BIGGEST LIAR TO BE PICKED I Season Now for Lies Dandies Entered inContest By HAR.MAfC W. Nimni s P Washington, Nov. 17 U.Thii Is the season for lies Just III ' before the Burlington, (Wis.) Liars club Dicks th bieni iir of 1949. Otis C. Hulett. club president, has forwarded some dandies which are entered in this years contest. Lie entries have come from all over the world. A gentleman from Panther sin of my friend was asleep. Burns, Miss., sent in this: The dog looked at the ironing went yipping into I haH mule which wasn't ' board. He at much else so I tauehti"" woods. mill III IIL1 I. VJ . I VJ 1 1 . ulUkACU " " . UU Ul 1VI .. -L ., ( ., Ii" r ' - ... . fir Th Williami familv D ioiii a ineno oi the friend of. " ' Unity Community ; Club Helps Family Dayton The Unity Commun ity club gather at the school house Saturday for a basket so cial. Rudy Leppin acted as auc tioneer and sold the "ladies shadows" and Clem Goodman acted as clerk of sales. They also sold pies and cake. The receipts amounting to over $90, were given he Carl Williams family, who recently lost their home by got a letter saying the dog had Red Hill. oeen seen in Honda. This cou- faster backward at the!'" of friend concluded he iu iai&eu a no-gooa enter, had raised a 'no-good critter. Dumb, too." the blooms with his teeth until about half an hour before quit ting time. Then he would back into his Job and kick 'em off. "He seemed to work better and finish so I entered him in the Blythesville, Ark., National cot ton picking contest. He came up to the finish line two pounds behind, turned and kicked enough into his sack to win." " Fred F. Prior of Ashland, 111., says his wife is right proud of a bowl of gold fish she has at home. Two little fish and one big one. Also among the family pets is a fish-loving cat. For a long time the cat was content to "set and watch," as rred pui u, "purring once in a while." But finally it pawed up to the rim of the bowl and had a direct look. "That big fish let him have It," says Fred. "He did a quick turn around the bowl, swished his tail and water splashed the Tabby in the puss. The cat doesn't have much use for fish any more." Tom R. McCrea of Philadel phia swears In a notarized en try that his uncle has a garden so fertile that he has to fetch along a machete when he walks through his half-acre to peel the shoots from his peg leg. Mrs. Joseph Warren of Man chester, la., has a friend who has a cousin in Arkansas. This cousin of the friend loves nothing better than to go pos sum hunting. But like his hound dog, he's lazy. Lazier than the dog, in fact. So the cousin of the friend educated the hound; taught the pup to do all the hunting. "This cousin of my friend," the lady writes, "went even far ther than that. He cut boards the size of the possum skins he would like to have. Then he'd show it to the dog and away the dog would go and bring back the right size possum. "One day, the wife of the cou- November Rainfall Switched at Albany Albany Weather in Albany and vicinity is making a name for itself this month, according to Seth T. French, local U. S. weather observer. The observer's records show that not only is November far behind with its teen-age girls; Mrs. Everett Blanchard gave a reading; imi tations by Leslie McDougall. The balance of the evening was spent in dancing. rainfall but it has brought' tin-1 usually high temperatures. In fact, said French, Satur day's temperature of 65 degrees above zero was the highest re corded in any November since 1941, when it hit 67 degrees. Rainfall thus far has totaled but 1.06 inches. In comparison with Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 17, 194937 a November average of about 6 FarmCrs are not worried about .report crops are in excellent inches. I the drought, however, for theylcondition. the cousin in Louisiana. And 'now living in temporary quar- not long ago one of the family iters on the old Bishop farm on ant Iniin. : .l . . . . . Silverron Family Has Short Reunion Silverton Visiting at the Cen ter street home of Miss Caroline Naegeli, and also with the Her man Naegelis, are a brother and sister-in-law of Miss Naegeli and Herman Naegeli, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Naegeli of St. Cloud, Minn. Others in reunion at the Her man Naegelis the first of the week included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaussen and two small sons of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Thompson and Peg gy and Kenneth, and Mrs. Mag gie Thompson, all of Hillsboro. A program was planned by Mrs. G. A. Wilson and Mrs. Har ry Monroe. Harry Van Bakel, recently from Holland, played several numbers on the accor dian; Jean Goodman, Elva Jean Wilson and Roberta Wirfs sang in duet and trio; a skit by the JOHN FISHER PLUMBING AND HEATING 170 Lancaster Drive Phone 22984 NO CARBON! SCOT! DIAL NOW 35622 or 35606 For Your Load of CATERIZED.OIL! Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway Journal Want Ads Pay $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4M Real Estate Loins Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S Hltb Si iJr 8-21 M 222 WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES We Pay Top Marker Price Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Phone 34146 Open 8 a.m. to 12 - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 1 I Tires Expertly Mounted Fi " . DAI 1 CHICS Free Inspection Service J ANTI FREEZE Behind the Main Store on the Parking Lot i yoa matty (act' JLMaJ 550 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-9191 'The A fork of a JVituxfy Host Born in die Elegant Eighties ...still the mark of a Princely Host RARE BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THREE FEATHERS DISTILLING COMPANY, LAWRENCEBURG, IND. f I8&: "-a c 'hePrineety Hhtshy Priicely hosts rr ptoidly serve 4 tkis cicellcat vkiskcf usee 1882 Thank You! Our New Friends In Salem You Were Wonderful! I OUR reception of our debut in Salem was most In spiring . . . truly a great compliment for which we extend our heartfelt thanks. We accept your cordial welcome and in so doing we assume an obligation ... to render the best possible Fashion service . . . having the things you want at prices you want to pay . . . and offering courteous, helpful shopping service through our staff of fashion-conscious sales people. We ore thrilled with your welcome ... we want to merit your continued patronage and friendship. We again restate our Policy "To sell the BEST FASHIONS procurable at the LOWEST PRICES" with satisfaction guaranteed with every purchase or your MONEY REFUNDED with no questions asked. Again ... Thank You 490 N. CAPITOL I- I II m !! V-i ii lip o o o OF YOUR PRICE RANGE WE HAVE NOT ONLY THE PRICE RANGE TO FIT YOUR REQUIREMENT, BUT THE VERY BEST QUALITY SUITS AND TOPCOATS WITHIN THAT RANGE! E QWi WINDOW! For Complete Price Groups Ranging from 35.00 to 150. J3 i r ( "sP If P L fiik 145 N. Liberty Salem ii