V -m" v i VV. t Verbal Battle Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky (right) calls upon the United Nations in Lake Success, N. Y.. to pass a Russian resolution condemning the western powers as war-mongers and asks lor a five-power peace pact. Mean while, American UN Delegate Warren Austin (left), adjusts his coat in a "girding for battle'" movement as he prepares to answer Vishinsky's blast. Austin's answer was U. S. rejection of the Soviet resolution and a call upon the Krem lin to "stop your campaign of hate against the non-cominform world." (Acme Telephoto) CHAMP GIVES ADVICE: How fo Carve Turkey New York U. CarvinE that Thankseivinff turkov lob. Here's some advice from a champion carver, Harlan Loy Shrader. First of all, Shrader advises in setting forth his carving rules In The American Magazine, use a sharp knife. Then place the tur key so that its legs face you, Awards Are Presented Dayton The Dayton grade school had general assembly, at which time the Curtis awards of auperior salesmanship, on the re cent magazine drive, were given to the pupils who sold over $30 worth of subscriptions. The awards were given to Norman' Deitrich, Shirley Smith and Kay Stearns. Mr. Ted showed color slides of Yellowstone Park and other points of interest on a trip taken by him this past summer. Prize Winners Named Gervais Prize winners at the Sacred Heart parish card party were Mrs. Frank Nosack, Miss Freda Manning and Miss Monica Berning in "500"; Anthony Duda and George Andreas tied In pinochle and Mrs. Lena Birn won the pedro high as well as the special prize. using pieces of bread or aDDles along its backbone to form a cradle. With your left hand twist the drumstick slightly and, with your right, cut straight down be tween the body and leg until it comes off at the joint. To carve the drumstick, separate the first and second joint, then place the lork astride the second joint and cut parallel to' the bone. Returning to the bird, place the fork astride the breastbone, cut about l'i inches into the wing until you strike the joint, then press down to detach the wing. Next, with a downward saw ing motion carve the breast, tak ing a small piece of skin with each slice. When one side of the bird is finished, reverse the turkey and repeat the process. A specialist In poultry, Errol Flynn to Wed Romanian Princess London, Nov. 17 W Film Star Errol Flynn is engaged to marry Romanian Princess Irene Ghica, friends of the couple said today. The 20-year-old princess, slen der and brownhaired, Is the daughter of the late Prince Jean Ghica who was killed in a plane crash 12 years ago. She lives in Paris with her mother, Mrs. Ebi Donescu, who has since remarried. The couple met about six months ago in Paris through mu tual friends while twice divorced Flynn was on holiday. Brooks Forest Club Will Make Display Brooks The Brooks 4-H Forestry, Group I and Camp Cookery Group I met at the home of their leader, Mrs. C. Cristobal. Present were Presi dent Bill Lowery, Vice President Lonnie Davis, Secretary David Dodd and members Lonnie Page, Lloyd and David Earls. A thanksgiving display to be shown at the school house, to correspond with Forest Group II was started. This will be a min iature log church and mountain scene. 'SILENCE' WARNING UNNECESSARY Acoustics of Supreme Court Building 'Unconstitutional' By HARMON W. NICHOLS Washington, Nov. 17 W When a guest gets a pass to the awesome chamber where supreme court decisions are handed down, he also is given a slip which says: "Silence is requested." The request is hardly necessary. You get little else but silence in the plushy room, with Its marble pillars, deep crimson drapes and enough cubbyholes to keep a family of starlings hap py for generations. Plain fact is the acoustics are terrible in the $10,000,000 build ing, which was finished in 1935 without thought given either to acoustics or air-cooling. The hearing part got an air ing a couple of years ago when Justice Felix Frankfurter re marked at the end of a reading of a learned decision: "The acoustics in this court room ought to be declared un constitutional." His remark wae echoed by Justice Hobert H. Jackson among others. Tourists who beg and plead for passes into the small room on supreme court Mondays go away wagging their heads. They can see the dignified black robed justices but can't hear much they say. Unless they are lip readers, they have to go out and buy the latest paper. As a matter of fact some of the justices can't hear one another. Shrader earned his reputation as a carver with the home eco nomics branch of the Depart ment of Agriculture. By chance, the two newest justices Tom Clark and Sher man Minton are at opposite ends of the bench. All they can do is wave. A committee, comprised of Hugo Black, Minton and Clark, is said to have been appointed to see what can be done about it. According to David Lynn, the architect of the Capitol, it will take a bit of doing. The situation got so bad a couple of years ago, he said, that the bureau of standards which can solve any problem was called in. The experts Instal led the pretty deep crimson drapes with rugs to matcn. That didn't help. The bureau of standards engi neers were called back and call ed for elimination of the many alcoves, which suck in the sounds. It was decided that would call for practically re building a mighty expensive building. Speaking of sound effects, the dignity of the building was jar red not long ago by a thump- thumping which seemed to come from the third floor. It did. ' The original planners built a gvmn asium on the third floor think ing maybe the highest court in the land would want to relax by flexing a muscle once in a while. No justice, so far as is known, ever did. But some law clerks got frisky. They had been playing basketball in the evm. lney aren t any more. The justices themselves aren't helping the acoustics situation much. Justice Black tips his swivel back so far he talks to the ceiling. Justice Stanley has a soft voice. Frankfurter leans forward and puts out a staccato stream and Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson is hard to understand with his Kentucky drawl. There have been a lot of sue gestions. Individual micro- phones, a horse-shoe bench. Even hearing aids for the spec tators and press. Lark Club Invited Falls City The Lark club held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Jessie Moyer. No host lunch was served to Mrs. Orphie Gilbert, Mrs. Ethel Teal, Mrs. Jessie Jones. Mrs. Lillian Kitchin, Mrs. Ora Wil son, Mrs. Christine Lehnert, Mrs. Eva Powers, and daughter Barbara, Mrs. Shirley Dickin son, Mrs. Jessie Moyer and the invited guest, Mrs. G. I. Morgan of Newberg. GRAN P teyj This Evening, 7 to 10 P.M. CHILDREN'S APPAREL Strike Halts Buses In Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 17 ) A strike Wednesday halted the Wilmington Transit system, leaving Delaware's largest city without buses and trackless trol leys. The walkout hour was 3:50 a.m. Actually the stoppage start ed some time earlier when the last "owl" bus was garaged. On strike were nearly 300 op erating and maintenance em ployes of the Delaware Coach Co., which said its daily fares averaged 110.000 riders. Florida Residents Coming for Visit Silverton Mr. and Mrs. E. Jay McCall of Oak street, are contemplating with pleasure the arrival of the family of their daughter, Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Box and small daughter, Leslie Jayne, from Cocoa, Fla., Saturday afternoon in Portland. The McCalls plan to meet them there. This will be the first visit with the new granddaughter. Planning to be at the family home of the McCalls Sunday for a few days stay are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McCall of Kenne wick, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Don McCall and daughter, "D", of Pendleton, in a reunion with their sister's family. Klamath Falls Infant Dies by Strangulation . Silverton Mr. and Mrs Henry McClure of North Silver ton have returned from Klam ath talis, where they were called to attend funeral services Dueane, of their son-in-law and for the 11-months-old baby boy daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Risley (Frances McClure). The child met accidental death by strangulation as he slid from the seat of his high chair fol- Woman Grange Master Aurora At the regular meet ing of Maplewood Grange Tues day night, Mrs. Will Dentcl was elected master. She will suc ceed 'Kenneth Walker in the post Other officers elected GIFTS TOYS Featuring nationally advertised and exclusive lines in each department. Roses will and a toy be given to the ladies i for each child. 1 Open for Business Friday Morning 9:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. No Merchandise Will Be Sold Opening Night Phone 2-8600 k TTw 1 I m III mv Cov When it rains it Dours L I t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 17, 1919 33 lowing his noon luncheon, hav ing been caught by nil chin in the fall. Ha was reported to have been alone less than three minutes, but could not be re vived. He was brother of Barbara, Noel and Dennis. were Cal O. Lewis, overseer; Robert WieHand, steward; Mar ion Barrett, lady steward; Marvin Barrett, assistant steward; Mrs. Luke Farthing, chaplain; Avon Jesse, treasurer; Ray Pursley, secretary; Fred Saxton, gate keeper; Mrs. Fred Saxton, Ceres; Mrs. Cal O. Lewis, Pomona; Mrs. James Pettit, Flora; Mrs. Marvin Barrett, lady assistant. The executivecommitteeconsists of Jake Fenskc, Luke Bushman and William Frv. . Alt 72mr!tt fOlKSL-uvci't iwiifjiui LEAH I m Choice Cuts of RGDI71E&1" " Pocked in Eyery Cat of KEH L-RATI0.M Cats Feeding Bills -Costs less Than Butcher Meat! Here's tht no oner-saving war to feed tout dog tne lean, red meat tie craves. Every can of Keo-L-Rilion is packed with choice cuts of lean red meal nu tritious U. S. Government Inspected horse meat. Kco-L-Ration is super charged with vitamins ill enriched rith minerals. Costs far less than butcher meat. Just open s can and serve. Get 3 cans of Ken-L-Ratioa today FRU DOO BOOK Nothing like it! Send name sod address for yoar FRLH copr Dodast, K.cn-L-Katioa, Chicago 77 Illinois 6 for 25 gSjaL-COOP FOP LIFE ; fir II auiajpB n Nov. 18-23, 1949 Only! (Limit one deal to a customer) Here's Our Way to Say Thanks to Our Friends at This Happy Holiday Time Just think ... twelve bottles of delicious Dr. Pepper for the price of six! Buy one carton from your dealer. . . he will gite you another carton! Here's a wonderful chance to stock up with plenty of Dr. Pepper to serve family and friends for Thanksgiving! This offer Is limited to Marlon, Polk, Clackamas and Yamhill countir. DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. Phone Salem 361 18 .o