Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 9 mwms A GREAT GROUP OF FINER . . . i it Mild SO at s 2 Price! $45.00 SUITS NOW $22.50 $59.50 SUITS NOW $29.75 $69.95 SUITS NOW $34.98 Tailored and dressy suits in finest all-wool worsteds are here at half price Friday and Saturday! New autumn and winter tones of grey . . . rust . , . wine . . . Hunter's green . . . black. Sizes 10 to 20. In the smartest of this season's fashions . . . notched collars man tailored, fjcilt-Jl o.iill kivii io nun nine .cum ... . fjti, . . . oi;ii bvvcicu uuliuus I and many other innovations you'll like. HALF PRICE! NEW FASHION FLOOR Here 'are the long winter coats with the ultra, ultra gored backs . . . tailored col lars . . . voluminous or fittedl The finest wool gabardines! The finest crepe or satin lin ings! A basic coat for now and a long time to come! Sizes 10 to 20. 2ND FLOOR i i ft V 3LW"JJr I m P : m . BEAUTIFUL is'V liSTj FUR TRIMMED j COATS For that dressy, dressy conf. . . thin , jf I A. 4.f sale offer a bin bargain in fur trim y if .V" ; "A? it - I tr'8- V f Your choice of many popular furs ... '41- n ! 'mi high quality pelts found only in high ,1 ' r 3 priced fur garments! I f I -y : Jf ; Wool gabardines . . . coverts . . . tweeds f I 11 i .' . . . wool crepes etc.. And. the season's wjlm j I wanted colors such as Wine reds, greys, i C'Sf greens and others. j 5s ' Regular $(i2.50 to $79.50. (t PR I DAY TOUTHMOIiK . . . 1KL .J rfxIUA T MODE . . . STEKLINd rfJ AND NEW FASI HON FLOOR S ATU RD AY l O Friday and Saturday J5 ANY DRESS IN STOCK CHOICE OF EVERYTHING 25 Off! SPECIAL CLEARANCE GROUP Winter Coats Vi Price $49.95 COATS NOW ... t, $59.95 COATS NOW . . m .$09.95 COATS NOW . . .$29.98 fii.n,U k4m k I i V M 13. 11 f fi rd CASUALS, AFTERNOON, DINNER, FORMALS, WEDDING DRESSES CLEARANCE PRICE Va LESS! Our annual 25 off clearance on every dress in stock 1 It's your opportunity to select several winter dresses from casuals to formals for every .occasion wear! Come be expertly fitted Friday or Saturday and save osrA . . . t u : i j i : c . i u:i ,r uii uin can itLeu ciiimcc oi every ining i NEW FASHION FLOOR 2184 PAIRS OF FAMOUS BRAND Nylon Hose 15-20-30-40 DENIERS! IRREGULARS OF $1.85 QUALITY 6 Pairs for 625 09 V PAIR BREATH KS THERE A WOMAN FAIR . . . WHO COULDN'T USE ANOTHER PAIR ...of rREciors nylon r 15 ... 20 ... 30 ... 40 deniers your choice of almost every weight in this sale! 15's for your formal or party wear. . . 20, 30, 40 for the office, every day etc. Come, select a dozen pairs or so and save nearly half! Re member, the tiny flaws are so inconspicuous they positive ly defy detection! Sizes r I 8's toll's jp M NEWEST T SHADES f f FOR 1 :J V ATT. WINTER 4 Town A Taupe J Mauve Era ?7J Heather g "k Smoketone i n Extra 'J Salesgirls Your foot size . . . your leg length is here. , your favorite shad MAIN FLOOR-MILLER'S to Help You!