1 : Dayton UL -Viae.. "ta -mux ' " "" it I Robert Tedd ttended t meet ing of the executive council of the Yamhill County Teachers' Association, held it the Palm Cafe. Tedd la principal of the Dayton Grade school. The teachers of the Dayton grade school system who are at tending night school each Wed nesday evening at the McMinn ville high' school are: Robert Tedd. Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Deis, Mm nmmiti and Miu Freeman. The course will be completed in December. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duzan were his brother and wife, Mr. and Urs. Leslie. Duzan of Prlneville; and his sister an husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blaksley of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Sweeney had as a house guest this past week-end, his mother. Mrs. Ad nah Sweeney of Portland. Word has been received that Mrs. Delia U'Ren is visiting her sister In Arizona and expects to visit Tom and Robert U'Ren in California before returning to her home here. Mrs. Oscar Dower was hostess to the Kroweldeen Bridge club. Mrs. Carl Mitchell held high score for the evening. Refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnson, Jr., entertained a group of friends In their home. There were three tables of Pinochle at play. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Boick- el. Jr., held high score; Mrs. Archie Johnson and Henry Paul were low. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McLaugh lin are planning to attend the County Clerks convention in Portland. McLaughlin 'is Yam hill county clerk. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McLaugh lin were guests of her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ba ker. The occasion was the birth day of Mrs. McLaughlin. I Summer Trin Over 1 Brush College Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lantis and her sister, Mrs. Nora Cole, have returned from a two months trip. While away they stopped for four weeks with relatives and friends in Nebraska and towa, visited their old home at Shelbyville, 111. On the return trip they stopped at Oklahoma, and Amarillo, Texas. Ballston At the extension unit meeting Mrs. John Focht demonstrated on "Garment Fin ishes," showing how to insert zippers, bound and corded but ton holes and a discussion on the selection of patterns. Mrs. Mabel Mellema served refreshments during the social hour. Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Thurwday, Nov. 17, 194927 Special 'Command Performance' ' Sedro Woolley, Wash., Nov. 16 W A "command perform ance" of a couple of 625-mlle an hour F-84 air force Than derjet fighters was put on today for a World Wat II flyer who has been flat on his back since being shot down over Italy in 1944. Sherman Anderson, the captain who was shot down, watched the performance from his bedroom window after Col. Clinton D. Vincent arranged the special showing. Anderson recently wrote Vincent, commanding officer of (he 25th air division (defense) at Silver Lake, near Everett, Wash. "I have never seen a Jet plane, except in photos and drawings," he told Vincent. The colonel arranged for the Thunderjets to whisk past Anderson's window, which they did faster than birds on the wing. Carriage Trade Screen actress Maria Montez, in Italy for film work, rides a carriage on Rome's Castle St. Angelo Bridge. In background is castle, former tomb of Roman em perors, later converted into fortress and now a museum for papal historical items. OREGON REMINISCENCES , When an Escaped Convict Sought a Job-and Mercy By OSWALD WEST (Oovtrnor of Ore. from 1911 t 191S) ' One Sunday morning, while holding down the governor's chair. I had a call from a clean-cut, middle-aged man, whose appear ance bespoke good habits. He said he was an escaped convict from the Oregon State penitentiary. He had found employment and a home in California, where he had married a fine woman, and was the father of .lowing, he would find in the several children. In time, he had joined the city's fire department and was now under civil service. But, for IS years he had the Oregon pen escape hanging over his head. He had told the story to his wife before asking her in marriage. In time, competitive examina tions were held for a new chief of the department, and he had topped the list. But when faced with the final questionnaire he found, as a last question: "Do you know of any reason why you should not be chosen as the department's new chief?" Before framing an answer, he talked it over with his wife, who advised a Salem trip to talk it over with me. So, he came. I told him to take the next train home and, on the day fol- mall, a full pardon. A record of which did not then reach the public. Thus he became chief of a California city's fire department. Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON Creocnulsioa relieve promptly becaaM it goef right to the iet of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vnu are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs.ChestColds, Bronchitis When the tread on your tire b worn too thin, Don't continue to drive on 'em. They can be punctured then by a common pin And you might not tay olive on 'em. OTTO J. WILSON CO. 188 North Commercial St. Phone 2-3621 Stratght Kentucky Bourbon in all it Glory! mw CD -. Naturally a finer drink ffaturaUy aged 4 years in wood PtaturatlY lighter in body fiaturally smoother in taste $035 075 Only r mm fini COM ISIf 4s at. com isia Never Sold until Four (4) Years Old! WU lUrnt Sr.. ruSH. 1 nln WDM TOE NEW SOUND CONDITIONING New "sound conditioning'' In floor, doors end body panels Insulotet Ford's MLlfeguard" Body against rood noises. More extensive body Insulation and sealing In 41 areas give additional Interior quietness and protection. Eleven new body colon are baited on. ITS QUIET WHISPERS QUALITY It's the quiet of new super-fitted pistons, new "hushed"timing gear, new fan designed for better cooling at slower, quieter speeds. And what power! It's a full 1 00 horsepower wrapped up in V-8 design that makes you master of any road. It delivers more power than any other car any where near Ford's low price and sells for less than most conventional "sixes." And Ford offers a Six, too an advanced Six with 95 horsepower. in your future ...with o future built in 1 I Ueitf iMiii.nri.il im I nan nuantu niut 1 I 11 JA -"--I n xz&s Ford's famous "Mid Ship" Rid h now to qutet you can talk In whis part at highway speeds. So smooth (with Its great team of "Hydra Coil" and "Faro-Fles" Springs) that H virtually erases every bump. So sals with Its 35 aster-acting Safety-sealed Klng-Slsa Irak. NEW QUALITY FEATURES Now quality Is easy to find In this 50-way-Mw Ford. You find H In tha mw push-button door handles, In tha new rotary door latch that needs only a feother-touch to open and closa securely. You find H In mw sparkling upholstery colors m your choka of broadcloth or mohair. NEW DRIVING COMFORT Not only doss the 1950 Ford offer you mora hip ond shoulder room than any other cor In Its field it offers you the long-lived driving comfort of a new foam rubber front seat cushion over new non-sag seat springs. It makes your long hip e short Sunday drive. But tee It for yourself. Drive It so you can feel and hear the difference. And price It and see how much less it costs than any other really fine car. w run. mum tiuitu uutiti miui. in tn I. nut cisriiT. fuhiiii. mum SEE THE ONE FINE CAR IN THE EiLLLHBLEMMLss; LOW-PRICE FIELD Qtyour FORD DEALERS See This New Ford on Display at VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY, 375 Center, Dial 3-3147 fTVeW Petri T,itinel