28 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness THURSDAY P. M. by PEGGY O'MORE AP Ne-i.featurr. Chapter 17 Ariel turned to the window Now. looking down on the lake, (hi aaw a red gold glare. It was liki a torch, the torch her mother hac. pcueo. on to ner. "If I onlv knew where to start, aha thought frantically. "Arlinc won't tell me." Who would? Where had the learned the little ahe had learned? That basket, the newspaper with the photographs. How Kelly had blurted. "Subtle." And It had been Mrs. Costen who had called her lathers death murder. Mrs. Cotsen would know. And Arleta believed she could Induce her to tell. . When Arleta pulled up on the cliff above the Cotse" cottage she found blue smoke rising to lose Itseu in blue clouds And even as she looked a door opened and a white apron was waved at ner. "Come in. aearie, called Mrs. Cotsen. "I've Just put the coffee pot on "Wait." She padded to Ihe door to stand listening. "That's Rilla coming home from market. Al ways honks at the turns; had an accident once. I would ask her In but we don't see eye to eye. Not that she's wild. I mean the parties sne gives are nice out noisy. Rllla was passing a car. both had stopped to talk, and Mrs. Cot sen had to strain her ears. "An nie Duncan." she reported back to Arleta. ' you must rememoer ner. Annie Brown that was. Father Ian off with that barmaid. Polks laid he met her ounding up An tie, not that I believed It. Annie's a nice girl, pretty, too." Arleta moved restlessly. If Mrs. Ootsen would only get through with the neighbors. But now a fresh subiect had appeared. "Lucy. see, cutting across the lower lot? Oh. but you wouldn't remember I mean she's new. Lovelv izirl. Lucy, and her husband Dart's poor as jods turxey ana as proud. I vow they'd go hungry before they'd . . , yoo-hoo, Lucy, dearie, do come In." Arleta wondered If the startled look In the girl s gray eyes con veyed surprise or annovance. Dutl fully she entered the crowded little parlor and dutifully accepted an introduction to Miss Langtry. "But I must go on." She didn't. She couldn't. Short of pulling her in and locking the door behind her, Mrs. Cotsen stopped at nothing. "I mast hear about your party. You did have a wonderful time, and gifts?" The girl's eyes blazed. "I don! know which surprised us more, the party or the gifts. Dart took the gifts Into the Salvation Armv this morning. One cannot dispose of uninvited guest In such a conveni ent manner." "Dear child" Mrs. Cotsen liter ally dove for the coffee pot. toss ing her words back "they were only being neighborly. Young couple getting started." "As I was saying to Arleta" Mrs. Cotsen broke a ring of sugarv cinnamon rolls "it Just don't seem nach-rel to see her 'tl.out those dogs of hers." "Oh I" Arleta forgot the angry Lucy. "Would you know what . . oh, of course, they'ed be dead now. I mean, not manv dogs live be yond tnirteen. But would you anow wnar, oecame or tnem?" same thing became of your pony. wirs. i;oien poppea a oil or roll Into her mouth and whisked the sugar from her llns. "Poisoned!" Something that had heretofore been fluid in Arleta congealed into a cold mass. Poisoned! Fleet and Flash poisoned? And Charming? "That is not true." flashed Lucy. "You weren't here." Mrs. Cot sen rebuked her. "Not that I hold with such a manner of doing, but the Lanes were bitter." The Lanes were bitter! The lronv of that was in the ache of Arleta's throat, the hard nounritnc of her heart, the widening of eyes streicnea in norror as If thev viewed the agonv of those beloved pets. And then, before Arista could find words. Lucv lumped to her feet and wheeled on the old wo man "You evil thing!" she cried In hoarse voice, "you with your wnite hair and smiling eves and Ticious tongue, you with your Mtchwork auilts and your patch .vork lies. You're worse than Chips langtry. He never pretended to be inything but what he was, while you She sDun and was gone. Arleta. who had Jumped to her !eet, looked nown at Mrs. uoisen Ihe old woman's face was puck ered up like a child's, tears welled into the blue eyes and. brimming over, fell over the rosy cneeies Oh, oh," she groaned, "oh, dearie me. I must be a wicked, wicked woman for lovely Lucy to hate me so. I'm so terribly sorry." "I onlv meant to heip," came be tween sobs. "I know how hard up they are. I barely mentioned it. Besides" she looked up at the shocked Arleta. self Justification in her eves "Dart l.vn t a good manager." When a fresh burst of sobs came, she slipped out of the rear door Lucy nan taKen. and fol lowed a trail across the Cotsen lower lot. She came to a pine woods, and beyond on a clearin , saw what appeared to be a long, unpalnted shed with a red roof. Rounding this, she found the front walled in glass from roof to floor, these transparent walls overlooking tongue on the lake. The Interior was revealed to any eve. Arleta saw a fireplace of field' stone, walls tinted gray green, long low oivans in the same shade heap ed with cushions of scarlet and elec tric blue and emerald green and maize yellow. The big room was restful, cheerful, delightful In its simplicity. And then Arleta saw Lucy ob serving her. What do you want?" she de manded abruptly. I want to know what mv rather did that everyone hates his memory." "Why come to me?" "Because I want the truth. I think you're brave enough to give it." (To Be Continued) :a 1 u 2863 SIZES 12 A Ciift lo Make Plenty of hcurr flattery in this (town with darted .shoulders, plunging V-neck, Rash waistline. One look at the diagram shows how easy it is to make. No. 28A3 is cut in sizes 12. 14. lfl. 18. 20. 36. .18. 40. 42 44. Size 36. 3U yds. 39-in. Delivery is guaranteed In ample time for Christmas sewing. Pat- terns ready to fill orders same day received. If you include an extra 5c per pattern your order wilj be sent bv FIRST CLA.SS MAIL. Would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other pat tern stvle.s? Just include the PALL WINTER FASHION BOOK in vour pat tern order. Price of book 20 cent. Send 2.V for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5. Calif. i 'si - Orchid rllet iKcoratiim with crocheted flowers In the newest and nicest nrniework Idea. Filet crochet orchids and daisies make a delight ful chair or davenport set and this one Is so easy to do. von can whip u(, uriuir i ne nounay entertain' ing commences. Pattern Envelope No R:afl9 con tains complete crocheting untrue lions, chart, material requirements. smcn illustrations and making and uiiuiiiiig nirectlons. To obtain this oatiern. send 20c in COINS giving pattern number, vour name address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal t2 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 calif. FAiMTEO AND VESV LUCXV FOC ?ij"i T BY THE TIME 'SOU CAN PUT ) 5 TTTTHAT 000, ROPER I'LL VtXI, MBS BSAWNSKI.' I D'ONT TV POLICE ON MV TRAIL, I 1 1 SWEAR I HEARD SOMEONE 1 WANT TO BE FOCCEO KTO ft wyJSU I CAN BE THOUSANDS OF tA I' VMOVING ABOUND IN THERE I J SIU 1 I I I I 1 Cabu. C I nnssassnsnsassJ THars just rr! now 7 NO! KBOK'tWEO TO LET HM-M-I BBTHBl T I AHV0N6 OWN" TO PQOJt J THr"S QtrXT! L6NO OS-SHE WS ' THOUQHT SHE UKED H a OUT TH WeW-1 TWBT B SORT 8COP6TJ O1 HIM-HTEO ROOcV-NOW. WTTH KRCK 1 LESS HPS POUrO OF A Pte30LB4 jLe rTTTHB yg Y BUT r HESnLHlrn 1 FOUND IN THERE, SHOULD RSH THflT JV k RCCXVS GfXV OUT O THERE AND TVEN LTlKMPLErfry WOCSpV ABOUT CLEORIcC I OF TROUBLE-! ROCKY 1 I KGW I KOI Cavalcsd Kan Mi Kcitcr, New (''(Ua Bhai i.'ja Snfi ( Tlmti V linn SI on s-ufi c Tlmti n 45 fcltacr PtUrm T SirHi GmltJ KOIN CM MftRHlaf law 3A Maetlr 45 MZ"""I1. Dramet Uracort Pkatairafhar ha Playhaaaa ha Plartaoaa IPyrtull urcuit KEX llfO ABC (raB Haratt (iraaa Harnal (Jack Araaitraitf Jack AmalraMi rirttliblara Him EaiUaa iBlaarfta Island la ICoanlrrtpr Data WHh Jadr Data With iu4y j'Klaatra-Klrataa LawtU Thaaii ciHarld Ntwa lack Snlth rick FantiyMr. Kaaa FaUi Father Knawa T.B.I. c rather Knawa F.B.I, titnillaff Tavern Beula :iSUatiT' TaTara jciah If (.AglKaai Havra l.ie'MarL Dawaa? ... .a. -? l:4vB.jw.,aa )5lWai Mutaaai 3ft Waa Haacaai ;45 Wa Miiaeuaj !:00Af off Beolah Clabji ft Star Final lYaa antl Harld TlAllr-FU Drcheatrn Berenada Oraan Mail Bandatand Ne wa ISilent Stralfhl Arraw Siraiint Arraw Cat. Hldnlftat Ltpi. MiaaifBi Oah. Beatar IN. W. Newt rTtlla Taal IMaaia Inraaia af Mad. Mlncini Sllraca B A IT B A Aaaatesr Banr Aaaatenr Hr Aanatenr Hear hnmia Mnsle ThaaUr lehfld Bep'tr nleraiaiia Canearl Hani Cancarl Hanr Cancer! Hanr ICaneeri Haar Menea KSLM I KOCO 13M HBC 14M Kc 1 III far thai Baarh phythM Baach Bine Cvaaa? Baitnaaa Wawa ic-dU uiMT uvar Bfawa fQ a mI 1 af DPal O'Brlea IMal, Jaehaai KvelTB Kalfbl FaalbaU Praphad Htn'lni NOB'IBS Baaa kraichr. Q-aaek CaaaldrfTrack CaaatdvfTrach K'ewa Hants f Tlaiai Bacardi New la Vmlt. Lewis Jr. aeal News (Newa Maaia Lava Mjitarf INactaraa Muaifi Riii H or fan Km Margaa 'l8lf Off 14M 14M Track 14M Track I4W TTrmtk 14M irraek I4M jtccardi Clark Daaals Fraallar Tawa Fraallar Tawa MiiM Taa Want Mails Taa Waal Meetaraa Nactaraa IS I kb Off" FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. Hod,. Pod,. Kbnii new. '.rn Tim. Newt KOIN Kluk KOIN Klsek KOIN Klck HERE'S ANOTMER ICuPOC COFFEE. "WILLIE OEAB.YOO MUST HAVE SOME.TUIMSTO llKEEPVOO AWAKE IF VOU INSIST OM STUPIMO ALLj V k. irr' fiV ITS NO USe.PMOEBE-.TMIS BARBER COORSE. ISUTTME J KIMO OP TVUKJS 1 CAM CRAM POR- rSSEV. -OMLV ACTUAL BXPERIENCe MEAMS AMVTUIN3 SO ILL JUST WAVE TO CONTINUE StVIMS My SERVICES FOR NOTUIK1Q UNTIL SPECIAL DEUVERY S. FOR MR .WILBUR NEBB.1 stewweRE, please 'i? :00Earl7 Bird ; 15 'Old Sanaa ;30 Knea Newt Sam Hith Jddli Albert .:ddla Albert lack Bercb Haas Bidera ?:30 rreple Ecbaas ;4AKneau Newa Marrlaia far t Lara Lawtan Hotteai Uenis Fartr KOIN Black News Newa Fred Beck Comumar News Newa (irand Slaaa Rosemary IWendr Warraa Aant Jen of Helen Trent Oar Gal Sunday Doable, NsthincI Osable, Nethins lod'ra Children ILIfht of World Lift Beautiful Koeait Nws P. Y'nc'i Fan. Blent taHap. Backataca Wife Stella Dallas Lorenta Jonea Wld. Br i Wh. G. Marriei Per. Facea Life Jail Plain Bill Frost Pc. Par'll Wele. Travelers IVelc. Travelers Aunt Mary tVs Love, Learn m. Serrct ; I Road af Ufa :30lr. Paul 1:45 Cavalcada arm Newa Keen Smiling Keep SmllMii Beep SaiHIng Waihb'ra NewiU Mart. AtroaikrlBrkfat. Ganf 7,rke Manners Breakfast Club P" Connter ji napiiii tn. Bible Inslltula Bible Inatltnts Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mildred Bedell P- W. News Bif Sister Mi Perkins Dr. Malens Galdini Light !nd Mrs. Burt'n Perry Masaa N'onh Drake rlghter Day jNews Come Gel It Bright A Light Art Baker Barny'd Foil loo Garry Moors kiarry Moors Klrkhan News Kirk ham Newa Steve Allen 1st eve Allea rruneinlly Vouri Art Klrkhan Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey trthur Godfrey Curl Massey r. Murrow jNews Summarr Timekeeper March Tim News Music nop Trades S t.rs sf Today Art Linklctter Art Llnfcletler Aaga Blders Galen Drake My Tras Story MyTrks btory Betty Crorkrr IVIctsr Llndlahr N rthwesterners N 'westerners IB'khacs Talking' ,crs Llark Nsrmaa Meet Menioaa iMai. Memariaa raster s Call Walts Time Brkf. la Holly. Brkf. la Hutlr, Kay West Kay West Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Brida 4i Groom Brlds t Gfsoa Talk Way Out Talk Way Oat Be Healrd Trd Malons Teen Tones Teen Tones Haulrrel Lags Squirrel Case Tei Bitter Sews Sparta Top ' Mara lag Top Msralaa King's Crusad. King's Crusad. iWeatsrn Melsd. Fiesta Time frims for Mtl dy Tlmo for Mat dy Stars Sing . Chas Themag Gospel Bfngef Perry Coma Walls Serenade Ladles First Ladies First tar Day Queen far Day fTop Trades NW News Musis Tune TlaM B8 Kays fTcU Neighbor Harvey Hard lag fOrgaa Bev rlaa Biiyf Sings Melody Matlnoe Melody Matinee rTena. Jamboree nana. Jambaree IBeb Poole Bob Pools iNews kay Nineties Fulton Lewis Fr. Hemingway Behind Story iews Musis Mart iMasis Mart Llaa G arbor IV oral Varieties H'tlywoed Matte H'llywoad Mails News Dave Dennis Mac's Mtlodioa Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Mcledles Mae's Melodiea Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movls Tims Philosopher Brers Can Bo Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Ar Thursday P.M. r aren't FO'VAPS.AM HAS FIT FAIR. AN" AH r?. f&oB.JSTBXA OLD MAID. AH'LL BE LIKE TO, WIDDtw J HOOKf fight rouurr WHUTLL P AM oo? i USE TH' PLAN I AH USED VI 1) NAB MAX B W HUBBIN, Al f V. W. aV& QUUL. toesTike3wstT - but; voolott drive: him , RAVIN MAD T IT MIOHT.'! -AN' THEN. VOf rsrr.r Parf l BUT WOLX.DNT THCT BREAK HIS ARMS. AN LAIGS, AN CAVE IN HIS SKULL? IT USUALLY BOC,DEARIE.' WAL-AFTEH TMBT - NTt' Hn psssr.i?-- 7 ( nar-vo- SI BUTTKCT K. VJOULDNT BE SURPRISED! WOULD SNAP 1EF IT WD, SWEETIE. BOX HIS SPINE, x TH BCALfry O TH LIKE A APLAN 1S-IF HE trVES, MATTWriOC I VO' GOT A HUBrntM- ' AN 'MASH A ANi: IF HE DONTJ M nw&rs jAoft than aW4y.T, . Chil- Theateri R:1S, On ths Upbeat) 5:541, 550 Sports Clubi , News; :15, Organ Music i S:U, 'Round Campflret 7. Headlines in Chemistry t 7:15. Eve. Farm Houri S:MI. Great Soni S;I5. Your Se curity i Vets' Newsi S:t5. News and Weather; Muxie That Rn duresi ft; 15, Etch In g Meditations- 10:00, Slrn Off . t r A f Friday A.M. 10:00, News and lUMw Weather; 10:15, Especially fay Woment 11:00, Oregon School sf ths Alri 11:15, Concert Haiti 12:00. Nowai 11:15, Noon Farm Hour, 1:00, Bids 'em Cawbovi 1:15, Oregon School af the Air I 1:M. Ths Story Br hind ths Discovery i 1:45, Melody La net S:00, The Clubwomen's Half Hoari 3: Sit, Memory Book or Muslei !:, News I .1:15. Music of ths Masters) 4:00, Orsgoa Reporter i 4:15, Favorite Hynuis. VOO WHAT? VoOR BAB' IJUST STAND HERE ANO WATCH BABV CARRIAGES FOR THE LADIES WHILE THEV SHOP HERE COMES THAT WOMAN AND HER HUSBAND BACK WITH THFlP BABV vat i SHOP I 1C4 15 I WMI1 r- I Mr-V f f t wmmmmm -' Y0 MISTAKE- Ituic to a ilaiiU RIGHT, TAKE THOSE r w ALLIS6HT,C0MMANDER..SINCE THE TS LiA-AL C30 tKniWfcl.il OtNI IWb t B extradition wpebs, suppose to) b take these bisds to the yacht m x in the plane .. I'll 6et the otwcvs tn ooe PAury and gets e e Xn 100 in the ships boat riSr v3 t1 SALTY.. NOU CAKE OF FILM CANS. EXCIISC ME. MV.AUSSH.BUT . I SUPTOSE OU KNOW TH6 REAL RIN6LEAPSR IS NOT ONE OF THOSE T OM.VSS-THB Bl5 90SS WAS LYIN6 OFF THS LA.JD IN HIS TBAWLBf. THE COAST 6UAB0 CUTTE? WILi: PICK HIM UP, IP THEV HAVENT ALSE1 T iT OV THE WAV, IP I M NOT TOO C UkIOUS ...WHAT l SO IMPORTANT ABOUT THESE CAMS THOSE FILM CANS CONTAIN ALL THEIR PEACLS. THEV PLANNED A MOST IN6ENI0US WAV IM..V AND FO OU. SON, f HA.L P-OCrEN r "71 NO-S4S COAT 1 1 -rVS. HANGEes? ell 1 "V. Sfc r, soio i Quiz I SHOW - iw-smj 4 !' COAT MOW O0D IIKIA' AN ' iruu MV OHACt RR.TlMe0fHNIWAM.iv1 THAT PfClMPIR' -I W0ND;w,u WIoHTAD0 WHViHt WROTt 7 TWO ANO TWO1 I MCw OPD IUCiA1 AN - ,rWAS MV ) I i Ilk BTi Ad - BIaV I Rf AO TMnltTTtR WMKH- - I ..viiuutaiiv. ."iur A INTO MY POWEMION! V0uTviCltAI!!. TtLLMi ) 1 O'HARt t WIH T0t MER' V, Hubbard Community Church Has Bazaar Hubbard Mrs. Frank Stiles was hostess for an all day meet ing of the Ladies Aid of the Hubbard Community church (Congregational). A no host dinner was served at noon. Devotionals were lead by Mrs. Riley Mains and Mrs. Levi Miller. Mrs. George Leffler was elected president to replace Mrs. Max Cook who resigned because of teaching commitments. Pic tures of Hawaii, in color, will b shown by Miss Vera Kocher. Committees in charge at the annual bazaar, Saturday eve ning, November 19, at the Le gion hall, will be Mrs. Mains, food; Mrs. Miller, eoffe; Mrs. E. C. Boyd, apron and candy booth; Mrs. Clarence Cochran, the fancywork booth and hus bands of some of the members will have the white elephant booth. A buffet supper will be served beginning at 6 o'clock. n iLTaralanslAlol ACROSS L T.bl.ltnd t. Throw t. Winter roddr 12. Pertaining to grandparents IS. Butter substitute 14. Beverage 15. Color 17. Beat 19. Human rare 21). Burnt sugar 21. Chinese port 22. Officers of tb' law 24. Strike out 25. la able 2s. Woolen fabrls 29. Article 20. Stinging Insects 22. Alternative. 11. Part of a fortification 25. Existence 2C. Owns 27. French province S. Tardy 40. Green Mounuls state 42. Torbld 42. Records 44. Substance. used In making plaster of Paris 47. Small Ask 4. Weird 50. Rail bird (L Measure off length 12. Fell 52. Olre forth. nSlAICISl AVOW USIMjUl S T AH M E P I BlvlAjLUlyqjC IS pTr a n cTeeil oert t r "' I'- "nn e r VC3 i ulukljc t wmfT AN HlA PHPRES SPL 1 S bn1si i-' "CiaV IssLsssal!! A lSll)Cssisl i. NllsO M J. N S PLU SffTN M C A L S O R EjlN 0 Rfll OPS sIwIeIsUoIsIeUsinIsIs . Solution of Yesisrday't Puule DOWN X. Spring month 2. Night befor an event I. Fish 3 3 r ms " r r w r r IS lb ,V' IT 75 J VJk m;" y z f trnti 37" 55 """"pF o U v i '. ',. Jl "' ; 75 f ; 53 A Newrfeefvree it. If . Calm Intlmldata L Indiftn mubrTy L Leaf of calyr L Travelara -i. Pound L Oppoiit M awtsathw . Shout - In contact with frool abort L StaiTg of offlM L Join . RamoTad L Animal' a nck eovrin . Nominal vaiua of stock . Com fort 4 Ruminant animal i. Gaelic i. Game p-ajed on a board . Compaaa point . Mended . Cab , i. Genu of ( . Pall Into dlauie . Medieval fur . Within: eomb. form . Pant . Swindler . Swite rantos . Rntanirl . Artificial latiauaja ROOM AND BOARD By Gnt Ahtrn K I "OLUOWED THE LOCAL PGMT wATiiPAMvf SAME FOft. A LOWS TIME AND SEEN) AYf StzCLi LOT OP EARS GROW INTO ) "'- A5 AN ypl k , CAULIFLOWERS. THEM THEIR. I SAW T I owners quit boxing to become WIS bujamt a V meave-ho ushers for, night future and had ) clubs but alfy will go I ) i,AA appontaas -TV A LONG WAY -MAYBE AS M'S CVCLUSlVC il jTJ r to the Title-"' ; V MAWAGER? J HAVE OU GOT f S YEARS iC1 HIM UNDER. J w '