Ex-Oregonian Held for Murder Hope, Ark.. Nov. 17 (U.B A 20-year-old Massachusetts war veteran admitted that he killed a Negro man, critically wound-' and robbed a white farmer, and kidnaped a service station oper ator during the span of a few hours, police said today. Rolland Gove, a tall, wavy haired youth from Haverhill, Mass., was arrested in Texarka na. Tex., where he fled from here in a taxicab. Cab Driver J. B. Turnage spotted him late yes terday In the Texarkana business district after he learned police sought the passenger he had just discharged. Cove was returned here for questioning. The district attor ney's office said murder and kidnaping charges would be fil ed against him. Police said Gove admitted ser ving a sentence in Oregon for auto theft. r- m&m i r .... Fruit compotes may be varied endlessly. For instance, dried stewed figs may be mixed with a can of apricots for a delicious dessert. Oversize Folliare As the last of autumn's leaves fell, atten tion focused on those of the native maple, reputed to be the largest of their kind on record in this area. Having a final, romp under one of the city's oldest maples at the corner of Grant and Second street, is Lana McGann, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGann of Lebanon. She displays maple leaves with a 17-inch span. (Express photo) Granges to Elect Union Hill The Union Hill grange and juvenile grange will meet at 8:30 o'clock Friday night. There will be election of officers for ensuing year. Lunch will be served Harper to Lead Hymn Festival The public is invited to a Hymn Festival at 8 p. m. which will close the Seminar on Wor ship being conducted at the First Presbyterian church on Friday. This Seminar on Worship, spon sored by the Ministerial associa tion, will be led by Dr. Deane Edwards of New York city, who is president of the Hymn Asso ciation of America, and by Dr Earl E. Harper, director of the School of Fine Arts of the Uni versity of Iowa. There will be a morning sem inar session from 10 to 11:45 and an afternoon session from 2 to 4, at which time Dr. Edwards and Dr. Harper will lead a dis cussion on "The Contemporary Worship Movement and its Sig nificance for the Local Church," "Preparation of Worship Serv ices," "Newer Techniques in Worship," "The Pro's and Con's of Liturgy." These sessions arc open to ministers, choir directors and other church leaders. planning to open their new drive-in at First and Locust streets sometime this week with I date of formal opening to be announced later. The new eatnig , establishment will be known as the "Honey-B" with car-hops as waitresses. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 17, 194&-3 Lodge Plans Dinner Lyons Faith Rebckah lodge met at the hall with Frances Mc Carlcy noble grand and Blanche Wagner, vice grand, presiding over the meeting. Closing the nomination of officers was the main business. Plans were also completed for the dinner which was held at the hall Saturday evening. At the social hour re freshments were served by Car men McDonald, Frances McCar ley and Hazel Shields. Open House at Highland School To find out what their chil dren do at school all day, and also become better acquainted with their teachers, more than 500 mothers and dads crowded Highland school Tuesday night at the annual open house. The school rooms displayed the work done by the children since the beginning of the fall term. Members of the Highland Mo thers' club served refreshments in the school cafeteria during the evening. Tiie children of the school are beginning work on a Christmas program to present to the Moth ers' club at their next meeting. The regular monthly meeting has been postponed from De cember 8, until December 15. It is hoped that the curtain and lights for the stage will be in stalled by that time. Drive-in Opening Stavton Mrs. Alma Sheltnn and Miss Birdecne Yeoman are Elmer Hunter The Creole Singer with Stuffy McDaniel ond hit piano Thursday and Friday November 17 and 18 MARSHALL'S 3815 State St. Complrt Fond ftrrvlci Dinner MurIc Dance 9 to 2 FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE STANDARD POLICIES ISSUED See us , . . compare our policy, rates and service. We write Auto insurance at a savings up to 30. BILL OSKO Phone 3-5661 466 Court St. BILL OSKO Dirt. Mgr. Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. 00 !m fl P n Flfn M UJ f If n The Value Sensation of Salem! y(TS 1 I I mqhi rvs i mmm i i a m Values to 34.95 24.00 Values to 39.95 29.00 Values to 55.00 . 44.00 Values to 59.95 , . 49.00 Values to 39.95 24.00 Values to 39.95 29.00 Values to 55.00 44.00 Values to 59.95 , . 49.00 ONE GROUP ONE GROUP ONE GROUP ONE GROUP Values to 10.98. Values to 12.98. Values to 14.98. Values to 16.98. 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 Record Bargains In Sportswear! Lingerie! Accessories! 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