88 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Not. 17, 1949 Vulture Causes 9 Air Deaths Calcutta, Nov. 17 (U.PJ A vul ture hovering over Calcutta Wednesday caused two Indian air force fighters to collide and pin Into the crowded city, kill ing nine persons and injuring 87. The vulture flew into the path of six planes flying in formation over the city. The bird hit one and caused it to crash into an other plane, according to the second pilot, who managed to Jump clear. The pilot of the first was killed. One plane hit the ground of a hospital, injuring members of the staff and their children. The other hit a city building, parti ally destroying it and trapping victims in the debris. Morse Asks GOP Policy on Economy Baker, Nov. 17 W Delcaring that economy begins at home, Sen. Wayne L. Morse Wednes day told a luncheon group here that the United States govern ment is faced with the imminent necessity of cutting costs. "I'm a little weary of those who want economy in every guy's district but his own," the junior senator from Oregon went on. "We can't have the economic cake and eat it, too," he said. The national economy now is in such a state, said Sen. Morse, that we must stop playing poli tics with it. He said that a centralized ac counting system for the armed forces, as recommended by the Hoover commission reports, could save the government three billion dollars a year. Republican policy, he stated, should include a positive attack on present trends toward execu tive control. This policy should Include adoption of the Hoover commission reports and a firm stand on taxation. Boyd "Ornamental" Babbitt Says: IT'S A WINNER Miss Finkbiner is beyond a doubt the winner of our gi gantic jackpot contest ... if she'll drop by the store she can pick up a beautiful silver platter. Thank you, Miss Finkbiner. Xtra Special-Extra Savings at This Xtra-Ordinary Sale . 7 . Be Merry, Come Out! Hit The Jackpot "Win The Prize" That headline hit me In the eyes. So here I go, I MUST say I can't pass up a "give-away." Another sale? That would be great ' I hope it will be at an early date. , I hope it will be in the month of November And not any later than the 25th of December; Because I like bargains I like good buys That's why I'd like to ask you guys To have another sale real soon One just before Christmas would be opportune. I think I'd call this sale let's see, "A MERRY X-TRA SALE" (tee-hee). or "A MERRY X-TRA BARGAIN'. SEE? Sincerely, DOROTHY FINKBINER 965 N. CHURCH ST. Vet, 34, Slated for Naval Aviation Post Washington, Nov. 17 (U.PJ John F. Floberg, Chicago attor ney and World War II naval veteran, soon will be named as sistant secretary of navy for air, according to informed sources. These informants said Floberg has been chosen by Navy Secre tary Francis P. Matthews and ap proved by Defense Secretary Louis Johnson. The appoint ment Is now before President Truman who customarily fol lows Johnson's recommendations. Floberg, 34, served on sub marine chasers and destroyer escorts during the war. Before leaving active duty in 1946, he was assigned briefly to the of fice of the navy general counsel. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School. All New Watches 1 ct&zvi&&pa& Insurance Agents Rap License Plate Plan Portland, Ore., Nov. 17 U.R The Portland association of In surance agents today protested distribution of auto license plates by insurance agencies. E. M. Stradel, executive sec retary of the association, said in a letter to Secretary of State Earl Newbry that the practice was "unfair competition." Stadcl said organizations such as the Oregon State Motor As sociation and the Pacific Coast Automobile Association, who write insurance, should not be allowed the advantage of issu ing plates to customers. "People not in the insurance ousiness could ao tne Job as well," Stradel said. All new, all for 1 year. Swiss movements, guaranteed All genuine Nut Cracker Set v Extra large size box, beautiful sparkling mica snow. Keg. lie box. ONLY 8c box Complete with cracker and 6 picks. Every hem needs one of these. This is the "Old Standby Set" Regular $1.00 set only JVC 7 Jewel 15 Jewel 17 Jewel 895 1395 1995 All above are military type, shockpraof, water proof, anti-magnetic. 17 Jewel, Gold 1 Q95 Dress Type .... I 7 17 jewel, fine chrono graph. A beautiful watch with all the rOO trimmings .... Gift Boxes for all 5 Watches Available. If r. B CM - I U r v- -mm I GW V Stimuli e: a J PIPES Top quality imported briar. With filter and hard rubber bit. These are slight irre gulars of 2.50 pipes. ONLY 39c ! RAINCOAT Plastic, top quality. Has a pocket liie carrying case. A real buy! 249 Complete w(icie((i(iiiii(i(i(i(w Open Evenings 'Til 9 P. M. Here's A Real Buy! TREE LIGHTS Complete V COTTON 5 Fireproof. Large size roll. Regular 35c seller. package Complete set. 8 bulb set with clip on each socket. Plug-in type cord so several sets may be hooked up together. IKtt UKIMAMtNl 4 J? RUGS K ""V X & Top quality rag rugs, plaid patterns. 18 x 36 size. You need several around the house. ONLY Complete Set 79c Regular $1.49 Set si Buy Several Sets at This Price! EXTRA BULBS Here's a chance to pick up hard to find bulbs. And look at the price! Regular 10c bulb. Special type that does not stop circuit if one goes out. Special! Beautiful pastel solid colors, gener ous sue. Assorted colors. Very Special! That's Right! 19c dozen Only 19c per dozenl Cushion Foot ! SOX This is the one that you have been waiting for. 63 wool, double sole and heel. 49c Pair BLANKETS 100 wool, 66x86 USN. Grey color, extra warm, xtra wear. New. ONLY 93 3 FOR 9 Jackets t ICICLES Large size box, beau tiful sh ining, fire v proof icicles. Reg. 15c Special 7c box RUBBER BOOTS Knee high, full lace, bril liant red. Just the thing the hunter needs to keep feet dry! C95 SHOE DUBBIN Waterproof Preservative jj 2 can. 19c 3 5 wewMiMi(ici(i((c(c(t(iccc J Use Our Plan l II fC fr Beautiful warm jac- r. a" kets. Make ideal L ? Chrktmnc nrocontc 'v fur collar, . I L IsMI J lui J, Candy Canes for the Kiddies. So you can jrw Leath., pilot', type. 9 C A Vlf fl JP hjm busy ehompin' on a hunk o m G.nuin.Ph,r..hidP.. 350I)W VjCondy while you shop. -sx PS top quality iTTITUD . IVf. VW.f f WV O .(1 Corner Fairgrounds Road and North Church