S2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 T nlJLi Offer Program t . J S i A4 7Avf; Mm y Grieves (or Slain Daughter Jules Glucoft attempts to com fort bis grief-stricken wife, Lillian, in their Los Angeles home upon receiving word that their six-year-old daughter, Linda Joyce, had been found slain in a vacant lot near their home. (AP Wirephoto) Til Firemen at Hubbard Select Piay Cast Hubbard Fourteen firemen nd six auxiliary members were present at their respective meet ings. Refreshments were served by Leland Kocher, Les Barrett, Ed Erickson and Jim Loop all unmarried members of the fire men. The next auxiliary meeting will be a combined Christmas party December 5. All members re to bring toys as gifts. First reading of the play "Even Stephen" was held and a east chosen, consisting of June Penney, Frank Fobert, Kaye Miller, Ben Miller, Jim Loop, Hazel Friend. Verl Cochran will direct, John School will have charge of properties, Leland Kocker, stage manager, Audrey Wells, makeup, the firemen, ad vertising and tickets. The play is to be presented In the gymnasium and two ten tative dates mentioned, Decem ber 9 or 16. Clarence Friend, Ben Miller and Verl Cochran attended the county firemen's association meeting at Keizor. Fergusons Entertain Church Elders, Wives Mill City Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Ferguson entertained with a dinner in the church dining room in honor of Rev. and Mrs Morton Boothe of Albany. Rev. Boothe was the speaker at the Friday night services in the Presbyterian church. Attending the dinner were elders and wives of the church: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, Mrs. Donald Sheythe, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Boothe. Assisting the Fergusons was her daughter, Mrs. James Jensen, of Monitor. Stayton Eva Rebekah lodge met in the IOOF hall wnen Mrs. Velma Limbeck, noble grand, appointed committees for Past Noble Grands night which win be held at the next meeting. Tuesday, November 22. Women of the lodge will wear formats to the meeting. Mrs. Irene Rock and Mrs. Thelma McGill will be in charge of the program, and Mrs. Shir lee Darby will do the decorating. Mrs. Zeda Lisle, a teacher in the Stayton high school, who is a member of Salem Rebekah lodge, was introduced. Mrs. Cecil Wright, president of the Three Links club, an nounced that the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. McGill, Thursday evening, with Mrs. Darby as co-hostess. A friendship degree, dedicated to Past Noble Grand Mrs. Velma Limbeck, and Vice Grand Mrs. Lucile Carter, was presented by Mrs. Ruth Wood, good of the order chairman. Tapers were lighted by Mrs. Ruth Landon and Mrs. Tomina Shower. Mrs. Tava Deetz and Mrs. Rock es corted the honorees to the sta tions of Mrs. Ruth Wood, past noble grand; Mrs. Beulah Les sard, RSNG; Mrs. Marie Cole, LSNG: Mrs. Cecil Wright, RS VG; Mrs. Margaret Schacfcr. LSNG; and Mrs. McGill, chap lain. Mrs. Barbara Shower and Mrs. Tressa Van Nuys sang. Mrs. Minda Riggs and Mrs. Bessie Old decorated the lodge room. Refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Opal Lavender, Mrs. Lessard and An gus Ware. Mrs. Harper Honored By Butteville Shower Butteville Mrs. Faye Harper was honored at a shower at the home of Mrs. W. O. Lindquist with Mrs. Lindquist and her daughter, Miss Lorna Mae Lind quist as hostesses. In a name contest, Mrs. Ches ter Harper and Miss Mary Lou Harper won prizes. Misses Bar bara Jean Croca and Lorna Mae Linquist entertained with piano numbers. Refreshment were served to Mrs. J. H. Fisher, Mrs. Daniel Clark, Mrs. Chester Harper, Mrs. Francis Mathoit, Mrs. Foye Har per, Mrs. Matilda uroco, Mrs. Karl Engleman, Mrs. James Johnson, Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt, Misses Bernadine Harper, Bar bara Jean Croco, Mary Lou Harper. Sending gifts were Mrs. Fred Wilmer, Mrs. Ben Harper and Mrs. Ella Leavy. Fathers and Sons Banquet at Amity Amity Amity Lodge No. 20 A. F. & A. M. was hosts for the annual father and son banquet at Masonic hall. A turkey ban quet was served family style to 54 fathers and sons. The ladies of the Eastern Star chapter pre pared and served the meal. Guest speaker was Technical Sgt. Cunningham, recruiting of ficer from McMinnville. He showed movie pictures of sports and Oregon scenery. Sgt. Cunningham is a survivor i of the famed death march and one of the survivors of that event in the history of World War II. y Delicious ri3vor Happy smiles and richer flavor go together! Enjoy Schilling, tht richer cotTce,Thermo-Regulited roasted for uniform goodness. tWO KINOt-Olir Ot KRCOIATO killing Don't let your dishcloth be a "camer germs! Laboratory lesh show thai dishcloths often serve as germ "carriers.'' Th ey can easily transfer harmful germs to eating utensils. It's a good health habit to give your dishcloth a Clorox bath regularly. For Clorox not only whitens and brightens, removes stains and deodorizes ... it makes your dish cloth sanitary, tool Sinks, drainboards, wash basins, tubs and toilet bowls are oil safer to use after routine cleaning with Clorox. Why take chances? Give your family the extra health protection of a Clorox-clean homel (jjM " Uundrf ihonld be unitary, Whin you launder whit and color fail cottons and tinns you naturally want lo mak thtm beautifully whit, sparkling-bright. Clorox dos It txtra-gtntly. In addition, Clorox rmovs stains, dodoriii, moks linens lanitaryl Vi I You get these mm GENTLER rrn with GLOROXJ a turkey dinner at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson In Can by. Covers were placed for the honored guest, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Lorna Mae Lindquist and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Linquist of Butteville and Mr. and Mri. E. L, Thompson. It's not necessary to use a double boiler for making cream or white sauce. Just be sure you keep the heat low and stir constantly. IT'S THE EASY WAY TO MAKE FRUIT CAKE! ife-Kf f M 111 Mrs. Smith Honored Aurora With all three of her children and her only grand child present, Mrs. M. G. Smith, a former Aurora resident, was honored on her 78th birthday at LYONS RADIANT MIX DICED GLACE MIX READY TO USE for delicious, colorful holiday fruit cakes. A 1 -pound package makes 2 pounds or more of fine homemade fruit cake. Simple recipes inside each package. Also use Radiant Mix to add goodness and color to cookies, candies and dessert recipes! LYONS NeWi LYONS fmmmm Ci lyons-Mognui, Inc., San rrancUc 3, Calif. J j IMA6INE-THIS NEW FOR WOMEN JlPil , (WHO BAKE AT HOME fQ ' VS ONLY Wiat makes women haffy JrM 3 HO MORE WORRIES ( . i AtfINy!A!3jnr fRT9AaywvcRrrE , jfiS I N 7 i 0 l&f WHEN PISSOLVEP ( "" -A 1 PACKAGE EQUALS r -z0g&. l COMPRESSEP j HEY Buy 3 packages at a time. Extra-active , . . always handy I 3 times as many women prefer FLEISCHMANNS YEAST uYy'ILL NEVER BUY r Mlobel BLEACHING ACTION ...bngwIififwIiMiMl GREATER DLSINRCT1N0 EmOEMCY ...BMfl stlnl injiiCnMl Clorex conitrvet cotlty linem onH doM e btttf ob of ditintteting btcout H'l fitt Irom caustic end othtr harth iubtoncts...modt by on exclusive formula prottcttd by U. S. pottnll CLOROX . AMERICA'S FAVOilTI BlIACH AND HOUilHOlD DISIN'ICTANT It's been true over 40 years... it's true today ... it will be true in the future: YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good, fresh bread it is. 6009 T0ASrD0 TO0: