W Soft Spot Repaired A soft spot in a retaining wall of the 3,000,000 gallon water reservoir at Dallas was revealed when first checks were made. Repair of these and a few leaks to be stopped will delay completion of the huge tank another ten days, according to E. L. McCleary, water commissioner. (Photo by Abel.) Slocks Advance Up to a Point New York, Nov. 18 VP) The stock market drove ahead for the third session running today, with automobile issues supply ing the main motive power. Closing prices were at or near the best levels of the day. Chrysler and General Motors were strong contenders for first place, each gaming around a point. Gains elsewhere ranged from fractions to more than a point. Turnover reached a rate of around 1,700,000 shares for the full session. Higher prices were paid for U.S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel, Montgomery ward, Radio Corp. Standard Gas & Electric $4 Pre ferred, American Smelting, Al lied Che m i c a 1 , Westinghouse Electric, International Paper, Southern Pacific, Standard Oil (NJ) and Gulf Oil. Quake at Long Beach Long Beach, Nov. 18 W A minor earthquake rocked Long Beach about 5:15 p.m. yester day. No damage was reported. Edna Marie Hill who was recently elected to receive the National DAR citizenship award at Salem high school. She if feature editor of the Salem high school Clarion and a member of Civics club, and Vikette president. NEW ii a :f SOW iA -..-'ttii- m fft... Clean! Dissolves sludge and carbon! Minimizes strainer .In..!..1 Insures top peak fur nace efficiency! I INVESTIGATE! j NOW! TODAY! 1 Cold Eiclu.iTflT at i Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. j 1405 B rood wo y In Salem 'TO i IJaataaaaaaaiaeaeaaaageae STOCKS By tha Associated Pr-asi American Can Am Pow Lt Am Tel at Tel Anaconda .. .................... Bendlz ATlatlon Beth eteel Botln Airplane .. 28 Vi 33U Calif Packing Canadian Paclfla Cass J 1 Caterpillar , 45 - , 33K Chrysler uomwitn a sou Com Vulte Continental Can ,'rown Zellerbaeh . 38 7 It Curtlie Wright Dougla Aircraft Dupont de Nem .... ... Oeneral Electrle General Pood General Motor Goodyear Tiro ........ , Int Harvester , int Paper ...... ... Kennecott Llbby McN ft L , Long Ben "A" ...... Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator Nat Dairy TT Central Northern Pacific Pae Am Fish Pa Gas A Rlee Pa Tel & Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal Richfield Safeway Stores Sear Roebuck flouthern Pacific Standard Oil Co. Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining ............. Tranflamertea ................... Cnlon Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines O 8 Steel Warner Bros Pl Woolwortb .. 10' ... 17'i ..1031 . 33 'i ... 12't .. 24r '.11 ... 39 ... 29. .. .. 14 .. 25 .. 14 . 46 Lumber Output Swings Upward Washington, Nov. 18 The September increase in wholesale prices for construc tion lumber the first rise in 13 months has been followed by an upswing In lumber produc tion: The commerce department's lumber survey committee, re porting this today, expressed be lief that "with continued good weather, fourth quarter ship ments and production of lumber should exceed the 1948 levels." The committee chairman, Ri chard A. Colgan, who also is executive vice president of the National Lumber Manufacturers association, suggested the up turn in production may hit a snaw until 1950. He said that rising labor costs at southern saw mills may "force many soft wood and hard wood mills out of business." The higher cost, he said, will result from the new 75 cents an hour minimum wage which be comes effective in January by act of congress. SAFE! MO Dlr is ..avV ASK "f'llVVVy ABOUT IT! Can be stored with absolute safety! Reduces stack fir haiards 75! Cleaner burning throughout! DIAL 3-5622 or 3-5606 ZSr3 j TV C " iJTjfi Chicago Livestock Chicago. Nov. 18 flj (USDA) Live stock market: Hog: Salable 13.000. Butcher uneven; 25 to 50 cents lower: most downturn on welBfiU under 230 lbs: trade fairly active at decline: sow dull, 50 to 75 cents low er: most good and choice ISO to 220 lbs. 15.25 to 15.75: practical top 15.75 for choice 180 to 310 lbs: a mall lou 183 lbs, 15.85: bulk good and choice 230 to 2.0 15.00 to 15.25: small 5UP;lv 270 to 3 1. J Ida. 14.75 to 14.85: few butcher over 325 lbs 14.50: most good and choice sows. 425 lbs down. 13.75 to 14.30: few heavier welghti down to 12. M; indications good clearance. Sheep: Salable 1.500. Native slaughter lambs predominated: snld 5t?1y witn good and choice kind 23.25 to 23.65: Ut ter price top paid by eastern shippers: all weighty lambs discounted 1.00 to 2.s0: bulk 21.00 to 22.75; doub'e good to choice light welaht yearling wethers arrived atf ; and sold fully steady at 20.75; forty head out around 16.00: slaughter ewe steady; load northern common and medium 9.50: most common to good natives, 8.75 11.50: small lot to 12.00: clearance incomplete on 105 to 120 lb lambs. Cattle: Salable 1.000. Calves 300. Slaugh ter steer and heifer steady: cows Meady to weak: alow on medium and good berf cows: bull active: fully steady: vea'ors about steady; 38 head of choice to price 10SS Ib fed steers. 40.00; low medium to low good steers. 19.50 to 27.00; few aood to low cholc- 28.00 to 33.00: load medium to low Rood 820 lb short fed heifers, 24.00; and medium cows, 14.00 to 15.75; comrjon and medium cows, 14.00 to 15.75: canners and cutters, 11.00 to 13.75: medium and good sausage bull. 17.50 to 19.00: medium to choice vealers, 22.00 to 26.00; cull down to 15.00: load medium to rood 750 lb Canadian -feeding steers. 22.00; Joad me dium 840 lb weights, 20.00. Portland Llventock Portland. Ore.. Nov. 18 01 W Wrklv live-stock: Cattle: Friday salable 25: nnmlna.lv steady: few canner and cutter cows 50 to H.00; cutter steers, heifer 10.50 ta 12.50. Calve: Friday salable 10: nominal. Hogs: Friday salable 25: odd hd around 190 to 200 butcher 17.75. snesp: rrdiay salable 25: nominal. Market will be closed Nov. 24. Thanks. giving day, and on Nov. 25. Portland Grain Portland, Ore.. Nov. 18 Wheat: Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38-lb white 57.50: oaney mo. ? 45-ib B.W. 57.00; No. 1 flax 3.95. Cash wheat 'bid : Soft white TSOi.: soft white (excluding rex) 2.20 't; white C1UD Z.ZO'a. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.20: 10 per cent 2.20; It per cent 3.21; 12 per cent 2.22. Today' car receipts: Wheat 17: bar.ey 1; flour 9; corn 5; oats S; mill feed 10. when short of tobacco, peat bog workers in Eire now smoke peat in pipes. SO. 12TH ST. AT PLEATED 1!'S IB ffSSIfo Pleated Shade III ! I fir Open C ) Evenings IL jJL-M mm llliii'lHfftt4ll'T-llK Some Grains in ! Grain Prices Chicago, Nov. 18 OP) A small-scale buying movement was enough to record gains ranging to around a cent In ma jor grains on the board of trade today. All .cereals participated III UIC U(MUI II Willi MIC iimini-i Wheat closed higher, jTsi.? .'ueccmoer 9.5.1 1 4-it cum w 1 to 12 higher, December S1.22s8-S4. oats were H-3 higher, December 74 rye was 2a,4 to 3 cents higher, December MARKET QUOTATIONS lr Livrstock Marke r. u-lle-v "acking C n Feeder lamb 113.00 to $15.00 Cutler cows 17.00 to W.50 Dairy hellers 110.00 to 111.10 Fat dairy cow 19.50 to 110.00 Bulls 111.00 to S 15 00 Calves, aood (300-450 lbs.) 116.00 to $18 00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top 120.00 to $22.00 Portland Eautslde Market Green onion sold for 60 to 70 rents a doien bunehe on the Portland Eaxt.sidc Farmers wholesale Produce market too. Spinach brought $1.00 to 11.50 an Or am e box. Danish squash was offered at 30 70 crnts a lua. Csuba;;e was $1.25 to $1-50 an 83-Ib crate. Bartlett pear were $1 85 a box. Radishes moved at 60 to 65 cents a do?rn bunches: carrot. 55 to 80 cents; beets. 65 to 75 cents. Pari.nl 3 were il.2j to 11.50 a lua. Brusel sprouts sold for 12.00 to $2.15 12-cup lug. Lettuce wag QUrted at $3.50 crate, Portland Produce Bulterfat Tentative, tirtiiect to Imme diate chanpe Premium quality maximum 35 to 1 percent acidity delivered n Portland 63-67c lb.; 93 score, 61-65c lb.; 90 score. 57-63c: 69 score 55c. Valley route and country point 2c less than first Hotter Wholesale rots bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c A 92 score. 62c : B 80 acore, 60c lb.. C 89 score. 57c Above price are scrictly nominal Cheese- -Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon stnsle 39-42e, Ore on 5 small loaf, 44 -45c. triplets 14 less than sinmts Ekri (to wholesaler) A trade large. 37-5c: A medium, 43-44c; grade B large. 49-50c; small A grade. 40 c. Portland Dairy Market Hotter Price to retailers, urade AA prints, 68c: AA cartons. 69c: A print. 68c; A carton 69c; B prints. 65c t.e prices to retailers uraoa a large. 62c doc.: certified A large, 63c: A large, 60c; AA medium. 47c: cer tified A medium, 46c: B medium, 42c; A small, 44c; carton 3 c additional. Cheese price to retaiieia fortiana Oregon singles 39-42c. Oregon loaf. 6- Ib loars 44-45e lb.; triplets. 1' cents less than singles Premium brands, singles 51 o lb.: loaf. 536 Poultrr Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB Plants, No 1 broilers under 3 lb. 20-z4e lb. fryer 3-3 lbs.. 23-26c. 3-4 lb.. 27c. roaster 4 lb and over, 27-28c; fowl, ,fnfirn 4 lbs and uner IB-20C ovr lb. 30c; colored fowl, all weights, 26-26e; roosters, an weisnts. lB-aoc Turkey Net to grower. 31c on torn, 43 -44c on hen; sales price to re tailors, torn. 38-39c; hens 49-50c. Rabbits .-.vet cue to tt rowers, live whites 4-5 lbs.. 17-190 lb.: 6-8 lbs.. 15-17e lb.: colored 2 cent lower: old or heavy does and bucks, -i3c. fresh dressed idano fryers and retailers, 40c: local. 48-52c. Country-Killed Meat- Veal Top quality 30-32C lb., other graces accoiolng to weight and quality witn inner or heavier i8-2Be. Hews Light blocker. 24-24; ow. 19- 20c. Lambs Top quality, springers, 15-37c: mutton. ll-lSc. Beef Good cow, 30-31e lb.; eannera- ru tiers, ib-iuc. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers oer ewt.li Beef steers, good 600-800 lb., $43-43: MAURER-BOGARDUS IIIWAY JUNCTION mniNlil Wl tt; Wtt. 341-H tjtMty. i Cows Commercial, 138-31, ltmt, 114- I: eannera-cutter. 133-34, Bitf cuti i Good steers: Hind auartera. 154-55; rounds 141-51: full loin, trimmed 173-78: trisngle. 133-34: iur c hue It. 140-42; rib $53-55: forequerter. 134-38. vsal end calf l Good. 837.40: commercial. 133-35: utility 138-33. Lamb: Oood-cholc spring UmtM. til l: enmmrcll, 138-40: utility. 133-15 Mutton Oood. 70 Ibt down. 111-30. Pork cuU: Loin No. 1. i-13 lb.. 139-43: shoulder. U lb down, 130-33; pr- nu, s-; crc. 34-3i; niitd HfiiriU 12 ix r cwt lowat. Fortland Hlirellneoui Cucar Bark Dry 13Va fb., trcrn e lb. Wool Valley eoart and nsdlum uradaa. 46c ib Mohair 15 lb ea U-raootn irowtb. nominally. Hldrt Calve. 30e lb., accord lna to wrlBht kip 25c lb., beef ll-13c Ib . bull f-7e lb. Country buvcu div 2c Kt QuaUIUna naiBBta rnquettea, flral quality jum K 34 7c. lane. 32.7c: mtdlum. 27 2c: second quality Jumbos, 30.3c: Unit. 28.2c: eaium. ao.ac; oany, 33 20. soft ihelL first quality lane. 29. 7c: medium. 26.2c: sec ond quality largt, 37.aoi medium. 24 7c: Oat) 23. 30. viineria jumbo. IM ib.i Ian, lie: medium, 18c: small. 13c. y j ,. , . iman wnere ne iiveo unui moving lo tre India nOW estimates that ltSjSilverton district about 20 year aso He peanuts are beina Brown nn 381,000 acres. DEATHS Mrs. Lilly Baer In Uil city November 17, Mrs. Lilly Baer, late resident of 1380 Nebraska ave nue, at the age of 46 year. Surviving are the husband. Henry Baer of Salem; to sons, Lawrence and James Baer both of Salem: a aister, Mr. Alma Zucher of Sa lem: and two brother, Aldon Oerber of Salem and Lou Gerber in Los Anaele. Announcement of service later by W. T. Rigdoa company. John E. Elton John E. Elton, late resident of 1048 Vi sion street, at a local hospital November 18, at the age of 62 year. Survived oy wife, Mrs. Emily Elton of Salem. Vti nouneement of service later by Cloush Barrick company. Mrs. Elisabeth Mebr Mrs. Ellzaoelh Mohr. at the residence at route 1 box 236. Independence, Novem ber 17. at the ate of 93 years. Survived by a son. Orman Zavits of Independence. Announcement of service later by Clogli-B-rrick company. COME I ii . life ' BIG W & CHRISTMAS ii . si" x, i - v i TO WARDS TONIGHT! IT'S FAMILY WARDS! FUN . . . EXCITE- MENT . . . REFRESHMENTS . . FITTING OPENING FOR THE DAY SEASON! BRING THE KIDDIES AND SPEND THE EVENING! OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. FREE REFRESHMENTS! Coffee and hot dogs served 6 to 7 . . . coffee, doughnuts and hot cookies 'til 9 . . . on Wards third floor. (Children must be accompanied by parents.) FASHION SHOW! Live models will display the newest styles in our windows, 7:30 to 8:30. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports at Salem dealers lor in guidance oi japuai Journal Head! a. (Revised dally). Retail Peed Prleea: Elg Maah $4.7$. Rabbll Pellelr-$4.30. Dairy Feed 13.75. Poultry nurng prices -Oradt A color ed hen. 34c; gradi A Leghorn hen .mo up, Jl-iJc Grade A old rooMer uc 1(1-) 9c : grade A colored fryer, three lbs 36-39e, Egga Buying Price Extra large AA, 65c: lane AA, 54c: large A. 51-5.Sc: medium AA, 40c: medium A, 3(-41c; pulleU, 3Z-38c. W holt tale prices-- Kki wholesale prices l-7e above the prlrei. above trad A Reneralty quoted at 60c, medium 46c. Bulterfat Premium 68c: No. 1. 64c: No 3. M-60c. (buying price). Butter Wholesale grade A, 68c: re- Tic OBITUARY Lonli Bobert Sllverton Louis Bobert. 83, died Fri day morning at hi home In the Abiqua district. He was born In Holland Ka 15, 18C8. and came to Astoria when a yo mj .lw retired UP railroad employe Sur ing are his widow. Mrs. Maude Rob ert: son. William Bobert. Berkeley. Calif.: Frank Bobert. Astoria and Louis 'Mikei Bobert. in naval service at Guam; daush- SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Cabinets - Frames Ph. 3-5953 H lltX'KBJT rxw f li w ax r & M i.TaVsav i NIGHT AT SANTA CLAUS! He'll be here in person to interview the kiddies, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ' Free candy treats, too! SHOPSMITH DEMONSTRATION! See the famous 5-in-1 complete home workshop in operation ... in our base ment. will be open, too, for the enjoyment of old and young alike! Beautiful dolls, electric trains . . . exciting new toys and games for all . . . here in Salem's biggsst toyland ... at Wards, of course! Bring the family! Capltal Journal Salem, Ore., ter. Mrs. Josephine M orison , Santa Ana, Calif.: and Mrs. Ruth Hardman, Portland; also 13 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Announcements later from the Ekman funeral home. Jehn H'eiley Maeponsld Lebanon John Wet ley MacDonald. 5, died Nov. 16 while on a buslneti trip to Orlck. calif. Born In Lowell, Mien., jan 18. 1684. he came to Lebanon 33 years ago and throughout the period has been pro minently Identified with the lumber and sawmill business. Survivor are hi widow, Eihel May: children William H., Benja min J.. George H., Mrs. Elizabeth T. Child, Mrs. Marguerite M. Barnes and even grandchildren, all of Lebanon. Ser vices were held Friday at the Howe-Huston rhapel with Rev. Harvey Schmidt officiat ing. Interment In the I OOF cemetery. Llna Shirley Unionvale -Miss Una Shirley, 70. of Long view. Wash., died at hospital there Friday, November 11 after one week's 111 neits. Burial was at Fall City. Nebr.. Fri day, November 16. She visited with her former schoolmate, Clarence L. Fowler, 80, here In July. O. Primer Morgareldge Webloot Funeral servicei were held Friday at Mncy's chapel, McMtnnville, for G. Delmar Morgareidge. a long time resi dent of the Webfoot district who died at hi home Wednesday. He had been in de clining health for about two years and seriously 111 more than a month. He Is survived by his widow of Webfoot and one daughter of Portland. GLAZED SASH AND DOORS Every building require ment for glazed sash and doors can be met here EC ONOMICALLY. All our mill work is of guaranteed quality in workmanship as well as in materials. Your request for an esti mate based upon your present or future needs il cordially invited. . A GAY HOLI- Stay 'til 9! II Friday, November 18, 1949 -IS DIRECTORY tUTHNO MACHINE all aekea uaed maehlnae aold. rented, repaired Rnn 4M Court Phnn t-T7J, mVNcni E R VI ft ELECT EIC HOME appliance repair rt,t new appllaneaa Vlnce' Electric Phono Free eatitnatea Ttade-tn accepted oq IS2SIS1 8 Liberty St o AT-I'M POOiTThAR PENIMQ Lawn mowera r Iwora knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3-8833. o ;toraiiios MARION MOTOR NASH SERVICE Towing aervlee dai phone MfH Nlgnt t 31 Center . o BO D YAS DP A INT Braden'a Bndr & Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3890 Cherrr. Ph. 3-3033. 2T 81 ILUING C'ARTENTRT Remodel 'rpalr that home now Term. Nr down Pavment Phone 3-48&0 o Bl'LLDOZINQ Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg.. clear ing, teeth for brush. Viral) Hotkey, lOlf Palrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-9M6, Salem. o3l Dean Roblnaon. Ph. 3-8537 or 1-4308 ell CASH REGISTERS Inatan delivery of new RCA eab register AJ make aold rented, pa ed Roan 4S8 Court Pb 1.6771 CEMENT WORK Por etpert guaranteed aaUafactloa nrm or repair of foundation. aldewaJU, driveway, patloe, curb, valla, etc. Call 3-4850 CHIMNEY RVTFFP Furnace chimney vacuum eleand, rnaley. 771 8. 31it. Ph. 3-7171, o38f DRES8MAKFNO State St. Alteration Shop. Drawn ak lng 360 State St., Rm. 37. o388 DRIVEWAYS Crushed rock for driveway A road, de llvered. Ph. 3-5881. o39J EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Senrlee. Pb, 1-3058. Lee Croa. RU , Bos 43 7 -O. 3BS Breithaupf for flower Dial 1-9178 c RNACI CIRCI'LATOb" BERVICI Vacuumed A tepalred. Dvorak. Ph. 1-451 0387 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIQH PRODTJCTB. 3-871. pflgj HOUSEHOLD PKODCCTB W at kin Oo vroduct Pre de. ITery 1717 Center Ph 1-6391. 9 INSULATION Johna-ManvlUe. Phone 3-8748. a? JANITOR SER1CE Window Cleaning ; Janitor Service Floor Waxtn - Bulldlna - Psctorla - Home Rtlmate Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDQ. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 1-9131 LANDSCAPT NURSERT f A. Doerfler A Son. Ornamental, lit N Lancaster Dr at f Cor Ph. 3-1333. o DELUZ SERVE SELF Laundrr 34ft Jf. teraon St Phone 33453. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service, Ne power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l St. o335 MATTRESSES Bedding Phone 8-4009. e MUSIC LESSONS Spaniah A Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7589. Q293 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES beak chair, file and filing aupplleaT afe. duplicator and supplies, dek lamps, typewriter stand, brief ca.se,. Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen, 456 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work Ph. 3-8683 Eve, 4-3424. o275 Exp. Interior painting Wilson Pb. 1-6113 0381 fitrom'a are equipped painting Phont 3-3493 PAINTING PAPERHANOINO PAPERING & painting. Est. free. ph. 2-Z6UB. 029) Pa In Una and paperhantrlnc. Free estC mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0292 PAPFRIIAXniNG Sxpert Faperhanfftnir and painting H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-9807. Frej est. o27 Paperhanglng. Jerry Johnaon. Ph. 3-4019. o293 PLUMBING Glen Moody. Pb. 03963 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 32984 02S3 ICTI RI FRAMING Hiitcheon Paint Store. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration 8erv. CoTph. 3-1534 029 ! A."D GRAVE! Oarden Soti crushed rock. Shovel aed dragline etcavatlng Walling Sand Oravei Co. Phone 8-9249 o Valley Sand ft Oravei Co Silt, aand e fll dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft eat. rt.ctor coop ft truck for dirt moving. Ph office 34002. re 17148 Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 1-7803 1293 N 5th. o3Bl SEPTIC TANKS Mlke'a Septic Service. Tank cleaned! Roto Rooter service on Sewera. 1079 Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 1-9464. 8-6327. 387 Electric machine service on sewer and drain line. Guaranteed work 1143-6th K F Hamel Septic tank cleaned. St.. We.t Salem. Ph 3-7404. o275 Vacuum Pumping, no mlleags charaaT Call us collect. Todd' Septic Tank Service. 2443 State St. Phone 3-0734. o iEWERS AND SKJTIX TANKS Electric Rnto-Rooter. Exclunlve Patent. Raior Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean Sewera. Drain. Tanks. Ph. 3-8337. o SEWING MAHniNES Alt repair guaranteed. PYee pickup A delivery. Used machine bought ft aold. Ph. 3-5569. 1091 Edtewater. 397 Bought, Bnld. rented, repaired. EZ term. All make W. Davenport, Ph. 3-7671. 0381 All make repaired, free estimate, flinret Sewing Machine Co 130 No, Commercial Ph 8-3513 e rR4NrFP 4) STORAHI oral ft Distance Transfer at or axe. Burnt i oil coal ft briquet Truck to Portland dally Aernt for Bkln Hotue hold good moved to anrwhere In 04. Or Canada Larmer Transfer ft Storaee.. Ph J-31JI o TRITK ft TRANSFER ' Le.tf r Dei.app truck service. Commer cial hauling. Dally service to Portland. Ph. 2-1750. 0394 FvPrWFtTERS Smith Corona Remlnstoo Roval Under wmd portable Al. make B.cd machine) Rpair and rent R'n 458 Court V EN F T I A N R I IN D S " laiem Vntlrt R1lnn made to order tr refinlAhed Relnholdt ft LewU 3-3839. Elmer The Bllndman. Ph37328 o W E AT HE RST RIPPING Free estimates T PUUJKAN-Pb"r5v" mitt WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. iTflog 31T Ph l-SllsT" fill' 'IN DOM CI Kt-IINO Aroif Indo Cleaners' Windows, a-a.l wondwnrk cleaned Flor cieane1, w-ed and polished Ph 3-3337 ItT Court Lena doe Culberuos and UiU)' vlMmvt ati40Fi i Washi rile Rolr Uad to order I Day Del Reinholdt ft Lewi Ph 23639 o R o o rPi a 4 w n"i r rt ( Wast 8aie Fuai Co. Fh. I-40IU