86 Capital Journal, Salem, 0r Thursday, Nor. 17, 1949 i -' - - : '- f .' ... . ' i- !S,j. ( , , : j 3 , , - 1 j;'. . i,' v EXPOSITION BUILDIN (j This Is the nrwlv Imlll I'.Uce or Tourism on Haili fcxposi lion crouods at l'ort-u-Prince, the capital. Building will house tourist headquarters after Dec. 1 exposition opening marking the capital's 20lHh anniversary. New Projects Banned by H. T. Washington, Nov. 17 VP) Un leu President Truman changes hit ruling, a general ban against starting new federal construction projects apparently will con tinue until mid 1951. Disclosure of the president's present position was made in a letter written by Secretary of Interior Krug and made public today by the house public lands committee. Krug, who has resigned effec tive December 1, recommended that the committee reject a bill which would have authorized ome road construction at the Minidoka reclamation project in Idaho. Outlining his stand to the com mittee, Krug explained: "In connection with a virtually Identical bill (S. 1594), the bu reau of the budget advises that: " 'The president's budget pol icy for 1951 (the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1951) does not con template the initiation of any new activities unless required by law or urgent public need.' " Bureau of the budget officials, when questioned, said there had yet been no formal announce ment of this position. McKellar Slips in Tub; Suffers Severe Burns Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 17 WIS sen. Kenneth McKellar, (D., Tenn.), suffered severe burns Wednesday when he slipped and fell into a tub of hot water In his hotel. McKellar was taken to Baptist hospital where physicians said he suffered second degree bums on his left arm and shoulder and part of his left thigh. McKellar will be 80 next January 29. Ban Combat Planes At National Airport Washington, Nov. 17 VP) The elvil aeronautics administrator today banned all combat-type aircraft from Washington Na tional airport. Dr. W. Rentzell, CAA chief, announced In a statement that the action was taken "because of the increasing congestion" at the capital's only major civilian land lng field. The restriction does not apply to military transport planes such as those operated by the military air transport service. Truman Tries To Cut Weight Washington, Nov. 17 UP) Pres ident Truman and two members of the White House staff are en gaged in a weight reducing con test. It is to end Thanksgiving day. After that, all bets are off. The president already has received five turkeys for next week's holiday feast. White House officials said the contest started last month after the president had joshed Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan, his mil itary aide, and Brig. Gen Wal lace Graham, his physician, about their excess poundage. Each is to pay a dollar some said it was ten dollars for each pound he remains above the set goal a week from tomorrow. The president weighed around 180 pounds when the bet was made. And he is supposed to get down to 175. Graham and Vaughan were in the neighbor hood of 220 and they are trying to slim down to an even 200. Graham was reported in the lead today. He is down to 202. The president weighs 178, and Vaughan about 212. Their re ducing systems include dieting, exercise and massage. Mr. Tru man is laying off pastries and gravy in addition to exercising. FRIDAY & HAVE A HEIDELBERG- e ti &nwo(h iici ft a vol cj ...that grand imported Canadian Whiskey $4.43, 45 QUART $2.80, PINT I Pti Con4in Whkkty. lmrttJ hi Of Ik by J. It J, Dunbar Co. totfltdJ by tht OK McnatUrv ., SmHI, Wltlfifjtti TV. Your Food Store for Easier and Better Living We go all the way with you in making your meals an event rather than a chore; your shopping a pleasurable and profitable interlude in your daily tasks. The wreath above the family group is symbolic of Christmas ... but whether its Christmas, Thanksgiving or just plain Blue Monday this store is as friendly as Santa Claus. . ' Vegetable and Fruit Department Your turkey will be a prime, young bird, in dividually selected for beauty at well for iti better quality. Order early for just the size you will need. Or if by chance you would pre fer an especially nice prime rib beef roast, you will find for your easy selection beautiful ly marbled Grade A prime steer beef, aged and trimmed by experienced meat men. Or perhaps a delicious Cascade ham, or for that matter, any of the famous brands of hams at Busick's. Cross & Blackwell HARD SAUCE . . . 53c Cross & Blackwell Old English Plum Pudding. Cross & Blackwell DATE NUT BREAD. . Cross & Blackwell FRUIT NUT BREAD.. Cross & Blackwell CHOCOLATE NUT ROLL. SWEET WATER MELON PICKLES SWEET PICKLED CANTALOUPE SWEET PICKLED FIGS Stuffed Sweet Pickled Oranges. . Spiced Crab Apple Pickles. SPICED APRICOTS SPICED PEACHES Sunkist MELBA PEARS 27c nmm 27cl n 79c T' I'ljp 79c 89c i f l 53c L I 47c fl Jill 49c Mm 39c 111 Our celery and celery hearts are always fresh, crisp end crunchy, and as tasty as they are pleasing to the eye. SUNKIST Fruit for Salad FRUIT CAKES among the many different cakes you'll have to select from we'll mention one that while a little higher priced than some of the others is well worth the difference and that's Cross and Black well's famous Old English Fruit Cake. pounds of good eating . $2.65 A delicious cup of coffee always goes good with cake, so try a cup of S&W fine coffee and don't let anyone kid you into believing coffee prices are going to decline soon. At least that's the information we have. Now here's something to rave about . . . Sunkist Delicious Pineapple is here at last No. 2i Siie. . . 39c No. t Size 35c No. t Chunks. . 37c No. 1 Crushed . . 33c No. 1 Sliced or Grated 2 cans 33c 33c 40 os. can. . . 39c No. t Juice. SUNKIST FRUIT COCKTAIL Conway's Whole Berry CRANBERRY SAUCE. 33C and 53c Cross & Blackwell HARD SAUCE Heinz FIG or PLUM PUDDING . 27c and 53c 2 35c Beautiful red -ripe hot house tomatoes, also Cali fornia field-grown toma toes Hot-house cucumbers Fresh Sweet Corn Garden-Fresh red round radishes and green onions. and, of course, you'll find now, as always, a beautiful display of such items as young carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, cauli flower, endive and green peppers. 53c 59c If you like mayonnaise or any of the many other salad dressings, you will find a wide selection at Busick's condiment display, in cluding Best Foods famous mayonnaise, quarts for 0 ( In fruits, in addition to a beautiful display in generous quantities of such items as Sunkist oranges, lemons, Florida grape fruit, bananas, Oregon and Washington apples, and DeAnjou pears, there will be oodles of such items as gropes and many other items. Red Emperor Grapes, White Malaga, large Black Riveria, or Black Cornichon They're all priced at 2 lbs. for. 23c Lots of FRESH CALIFORNIA DATES, stuffed dates, glazed or candied fruits. Choose between Cape Cod cranberries, a dark red fruit, or the now famous West Coast cranberry, which is lighter in color and tops in quality. Great guns! Whatta ad-writer we turned out to be! Using all this space and never a word about such things as mince meat, sweet potatoes, yams, 40 or more varieties of froien berries and other froien food, end one of the most beautiful cheese displays you could wish to see. Ah, well, guess if like thousands of others who set better tables so easily, you'll be in and see foryourself. j. l. iusncK & $m Court at Commercial BUY BUSICK'S FOR BETTER LIVING Marion and Commercial