Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER 10 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 TMiss Best Party Feted Showers Are Events of Late Week Among partiei and showers of the week is the one lor which Mrs. Howard H. Hosken will entertain this evening, the af fair to honor Mrs. Leonard Hicks. The guests will Include members of Mrs. Hosken's bridge group. Late refreshments will follow the hours of bridge. In the group will be Mrs Hicks, Mrs. Ed Graham, Mrs. Smith French, Mrs. William Johnston, Mrs. Gerald Wing, Mrs. Ed Williams, Mrs. John Dyke. Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker. Mrs. C. J. Glennon, Mrs. J. E. Horner, Miss Patricia Van dencynde, Mrs. Peter Gciser and the hostess. Event Friday Miss Ruth Skinner is to enter tain for her bridge group Friday evening at a dessert and card party. During the evening the group will honor Mrs. Richard Sullivan with a shower. Miss Maria Dare will tell of her re cent trip to Europe. In the group will be Mrs Sul livan, Miss Dare. Mrs. Wesley Ritchie, Mrs. Richard Gontz kow Mrs. Roy Ostrin, Mrs Gor don Krueger, Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Jack Strickfaden, Mrs. Fred Nichols; Mrs. Norman Yagle, Mrs. Hillary Etzel, Mrs. Warren Linge and Miss Skinner. Surprise Event Mrs. Donald Armpriest and Mrs W. W. Puckett entertained last evening at a surprise show- er for Mrs. James Armpriest, the event being at the home of Mrs Donald Armpriest. Those honoring Mrs. Arm priest were: Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngardcn, Mrs. Otto J. Wil son, Mrs. Gale Besse, Mrs. Rob ert Morrow, Mrs. J. H. Ryan, Mrs. Carl Armpriest, Mrs. Rob ert Armpriest, Mrs. Roy Ferris, Mrs. Frank Turner, Mrs. Wal lace Tower and the hostesses. Homecoming for Chapter Observed Chadwick Chapter, No. 37, Or der of the Eastern Star, obser ved annual homecoming Tues day evening at Its regular sche duled meeting. The rooms were decorated with baskets of chry santhemums. Escorted and honored In the East were the worthy matron, Mrs. Charlene Brown of Indian ola, Iowa, and worthy matron and worthy patron of St. Mary's chapter, Corvallis, Mrs. Audrey Smith and William Palmer. All spoke for the good of the order. Mrs. Chester Mulkey, Miss Louise Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. George Meier became members by initiation. All those whose birthdays oc cur in the month of November were honored by the worthy matron, Mrs. D. M. Eby. An invitation was read to at tend a reception to be given by the Chadwick assembly of Rain bow Girls In honor of their mem ber, Miss Dorothy Pcdcrson, grand musician for .the grand asasembly of Oregon, and Wayne Henry, a member of the grand board of Oregon, to be held in the Masonic temple Tuesday evening, November 22, at 8:00 o'clock. A plate supper was served in the dining room following the meeting, after which dancing was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Verdi Walser and C. W. Cooper fur nished the music for dancing. The committee in charge of the supper was: Mrs. Jason Frizzell, chairman, Mrs. Robert McEwcn, Miss Grace Babcock, Mrs. Roy Wassom, Mrs. Ruth Herndon, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holt. Shower Given Honoring Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kurslen, a shower was given recently at their home, Mrs. Bonnie Eudey, Mrs. Marvin Harbaugh and Mrs. A. L. King being the hostesses. An Informal evening was en joyed and refreshments were served. Attending the parly were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kar (ten, Mrs. J. H. Davis, Mrs. Ed ith Jagcr, Mrs. W. Burnaiigh, Mrs. W. S. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Mcl.eod and children, Miss Fern Enis, Richard Shol seth, Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Ed wards, Mrs. A. A. Polanz, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. King, Mrs. Eudey and Mrs. Harbaugh. Others In vited and sending gifts includ ed Mrs. A. B. Nichols of Elmlra. N.Y, Mrs. Lillie Lytle, Mrs. Sue Anderson, Miss Diane Karstcn and Dr. and Mrs. Charles Carey. MRS. (1IAKI1S A. RAT CLIFP was in Portland today to be guest speaker at the Sor os! s club on the topic "The Unit ed Nations Our Concern?" fTimsSPECIAlIZEb V" CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN riTI YOUR CHILD' NEEDS Senior Class Dinner The Salem senior high school senior class is to have its annual "pep dinner" Friday evening, in the school , cafeteria at 5:30 o'clock. The "hill billy" theme will feature the decorations, the din ner being heralded as "turkey in the straw" event. The class council Is In charge. Miss Vivian Chandler is adviser for the class. Salemites Due At Eugene Game Each day finds new names of those trekking to Eugene this week-end for the annual Ore gon State-University of Oregon football game and for Home coming events on the university campus. A list of names was given last week-end and additional names include the following who are making the trip on the special train leaving out of Portland with two cars reserved for Sa lemites: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ncedham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drager, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry, Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wat erman, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jo seph, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Trux, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Galla gher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Her rall, Mr. and Mrs. William Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard L. Coolcy, Mr. and Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lewclling, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caughell, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Purvine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeArmond, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eismann, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. inanaier Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stevenson, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Newman, Miss Margaret Wagner, Miss Patricia Vicsko, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler English. Mrs. Earl Snell and Miss Alene Phillips, accompanied by Mrs. Merrill D. Rose and Mrs. Raymond E. Williams of Port land, will be among those taking in the game, the four to spend the week-end in Eugene, leaving Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Hunt ington are among those planning to go Friday to take in some of the Homecoming festivities. Among Others There Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers are among those motoring from Salem for the game. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph II. Coolcy also plan to be at the game and to visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Maulding. Among others Planning to eo from Salem for the big game are .Mr. ana Mrs. Howard Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Shlnn; Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owens; Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson; Mr. and Mrs. George Scales; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McCormirk: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgin; the Rev. and Mrs. George 11. Swift; Miss Dor othea stcusloff and Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Siegmund; Mr. and Mrs. John Heltzel; Dr. Lincoln Mrs. Eva Purvine entertained with a spice shower recently at her country home at Lincoln for Miss Charlotte Best, daughter of Mrs. H. C. Walling, who is to be wed to Charles Johnson, December 23. Relatives and close friends were invited to the affair. A beautiful lace cloth was used on the table which had a fan shap ed bouquet of pink chrysanthe mums with tapers as a centerpiece. The bride-elect is a nurse at Salem Memorial hospital and her fiance finishes electrical en gineering at Oregon State col lege in June. Co-eds Assist With YW Work Willamette co-eds, busy as they are with their studies, are doing their share of community service in serving as advisers for YWCA girls' clubs. Delta Gamma house has supplied a major part of this service. Miss es Doris McCain, Joan Klind worth, Patty Jo Hammond, Nan cy Phillips, Virginia Wilson and Pat Older are leaders of Junior High Y-Teen groups and Misses Betty Hcrnstrom, Sally Ogle are advisers to a newly formed Tri Y group. Misses Carol Snarr, Colleen Schodde and Nancy Adams from PI Beta Phi advise a Y-Teen group as do the Misses Betty MacAffee and Pat Pamerlo from Bishop house and Miss Geneva Phillips of the YWCA. Another recently organized Tri-Y group is under the guidance of Miss Laura Newton and Mary Rad cliff of Lausanne hall. Hosts to Group Hosts Friday evening to their dinner and bridge group will be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. In the club are Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Collins and the Cooleys. DONALD A bridal shower honoring Mrs. Lloyd Sadilek (Dixie Madden) was held at the country home of Mrs. Ben Ep pcrs Sunday afternoon. Camp Fire News Elutamda W a p 1 group of Camp Fire Girls met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Jasper But ton, Tuesday. Turkeys were made out of pine cones, pipe cleaners, and colored paper to be used for Thanksgiving tray favors at the Salem hospitals. A O Wa Ki Ya met Tuesday with their leader, Mrs. Sam Ran- dlc. Sue Shaw was elected president to replace Roberta Adams who has moved to Sil vcrton, Maridcne Halvorsen was elected scribe. Plans were com pleted for the party to be given for their sponsors Mrs. Betty Biwer, Mrs. Elmo Lindholm, and Mrs. A. C. Gerlinger November 22 at the home of Mrs. Randle. Mrs. Roy Harland's Cherry Blue Birds met at her home last week. The following officers were elected: Linda Subren, president; Joyce Haley, vice president; Gloria Schmidt, sec retary, Darlene Goin, treasurer; and Luana Breese, scribe. Jolly Blue Birds met last week at the home of their leader, Mrs. Eldon Scott. They made tur keys out of dough, baked and then painted them for Thanks giving favors. Judy Baker and Carol Scott served refreshments. Past Matrons Past matrons association, Or der of Eastern Star, is to have its regular meeting Friday eve ning, a dinner to be served at 6:30 o'clock in the Golden Phea sant. On the committee for the evening are Mrs. Harold Phil lippe, Mrs. Orrin W. Emmons, Mrs. Frances Byram, Mrs. C. W. Prigge, Mrs. Elmer Hildreth, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Jen nie Chalmers. Waverly Dance Saturday Eve On the decorating committee for the Waverly club's formal dinner dance at the Marion ho tel Saturday evening are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mink, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Williams. The host committee for the evening in cludes Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gei ser, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ga briel and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hack and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trumbo of Portland are to be among out-of town guests at the party, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heater of Union Hill will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mink. Among parties preceding the dance will be the one for which Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman are entertaining, their guests to include Dr. and Mrs. Horace Mc- Gee, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shif ter, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Specht, Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Selberg, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geiscr. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fravel also are entertaining a group before the dance, their guests to include Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce VanWyngarden, Mr. and Mrs. James Armpriest and Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Owens. Luncheon Hostess Among hostesses of the late week will be Mrs. Louis Ger linger who has invited a group of 10 for a luncheon and in formal afternoon at her home, Friday. and Mrs. George R. Hoffman; Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brady. Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen, Jr.: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bur rell; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert White and Mr. and Mrs James Minty, the latter two cou ples to join Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Cauthers of Portland, the six then to spend the remainder of the week-end at the coast; Mr and Mrs. Russell Bonestcelc; Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Hoffman. 3 Honored At Hospital Honoring three members of the office and personnel staff. 40 nurses and office staff members at Salem General hospital enter tained last week with a lunch- Miss Feme Jones, who is leaving the first of the month for Seattle; Miss Patricia Van- deneynde, who resigned her work at the office this month; and Mrs. Edward Lambert (Alice Gretzinger), a recent bride, were the three honored. The luncheon was given at the hospital dining room. Each of the honorees was presented witn a gift. Miss Frances Shisler as social chairman presided. Alumnae Meet Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae were entertained Tuesday eve ning by Mrs. Robert Nelson and Mrs. Howard Arnot at the home of the former. The group made plans for its annual Christmas party. Attending the Tuesday meet ing were Miss Shirley Hill, Mrs Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Stanley Dilatush, Mrs. Keith Flory, Mrs. Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Gordon Hecker, Mrs. Maynard Nelson Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mrs. Robert Tirnan, Mrs. James H .Turnbull and the three hostesses. MRS. W. J. PECK spent Tues day at Corvallis, visiting the Pythian Sisters lodge there that evening for the annual roll call meeting of the group. Her guests included Mrs. Vernon Decatur, past chief, and Mrs Earl Burke, past grand protector and district grand chief, District No. 2, Cen tralia temple, Salem. Nothing Down fa Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W alia wash., map, paint and ra-alata roar aid Venetian blind ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone J-7328 1453 Ruse St. West Salem We rive S & H Green Stamps sgjs.Tatiue shoes with that $20.00 look ( kiiIioi in genuine calfskin Whenever you walk... a smartly tailored little suit-able with a mid-lo heel! Fashioned the famous QualiCraft way in black, brown or red genuine calf. Sizes 3 to 10. ' 170 "Salem Store Open Fri. A Guaranteed by 'A --w I Cood Hoonluf lnf ) M N. Liberty s Newest Shoe for Women" Nite 'til 9 P. M. .Mail Orden, add 20f. Scientifically mad til t grain ublrta which atiuraa accurate doe aite. eliminate! cutting. Orange flavored too, eaajr la take, (Mu Me. T.JOSfr. IS'llli rot cmiiiu one loud churchbell In the midst of global Indecision, mistrust, and human failings, the approaching Christmas season summons the best in men, like the ringing of one loud churchbell. We remember our friends with personal greetings. We convey tht spirit of friendship with traditional Christmas Cards. Appropriately, we remind you to LOOK TO COOKE for personalized Christmas Cards. LOOK TO COOKE for name imprinting. r-- .ff.Mnrfl!fa. ifniT J TMieM. PRE - THANKSGIVING I Friday-Saturday ( o SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE of West-O-Craft Products 5 Drawer Chest For linens ... for baby clothes ... for a million things these chests are truly handyl Two-tones, florals and leath erette. (See photo above) .98 4 Drawer Chest $1-98 A companion chest to above in pattern, color etc. May be used in groups. 3 pc. Ensembles $11.95 Three pieces . . . 54" garment bag . . . shoe bag . . . and five drawer chest as illustrated above except this number has wooden frame construction. Covering Is quilted plastic (washable). Green, blue and rose. A very smart gift set. Notion dept. Regular $14.95 vaiuel Hat Boxes Hat boxes to match other pieces. Regular $4.98 value! Blanket Boxes $0.95 .95 For keeping your blankets in fine order thes blanket boxes are both utilitarian and handsome. Regular $6.93 value! Notion dept. NOTION DEPT., MAIN FLOOR