number of families have owned and sold the property since. Open Bible Standard Church New Permanent Location 1232 N. Comb Sunday School: 10 ajn. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Sermon: "The Praises of Men." Overcomers Y.P. Service: 7 p.m. Special feature :"Gospel Film." Evangelistic Service. 7:45 p.m. Sermon: "Five Minutes After the Rapture." Illustrated by Gospel Film -The Rapture." Come! Bring your friends. Rev. A. C. Grimes, pastor HAS DELUXE FEATURES 283 Polio Cases Totaled in State State-wide incidence of polio myelitis has declined for the fourth consecutive week, accord ing to reports issued by the state department of health. Total cas es reported to date in Oregon is 283 as .compared with 170 for the corresponding period in 104a One case was reported in Ma- rion county during the week onrtlnff Nnv 12 hrinoino Iho I tal for the year up to 28. Marion county has had no cas es of diphtheria, although 48 cases were reported on a state wide basis, 19 of them being in Jackson county. Additional incidences of com municable disease in Marion county for the week included lour or pneumonia, and one each of influenza, measles, men ingitis and mumps. New Name Selected By Extension Unit Liberty The Extension Unit was called to order by Mrs. W. J Hall at the Salem Heights hall on Liberty road, with thirty five women attending. Mrs. Roland Seeger reported on A. C. W. W., and read a let ter received from a school teach er in Norway, who had received the food parcel from the club last year. Mrs. Harold Rose braugh reported on Azalea House and many aprons were turned in, for the sale which will be held in December. This is a county wide project. Favor- REDDI-WIP IS MPDRTANT ite receipts will be turned In at the January meeting. The club voted to change the name of the club and it was vot ed on to call it the Tri-Ex-tension Unit. The Tri- standing for Liberty, Salem Heights and Prospect. It was submitted by Mrs. Louise Kurth and was sug gested by her husband. The project "Window Treat ment" was presented by the county home demontsration at large, Betty Boetcher. Church 0t Unionvale u, li r , A " U ITIU3H.UI JCITIIC Unionvale There were 50 at tended the opening services of special meetings by Rev. Robert Waggoner, evangelist, at the lo cal church. Dr. Delbert Rose, dean of scm inary at Jennings Lodge will be the speaker at 11 a.m. .and 7:30 p.m. services at the local evangelical United Brethren church Sunday November 20. Special music will be a male quartet; trumpet and tenor soloists. Serving Salem and Vicinity for 21 Years Funeral Services Within the Means of Everyone jsitsVflViL Vlrrtt T. G.ldea VIRGIL T. GOLDEN CO. MORTUARY 60S S. Commercial Ph. 42257 PREPARED FOR REDW-WIP CO., INC.1- flrSD F)55CP ON TO VOU BY CURLY5 DfMRY DISTRIBUTORS OFREDOI WIP AVAILABLE AT MOST GROCERY STORES IN SALEM OR PHONE CURLY'S DAIRY 38783 n Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Gervais Missionary Society Will Elect Gervais Clara Jones Mis sionary society met at the church parlors with 18 members and Mrs. Fern Clanahan. a guest. The meeting opened with Mrs. Clara Jones giving the year book of prayer and the devo tionals by Mrs. George T. Wads worth. Mrs. Robert Harper and Mrs. Ross Cutsforth gave the topic. Mrs. David St. John, Mrs. Donald DuRette and Mrs. John Banick were named on the nom inating committee for the elec tion of officers in December. A thank offering was taken Attention Loggers! Top Prices Paid for Loes at Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125 Lxti Bella Mies Brown J RUTrtRAUFF E. RYAN ni Saturday, Nov. 19, 1949u ana articles were received for use in a mission hospital in Af rica. A Christmas party and ex-i change of gifts will be featured at the December meeting with Mrs. Frank Holoubek and Mrs. Robert Harper assisting. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by Mrs Donald DuRette, Mrs. Earl Trus sell and Mrs. Buford Brown. Worship With Us LOYALTY MONTH 9:45 A.M. Church School . TWO MORNING SERVICES 8:45 and 11:00 A.M. "Except The Lord Build the by the Minister 7:45 P.M. Music Night A Cappella Choir Of San Francisco Theological Seminary First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter ; Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L. Goodenberger, Assistant Pastor iwc . AlWMrmiWrt At Your Favorite Food Store Hi 1 4 h it'