0 f 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore. Friday, NoTcmber 18, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness FRIDAY P. M. ' HjOMCONE'S COMING tfiT'S ABOUT EJ T sPPL . -fl I HKmv OOOONESS OQUCSXwt WAiVrl PT MV NEPHEW tSDOVN AT THE TO THE DOOR. JKJPZLS I At OFFICERS l AMVTHhNQ TO ASK Lj DRUGSTORE, GETTING A CUP OF COFFEE.' j 5 HiEF' f fc 7TtSm WRONG rjj -7 MR, B'BBS COME IN, GENTLEMEN I'LL SENDI T ipwTfc r (' zlCm ' ' (some questions, himriokt up-' ssfj L KGW I K0IN KSLM K0C0 IMU. by PEGGY (Chapter 18) There was no friendliness in Lucy eyes at she stood back to let Arleta enter. Nor did she ask her to be seated. Arleta, a few steps In, glanced round and suddenly began to laugh. "There's nothing as balding to the uninitiated as simplicity, is there? Your collection of pressed glass In that wall cabinet 11 A reluctant smile tugged at Lucy's lips. "Mrs. Cotsen Informed the neighbors I was brave to put up such a front." "And you were too noble to tell her you could have bought and told everything she possessed with that one cake platter." "Noble? No. Just wise enough to know she wouldn't, couldn't be lieve it. I suppose," she said sud denly, "you think I'm a fiend to turn on an old woman the way I did." "No," Arleta answered after a moment's thought, "I've always won dered why youth should show such deference to age. After one has lived such a span of years, one should have gained enough wisdom to show deference and be tolerant of youth. If that wisdom Isn't there" - "Do sit down." Lucy's voice was eager. "But she looks so like every grandmother one ever thought of loving. I mean she's symbolic. Lav ender and pumpkin pies and read ing the Bible at twilight. It's this that gives her the power to do so much wrong." "But don't people see through her in time?" "If they're associated with her closely enough. But she's so iso lated. And she has such a way of prefacing every barb with a poisonous: 'the dear children, I'd do anything in mv power to help them.' " Arleta waited and the story came in a sudden gush. "This is all I had left after Big Chips Langtry got through with us," he began, "so when my lungs went bad after my overseas stretch, Dart thought we'd better build here. He'd find work nearby. We did put all of our savings into the house. But he had his OI loan. He Intended opening a leather goods shop in the river resort village. The loan was almost through when there was a hitch. And all because I refused to be her bosom friend and re fused to speak to her enemies." "How much does your Dart need?" Lucy sprang to her feet. "I'll take no charity from a Langtry." "I've none to offer," Arleta re torted. "Oh, sit down. If you think you've suffered from lack of char acter references, or adverse ref erences, you should be in my boots. I've heard nothing good about a Langtry since I returned. And I've heard nothing definite." "Nothing definite?" exclaimed the other girl In surprise. "Nothing. I go to attorneys and they confer and tell me to leave everything as it Is. They've all but driven me back East." Arleta walked to the glass collec tion and pointed to a bowl. "I'll give you three hundred dollars for that." she said. "Three hundred." cried Lucy. "But for heavens sake. I thought you knew glass. Why, that's" Arleta turned and ftmilpH nt. v,r "For a girl who needs money you're painfully honest. You feel the Lang trys owe you something, yet you wouldn't let me pay three hundred for the one piece in your collec- wuu mat isn t worm nity cents Why?" "I have to live with myself?" napped Lucy. "Do you think yourself Is anv more discriminating than mine? I'd rather do without all nf th you tabulated than take even one of them without the right. And no pne will help me learn what rights I have." "What right." Lucy asked after a long time, "has anyone to de stroy your belief in No one can." Arleta answered. "Right now doubt are eating In to that belief because I can't learn anything concrete. Once I've learn ed. It will be what mv father has or hasn't done, not what anyone tells me, that will deslrov or re establish my faith in him " "I'm sorry." Lucy stood up with y nrvumc oi ni&miasai O'MORE P Nfwsfnturr "So am I," said Arleta. "I'll lave to go to Mrs. Cotsen. I prefer .he truth I'd thought you were wave enough to be honest." She said your dogs were poi soned." reasoned Lucy. "That was not true; they were shot, killed outright. She likes to make peo ple suffer. Oh, she's cruel. All right. I'll tell you all I know. I'll be as honest as possible. I won't spare you, because that wouldn't be kind, but" "we were lucky: we owed a bit of hillside," Lucy began. "But those who had nothing but bottom lands received nothing but a paper prom ise. The Langtry Land Company" i ne storm was at its neignt when Arleta ran from the gray-green room with Its firelight and its bril liant cushions, gleaming glass and wide view of a turbulent lake. Behind this reDudlation lav stor es of failure, men who died by their own hands, or eked out their final years in county hospitals, or threw up "goat shacks" on the bits of hillside the lake hadn't devoured and starved." "A farm combine had bought un almost all of the good land in the urigatea section; they brought in their own farm managers." Lucy's voice still dinned in Arleta's ears. Mart was waiting when Arleta pounded in. His dark eves survey ed horse and mistress. "I'll rub her down," he said, and Arleta darted inio me nouse past Tunla. through the deep freeze room and up the uauvw stairway. do Be continued) Clever Mixers One way to mag nify your wardrobe and multiply its possibilities . . . add these double breasted westkits, and a slimming I oouoie-pieated skirt. All one pat tern. No. 3098 Is cut In sizes 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. Size 16 skirt. 17 yds. 54-ln.; sleeveless wesklt, IS yds. 54- in.; sieevea wesklt, l1 yas. 54-ln. Delivery Is guaran'ecd in amnle time ior unristmas sewing, pat terns reaay to nil orders same dav received. If you Include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent oy FIKST CLASS MAIL. would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other nt- tern styles? Just Include the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order. Price of book 20 cents. Send 2c for PATTERN with .-Name. Address and Style Number state size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5. Calif 'llM Trick. Thin lr.,r,,i rk.i.i mas-tree ornaments are so much .mm mj may to maxr. ine entire family will want to pitch In and heln. VlvlHIv and brightly colored odds and ends ul "wi cotton are ail you need. raiiern Envelope No. RJ631 con tains romnl.t. .tjt-hu.t... . ... . . . ...ruj-nLrl iimu na tions for crocheting, tracing pat- 17 ! t m"l"'' requirements and finishing directions for t ornaments shown. To obtain this Dsn frn. send SOr In COINS tftvtns n.tl.t-n . your name address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal fit Mission Street. San Fran cisco 1 Calif. . Mftt WBIhltMl. 1 tJx" 5w 3098 -9 3 LJusa mwmm mmmm 1 1 7 n 1 ft 1 w 'L. 1 1 . 1 -v .1 -1 1 t 1 1 n E 1 ) Hi,Wi' 7 'K.i'LA i f . "V. A.VH 1 'i.)'V- ULaifi O oh, fine! sure! visaC w vou-reYWiS bJ youvejut U fell w HERE, kvl I in there. -mo-cxirm KNOW J R HIM OUT. EH? WHftotVUH II 60 WISE. li ill k'll BEEN PSHIN" m DIDN'T HE? IT'S W II WHVCH WOV THEY WORK-1 R D THINK WE BEEN TRVIN'TO II WHfiT DO YOU M f( IN TH- WROHQ CWCKSANO -WEU.? U I ' 60-O-CtooN-GIVE ME Pli, L. MlitT I S:3f' " DO FOB NEOP1V a WEEK? I SUGGEST? Ilil PLACES- 4 I I A HAND. WILL VUH? fli, J , . . 1 9:45! m n r- f mm i .vsi r v m &mi r erv ijer- -ui!i(i: wUVTOyAKVIOWi -AND SO BECAUSE OP YOUR -AND WE WISH TO COM6RATU- T MV WILLIE CAM VriTSS"! -2 VLISTEMTOTHIS, J UNOSUALCOMTWfiUTIONIOTME LATE VOU OM BEINS THE ONLV 1 DO ANYTHING! hTT, T PHOEBE ..J-- ILLUSTRIOUS PROFESSIOM OP SBADUATE OF OUR BARBER irT1 ' 3 ' Z BAR BERING WE ARE 6RADO- COLLEGE WHO HAS EVER HAD mLJ jBgSsSSSgM dllr S " .; ATINS YOU FROM OUR COLLEGE THE HONOR OF GRADOATING , A&SSbMPS&SZ'Z r ' E -U ,,(Ul. IM THREE IM STEAD OF SIX . MAGNA CUM LAUD6! EZ5 STU i MP4eR!'9 sisffm fafe fmk i I I DiCE-suE's ALLUS AfTEB MfLTjJT- Ov-Z." 1 --.1 tflnff- DOGFATCH t upsF't nuE kdfsu'lv iL ALL THIS.'.' y 1 V. 1 M ,IHr'S:Hew if ouietatlast; Wphew; onlv W OH thatsnotmv fjZmmMmk ! I THFSE KIDS CRVIMer VWf vtoO Vf '.-.VT '- Intuit V? nBKCnc ITS THE ONLY OMt f'LJJy-. ' w .YES- EVERVTHI'S SALTY'S AT THE 6HACKf THEN LET'S 60 I KNOW WHV SHE . f NOW. THANKS TO WITH s. TATE ANP PROS I I'LL BE 6LAD WANTS TO 60, CUSTY. voii n.r)7 ! , U -"ir . f HAPV BIRTHOAV.' )V 1 . .i -mmwrnmrn n LQLU f vcKiAm TVx-vf&iydW?? TyU-lr put the pmjns wireVround-fouv smooth 111 ' 1 , - 1 1 , "."!7J in the seams f"n (A.--AMiN'lPlWDr MEN UVONE0 INTO 'TOVER.THE. HIPP1N' , 4.ToT0 WlAO tliai 1 WAl1 W ' ANC 1 7 LsJ Q fiV 271 l M Ot'.. nVROVALPRtN.0 pXK . I V J A T"Vjjy-J AND lfFWID HEAR TH IV FOgTHIB-BJKT-r ' J BTJl? jl j'-H ? 'fL M "iwV. Fife tWH' ir SI (ft A 'I mMU i-i 1 1 cft cszh n zi 9 III ' ' Caoi f 11-19 ? 3IN I KcX I K5LM i CBS 11M ABC I I3MHBC MannlnV (nial"r Tukon 8anta'i Mall 620 NBC 970 i ; 00 Ma il CavalcdelCnox Msnnlnr rhal. : IS News ffhe LUlls hhawA hal. Sonri mt Tim 'Newa ; 45 E Inter Feterioo f. iod New adefeai :00 String Serenade ll.eave It to Joan F'refUhten :154tring Serenade Leave II to Joan Home tditlon ISO lioraute 45 Durante 00 Dr. L Q. IS Dr. L g. M Bill Rtern 45 Kbjlhn Time 00 Sinatra -Kirtten 15 New af World SOiOrcneitra 45 lOrctaeitra Young Lot jFlrhta Young Lovo t'(tita Nunbei Pleaio t"(hli Number Pleaae igbti Lowell Thomai Tat Han Llaek Smith al Man Th Goldberrs Tour The Goldberia hour 00 Newt Mj FaTorlta Husband lOtila lonie 5 Orchestra 30Henr Ni'tm IBeulah etern 45 Hettrv Morgan Club IS Western 10:O0Sam Ha yea B Star Final Irh. 5 Cnro.it. rbclec Snorts 6Dotlightlnlermeno 3ft Sporu Final Air-N oneert irehestra Yob and World jConcert M INewt MSlttaa Muicon :30 Wai Museum :4RWit Museum 00 siabf f Serenade Concert Ora-an Mutle rConecrt Treasury Band Memoi INewt tMemoa llent tXtra SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 00 Uodia Fodre 15 Hodft Podce :30Hode Fodc 45 Hodtt Podfe tNrws KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Downbeat Dawn Downbeat 00 Now Hear Thti KOIN Klock Hear TbUNewa Round - 30 'Newt iNewi Research 45 pm Hayes R-'onsumer Newi Breakfast flaia 00 Fred Waring l.ljFred Waring Homo Demo. Musical Brldgo a-eti Pretend Uunior Mlsa 3f)Mniiini Musical Musical Mc Kronen Uunior HUa Theatre of Mary Leo (Girl's (Girl's Taylor Today Heading la Fun .Grand Central Toy land Newa Hi rand Central Toy land 00 Farm Roar : 1 ?1 Farm Hour (Stars Orer Hollywood 3fl Volet. Events r.lvo and Take Stars of lolcea, fcvents (Give and Take Tomorrow Tronle Echoes rounty Fair Mlch.-O. Troplo Echoes unly ralr Mlch!-o! Mlch.-O. Mlch. - LMich.-O. Mlch. - Mich. - .ast a East'n Football Meet the Missus FoolbailiMeet the Misaui Eait'n FoitbilllNews East'n fool Sail Mother Knowa East's Football I Best East'BFootbtll Family Party East'a Football Family Party KMirh.-0. Iicb.-0. ;1S East's t'ob-ll Newspaper :MI ta!.t'n Fio'ball niirh.-O. East's Fotbu1l Lassie Ca I -Stanford jtal-Stanford Cal-Stanford Tea - Young Tea A Oreconians Tea and 45 Broadway Cor jCal-Stanford Crumpet! ;00 News Cal-Stanrord :15 Guest Star (Cal-Stanford ;30 NBC Symphony Cal-Stanford 45NBCSymphoDyCal-Stanford :00NBC SymphonyCal-Stanford inlor Junction Lfaaa jJasi Meet NBC Symphony Cal-Stanford Horry tll Bands of the jNews ;45i Land iCbicagoam Albert Church DIAL LISTING, K0AC aSTT'.K'SS- Children's The- the Cpbeati 5:50- BS0 Sports Club; 6:00, News; 6:13. OSC Alumni ; 6:30, Music of Ciecho. Slovakia; 7:15. Even ine Farm Hour; R:IKI, Fly Ins Time; 8:1., Here's te Veterans! R::tt, Adventures In Research; 8:45, News and W&allier; f, Musio That Endures; 9:4S, Evenlnc MeditaUonst 10:00, Sim Off. Three Clubs Formed By Macleay Pupils Maclcay Three 4-H clubs have been organized in the school, a health club, with Mrs. Ethel Ramus as leader, a girl's cooking club with Mrs. Joseph Wodzewoda as leader, and a boys' cooking club with Mrs. Wilbur Miller as. leader. Officers are Health club, John Taylor, president; Gordon Fos ter, vice president; Roy Burton, secretary; Girl's club, Mildred ACROSS L, Mohammedan noble: variant L Treats with water vapor 11. Roman date 13. Dispute 11. Pronoun . 15 Tenfold 17 In the direc tion of IS. Ruthin village community 20 Small. stream 21. Beheld 22. Declare 24. Atway: poetio JR. Crony 26 Seed pod 28. Apropos 29. Orchid men! 30. Any fat 32. Bulgarian cola 33. Tower on mosque 15 East Indian weight 36 Grown boys 37. Spouse 3S. Stuff with s soft sulmtnnce 39. Is defeated 41. Automobile 42. On condition th.it 41. Rased 4f. MysHf 4fi. Kr-ndabla 4S. Article of belief ; 55 53" ZA "25 38 jy 4o44 . j So ,- si " 1 ' 1 I I -I I I I A NeMrtfeoivrei AND BOARD Rhythm Kanrll of Vukvol CaU Rhythm Ranch Tom Mil horn Mil Ping Croeby ualnoaa Ne iGahriel Heater IN. W. Newt tan die Light and Biivmr i'Uhlng and IFIihcaatar iQltatlOBMl Hunting dim h-oncndown TlBilPat O'BrltB Pals hbm lie Kid Hl.tle J.ckMS Kvtlra Knlfhl ViMC Kid 80-YS. Lin. ptralght Arrow Straight Arrow Meet lha Band Meet tb Band WU-r.elfl. IWL'-r.elll. nvu-r.ciii. FBI FBI Iwu-ruiii. Harriot a Harriet Newa WU-Patlfl. wu-ruifi. David Boaa Miiea MuiU mo-ruin. Skiea fMuaia Reporter (Fult. Lewla Jr. (Warwick Theai. Select Newt Hoar Newa Hour CbarlU Sal vat ! Yoa Want Hour Hour Lovo Myitery .Music Moclvrn. noctarn. nocturn. un Morgan Orchestra, Hour jSIgn Off New rTlmekoeptr blarch Tlma (Newa KOCO Meek koCO Klock Up Boys Wewa ffei Bitter mt Tukon Santa's Mall AeronskT Breakfast Gang Breakfast Gang Newa omee en Land Top Trades Eitesalea Berv- Bargain Coaster Bemlaiaela RemiDlselaa LMusle Bridie BridK Haven Beat Haven of Beat West'n Meledlet -Science Exear. Corps Corps Northwest News Pop Tarletlet Defense Dept. ning Singa Paator'a Call Tune Btusle Wltheal Tones Sace Bldera Werda Newa Here's to Yeie Salem Air Bea. iFemme Fair Proudly (Concert We Han Favartte State Doe, Hat. Serenade Sat. Serenade State State O. State State O. State O. State the Platter Jock Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenade Top Tradea Lit the Opers lit the Opers News Newa Newa Bob Eberly Dave Pcnnte State State Man en Farm Man en Farm Bat. MathM Bat. Matinee Bat. Matinee Sat. Matlse Stale New Oreron-OSC Oregon-OSC Oregon-OSO Orecon-OSC OretoaOSO Crumpets Sat. Mathtee Sat. Matinee Icy Shannes Crumpets Icy Shannon lOreEon-OSC lOreion-OSC Chls-TJp Chat IChin-L'p Cbat Concert Oreren-OSC Oregon -OSC Oreiron-OSC Orreon-OSC Oregon-OSO Hemmiagway Chln-Cp Chat Chio-UpChat Cartala Calls Curtain Calls Spotlls-ht Musle Concert the Band Wlsmer Warner A Nat. treetball Scerea KOAC 550 f a Saturday A.M. 10:00, Newtl IWJMVm 0:1S. EspcclaUr fer Wemesi II :00, Th,e Concert Belli 1:00. Newel 1S:15, Noon Farm Hert 1:00, Bide Tai Cowboyi I:S0 Voice ef the Army. 1:4s Football) 4:S0, Songi ef the Westt 4:4B, Here la Australia. Foster, president; Mary Wodze woda, vice president, Sue Ma gar, secretary; Boy's club, John Foster, president, Jerry Miller, vice presidenj, Marvin Bressler, secretary. The health demonstration team from Macleay put on a demon stration at the state fair this year. Move from Brooks Brooks Mr and Mrs. Ernest Nollen and two children, Eileen j in the fourth grade, and Lonnie, in the second grade, have moved i to Marion. MiEISjAl Solution of Yesterday's Puula 60. Spoke monot onously H. Orgnn o scent DOWN L Beast a. Objects S. Anions 4. Color e. Extra person on m stso C Converso ?. Before L English letter I. Conductor of . electricity 10. Lacking epe4 12. Without sugar 13. Chess piece IS. Crawl U. Treated royalty XI. Sarcastic Zl. Stralghtedr 25. Tropical fruit 27. Cry of the oat 28. Fastener 10. Covered the ' inside SI. Slanders It. Intervening! law 14. Cylindrical 35. Lese dangerous 3. Mildew 38. Uncultivated St. Lower part of the ear 40. Grow Arm 41. fish's orgs of motion 44. Low haunt 47. Proceed 41. Negative iut9 By Gene Aher Al V A LUOlLjE QUALE. y eIlIliowMp u m me l E3MaInDCA R A MIR L AM0ttPiOL I C - 1 FjA'snCiAjNOs E RG1E AlNpHlOiR NjfcT fOO R RigplA NBE nIsQhU S A L S A C ElL Alt E v I e rm o" n tWa" NCl A N MtAjL SBGIfjp 5 UiM IIdIeWE EjRYns"o R A "Rjoipjipl ro1pUe1wi i It