16 Capita! Journal, Salem, CLAMHTO ADYSSTIIINOi Per UM lc Par Lin I times 40 Per Udi 0 time toe Pel Udi 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem 15o per line per day. Mln. lOflj I timet mtn. 80s time mln. 11.20. Mo Refunds READERS In Lock News CoL OaJi JOc per Una To Place an Ad Phone Z-Z406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE : BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home 1 couplets with oarage, outside Patio & fireplace, fenced in back yard. large lot. in best residential area priced to bell. ph. 3-5348 or 1-8734 SMALL I BDRM. home. Partly turn. A. 1 blk. from school, bun end store. 395 Medroca Ave- Salem Heights. g374' Sr OWNER: Modern 3 BR home on Acre. Kelier out. I7W0. tvo uveas Ave. a375 BOM. BT owner, 4 rm. modern home Oarage, wuh hoiue. Lot 120 135. 2358 Shelton 8t.Ph. 20385. 276 ATTRACTIVE, small I BR house, utility room, carport, nice lot. North. 1 41 SO mall down payment 4k term. Ph. J-&020. 3645 Maple avenue. a276 fotL BALE by owner Ac builder: New 3 BR suburban nome. Marawooa noors, vrn. blinds, automatic floor furnace. 87800. ' Terms. Ph. 29813. a277- Fl'EN. 1 RM. HOUSE, 3 bath, garage, auto, heat. Insulation. Can use for 1 or 3 families, near schools and bus. Reaa. Consider trade. Ph. 2-5463. a315 SIS, 000. CLEAN modern 4 bdrm. home En glewood Dlst. Fireplace. Full basement, close to school. Immediate, possession. Liberal Terms. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 113 B. High Phone 34H1 a377 $3500 Wot often d& we have such a llstlnf. but we Invite you to Inspect this Darrein. . and It is truly Just that. A good 3 bed room older type home In food condition. . completely furnished, located on 99 E. North. Full price for e very t nine, only 13500, a SACRIFICE. Seeing Ls believ- , Int. the property will sell Itself. See McQueen. Eve. Ph. 2-8476. 1 Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 1-8218 275" sooo. 1 RM. house, bath, garage, close to school. Corner lot. Paving In. (500 down. Bal. $30 per month. Melvia Johnson. 549 N. Cottage St. a375 Something Different In a home, drive by the nice ranch style home at 1985 N. 33rd street. Price ' 17650. Joe L. Bourne Realtor ,' llfN. Capitol Ph. 3-8316. a275 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Price reduced to $9,000. Well built J bedroom home, large LR with fireplace, DR. K with nook and unfinished up-italr- Full basement, sawdust furnace. good corner lot, double garage and many other fine features. Near public and parochial schools. Illness reason for . selling. COME IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-5131 Evening Phone 35514 or 38408 McKillop Real Estate 493 CENTER AT HIGH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS ' a276' HEW t bdrm. PHA built, clone to school, 1 block to bus, paved street. 910 Ford St. 279 f.M ACRES on Pacific Highway North. Has 3 bdrm. home, also new 2 bdrm. home. Ideal for auto court and trailer park. Priced for quick sale. $13,200. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High Phone 34121 a37T A Home YouW ill Li ke Hear State Cap. 6 rm. Hwd. through out, fireplace, V. shades, full hasemrnt. ' Oar., fenced back yard. Trees, price $9,400. General Real Estate M Center Ph. 33389 e275 f7M0. ' LATE built 3 bdrm. heme 8. HW floors. Utility room. 16x22 garage. Lot Mxl86. $1500 down. f?M. FOUR Corners Dlst. rooms on one floor. Utility room. Oarage. Lot 100x180. $1500 down. flo.ZM. GOOD 2 Bdrm. home on B. High Bt. Fireplace, basement, garage, $2000 down. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IBS B. High Phona 34131 aS77 $10,500 BOUTH MONTR old 3 bdrm. home with unfin ished upntalrs. Close tn Leslie At McKin ley schools. Hwd. firs. Oil fur. Flre- f place. Beautiful wall to fall carpet In Ivlng rm. SUBURBAN BOUTH APPROX. A. 15 cherry trees. Oood lite built modern 3 bdrm. home. Att. Gar. $6750. NORTH I BDRM. home with dining nnnk. Hwd. firs., fireplace, air rniKlltlonrrt, large lot with extra bldg. Price $B!50. . C. W. Reeve, Realtor 41 . Com' I. Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-9893 "o i7M. NEW Modern 2 h'drm. home. N E close to school. OH furnace. Hardwood floors, etc. SA50 down. $M prr month. FHA. no extra loan charge Cull Stanlev Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High Phone 34131 a277 Bt OWNER Vrry mod . well construct ed, 3 bdrm. home. $tiMKl. F II A. approv ed. Bee at 1.162 Franklin. W. Salem, or Phone 36189. a27 DRIVE BY 1775 N 51 h thrn call 3-7341 or 3543 If ou are Hit rro-tcd m hininn the best 2 h.lrm. amall home In Ri'-" for the price. 38ft llS.ium. REM Til TL Modern 3 hdrm. home II on one floor. Close to Salem HUh. Auto oil furnace. 3 car garage. FHA loan. Immediate poxr!iinn. Cull fitniilrv Brown With STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8 High Phone 34131 B377' Triced to Sell t bdrm., large living room, ufllttv. targe eloseta. plcniy of toraR Attached ga rage Automatic ot heat. In citv nrar School A bus. FHA terms. Ph. 37038 r76 $5o00 Neat 1 hdrm home, Uv, rm. 12x24. nice kit, dole. sl:ik. rlect. ht Well loo. Fn glewood. lovely lot. Drive by 311$ Ne- prasaa. men can it $5750 lovely t bdrm. home. lge. It, rm . kit with nook, inside ut 11 y. lots of built in, in perf, cond. Well oc. on lge lot Gray-Himniel Realty Co. Ph 3-4B Eves. -Bun. 3-52H7. 3-tH)l. 3-4153 a27g' wiNiicR st. handy Icoeated north. Nice new 3 bdrm. home i featuring living rm., dining rm . Inside utility rm. hdwd. firs., fireplace, at tached garage, loon sq ft. Terms $1500 down. Balance $7700 FHA. J BKOHOOMB On one floor. Calilm-nia style stucco home with hdwd. firs,, fireplace, ga rate. Lge. lot on rnint Bu at door $rifl down to rellabl party. Price only $8250. $7MI DOWN nd 148 per month buys small modern home In rtty east. Wired for range, rice Wtr. htr. Alo on same lot 20 by 30 bldg that would make good rental. All for Only $!S?M) C0LBATH LAND CO. ' ltsj Center IX, Pb. 14552 fs 3884) 2; Or.t Friday, November 18, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES Completely Furnished 4 BR modem houae. Splendid rental Invratment. Van cloee la corner, Iflioo. 11500 down. Nurses Attention 3 BR home, beautiful corner, fireplace. Close to hospital on Center, 18500. McKinley School Uodern 3 BR homo. JmmodUU poem aion. 18750. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor WO H. Church. Ph. 3-7143. In. 1-0131 2;- BY OWNER Brand new. Beautiful home, 1377 so. ft.. 3 bdrnu. with Ice. cists., living room 14x24. Roman brick fireplace, lge. din ing room. Huge kitchen with lots of Duiit-tns. brkfst. nook. hdwd. II". throughout, full cement bsmt. Located In new dlst. In outskirts of town. Lot 75x175. Will sell this home for $9050. which ls less than the vets appraisal. Bring a builder with you. He will agree that this Is an exceptionally well-built nome. Phone 3-1170. a277 LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Just recently listed, a nice 3 B.R. home, almost new. Hwd. firs., paved St.. now has $6000 FHA loan payable at $44.00 per mo. inc. taxes Si ins. Low down pay ment of 1950.00. Avallabe two weeks XlKulns. WHEN LOOKING For a nice 2 B.R. home In nice residen tial district, drive by 2315 Chemeketa Bt. All newly redecorated and the price just orasticaiiy reduced tor quick sale. Owner leaving state Kltgins. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. HlKh St. Office J-3649 Eve: 2-5390 or S-7451 e275' BASEMENT J bedrooms, all hardwood floors. Inex pensive sawdust heat. Nice flreolsce Coved ceilings. 22x14 living room. North east. Price 19000. Ho. 243 3 BEDROOMS Attractive ranch style home. Brick irom, nrepmce. au nardwood floors. 16x23 living room. Double tarn -n of an acre. Price 314.000. Will trade for smau nouxe. Ho 343 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 8. High ph. 1-9203 Eve. Sun .. 1-3738, 4-2874, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2'i acres, new two bdrm. unfinished house, 2"j acres, new two bdrm. unfin ished house, good well and water sys tem. Price 14295. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14 N. Hlih St. Phone -760 Eve. phone 3-4591 - 3-6605 B376 VERY ATTRACTIVE 2' acres 12 miles north. Just off Pacific hlway. Neat small house, large Uv. rm Picture window, fireplace; good poultry house and water system. $1500 down balance like rent. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 N Hlah St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. phones 3-4591 - 3-6605 , 276' NEARLY NEW Two bdrm.. ftrrplece; qualify for O.I loan tinder $8000. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 H Hlah St. phone S-7660 Eve. phones 3-4591 - 3-6605 376 BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floors. Wired for electric range. Electric water heater. Oil furnace. Fire place. V. blinds. Full basement. Insu lated and weather stripped. Oarase Near bus and stores. FHA available. Can borrow up to $0400 on this. 20 yrs to laYon"100 equlty handle- rt Prt. 2180 UNIVERSITY PHONE 3-5807 3n BT OWNER Modern 3 bdrm. home. 1 w. umi, rxmirni condition, choice lot. Re eoneblr priced n.t re moving out of late. See at 698 Tryon Ave. a377 "OMR." Water heaterrollclrcu lator, sink rablnet Included, wired for elec. heat. Nice rrMd. dut. Cw to blla Ineaa tertlon. 511 So. and 8t., Sllvertnn p"- ' "4. .. 5950 DOWN 16700 full price. Easy monthly pi, menls. Nice elesn 2 bdrm. home all resdv to move in. Large lot, near school At store. ENGLEWOOD fTCSM). A beautiful home with 2 nice bedrooms, full b.mt.. oil furnace, fin lawn ft shrubs. The price Is right. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hurlkins & Son REALTORS 3M N. Htch St Ph. 3-41?9. ,577 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 115 per month. LnU with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real restate 301 South Hleh Street. Ph. S-H201 Eve tt Sun. 3-5B0.V 4-3874. 3-1337. 3-3738. 2-3533. aa376 $10 DOWN, 315 MONTH with water electricity. Close to school A bus. Beau t If il location. General Real Estate. 255 Center Ph. 3-3780. aa378 lot bargains 7f laa. lino M i s on pavement. $!!Wl DOWNTOWN business lot. Corner 07 i HI. $2Vfliin FA1RMOI NT Hll.L VIFW lot M 100. 50(1 4'FNTFII RT. large bust, tot $10,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. FxcluMve listings - Personal Service 184 B. Com I St. Ph. 3 818(- Eves. 3-7440 a176 LOT ON W. LINCOLN. Nic building sit General Real Estate 3S5 Crntt-r Ph. 1-1380. aa37, FOR SALE FARMS 10 ArRF.A, NORTH 180 PFR ACRI!. Oood prod, loam, all seeded and fertll tred OckvI dist . near nikts. and school. Oood bids, site, trees. Will sell 230 A. wttli small new hsr and ham Owner will make good terms. BEE THIS TO DAY! Bt'Bt'R RANF8TA.Tr? MQl'IPATFD 38'd acres, nr.F.P. RICH. LOAM, on pavmt North edite of 8lm. Borders fast-developing sub-dlvlion. Well styled mod 3 RR. home, buni'l., auto, oil furnace. MOAT py.siRAHtK sctilns in Ite. oak grove (luesi rme.. other bldis. Full o( valitahle equipment WFIA EBTAB 1N-COMK-lf you don't care to sub-divide We have :t data, pictures, price and terms. INVFSTK1AT8 NOWI MR WOHK1NO MH. cut your HlOH CiViT of lUine' Your deal is this 13't acres, RICH BOTTOM LOAM, on pave ment, few mln from down town. Incls. 4 A. ranebeirlrs, t A. orchard. 3 ' acres pa.ttire, balance crop land. YR. CKF.KK (till lenitn of place. Home 1 not new but is sound and has a he4 of Ilvinc? 3 bdrms.. llv. rm., Ise. kit., bath, utility. I Barn U slightly aged but t've cows are at home and still give milk. Well built, lie. Pltrv. hse., and DO see that 30x80 ORFKNHOUSF with heating plant. Flowers and shrubs in abundance. 3 lot el v bids, sites faring his ha av with creek for backs rd. Lest we f.uset the pnog I VERY R1HT $10,000. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listlnss - Personal Berv.ee 184 6. Com 1. Bl , Ph. ISJ$, lev, 3-7448 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES You Name The Down Payment If you can pay $70 per month Including principal, In terest, taxei and fire Insurance on thii practically new 2 bedroom luburban house. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds and unfinished upstairs. Full price $8500. No finance charges to pay, Come to 370S Sunnyview avenue and we will show it to you. FOR SALE FARMS GRADE A DAIRY 129 acres. Year round creek. 20 acres irrigated. Irrigation equipment goes. 3 bedrooms with basement, a 'siancmon barn. 30x8 ft. silo. Tractor equipment St stock i cows) goes for $30,000. Terms. No. 1067. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Ml 8. Hlsh Ph. 1-020! b275' 2 oorm. nome, a-car garage, pounu nOURe, garaeo atfOCV, unauvs u vvtieti. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High - Phone 3-4131. b277' FOR SALE ACREAGE im iruft Uf Btftranvt. Op Ti mhrr springs, some cleared) orchard. $3500 cash. Ph. 2-7071. bb280 It's A Steal Move right In mod. furn. house on paved hlway, 4 ml, from Stay ton near Bant I am river. 6 A. best of soil. Oarage. Well for Irrigation. Terms. L. M. Alsman, Rt. 1, Aumsville. fitayton Phone 183-R. bb277 I ACRFS Pen 4 Corners, your money will NOT buy mora in in is location. $15,000. NEAR NEW WASHINGTON SCHOOL, ft acres, well drained loam. IDEAL 8ITZS for approx. 30 nomes. on paveo street. $5350. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Com 1. St., Ph. 3-8389, Eva. 3-7440 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $1000 DOWN 2 bdrm. suburban, modern. Some fin ish work to be done. Total price only $4950. Eve. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. $1500 DOWN Almost new. Approx. 1000 sq. ft. Un finished upstairs. Attached garage. Lire, lot . Northeast EnRlrwood. Well worth 19500. Eve. Ph. 3-7874 or 3-35 5S. LESLIE Very well built older type home. Very close to Leslie ft McKinley schools, full basement. 3 bdrms. Fireplace. Nice 'et ting. F H A. terms available. Total price only $0250. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 98 ACRES Oood seven room home. Approx. 40 acrrs cultivated. Lots of timber. 9 large wal nut trees. School bus at front door. We consider this a very good buy for $12,500 Stock A equipment available. Would trade for aood grocery store. Eva. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. $1000' DOWN II acres with all equipment. Modern outbuildings. Immediate possession. Owner leaving city. Would consider car as down payment. Total price onlj S9750. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor SMS Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7120 or 3-4M6 C377- GOOD VALUES THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should pay half the $3500 asked by owner. Has a one-room house, liveable, on good highway 9 miles from Salem. Call Mr. Sederstrom. ATTRACTIVE 4 room. 2 yr. old home. Close to bus. Price only $4850. Call Mr. Voorhers. 3 BEDROOMS OFFERED for the price Of i two. This lovely home has all modern conveniences. Including DL(pos-all and elec. dlshwAsher. all Included In price of $9450. Close to bus. Call Mr. Seder strom. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. The difference between the sale price of $12,600 and the FHA commitment of $10,400 ts the only down payment required on this lovely 2 bedrm. home In new and mo dern district. House has everything in cluding automatic oil heating plant and lari:e lot. Don't wait. Call Thelma or Mr. Voorhees. CLOSE IN. 10 Acres. Suburban home. 3 bedrm. hoiLe. Oil furnace: 3 fireplaces. Barn: chicken house. Year around stream. Lots of shrubs. Some fruit. Call Mr. Voorhees. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State Bt. Ph. 3-386! Evenlnes call; Thelma. 3-8053, Mr. Voorlires. 3-4007. Mr. Sederstrom, 3-5219 c277 "$6500 FULL" PRICE $1000 DOWN 2 ACRES. 3 bdrm.. several out bldas.. basement, 3 nit. from Salem, H.w., im mediate possession. NEW 3 bdrm. homes In Englewood dlst. 1500 dn. Immrd. pom. All F H A. ap proved. PHONE EVE. 3-7985 Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9317 INSURANCE- MTO. - LOANS c275 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS SUBURBAN 3 -bedroom home on exceptionally large lot, double garage, on bus line, terms. $8,000 00. PREWAR CONSTRUCTION Newly redecorated 3 -bedroom home. Nice lawn ft a h rubs. Near city play ground. A pleasant place to live. ENGLEWOOD 3-bedroom home, oil heat, weather st ripped and Insulated, near bus line. FHA. approved. 110.500 SUBURBAN GROCERY . $10,500 pi u j. Inventory buys this building and futures with a nice business that 2 can handle. Separate living quarters. About 1 S a erf of land. An excellent opportunity. Call for further infor mation. COME IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-5131 Earning Phones 38408 or 3-5514 McKILLOr REAL ESTATE 49J CFNTFR AT HIOH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS f37S" FOR VOIR ftivrM!i Investment buy a first morlsace on real estate Salem M vicinity. Fx am In security yourself. Amounts l00 to several thousand dol lars, nrt Investors 5',. We make all col lections for vou tf desired SI ATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High SUBURBAN $10,500 Almost new home. Large lot. dining room, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook. 3 bedrooms, bath, and half bath In utility room. Electric heat, lots of built -Ins. attached garage. A truly well constructed home. Can finance. Eve, 3-0471 10 ACRES N. $10,000 Willamette soil. I acres berries. $ young filbert trees. New barn, chicken house. I room rider type modern house. I miles from Salem. Eve. 3-0473. Call Mr LcCirrc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 31T court Strl Ph. S-77g c37S Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SAL! HOUSES REAL ESTATE $55 MO.. 4". INTEREST REASONABLE VALUE IN THIS t BR HOME ON LOT 50x180, LOE. HEATED UTILITY RM. COMBINATION UV INO ft DININO ROOM, PVD. ST. a WALKS. PH. 3-8680. $10,500 ENOLEWOOD $1500 will handle, wa belUve this home has the nicest floor plan of any 2 BR home wo hava seen In some time. Lge. llv. rm. with fireplace, llxll dining room, utility room, many built -Ins, an- mematg possession. Pn. z-ssso, $8500. 4 ACRE Many large fruit ft shade trees, full bsmt., dining rm., fireplace. 2 BR., lge. unfinished upstairs. Ideally located 3 mi. to city limit, east. Ph. 2-6680. REAL HOMEY FULLY Insulated ft weather stripped. 2 BR home. North on pavement, prewar built, full basement, seml-flnlshed st tic. if you want a nice homa worth tne money, see this one. It has an $8700 FHA commitment. Ph. 2-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIOH EVE. PH. 4-2326 - 2-8704 . 2-7769 r277 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see CiRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS; 134 8. Liberty Ph. 2-24T1 ea NOTICE! If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE !ft ACRE farm completely fenced. 10 acre of filberts, balance pasture with some timber ft year round creek. Route 4 Ba lem located one mile north of Aums ville. Will take small modern suburbsn home on Salem city bus Una as part payment. Phone 20998. cb378 Trade for Salem Home 3 acres and lge. hse. In heart of West Stayton. Sell or trade for Salem prop erty. Value $6500. B. Isherwood, Realtor RESORT PROPERTY NEW BEACH home. Utilities. Motel site. Ocean view. Sacrifice cash, trade. Sa lem prop. Ph. 3-7071. cc280 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU want your own business? If you have $3500 and are interested in own ing a nlte club business, write for In formation ft particulars to Box 366 Cspital Journal. cd780 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I unit apartment In 2 separate buildings nearly new, tenants pay own heat and tlai.ts. Nice Income. Price $5200.00. Will take home in trade. No. 773 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph. 2-9203 ed275 TRAILER court, $6,000. terms. By owner Chas H. Moore, 1738 N. Water St cd277 APT. HOUSE Small apt. house completely furnished including stoves gnd refrigerators, ex cellent location, within easy walking distance of down town Salem. $180 per month Income, price $14,500 for every thing, room on back or lot for addi tional rentals. Necessary that we show property by appointment. Call Mr. Bourne Eve. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. cd375 $R3.WHl. LATE built 4-unit court NE. on bus line. Income of $370 per month. This court ls In the very best of con dition. Shown by appointment onif Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1S3 B. High - Phone 3-4121. 1377 BUSINESS CORNER FOR RENT Downtown new store and 1arce home In connection- Grocery stock and equip ment for sale at Invoice. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1328 State Bt. Ph. 2-5580 -2-8813 cd278 MODERN 3 Bd. rm. house ft service sta tion on A. Full price $4950. $1000 Dn. Bal. $40 mo. Rt. 5. Box 300. ml. K. of Lancaster on Center St. d376 GOING Bl'SlNESSfor leaseT Cloeto De troit dam site. For complete Informa tion callED BYRKIT. Ph. 33101. cd NrOM'L, bldg. ft 5 In nrJ $13,000 By owner, termsJ Ph. 3-9829. cd271 N. COM'L, store bide, ft 5 llv rms.. 32 rv By owner, terms Ph. 2-9839. edJTI Sale or Lease Cafe Immediate possession, first class equip ment, good location. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 114(1 tf ranitnl Ph. S-?ia. rd77 FURNITURE FOR SALE Bni.T WELL daveno A chair combination. Steel gray. Beautiful set. In excellent cond. Ph. 3-7794. 775 Oerlh. d275 NOW Open Eves. Until 9 P. M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BFAT THIS COMBINATION II & H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd . Ph. 3-3797. 375 DINETTE set. Daveno ft chair. Hollywood bed. 333 Mission St. . d276 STi nrNT I IMF. mahogany end table ft dresser. Ph. 3-619. dJ15" WANTED FURNITURE I AM in need of a complete household of furniture ft appliances. Will buy all or pari of what you have. Pay spot cash, highest possible prices. Bee or rail W il ia rd Pavnter, 141$ Aider Ate Ph. 3-3944. Salem. da378 LARGE QI NTlTYfurnltur wanted. We buy complete household furnishings If you art moving or settling an stae. be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. 3-6558 days. 3-4407 eves TRADER LOUIE SO 5 5 Portland Rd 4a I LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENHFO LIVESTOCK Buyer. H E Snt then, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 31)45. e?M ,"TS Rwutrrd. $33. r,t 7- COCKl r-AirL aupplai. 1:1 It llttv WJ7S run ri'Tir tvirpi. t no. okl. Ford At. fh. I-M. trill rnitrt tanar? lrturiM N."lltTiTtJM rNIK tnr aav. H.autltul .iniara. O.rmao TtolI.M Ormu Bacatra. "r. I 1111, Mil m. Churl. Kl7 REAL ESTATI GRABENHORST SPECIALS HIGH ON A HILL Oarlook!n Vall.r alu. W icrai an od,r autt. I" 4rillad wan. Local I ml. aouth of Salam. A raal homaaita. CALL COflURN L. ORABR4HOIUT CLOSE-IN 16,000 w.ll localad' S Mrm. horn. II. rm.. lia. dla. rat., kitchen, ancloaad back porch, dbl. aaraaa. Lot voxso with rm. for t rantaU. Mica treaa ano: ahruba. Located at 1S4 South llth St. CALL PITER OE1SIX AMERICAN COLONIAL Located on 1 acre of beautiful crounda. t bdrm. dble. plb., lia. lie. rm.. din. rm.. entrance hall. Open atalrcaaa, full burnt., with playroom to fireplace, dble. aaraaa. Don't fall to jee thta truly fine home pneed rlcht. CALL ROY riRRM INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 3-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-896J t21 SPECIAL A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TYPE 2 BDR. HOME, LOCATED ONLY I BLKS. FROM THE NEW WASHINGTON SCHOOL JUST OFF 8ILVERTON HIWAY. THE HOME IS 3 YRS. OLD. HDWD. FLOORS, L R., K.. LOTS OP B-INS, large nook, benoix goes, garaoe ft lots of shrubs, a real SPECIAL PRICED AT ONLY 36650. VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT, AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WE'LL TRY TO ARRANGE IT. A REAL BUY NICE 1 BDR HOME LOCATED IN EAST SALEM NEAR PARK AVENUE. L.R.. D R., K BEAUTIFUL METAL B-INS. TRAYS. COOKINO At WATER HEAT ELBCTRIC, HEATINO OIL. LOTS OP SHRUBS it 18 NICE As CLEAN. THIS MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. PRICED AT ONLY SS7S0. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. M ACRES, HOWELL PRAIRIE. EAST OP SALEM. 1 BIO BARN. CHICKEN HOUSE. OOOD I BDR. HOME. IP YOU WANT A HOWELL PRAIRIE RANCH SEE THI8I H ACRES. LOCATED IN THE 8ILVERTON DISTRICT. OOOD HOME. OOOD BARN, ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEM. 10 ACRES WALNUTS, BALANCE PAS TURE. GRADE A DAIRY. BEST IN THE STATE, HIS LOSS, YOUR OATN. SEE THISI CALL US POR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION ON ANY OP THESE PLACES. EVENING PHONE: 1-Stll. 3-Il, J-701J, 1-SMS. I-SSS4 GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEB, MGR. 1853 N. Capitol AUCTIONS GRADE "A" Dairy and Equipment AUCTION ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT AUG TION ON FARM ft MILES SOUTHEAST OF TURNER, OR 3Va MILES SOUTH OP AUMSVILLE ON WEST STAYTON AUMSVILLE ROAD, AND Vi MILE NORTH AND 'i MILE WEST OF DAR LEY PLANTATION ON PLEASANT GROVE ROAD. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 AT 1 P.M. SHARP 28 DAIRY CATTLE 28 t Guernsey cows, all to freshen Dec. and Jan.. 4 years old and up. 1 Ayrshire cow, to freshen Dec. 15th, 5 years old. 3 Guernsey cows, just fresh. 8 years old. 7 Jersey and Guernsey cows, all milk ing heavy, to freshen In spring, 5 to 1 years old. 2 Ayrshire and Guernsey cows, milking, pasture bred. 1 Hois tern cow, milking, to freshen In summer. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years old, to fresh en in March. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 years old, to fresh en In April. 2 Guernsey heifers, open. Cattle alt tested. Some of these "cows have milked up to 62 lbs. a day, they are large type. In extra good condition and a hard working herd. Milking time ls 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Anyone ls welcome to see or milk them at that time. They must be seen to be appreciated. Breeding dates on cattle given on day of sale. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 2-unit Surge milking machine, complete with pipe and stall cocks for 20 cows. Dairy Maid hot water heater. 10 gallon milk cooler. 2 strainers. Drinking cups for 20 cows. HAY 40 tons of baled clover and grass hay. Never rained on. extra good nay. IMPLEMENTS I old pickups. Tractor on rubber. 1 foot disc. 2 horse plows. Single shovel plow and walking plow. 3 Inch Irrigation pump. And lots of other goods too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH R. L. JOHNSON, Owner Route 1. Box 10S. Turner DAN B. AND LARRY ROTH. LIVESTOCK & FARM SALES AUCTIONEERS OF ALBANY dd!7l FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CAL-OREGON HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Show and Sal. tt Head 41 Bulla J7 Female. REGISTERED HEREFORDS' At Jaekeon County Palrtrounda MEDFORD, OREGON SALE: Wedneedar. December 7th SHOW: Tuesday, December th Onlr top quant, cattle, which meet Tltld requirements, being ollered- WRITE EARL JOSSY, MEDFORD, OREGON for a Sale Catalog. e37S NICE FRESH Qurn. row and hesvy spring ers, weaner pigs. Nice ones $9.00 each. ScottTg Ranch, t milt east out Center St. BOX 166. eJ75 EIGHT BROOD Sows ts farrow January 10. one sow witn six pigs, one month old: one large boar: fifty shoats weigh ing 70 to 100 pounds: will sell any or all. Phone Salem 4-3438 evenings. e279 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer Bt. O, McCandlUb. 1137 8. 28. Ph. 2-8117. FUEL 1" OLD FIR. 2 ft. old fir. Arnold Phll- llpsbog 361, Turner. Ph. 1X2. eejao Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging $VM load Double $10 H Also 16- Oreen Stab or ' Phong 35U3 EE WOOD FOR BALE, dry fir. $13 SO cord. Oak til. Delivered. Ph. 284 Jefferson. eeJ79 WOOD and sawdust. Reasonablt. Ph. R w Maker. 3-7888. ee27i call' highway fuel for Diesel and Stove Oils. FRFflH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dn Planer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 36444 West Salem Fuel Co. 1$ in. dry or oh fen slab wood dry planer ends old orowth block wood, 18-in. clean - no bark screened sawdust rural deliveries difsel and stove oil Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 153$ Edgewater St , West Salem SHELL STOVR ft MltEL OIL, Ph. 3-3188 Shell Oil Co L. T. Maswell, distributor eel 7$ PHILLIPS BR OB Old fir. oak, Mb A oniPlt C tit. Iff lab and edg:nia Ph SUst te W 41 NI T shells tor saJt. Klorftia Pack ni vOw, m B. Freak I REAL ESTATE Phone 3-3031 FUEL DEY 19" alab at uuu. Ph. 1-1414. aa TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-1442 16- Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 2ft CHRISTY Hampshire pullets, 1 mo. old. Laying. Make offer. K, Q. Cook, Rt. 9. box 764. Li be rt yd 1st. 1277 WANTED; AUSTRA White pullets. Ph. 37818. J378' ORDER TOUR Thanksgiving turkey. Hoi onbeck's Turkey Farm. Ph. Oervals 2333,BOX 81, Brooks. 1278 YOUNG TURKEYS, corn" fed7aiso chick ens. Doyle Batter, 3360 Lancaster Dr. Ph.35708. 1379 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tuej Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. PRODUCE POTATOES Don't pay store prices when you esn get them within twenty minutes drr'e from the count house in Salem at a much lower price right where they were grown. These potatoes have been sorted carefully and sacked ready for your own selection. Sacks are open for your in spection. No small one have been sacked. All are nice size. Some large baking size. Come out Sunday If your employment interferes with this trip Into the coun try l'a miles north of the Keller school In Clear Lake road. Come out Nortn Front St. to the Kelier school. Continue to Intersection of Clear Lake road, take left hand highway li mile, look lor large green poultry house. We will be looking for you there. F. A. Brewsler, box 261-C. II276 CHOICE APPLES. A. C. Savais at Wacon- da. fO. 3-1344. ff277 EASTERN ALFALFA by ton or truck load. Adores iu b. lain. pn. 2-9923. img PIG for locker. Nice and fat. About 200 lbs. Reasonable. 4900 Crater St. Phone 2-3240. 11216 ROME BEAUTY apples. Perfect. LVl'v- HELP WANTED MALE MAN FOR Job as tank truck salesman. previous experience desired but not necessary. Must be between 21 and 40 years of age, married permanent. Apply 8 to 12 a.m. Thurs., Frl. Bat. only. Frank Doolittle Distributor. Wal lace Rd. West Salem. ga37S MESSENGER 18 yrs. or older with bike. ays, western union. ga WANTED! Exp. furniture aalemaa at HOGG BROS. 360 State St. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE CHILD CARE after school hours. Must live aear saieu Heights sett. Ph. 22914. b2 EXPERIENCED fountain operator. Phono 28737 or 2109$ for personal Interview. b27l WANTED women nut shelters. An lntr work. 460 N Front. Klorfeln Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL FOSTTIONB 360 State Street Phono 3-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER WORK wanted. Ph. Vl45t. bJ77 STEEL Oultar player wants to contact good standard player to practice with, will Join good Western band. Lots ot lead guitar and vocalist back ground. Write to Ernie, 1339 Candlewood Drive, Salem, Ore. 137T SCHOOL GIRL wants work as mother's helper. Near Parrlsh school. Ph. 3-1341. 1.375 CARPENTER. Let's remodel repair be fore holidays. Good work. Reasonable. Ph. 38236. 1.379 CHILDREN taken care of In my hoing. By hour or day. Ph. 3-9669. 1818 S. Capitol. h27$ CHILD care by day or hour. 1099 N. 18th. J Mil WASHINnS S IRONINGS wanted. $s so". Ph. 4-3)89. H378 FILIPINO wants cooking and housework or driving. Oo home nights. Write box 272 Capital JournaL h37l EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do yon have a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? II so call the trouble shooter. Ph 3-M3S. h393 BABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 28741.J.297 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Formerphone opr. Ph. 3-8072. h2B0 CARPENTER work." New. repair? PhTr 303 hjl TREE WORK Topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 38 B. Church. Ph. 36014. MH HOI' HE WRECK tNGtnovlac, rating, foun dation work. Ph. 2-9989. Mlil TYPING and baby sitting evas. tip. re liable. Ph 3-7854. h384 FINE PAPERINO painting. Pb. $-M3 hi 8$ RABT SITTING. Phone 205M. M$7 WANT DV MP 'truck Jobs. Call 3-3101. hJ7$ REFRIGERATION SERYTri Kleetrlg Appliance repair. All work guaranteed Ph. 3-8941. Mil WASHING and TYPING In titan reliable' 3366 Mission St. hi 77 Mimeographing-TjT)ing POrt. $ North 18th. Phone S-3M1 MM TRFI work, topping, trimming, rema. Ins trs. op Work guar w. H. McA'l a tor, 60 Trad. Ph. 3-14M. kill AUTOMOIILES CLEAN CARS -PRICED RIGHT WILL ALWAYS SELL 1949 Lincoln Sedan 1949 Mercury Sedan 1947 Ford Tudor 1947 Ford Sedan 1947 Mercury Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1942 Stude Comdr SdnCp 1941 Chev. 5 Pass. Cpe. 1941 Pontiac Conv. 1941 Mercury Sedan Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 543 CENTER PH. 8301i NEW 1950 KAISERS are HERE NEW LOW PRICES $1995 at Salem Save over $ DON'T BE FOOLED. NOBODY UNDER SELLS TEAGUE MOTOR CO. WE AL WAYS GIVE THE BEST DEAL. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 55 N. LIBERTY SALEM, ORE. PHONE J-417I Like a Government Bond Dependable, steady, worthy of your trust and confi dence that is our Reputation'. We have earned it through the years. We mean to protect it. Our friendly service awaits you. See STAN BAKER for fine Guar anteed Used Cars. Ask about our easy terms on approved credit. Come in TODAY! 1948 Dodge Custom 4-Door $ 1695 1948 Nash "600" Brougham 1295 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 4-Door . . . 1195 1941 Ford Super Deluxe 2-Door . . 595 1940 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door 695 1939 Oldsmobile Club Coupe 350 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan 245 STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTERS FOR A BETTER BUY, BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AT HIGH WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING. Interior St ext. Ph. 1-3819. h28g HOiniR RAISING, fminoatlon. concrete or Klana Broa.. Ph. 3-3393. n2BB IRONING. Ph. 3767 after I p.m. MS0 CRMltVT WORK vented Ph J-4HM h EDUCATION MEN 17-45 WOMEN 18-35 Are needed by railroads throughout America as: STATION AGENTS TELEGRAPHERS Positions open throughout the United States. Starting salary $377. M plus ben ertts. Rapid advancement. For Informa tion on housing, part-time work and starting dates, contact representative ot Burns School of Business MARION HOTEL FRIDAY, SATURDAY, & SUNDAY ONLY 10 A.M. to T P.M. O L APPROVRD hh3T6 FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE RMS. 1 beds. 1 email. 1 cot. ISO Union. Ph. PLEASANT sleeping room for man. lOiB Norway. Ph. 3-4547 after v m. jxiw EATED sleeping rooms. In good location. 785 n. Winter St., pn. s-i. iktbo t RMS. with board for men In comfort. able home. Ph. 3-1038. jkJUO CI.OSR TN room for clean employed man. 840 S. Liberty. K378" BUSINESS DIST. Nice steeping rm. Heat, . C. water In room. 355 Center. Ik373 WARM BLEEPING room. Implored ladv. Kitchen prlv. pn. 33414. juiw CLEAN I.IOHT housekeeping room. $78. 1344" state St. jgaig SINGLE SLEEPING rms. 473 N. Liberty. Jk378" HEATED SLEEPING rooms for men. Dou ble A single. 383 N. 14th. J" NICELY furn. bedroom rloae In. Kit. prlv.. No drinkers. 898 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-9410 J 1.377 SLEEPING RMS. $1 wk. 33 N. 14th. Jk394 3-805$ Jk3 ROOMS. 1M S. Cottage. Ph. 37817. jk2f3 ROOMS to rent by the week or month. Very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph 3-3181. Jk377 NICI SLEEPING RM. Oarage. Ph. 3-7511 Jk33 MEN's"wARM sleeping room. Prlv ent" rn. 33438. 1908 . CapltOl. JK27S- ROOMS 448 CentT Rear Wood row's 'k37l BOLLYWOOD. 3031 McCoy Ph 1-8083 jk?l FORRENT APARTMENTS NICELY Ft'RNI'HED larse trin. apClnV Ambassador Apt.. SM N. Summer. Jp3B0 PI RN. COURT iPU. blks. from BU-f house. Ph. 3-8714. Jp277 YERY MODERN ant. with bath rrfr.g Hot wiier heat. Located 3 blocks from State Bldg. new shopping center. 41 w. winter. jpj t I.AROI elean room furnished apt. NArC water, on neat, new gas range, street noor, ewe in. nes. Adults. 180 Dlv. -Ion Bt. Cor. Division N. Front t. Jo3M POR RENT. 1 room furnished apt. Ind fir .ear preierrea. pn. J-mo. 1p37T" NEW APT.. S rms. bath. Partly furn io4t Midison. jpa;r rtos IN, glean, t room, pnv. bath ftii Ftrrp, jp37T (AUTOMOBILES 1941 Ford Coupe 1941 Pontiac Sedan 1941 Lincoln Coupe 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Ford Coupe 1939 Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Merc. Sedan Cpe. 1937 Buick Sedan, Spec. 1937 Chevrolet Sedan 1936 Olds Sedan FOR RENT APARTMENTS i KM. APT., 3 B.R. Ph. 3-3189. Jp37l t RM. FURN. apt., main floor. Refrlg. fti eiectnc range, 17.00 week. Elderly gen 1 1 em an preferred. Ph. 3-5378. Jp37T VERY CLEAN quiet furn. apt., elec. heat. FI RM. 3 and 3 rtn. 330 and 830. Close in. Mi-oie ae laoy or eonple preferred. Ph. 33358. 1P37B I RM. FTJRN. apt., upstairs. Private batk "PCC ffh. 33313. JP375 1 RM. Kltch. furn. apt. Priv. ent. state oi. near court nouse, Afluita only, no drinkers. $33. Ivan O. Martin. Ph. 344 It, WANTF.D: ELDERLY nan te share rent or apt. Help turn. cook Meals. No smoking or drinking. 1380 R. Winter, Apt. No. 1. jpi7 IF YOU want a yery nice clean 3 rm. furn. pi, private oatn, ail ntlnuee furn.. Ph. 38131 eve, after p.m. A37t APT. IN W. Salem. S rm. vnfarm. except tec. rge. rn. seocw. JP279" LARGE 3 rm. apt. 171 Market, t block to pus, rn. S733S. Jp378 LARGE 8-ROOM unfurn. apt. Bectrle jieai. ou oi ouut-ins closets. Close in. 885. Ph. 1-1M4 or see at $M Ferry St. after 3 p.m. Jp37Ia CLOSE IN 1 room apt. All electric. 337.U per montn. aas . winter. JP378 8 ROOM furnished apt. Ph. $-731$. Jp37$ t RM. APT. partly furn. Prltatt bath. Ad mis. liBg encmcgeta. Jpl7T FURN. sleeping rm. St gar. for nan. $35 P mo. rn. 3-7815 alter 8 P.m. 178 Warner. P37 furnished cottage, 3318 Portland rd. LB, BR, kltch., store room, prlv. bath n i.. auw. eiee. neat, eec. garoage dis posal. All elec.. new St furn. 1 blk from SeeVa. Adulta only, 878. Ph. 3-0383. p378 rrii FOR RENT HOUSES 1 BDRM. modern house, basement, not. on ium. uarace. wiu lease. Reoulro " fr- l21 w- Capitol. Jm377 FOR RENT: -Modern 1 bdrm. home. Pos session Dec. 1, 1149. Rent $58 per monto. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7138 or 1-450 lm371 NEARLT new 3 B.R. house and garage. All elec, V blinds, hdwd. floors, '4 mile 1 E- of Pen Four Corners. No pets. $78 ma. Available Sunday. See caretaker at 454$ State. Ph. 3-1135. Jm377 new unfurn. i bdrm. hse. $$$ mo. Ph' jm378" 4 RR HOME on Oarden Road. See Moore at -aurora i or Fhont 3-748 eve. or un. jm37l FOR RfNT or isle, two 1 bdrm. houses. e.ve. jiw uivuion. Jm37i CABINS, NOT modern, Dallas Highway' r ' mi- en- 3oo. jmagg" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Oregon Bi.oo. 3 or Sroom suite, l sin gle Ph. 3-4114. J377 FOR RENT Large room Perry Strte un-Dip i or -nice or store. Alio a stnry alley werehotme with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 3 High St. Tel. 1-4111. J FLOOR space on State St- Desk space on jlarlon St Ph. 3-3483. J C drive Trucks Robinson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 1103, J BUSINESS RM. tor rent. H. U Stiff. ! FIOOR S4.NDIRS for rent Umteamer Ward f FOR RENT I6i48 wgrehouso. Phent -I3. J373 iowkr TOOL rentals for Borne and in dustrial we Bowser Bros Ph 1-3848. TRAILERS $3.00 per day Hawser Iron 141v 0 i3th. West Salem TO DO a good lob 'ent t good floor sand r We t every thing u complete toe lob BOWSER BROS . Pb. 1-1041 I "OOP USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff 4lNr.FR electric portable eewiog ma en:ns Reasonable rates. Free ptd ap delivery Singer Sewing MnchlM Co. J - IM n Cowl Ph 13511 P (Continued on Page 17)