Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 18, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 18, 1949
Announce I'.ngugcnient Movie Actor Errol Flynn and his
Romanian fiancee. Princess Irene Ghica, 19, pose together in
London after announcing their engagement. No date has
been set for their wedding. Flynn's beard is for his role in
"Kim." (Acme Telephoto.)
Four Corners Has Election
For Nebraska Club Members
Four Corners, Nov. 18 Mrs. Leroy Austin, 4070 Beck avenue,
entertained the Nebraska club with a covered dish dinner
served cafeteria style at noon. The birthday cake was given by
Mrs. W. W. Rolofson. Honor guests with birthdays this month
were Mrs. Henry Knight, Mrs. Marie White, Mrs. Blanche Stu
art, Mrs. John Jardine, Mrs.
Errol Flynn Gives Royalty Run
For Their Money in Popularity
London, Nov. 18 U.R) Altar-bound Errol Flynn ran a close
second to the royal family in popularity last night when he and
nine other top American movie stars attended a royal command
film performance.
The ebullient Flynn, who showed up with his bride-to-be,
Romanian Princess Irene Ghi
ca. even made himself the butt of
one of his own wisecracks during
a chat wi'h King George.
The king attended with Queen
Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth
and Princess Margaret Rose.
Later he told the Hollywood
stars he liked the show even if
he didn't get the jokes.
Stan Braden and Mrs. Earl Kas-
son. Following the social hour
the president, Mrs. Earl Kasson
called the business meeting to
Election of officers for the
coming year were president,
Mrs. H. L. Gcbaucr; vice presi
dent, Mrs. Fannie L. Stansbic;
secretary, Mrs. M. W. English;
treasurer, Mrs. Leroy Austin
One new member was received,
Mrs. John Jardine.
The Christmas committee ap
pointed to distribute the pack'
ages to the state institutions
were Mrs. Earl Kasson, Mrs
Henry Knight, Mrs. J. P. Stir-
niman. The club will have its
Christmas party at the next
meeting on December 21. Mrs.
Clara McDerby and Mrs. Lura
Tandy will be co-hostesses at
their home, 1945 South 12th
Miss Clara Burch and Mrs. J.
H. InRlchcart were visitors for
the day. Other members pres
ent were Mrs. A. J. Simmers,
Mrs. B. M. Randall, Mrs. Dallas
Edwards, Mrs. Roy Pence, Mrs.
Beth Hemphill, Mrs. Will Vorm,
Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs. Clarence
Meyer, Mrs. R. P. Simpson, Mrs.
Albert Hocvct.
Sharon Egglcston was hostess
to a group of friends who helped
her celebrate her tenth birthday
anniversary. Mrs. H. C. Eggles
ton and Doris Egglestnn assisted
with the games and served the
birthday refreshments. Coming
to extend congratulations to
Sharon were Janice Pfiefcr, Bet
ty Futrcll, Joyce Brant, Twila
Rickman, Barbara Klcen, Betty
Reichenbcrger, Shirley Thulln,
Janice Shrake, Betty and Kathy
Attending the homecoming
football game at Eugene Satur
day will be Mr. and Mrs. E. R
Corning, 3980 Mahrt, ave. They
will visit their son Jack Corning
who is a Business Administra
tion major at the university and
aenior manager of the football
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fries
and two daughters recently
moved from Salem Into their
new residence at 4115 Maclcay
Mrs. Ernest Walker had as her
guest this week Mrs. Claude
) if tZts
Day of Kansas City, Mo. They
are friends of many years.
Mrs. Earl Robinson of Boav-
erton was a guest in the J. C
Mayer home this week.
Leaving this week to visit her
brother who is at the Queen of
Angels hospital in Los Angeles
is Mrs. Lester B. Edcns, 4120
East street.
Ton of Gold Award
To Woodburn Cow
A Ton of Gold certificate has
been awarded a registered Jer
sey cow owned by Herbert S.
Coleman of Woodburn.
The award went to his cow
Cartagena Observer Letty, which
has produced 2139 pounds but
tcrfat more than a ton in four
years. The certificate was pre
sented by the American Jersey
Cattle club from its headquar
ters in Columbus, O. The cow
completed her record at nine
During the les.t period Carta
gena Observer Letty produced
more than 2 'i times as much
bulterfat as the average dairy
cow Jn the United States. All her
tests were checked both by Ore
gon State college and the Ame
rican Jersey Cattle club.
Sunday Special Day
Four Corners The Four Cor
ners Baptist church will desig
nate Sunday as Sunday school
day. A special invitation is given
to all parents and children of
the community who are not re
gular attendants o f Sunday
school. A nursery will be pro
vided for the small children.
Flynn then jokingly asked the
king if one of the jokes the king
referred to was the beard Flynn
is growing for the filming of
Rudyard Kipling's "Kim."
Asked later whether a defi
nite date had been set for his
forthcoming marriage to the
princess, Flynn said: "I have to
ask her mother."
In addition to Flynn, the Hoi
lywood visitors included Greer
Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Doug
las Fairbanks, Jr., Rosalind Rus
sell, Ann Sothern, George Mur
phy, Gregory Peck, Bebe Dan
iels and Ben Lyon.
The cheers that arose when
Flynn appeared were topped on
ly by those accorded to the roy
al family.
The star entered the theater
with his lovely, slender princess
clinging to his. arm. The crowd
possibly responding in the
whole world loves a lover" tra
dition, gave him a rousing round
of cheers.
Each of the stars gave a bow
or a curtsey to the royal fam
ily in the foyer of the theater,
where they stood in a circle as
the king and princesses greeted
them after the show, "That For
sythe Woman."
Justice Douglas
Arrives in Arizona
Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 18 M
Supreme Court Justice William
O. Douglas arrived here Thurs
day for an Arizona vacation io
complete recuperation from his
fall from a horse last month
while on a mountain trip.
Mrs. Douglas met her hus
band at the train. She had been
here several days making ar
rangements for their stay at
Rancho Tranquillo, 10 miles
east of Tucson.
When I left Washington," the
51 -year -old Douglas grinned
wanly, "I feel about 82 years
old. I feel a lot younger this
morning about 79.
Liberty Girl Scouts
Make Christmas Cards
Liberty The Liberty Brown
ie Troop met after school, at the
club room. Each brownie was
given a box of Christmas cards
to sell, and the leaders taught
the troop how to make turkey's
out of a pine cone with each
child making her own.
The hostesses for the meeting
were Marlyn Clark and Helen
Bonofogski, with 16 brownies
present. Mrs. Arthur Wirth
leader and Mrs. Charles Ry-
Ag Co-ops End
Annual Meeting
Portland, Nov. 18 W) The
agriculture cooperative council
of Oregon closed its 20th an
nual meeting yesterday with a
call for the government to utilize
commercial marketing facilities
in the sale of surplus price-supported
Speakers said this would be
better than the existing program
whereby the government agen
cies do their own marketing.
C. A. Curry reported the
Monmouth Co-op warehouse has
reduced its funded debt 20 per
cent the past year. This was
done by changing the co-op's fi
nancing structure, he said
R. D. Barker, treasurer of the
Hood River Apple Growers as
sociation, was elected council
Other officers: Vice President,
O. E. Snider, Salem; secretary
treasurer, Paul Carpenter, Ore
gon State college marketing spe
cialist. New executive commit
teemen: S. M. Tuttle, Medford
James Hill, Jr., Pendleton;
Frank Hettwer, Mount Angel.
Directors at large include E. A.
McCormack, Eugene Fruit
Growers association.
Itii f 1 mnl ' i ' ii in n !
Lowell Steen
$50,000 Offer by
Meyers Refused
Washington, Nov. 18 (Pi The
government has turned down' an
offer by former Maj, Gen. Ben
nett E. Meyers to settle all the
wartime tax claims against him
for about $50,000 cash.
The offer was advanced sev
eral weeks ago by Meyers' attorneys.
It included a proposition that
the former air force purchasing
chief, now in prison and seeking
parole, would plead guilty to a
single misdemeanor count in
connection with income tax fil
ings if the justice department
would drop projected felony
An income tax misdemeanor
carries a maximum sentence of
one year, whereas a felony is
punishable by as much as five
years in prison.
The exact amount of Meyers
tax liabilities is in dispute, but
government sources, conceding
the possibility of overlaps and
duplications, have estimated
that it might rim as high as
Arbuckle's Director Dies
Hollywood, Nov. 18 a?) Death
has claimed Melville S. Forrest
er, 64, who directed Fatty Ar-
buckle and Pat Rooney in early
comedies. Forrester, who died
yesterday, came here in 1941
from Boston.
bloom, assistant leader were also
Lowell Sfeen
Chosen Again
LaGrande, Nov 18 (JP) Low
ell Steen, Salem, Thursday was
unanimously re-elected presi
dent of the Oregon Farm Bureau
Ben Robinson, Union county,
was named first vice president;
Barry Brownell, Clackamas,
second vice president; and Fred
Rueck, Klamath, third vice presi
dent. Mrs. Lester Van Blokland,
Island City, was re-elected chair
man of the associated women's
Bottom Fish Prices
Go Down at Astoria
Astoria, Nov. 18 W) Prices
for bottom fish are going down
at this port.
Members of the Otter Traw
lers Union indicated willingness
to accept lower prices on major
species of bottom fish today.
Packing firms have not ac
cepted the prices, though. At
least one was arguing for still
lower prices.
Prices approved by the Otter
Trawlers' Union were: 3 cents
a pound for English sole, Rex
sole, black rock, dover sole and
turbot; ZVi cents for black cod
and 2'A cents for mink food.
The prices are from a half-
cent to two cents lower than
last year.
More than 8,000.000 olive
trees have been planted in
French Morocco.
Family to Save
One Good Eye
Portland, Nov. 18 ) The
Hodgdon family likely will save
its one good eye.
An operation "apparently suc
cessful" was completed Thurs
day morning on the right eye of
Mary Hope Hodgdon, 12.
Her left eye is sightless, both
her parents are blind, and Mary
Hope's right eye is the family's
That eye was threatened with
blindness through a relative un
usual affliction known medical
ly as "total disinsertion of the
retina." Under it, the retina
the image - receiving film be
comes loosened, its edges curl
back, and sight is gone.
A spokesman at the Elks' eye
clinic of the University of Ore
gon medical school, where the
operation was performed, said
once the retina had become de
tached, there was no known way
of restoring vision. Mary Hope
lost the sight of her left eye that
way. Her mother, Mrs. Lee
Hodgdon, has been blind since
childhood for the same reason.
Her father lost his sight In a
1926 logging camp explosion.
Early this year cysts were not
ed near the edges of the retina
of Mary Hope's good eye. That
meant, surgeons decided, that
blindness was in store unless
something could be done.
What has been done, in a two
part operation completed Thurs
day, has been to cause a series
of tiny irritations with a fine
needle around the edges of the
retina. These irritations in heal
ing adhere to the eye and in ef
fect weld the retina in place.
last year's, and as a result a tur
key dinner will cost less.
The board said simple arith
metic shows there will be 82,
214,000 drumsticks.
Log Drive Called Off
Newnnrt Wash.. Nov. 18
There will be no more Priest
river log drives. The colorful
event, one of the last in the na
tion, has been abandoned as too
costly, Robert W. Billings, for
ester for the Diamond Match
company, said.
1949 Turkey Crop
Second Largest
Chicago, Nov. 18 U.R This
year's turkey crop is the second
largest on record, and your
share is more than four pounds.
The Poultry and Egg national
board reported today that the
turkey crop totals 41,107,000
birds enough to give each man,
woman and child in the nation
a 4.1 pound serving for Thanks
giving dinner.
The board said this year's
crop is 29 per cent larger than
Electrical Contracting
Repairing - Supplies
See Us For Lighting Fixtures
250 Court- St. - Ph. 20715
Just back of Busick's
Rent o typewriter ond take an option to buy!
5 Y WO
ei .
We Guarantee Our Prices on New Portables Are As Low
As Any Local Store, Chain or Mail Order House
Exclusive Representative for the Royal Standard
Half typewriter Co.
223 No. High Ph. 3-8095
And if you like
Take three or four
There's plenty more
where you get
For 99C
(including choice of
entree and dessert)
Open from
5:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
Each Day but Sunday
Downtown on State Street
10 DAY HA Ml' IE Kt'RNlftHKl)
ETERNITY, Spam Bronchial. Asthma
rvHeTtd QUICKLY 0iual1r within 1
minute) by NKPIIHON Inhalation Ther
apy, Mwt t tab born rata renpond. Ak
for a 10 day itmpl f NEPHRON
Inhalant to uia In KNOX-AZMA apof
tter. Cant loot na anl a dlraeted,
Prrrr't Drnr Store
gives you these styles:
U ,
LHtO loathor . . . goJ Uatfxr . . . bttwwn your feet and those
fold dmp winter pavenwnti? Then her art your shoes ... a
brand new group of big, brawny DUNH1LLS in leather, iHJ
leather, nothing but leather from top to soletl Twelve good-looking stylet
to rhoox from . . all prked just 6.80 and on of the be
ho buys a man can find. Com try a pau on. This is th kind
of shot quality you've btn looking for.
Dunhlll for mon 4.80 to .80
nun n ft ituii t mutt irmtiu t imi rut am
jft-H.ii I"' - II.
I mm.
t i$u run
Chrome Dinettes
Consists ot 1 Table and 4 Chain
30 In. table extends to 50 In.
Table legs and Chairs are
Chrome Plated Steel. Brighten
your meal-time hours! A mod
ern, chromed table and chair set
adds a note ot shining bright
ness to your kitchen or dining
At This
Low Pricct
Drop-lid style, 3 drawers,
straight front. Fine construc
tion. fThnicp of finish. Walnut
i AC Mnhnnnnn An
-A' Vl IKOUUgnilJ , 1111 CAI.C1ICIII
yyf value at this extremely low
i price.
Now Only.
Attractively Styled Swing Rockers
Choice of Style
Choice of Color
Choice of Covering;
All a Very High Quality at This
Very Low Price
Your Choice
This Group
I 3" ?TJiJ
At Adv9rtisJ in LIFE
Uim Owr f ? "
lams 1.1'
CaWrhMS VSfc$afcf
am mutt h. mi
Alk ka) IANI-
Br.tb LartMt Mtnafatlarrrt
Tlw nrw llnoltum drtlfnj Ineludt mtnr Brlibt, colorful ptUcrns
juittble for inr room la lh riomt!
Imitation Inlaid, 6 feet 59c sq. yd.
Felt Base Print, 6 and 9 feet 69 c sq. yd.
Inlaid Linoleum 1.25 to 2.85 sq. yd.
9x12 Felt Base Rugs 6.95
Also a nice selection of 12-ft. felt base yard goods
Vo Choose the Pattern - WE'LL LAY IT . . .
5.0,11 MJfLUASZZJ'
t IT I I 1 a" "a aBXBBaWajaT 'paV
I Hiniwr.!
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I miin nxtmc xmimci t iomc fdrnisbiri
Ov, $1 OO 0.wr lh0H
Cot Pin rv SWrN aw t
260 State Street
Phone 3-9148