Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 18, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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Jjalem A Churched
Oari Blree Christian Charea 17th and
Court ftireet. w. H. Lyman. Minuter.
Blbl. achool assembly 9:45. Mornlnf wor
ship and communion 10:50 o'clock. Bermon
subject, "With Authority end Power".
Youth hour e:30. Evening worahlp 1:S0
e'nlwlc. Sermon subject, "Learning to
8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ort., Friday, November 18, 1949
St John's Lutheran Church
To Observe 50th Anniversary
St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran church will note the 50th an
niversary of its founding this Sunday, during the 11 o'clock morn
ing service. i
The congregation was organized in November 1899 with 6
voting members. The first church building was erected on Cen
tner street between uth and l4tn.
. Ten -years later the congrega
tion moved its church build
ing to the corner of 16th and A
streets. This building still serv
es the congregation as a house,
worship. A number of alter
ations have been made since
1910. A parsonage was built in
1912 and a Christian Day school
was erected in 1915. This school
was discontinued in 1930." Men
and women still prominent mem
bers of St. Johns church receiv
ed their elementary education
in this school.
St. Johns congregation num
bers some 580 baptized members
Two services are conducted each
Sunday morning to accommodate
the total membership. A number
of auxiliary organizations, prin
cipally the Lutheran Womens
Guild, the Lutheran Laymens
League and the Walther League,
contribute to the life and work
of the congregation. A new
church Is in the process of con
struction on the corner of 14th
and Court streets and will cost
some $150,000 when completed.
Three pastors have served the
congregation since 1899. The
Rev. Mr. H. Lossner; 1899-1906.
The Rev. Mr. Geo. Engel; 1906-
1910. The Rev. Mr. H. W. Gross
has been pastor since 1910. mak
ing him the oldest member of
the clergy in point of service in
the city of Salem. William Lewis
is chairman of the congregation.
A. Holscher, W, J arms and B.
Ratjin serve as trustees. Carl
Anderson, G. Brodhagen, Leroy
Mittcndorf and Edwin Sahnow
are the elders. W. Sylvester is
secretary and Warren Klug is
the treasurer.
St. Johns is a member of the
Lutheran Church-Mo. Synod and
through this organization car
ries on an extensive mission pro
gram in all parts of -the world.
The congregation has contribut
ed its part to the life of the Sa
lem community. On November
20th it will pause to remember
its blessings and opportunities.
Tilt Bethel Rapt 1ft Church North Cot
teg at D it reel. Rev. Rudolph Woyke.
pastor. Sunday school at t:4ft with cIiibci
(or all ages. Mornlnf worahlp at 11. the
Sartor praachint on th topic: "A Tim
onored standard." Oregan recital by
Oren Hornback at 7. Mlnslonarr aervlce
with picture! and mesnage by Ulu Laura
Reddlf of Africa at 7:30.
Central Church f ChrUt Chemekta
at Cottage. M. C. Cuthbertson, minister.
Blbl ichool 0:46, worahlp and preaching
10:46 and 7:30.
United Penteeaatal Chorrh 4ii Ferry
at r ret. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, paator.
Sunday ichool 9:45. morning aervlca 11.
Evening ecTT.ce 7:45.
Waaleyan Methadlat Church 15th and
Kill Bta. Olen Yatea. paator. Sunday nchool
10. Morning worahlp 11. Young People
meeting 6:4ft. Evening aervlca 7:30.
Knight Memorial Congregational Church
Nineteenth and Ferry atreeti. Loula E.
White, mlnlater. t:46 Bunday achool. All
department! meet together for Thanks
giving Service. 11:00 Morning worahlp. Ser
mon. "Makeri of Hlttory". Church time
nuraery. 6:30 Pilgrim Fellowship for Senior
high and Junior high agea. Worahlp leader
Joanna Boyer.
Wait Salem Methodist Church Third
and Oerth. O. Leonard Jonea. mlnlater.
Church achool 9:4ft, Mrs. Leo Eatey sup
erintendent. 11 worship, aermon: "Faith
of Our Children". 0:30 Youth rellowahlp.
:00 Young Adult Fellowahlp.
Jeaaa Nam Pentecostal Church 1176
Lew la atreet. Ronald V. SltUer, Pastor.
Sunday achool 10:00. Morning worahlp
11:00. Everting evangelistic 7:4ft.
St Johna Lutheran Chureh (Mo-8ynod
16th and A at. H. W. Oroaa. paitor. There
will be but on service at 11, we will
commemorate the golden anniversary of
our congregation. Bunday achool and Bible
claaa at 10.
Flrat Church of Christ. Sclent I it Lib
erty and Chemeketa ata. Sunday achool at
11. Morning service at 11. Leaaon-sermon
aubject: "Soul and Body". Nursery for
children up to 3 years of age provided
during the morning service. Evening ser
vice at S. Lesson sermon aubject: "Boul
and Body."
First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa
at Winter. Cheater W. Hamblln, paator,
John L. Ooodenbarger, assistant pastor.
8:46 church achool, J. J. Fltsslmons, sup
erintendent. Identical morning services
8:46 and 11:00 "Except the Lord Build the
House" Sermon by the pastor. 6:30 Junior
hlsh fellowahlp. 6:00 high achool fellow
ahlp. 7:00 college and business group.
Faith Tabernacle 1306 N. 6lh. Pastor,
Max Wyatt. Thursday 6:00 p. ra. Rev.
Alexander Wright. Saturday Missionary
meeting Rev. Claud Curtis. Bunday achool
10.00. Morning worship 11:00. Evangelistic
service 6:00. Rev. Wright speaking.
Institute of Religious Selene Quest
speaker, Nellie Cecil from Seattle. Sun
day 11 a. m. Salem Women's club. 460
N. Cottage.
Reorganised Church ef Jesus Christ el
Latter Day Saints Seventeenth and Chem
eketa sts. Chas. H. Aaher, pastor. Church
achool 10. Worship aervlce 11. R. a. Clark,
apeaker. Zlon'a league 6:30. Prayer aer
vlce 7:30.
Central Lutheran Church N. Capitol A
Gains. O. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Sunday
achool for whole family 9:45. Broadcast
ever K S.L.M. 10:15. Morning worahlp
11:00. Fall featlval aervlce 6:30 p. m. Rev.
Arthur Reeaness of Astoria, Ore. as
First Spiritualist 349 N. Com'l. Rev.
Mexlne Roberta, speaker, asstMed by Mrs.
Edith Scott. Services at 3:30 and 7:30.
M. Paul's F.plscopal Church Church
and Chemeketa streets. Th Reverend
George H. Hwttt, B. D., rector. Holy com
munion tin the c)iajel 7:30 a.m. Junior
church and claKurt. 9:30. Nursery srhool
In parish house 11:00. Prayer servlc and
aermon 11:00. Youth vespers 6:00.
Flrat Evangelical I'nllfd Brethren
where Marlon rrntmea Summer, Pastor,
Rev. Wllmer N. Brown. AsMntant pastor,
Rev. F. E. Ptrher. Sunday achool 9:45 R.
R. Ermel. supt. Morning service 11 00
Menace by Rev. Paul Wood, Sermon sub
ject "nianta Anlcrp." Youth lellrrwehlp
8 Jo. Evening service 7:48. Music by Cru
sader's Msle Quartet from George Fox
College, Newherg. Measure by Rev. Paul
wood. Sermon aubject Paralysis of Per
fidy." Christ Lutheran Church Stat street
at inth. C. R. Br hull, pastor. Bunder
church school at 9:46. Divine worship at
9 9 and ll o clock, tidentlcal Services!,
Vnltartan Fellowship The Unitarian
fellowship will meet at the Y.W.C.A. on
Bunoay, November 20, at 7:30 p. m.
Leslie Methodlat Church Bo. Commercial
at Myers. G. Weslev Turner, ouster. Bun.
day school 9:45. Services at 11:00 and 7 .10
Kev. oruin Turner, from Roswell. New
Mexico. "Family Pay" will be observed
at the Morning servlre.
Salem TlelgMa Cemmunll Liberty Rd.
t M art r on a eve. Bmnlay srhool 10 Morn
ing worsiup ii. Evening aervlce 7 30.
First Baptist Church Marlon at Liberty.
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Kev. c. E.
Brlckwedet and Her. Victor Loucka. Asso
ciate pastors. Sunday school 9:45 with
clashes tor all ages. Morning Worship
11 00 "Going to Law. Youth meetings,
' evening gospel service, "Youth Met
aage ', 7.30.
l albert Memorial Baptist Church one
nu norm oi underpass on Hlahway 99-E.
Rev. c. E. Brlrswedcl, pastor. Sunday
school. 9 49 with classes for all agea.
M-inina -nmnip n nunnar PVtloOI Sun
day," pastor speaking. Young peoplej lea
gue I 30. Evening gospel service 7 JO.
..rear Camera Baptist Church Stale
unci r.ima streets, Kev. Virior L. Lourk
pastor. Sunday school. 9 45 with classes
inr an eses. Morning worship 11 00. "Sun'
obv School Sunday". "Why Sunday
Schools?" pastor apeakir.f. F.venlng Gospel
Calvary Chapel Full Gaspel 114J
i.ioeny sr. Pastors. Rev. Claude c and
ry w nen. eitinoay arnool 10 00 Morn
tag service 11. Evening servlre 1 4ft.
Bethany Evangelical P. ef armed Church
Marion and Capitol Bta. Kev. Rum I Maver
paator. Siinriav srhool ,fl 00. Morning Wor
thlp 1100. Evening worship 7.4ft.
Calvary Baptist I?i0 South liberty Si
irnT niinn nworn, mi)
Liberty Christian
Church Will Dine
Liberty The Liberty Chris-
tion Church of Christ will hold
iU Thanksgiving dinner at the
church at noon Sundny.
This is the last day of the
evangelistic meeting that has
been held there during this week
and is the fellowship meeting.
The church will furnish the
turkey and each family is asked
to bring a basket lunch and their
own service.
There were over 100 attend
ing the meeting Wednesday eve
ning. Many attended from Tur
ner, Amity, and Salem as well
as Liberty. There were special
numbers and a musical saw. The
pastor from the Amity church
drew a picture of the Old Rugg
ed Cross, with crayons while his
wife sang the hymn.
Fox Students to
Hold Services
Paul Miller, professor of re
ligion at George Fox college,
Newberg. and a group of stu
dents from that school will con
duct services at the South Salem
Friends church at 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m.
The local pastor will be guest
speaker at the Medford Friends
church Sundny, where 30 rep
resenlntives from the denomina
tion in the Salem area will at
tend the Friends quarterly met-
Ing. Churches to be represented
Include Highland, South Salem,
Rosednle, Marion and Scotts
Prof. John M. Kelly
S F Choir to
Sing Sunday
Dr. John Milton Kelly will di
rect the a cappella choir of the
San Francisco Theological Sem
inary in their program at the
First Presbyterian church Sun
day evening at 7:45 o'clock.
Dr. Kelly was the first direc
tor of the Department of Sacred
Music of the Seminary from
1937-44, coming from the West
minster Choir College faculty
where he had served for seven
years. Under his direction the
department filled an important
place in the development of
Church Music leaders in the
Presbyterian Church in the West
He was also Minister of Music
at the Calvary Presbyterian
Church, San Francisco, while
teaching at the Seminary.
This is the first Northwest
tour of the choir. While on this
tour they will sing in Portland,
Klamath Falls, Corvallis, Med
ford, and Seattle, Washington.
The choir includes two facul
ty members. Mrs. Edna Kelly,
soprano, also a graduate of West
minster Choir College, and in
structor of voice at the Semin
ary; and Dr. Aaron Ungersma,
profesor of theology.
The Rev. William F. Ehmann,
vice president of the Seminary,
will speak on the subject, "The
Christian Life".
At the morning service Dr.
Chester W. Hamblin, the pastor,
will preach on the subject "Ex
cept The Lord Build The House".
Entrance to Church
Signed at Detroit
Detroit The Detroit church
has a new sign over the entrance
which reads Christian Church
Community. This does not in
ny way change the organization
which has always been the Chris
tian or Disciples of Christ. It
merely means that in order to
avoid some confusion which has
resulted over the name of
Church of Christ with other
groups using the name could be
ironed out by assuming the
The Sunday school is at 10
a.m. and preaching at 11 by War
ren Knape of Northwest Chris-
nan college, ne nas Deen asso
ciaie pastor at ine joremcnon,
Wash., church during the sum
mer months. Young peoples
meeting at 6:45 on Sunday eve
ning and preaching at 7:30 every
On Saturday evening the
Idanha church and the Detroit
church will have a pot-luck sup
per at the Rod and Gun club at
6:15 with games and a motion
picture following.
Will Celebrate
Dallas Sixtieth anniversary
of the First Presbyterian church,
Dallas, will be observed in spe
cial services Sunday. Morning
service will feature church his
tory and memories with the pas
tor. Dr. Earl W. Benbow speak
ing on "Memories of an Old
Church Pew." Mrs. Bruce
Spaulding of Salem will be
guest soloist.
Dr. Jesse Hays Baird, presi
dent of San Francisco Theologi
cal Seminary and ex-moderator
of the Presbyterian general as
sembly, will bring the message
at the evening service on the
theme, "Growing Old in Jesus
A historical sketch for the 60-
year period has been prepared
by Mrs. Albert Burelbach and
will be read by Hollis Smith, a
member since boyhood. Smith's
uncle, James Simonton, was one
of the charter members and was
clerk of the session when the
church was organized on No
vember 17, 1889. Many former
members who now live away
from Dallas have been contacted
and will be present for the serv
William Blackley is chairman
of the anniversary committee
and members are Walter Muir,
Mrs. . L. Crider, Mrs. George
Kurre, Mrs. John Cerny, Mrs.
Frank Richards, Mrs. Burel
bach, Lynn McCulley and Lou
A fellowship hour will follow
the evening service in the social
rooms of the church. Mrs. C. L.
Crider is chairman of the com
mittee in charge.
rirel FrMbTterl.a Itrl Wllll.m Ben-
bow. D.D., mlnliter. Sunder eehool, :.&.
Morning worthlp, U. Obeervence ef oth
anniversary. Sermon. "The afemortee ot an
Old church Pew." Evening ervlee, 7:30.
Dr. Jee Heye Balrd. preildent or the Ban
FranrLro Theological aemlnar. and ei
moderator 01 th, general aseemblir, WU1
Trloll. Latherea Karl TJfer. Daator.
Sunday ecbool, 10. Jjivina earylc,, 11.
Itanielleal Menaoalla Bralaraa A. .
Toew., pettor. Sunday eehool, 10. Thanks
giving service, 11. sermon, "wnet we
Are." Missionary aervlca, 1. Evening praise
service, 1.30.
Stayton Churches
fantisl Rev Winard BucKner paator
Sunder achool. 10. Morning worahlp, 11
rralnlaa hour. 7:1ft. Evenlni service. 1
Church ef Christ Clyde Preetnaa. paa-
Bible achool. 10. Worship aervlce, 11
foutb Fellowship. 6:S0. Eveolof worship.
Chureh ef Christ L. M. Seid, minister
tsible study. 10 Mornlnf worship. It. Eve
nlnt worship. 6.
Methodist John Moranic, put or. BiDle
school It. Worahlp aervlce, 11. Youth Pal
lowablp, SO Evenlnt worship. I.
Assembly el God Rev Melvin Stock
m 11. pator Sunday school, 10. Mornini
tervlce 11. fount people's meeting, 645
.cvenlnf avanieliatle service
fmtnaefllete Conception Cathode Rev
-nth. Jonas, paator. Sunday services
Masses s, 7:30 and S-30 a.m
St. Partiek'a Cathode ILvons) Father
-eamter Schneider, pastor Winter sched
ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass
tO.JO a.m.. trd and 4th Sundays mass ai
'10 a.m.
Oar Lady ef Loardea (Jordan) Pat net
Leander Schneider, pastor Winter sched
ule, 1st, 2nd and 6th Sundays mass :30
a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, ma-ss 10:30
Baptist Bruce Wnkeman, pastor Sun
day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth
r euowsnip i. evening service s.
Church af Christ Wm. P. Morse, mtn
later. Bible school 10, mornlne worship
ii. Junior meeting t. Young people a meet
ing 7. evening services g.
Methadlat eharch Rev. Fremont Paul.
pastor. Sunday srhool 10. morning wor
ship 11, Junior Fellowship , Youth Fel
lowship 7.
Assembly of Ood William N. Bearhv,
pastor. Sunday school 9:41. mornine wor
ship u, children's service 7:30. evening
service e
Sunday school. 4. Mornlnt service. 11.
Sermon suhjerl, '"Blfted fir Service." Kve
nlng sen Ire, 7; JO. Sermon subject.
Jason lee MelhedUl North Winter and
Jefferson streets. 1 null C. K rby. UU.,
minister. Sundav srhool, t )!. Worship. 11.
Sermon: "The Ark In the Harvest FlelfV"
Anthem, "Thanks ne to Ood." Solo, "dive
Thanks and Pine," hv Robert Klempel.
Erenlne service, 7 10. flermoii. "The
Thankful Heart" Mrlhodlst youth fellow
ship meets at I 10.
Feirs.are Oepel 4M North lath. Rev
Roy Wor thin si on. pastor. Sundav srhool
at 44. Mornini worship. II. Cni.nler
voting people's se'vti-e. g 4i. Evening
evangelistic service. 7 45.
M. Mara Pv. Lutheran 7 N Church
street. Re. M. A lelienrtner. DP., and
Rev. John Rsntten. ptnrs. Sunday
srhool, 4S. Mornini wor f hip servire. U
Pledee Sundav. Rev. Thomas Atlport.
euest preacher. Sermon topic: Ecuses."
Luther league, t .M.
Young Adult Group
To Hear Dr. Withey
The first in a scries of four
classes on "Know Your Old Tes
tament," will be held by the
Young Adult group at the First
Christ inn church Sunday. Dr.
Haymond Withey, dean of stu
dents ra Willamette university,
will be the first speaker.
Youth Rally Slated
Woodburn AWoodburn
Youth for Christ rally will be
held Saturday in conjunction
with the revival meeting at the
Woodburn Church of God. The
meeting will start at 7:45 o'clock
and will feature a talk by Evan
gelist Kenneth E. Jones. All
young people of all churches are
invited, and older people are
Mill City Churches
Dallas Churches
First CnrlstlaifKrnneth'Johniton. paa
tor. Bible achool, 9:46. Morning worship.
11. sermon, "Tradition or Tnanasgiving."
Fellowship hour, Christian Endeavor.
6 30. Evening aervlca, 7:30. Sermon,
MUitng Link.
first Methodist Clark S. Eni, pastor.
Sunday achool, 0:41V. Morning wogship, 11.
sermon, "ine uooanesa oi uoa. inter
mediate fellowship, 1:30. Senior fellowship,
8:30. Forum on "Our Faith in Ood," 1:ift.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday scnooi, 9.o. Morning worship, 11.
Sermon by Rev. O. E. McOarvey, "Fill
ing the water Pots." Evangelistic aerv
lce. 1:45. Music by Schulta trio. Sundav
evening afterglow broadcast, 1:30.
Evangelical United Brethren R. Wil
liam Elmer, minister. Sundav achool.
9:45. Morning worship. 11. Rev. Mark
ooodger, guest speaker. Youth fellowship.
t. c-vangeusiio moie stuoy nour,
Apnitolle Faith Forrest Damron. nas
tor. Sunday school, 9:30. Morning worship,
ii. bvangcutHio service, i:0.
Assembly af God Alfred R. Brown, pas-
r. Bunaay scnooi. Morning wor
ship. 11. Christ Ambassadors, Junior
enure n, vesper service, 7. Evening service,
Mennenlte Brethren a. H. Jantsen,
pastor, sunoay scnooi, :a. worship,
10:46. Christian fellowship, 7. Gospel ser
vice, 7:46.
Grace Mennenlte J. J. Regler. pastor,
Orchestra, 9:46. Song service, 10. Thanks
giving service, n. pre -prayer aervlca, 7:16
Christian fellowship, 7:30.
Christian Science Sunday school. 1:45.
Service, 11. Subject of the lesson-sermon
ior ine wees: is -soul and Body.'
Church of God Henry Lot sen. nastor.
Sunday school. 9:45. Mornine worshln. 11.
xoung peopie a meeting, o:&. evangelistic
service, i:ta.
Union Missionary Baptist Harm on v
community, W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday
Bcnooj, iu. oermon. ii.
Seventh Day Adventlst 8ahhath achool.
v:i. sermon, ii.
Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst Sab
bath achool, 9:30. Preaching, 11.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas
tor. Sunuay school, 9:46. Morning worship,
11. No evening aervlce.
Eola Sunday School Sunday school,
9:46. Morning worship, 11.
Curtis to Talk
Af Tabernacle
Rev. Claude wr"
H ritrie if J?-
San Francisco,
evangelist, mis
sionary and for
mer U.S. ma
rine converted
in China, will
speak at the 8
o'clock Satur
day night serv
ice of Faith
tabernacle, 1305
North Fifth
Curtis is presently engaged
in founding and establishing
faith missionary work on the
Island of O a h u, principally
among the "much neglected"
172,000 Japanese of that terri
tory. His appearance at Faith
tabernacle is part of a current
west coast speaking tour he is
conducting in behalf of Gospel
Missions, Inc.
While his talk will have espe
cial appeal to youth, it will hold
interest for all age groups, Cur
tis states.
Church af Gad Rev. V. K. Nil. Bailor.
Sunday school at 10. worship hour at 11.
evening services at .
Rev. Curtis
Seventh Day Adventlst Elder A. D.
Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo
cal alder, in charge. Sabbath achool Sat
urday. ?:jd; morning worsnip at 11. Sat
urday. Sunday evening evangelistic eet-vice.
Fllrrlm Rellnese D. C. Olson, nastor.
Sunday achool 9:49. Sermon by pastor.
l. Young peoDla meet at 7. Evangelistic
sermon at I.
Methedlat Marauam and Molalla lolnt
pastorates. J. 8. Kendall, minister. Bible
srhool and sermon forenoon, Sunday, at
Marquam. afternoon at Molalla.
Methodist Ben P. Browninv. minister.
Sunday school 9:49 opening service by the
youin aepanmeni with Mra. Harrison
Fisher as counsellor. Classes for all age
groups, nursery for smaller ones. Morn
ing worship hour, 11, sermon and special
music commenm ore tint Thankssivlns oc
casion. Youth fellowship meet with the
Pratum group at 7:30. Evening church
service at 7:30 Instead of s.
Falls City Methodist James H. Hover,
pastor. Sunday achool, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11.
Rlckreall Sunday School J.
seh, supt. Sunday school, 9:30.
Free Methodist R. W. McCormlck, pas
tor. Sunday achool, 9:46. Preaching. 11.
Church ef alesna Christ 'of Latter Day
Saints -Elder Miller presiding. Sunday
school, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45.
St. Philips Catholic Father John Ba
byak, pastor. Mass, 10:15.
Lutherans Observe
Loyalty Sunday
Christ- Lutheran church, to
gether with the 2000 congrega
tions of the American Lutheran
church, will observe "Loyalty
Sunday" November 20. The pur
pose of this observance is to
show the unity and strength of
the local congregation and the
American Lutheran church
through common worship, pray
er and dedication; and to accept
the command, "Thou shalt wor
ship the Lord thy God." The
goal of this observance is to have
every member of the Sunday
church school in attendance as
the congregation studies God's
word, and every member of the
congregation at the worship
'Loyalty Sunday" will be the
theme for both the 8:45 and 11
o'clock worship services. The
services will include, recorded
addresses by Dr. Em. Poppen
president of the American Luth
eran church, and Dr. H. F. Schuh
director of stewardship and fi
nance. The Rev. C. R. Schulz,
pastor of Christ Lutheran, will
preach the sermon.
alle Cltr Christian Charles Knox, pas
tor. Sunday eehool, 10. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
BrUUepert Sonde. School H. Schmidt,
supt. Sunday achool. 10.
Falle City Free Methodist Oilbert
Johnson, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morn-
inn service, ll. Younit people', meeting,
7:30. Evangelistic service, 8.
Chureh of Christ Bible study, 10. Com
munlon, 11.
Oak Oroya Chepel Fremont Faul. min
ister. Morning aervlce, 9:45. Sunday
school follows.
First Baptist 8unday school, t:45.
Morning worship, 11. Training Union. 1.
Evening worship, t. ,
St. Thnmae Episcopal Cyril F. Hanney,
vicar. Church school. 10. Morning prayer.
11. Holy baptism, 13:30.
First Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ferau-
n. minister. Sunrtay school. 10. Mornine
service. 11. Sermon. "The City to Come."
Youth fellowship, 4:30.
Talbot Churches
Plrsl Christian Thomas Courtney, pas
tor. Bible achool, 9:4.S. Morning worship.
ll. Christian Endeavor hour, 6:30. Eve
ning worship, 7:46.
SI. Catherine Catholic Father C. Mat,
pa tor. Sunday msAS. 9. Confessions heard
before mui.
Pre Methadlst L. C. Oould, pastor.
Sunday school. 10. Morning service, 11
Evening worship, 1:30.
Cem m unity Rev. Wayne Watkins. pas
tor. Sunday srhool. 10. Morning aervlce,
11. Evening service, 7:30.
Amity Churches
Haptit Bruce Waterman, pastor, Bun
day school 10. Morning worship 11. Bap
tist youth fellowahlp 7. Evening servtrr i
Tople "The Knowledge of the Blessed."
Char eh af Chrl.l Wm. F. Morne. pantor.
Bible school 10. Morning worshln 11. Jun
ior and teen age endeavor 1.30. Evening
MnthoriUt Rev. Fremont Faul. mtn
Ifter. Sunday achool 10. Morning worship
i. in.itiritjmiiiB anii iirmr oinnrr. junior
fellowship g. Methodist youth fellowship
Flr-I nirlstlanltigh and Center. tud
ley Strain, minmter, Walter Naff, asoci
al mlnliter. Cnurrh srhool. 9 S Morn
ing worship and communion, 10 SO Ser
mon. "The Fluty of Prlvileae." Putllev
Strain. Anthem. "O Lord, How Manifold
Are Thr Worki." Bsrnhr. Solo bv Bettr
Punh Itagen. Youth group. -& Kven'ne
worship. 7 in Sermnn. "Will Ma rind
pastor. Faith?" tHidley Strain.
8:15 a.m. Monday through
Station KS1.M
8:00 a.m. Sunday KSLM
11:00 a.m. Sunday, KOCO
PaMnr Moyd T. Anderson
Speaking at All Services
Assembly f Cad William Heachv. pas
tor, bunday srhool 1:45. Morning wor.hlp
II. Youth eervic. 7.15. Evening servlre
at the
Faith Tabernacle
North 5th at Oainrs
AT 8 P.M.
Claude H. Curtis
EVANGELIST Converted in China While
a U. S. Murine
Sunday. 1 1 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Evangelist Pastor
A Latter Rain Message
For This Hour
Talbot Cemmanlty Church. Talbot.
Ore. Rev. R. RoRers lrwln. pastor. Sun
day school 10. A class for every age group.
Loren Hoven, Supt. Divine worship 11.
Sermon tonic: "An Unusual Reauest"
Young people's groups meet at :30. Eve
ning service 7:30. Messaeje: "The Great
Tribulation'. Tuesday 7:30 a Moody Bible
Institute religious film, "The Ood of Crea
tion." will be shown. Tha public la cor
rllally Invited.
Chared af Jhii Christ tha La 1 tar
Day Balata (MarManl Sunday school at
10; oveolng asrvica at 1.
Christian ! Sunday achool at
Ah. Sarvicss at 11.
I. Paal'e Cathalla Palhtr John J.
Walsh, paator. Sunday vaaas, t and 10
Wsskdaya, I.
Aaaaably of GtxJ Berral H. Scott, pas-
tor. Sunday srhool g:a. Divine worship,
11. Young paopls'i toclsty at :!, Evan
gelistic at t.
Church af Monmouth
Opening Campaign
Monmouth Evangelistic ser-
vices will begin at the Evangeli-5
cal United Brethren church on
November 29 under the leader
ship of Rev. E. J, Haldeman of
Edison. Ohio.
In preparation for the meet
ings the following committees
have been appointed: Finance,
C. A. Curry, E. A. Stebbins, D.
E. Com stock; publicaton, M. B.
Layton, A. J. McLarty, Mildred
DeVos; Personal work, Rev. A.
L. Lonsberry, Mrs. George Gra
zen, Mrs. J. H. Cady, Mrs. D. W.
Tilton, Karleen Evans; entertain
ment, Mrs. G. L. Russell, Mn.
E. A. Stebbins, Mrs. Harold Buss,
Mrs. Lillian Dickson, Mrs. Hat
tie Winegar.
Rev. E. J. Haldeman was
evangelist at the summer as
sembly of the Oregon-Washington
conference at Jennings Lodge
recently. He was highly success
ful and won many friends by his
genial personality.
Christian ani Mlsilanarv AllUne
Gordon T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday
school 10, Oscar Satrum. supt. Worship
hour 11, sermon by Re. Oordon A. 8k Itch,
evangelist from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Senior and Junior young folk societies
nice u ju. n,T. ok iica speaas at int
7:30 aervlca.
Trial ly Lattaaran Paitai iinnllr1 Mint.
day achool and Bible classes 10. Commu-
ion ana at vine worship sermon by the
Rev. R. J. Hovland of Salem, apeaker.
Luther league. 7:15. Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Moa In charge of tha program.
First Christian Church Arthur Charltta
Bates, mlnlater. Bible achool :. U. B.
Ford supt., assisted by Jamea C. Bonner,
Harry Vetter and Lynn Neal. Communion
and sermon: "Living Thanksgiving." Sen
ior and junior Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Evening educational service 7:30. pastor
epealting on "Tha Far-Off Christian."
Calvary Lutheran Pastor suuolled. Sun.
day school and Bible class 10. Miss Olga
Johnson, supt. Morning worship 11, Rev.
P. W. Ertcltson o! Salem, supply pastor
Immanafl Lutheran 8. L. Almlle, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10,
Divine worship. 11. sermon: "Our Jov
at Eventide." anthem by chotr. Luther
league 7:30, topic "The "a" that means
Churches at Dallas
Unite for Service
Dallas Churches of Dallas
are joining for a union Thanks
giving service in the Evangel
ical Mennonite Brethren church
at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Novem
ber 24.
Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor of
the Assembly of God church,
will bring the principal mes
sage. Other ministers of the
Dallas ministerial association
will participate in the program.
Offering to be taken will be
divided equally between local
relief and the ministerial asso
ciation treasury.
Withey Will Condud
Seminar in Portland
Dr. Raymond Withey, dean of
students at Willamette univer
sity, will' conduct a seminar for
the Federal Council of Churches
at its state conference in Port
land, November 19.
Dr. Withey will speak on the
topic "Youth at Worship."
Thursday Dr. Withey traveled
to Sheridan where he spoke be
fore the Rotary club annual banquet.
Evangelicals to
Hear Paul Wood
Rev. Paul Wood, Evangelist
and teacher, will be the guest '
speaker for both the morning
and evening Rally Day services
at the First Evangelical United
Brethren Church. Rev. Wood,
who is now a professor at the
Western School of Evangelical
Religion at Jennings Lodge, Ore
gon, has served for many years
as evangelist and Bible teacher.
He is also an outstanding musi
cian, and will bring special
music on the piano as well as
vocal selections.
The Crusader's Male Quartet
from George Fox College, New
berg, will be guest musicians
for the Musical Evangelistic
Hour at 7:45 p. m. This quartet
traveled many thousands of
miles last summer representing
their school.
Creation Film
At Talbot Church
"The God of Creation", a film
produced by Irwin Moon of the
Moody Institute of Science, will
be shown at the Talbot Commun
ity church at 7:30 next Tuesday
First Evangelical
United Brethren
Marion and Summer Sts.
Evangelist - Musician
11:00 A.M. and 7:45 P.M.
From George Fox College
7:45 P.M.
Wilmer N. Brown, Minister
wherever there's a piano
A an organ, this new unit pro
duce organ
chords over a full 60-note range.
It has three tonalities, each with
two intensities, two vibrato stops,
upper and lower register control,
and knee expression control. Tone
chamber adaptable for large halls
as well as small homes. OKGANO
jnes vou organ music piano mu
sic alone without interference
organ and piano together unusual
effect. Easily installed in a matter
of minutes without injury to tht
feoiah of the piano.
A low-Coif taty-fo-Vf Piano-Organ
for Horn Churchtt Cubi Scnool
You Are Invited to Worship With Us
1 1 00 a.m. "Sifted for Service"
7:30 p.m. "Dreamers"
You will appreciate these evening messages on
great missionary leaders
9:45 Bible School 6:30 Youth Fellowship
Calvary Baptist Church
1236 South Liberty Street
"The church with a warm and friendly heart."
1125 ELM ST.
Annual Thanksgiving and Missionary Services
10:45 o.m. Dr. James Brago, guest speaker
7;30 p.m. Dr. Robert G. Hovland, guest speaker
zow rrano
1540 Fairgrounds Road
The Valley's Finest Piano Storo
Salem, Ore.
No pins. fuss...
no puddles...
At lasl-
a pinless diaper holder
. Wottrproof, Italnproof
plastic Thay'ra naof,
comlortobla, and sofa.
No pint.
fvan Fathar con cfcang tft boby In a flff?
with pinto Nancy Dido panta. Just (old In th
diapar ond tnop it on. That's all. Watar-prooi
stain ratistant, durablt plastic... firt snugly
without chafing. It's vantitated. Hold
oil typos of diapoa and dispoaablot
,..won slip. Trio adjustable
waistband tnsuros 10ft, cool
comfort. Pinless diapar holders
coma In four sizes, from tiny
Infants up to husky 30-1 b. 'art.
amoff, vp to 12 fbs.
medium, 12 to 14 ftt
Jorge, 19 to 24 fba.
extra forge, 25 to 30'
cur v
b. Use any type draper or
disposable. Fold lengthwise,,
snap strop holds it securaly.
. Fold again . . . there are sli or nine
thicknesses aever any bulkiness.
Snep an baby.
NOTE: Demonstration Saturday, November 19, only.
Miss LUCILLE WEBER, . maoufacturer's repre
sentative, will be ot the QUISENBERRY Corner,
Court and Commercial, all day tomorrow.
Yfat Ofitrttt eW cm
Ua MM KMI ..
'et.e....-,..,re.M,.....e-l .