It Capital Journal, Salem, CLAMDID ADVUTISlNOl m Lux I tiaa u Tm Una t lima 80e Per Line t month 13-M OaUldt H Sales It par Una per Bar lira, loci I Mum mix. M timc onln. 11.20. No Refund. Unit-In Local New, CoL OnlTl lot pet Ho. T PUee an Ad Ptaon. I-Utt porsATrHousEs" FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22 nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPL1TB WITH OABAOE. OUTBID PATIO FIREPLACE. FENCED IN BACK TARD. LAROE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA PRICED TO BELL. PH. I-SIII OR 1-3734. Hill. 1 RDIM. hunt. Parti? lurn. a. A. 1 alk. from oohool. bua and atora. 395 Madrooa Ava.. Salem HalahU. a374' 4 BEDROOMS Anl 1 ear old. carpeted living din log room, paelou kitchen with break- xt nook, car port, over 100 sq. n. on 1 floor. Glut in auburban location, V block from bui. Owner will aacrlflc (or 11500. 11500 down ft euy payment. Call ROM m.EABY. Walter Musgrave Realtor IT OWNER: Modern 3 BR home on "A- Acre. Kelser DUt. 7600. 790 Evan Ave. mi mt nvnar 4 rn. modern home Oarare, wah houw. Lot 120 133. 2338 BoaltoD oi. rn. uujua. For Mother 14500 Comfortable one bed rm. home on nice lot. raven ire, dim iivin. rm . kitchen, nook ft bath, plast ered ft inaulated, on room cabin In rear for poulble rental, riac ia m eooa wo- lltlon. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 80 B. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 1-5360 a274 ATTRACTIVE, email 3 BR house, Mint? room, carport, nice lot. North. $4750 .u arum navmfit M term. Ph. J-5021. Mil Maple avenue. e376 894 South 21st Street ni. clean 1 bedroom, floor fur- Baca, near Richmond achool, caah tela. an tnu one. Goodwin and McMilhn RKAI.TOR8 Pn. 1-4707. 464 Court. Eve. J-4771, 3-871S Mtm ENflLEWOOD SCHOOL 110.000. Nearly new 3 bdrm. home, J Ing rm.. dining, kitchen, loU built-in. I' place, hdwd. nrs.. oil neai. HfAR HlflH SCHOOL 86300. 3 bdrm. home, llv. rm., kitchen, B nook. taisn pjkw i bdrm. home. llv. rm., din rm., kitchen, hdwd. fir., electric neat. attached garage. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 13100. I bdrm. home, Ivl. rm., kitchen, . lot. NICE VIEW 811.500. Ranch type. 3 bdnn., living rm.. din. rm., kitchen. B. nook, garage. Con alder food lot or car a trade la. V. Omer Huff Mi ohamaketa. Ph. 1-8081 ac 1-SMI. FOB BALE bj owner ft builder: New BR auburban home. Hardwood floora, rn. bltnda, automatle floor furnace. 97800. Term.. Ph. 38813. " tABOAtN. 1 jr. old I 3480 N. th. Ph. 36i, BR hit. 35300. a374' Extra Good H 800 Lovely 1 bed rm. pre-war home with good dry baaement ft extra bed rm.. new oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood noon, atalra to attic. Drive by 495 N. S4th call ui to are In. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor M0 8. Commercial Ph. 1-3849 Eve. 2-3360 a274 HOLLYWOOD Beautiful new home: 3 bdrm.. dinini room breakfast nook, fireplace, lot if unujual built In feature. Priced to ell. Picture Window Home t new 3 bdrm. picture window home. In tood diet. Exceptionally low down pay ment can be arranged. Immediate poa Mron. Priced rlfht. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 400 If. Church. Ph. 1-183 Eve. 8un.J-0126 a37 lVcBN, 1 RM. ROUSE. 3 bathi. faraie. auto, heat, Insulation. Can use tor 1 or 3 famlllei, near school and bua. Rea. Oonalder trade. Ph. 3-3463. 275 X.tMTcLEArt mortem 4 bdrm. home En- glewood Dial. Fireplace. Pull basement, aloe to achool. Immediate poaseaelon. Liberal Term.. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1U I. High Phone 34131 27T $3500 Hot often do we have such a listing, but we Invite you to Inspect this bargain, nd It ta truly Just that. A good 2 bed room older type home In good condition, completely furnlahed, located on 99 K. North. Full price for everything only 13600, a SACRIFICE. Seeing Is believ ing, the property will sell itself. See McQueen. Eve. Ph. 3-B476. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol p13 a31sj,a78 VMM. 8 RM. house, bath, garage, elo to achool. Corner lot. Paving in. imo down. Bal. 830 per month. Melvin Johnson. 649 W. Cottage St. a27S Something Different In a homo, drive by the nice ranch style home at 1986 N. 23rd street. Price 17650. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8311. a275a McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Price reduced to 99.000. Well built 3 pedroom home, larse LR with fireplace, DR, K with nook and unfinished up atalra. Full basement, sawdust furnace, food corner lot, double garage and many ther fine features. Near public and parochial achoola. Illness reaaon for elllns. COME IN OR CAM. Dartlme Phone 3-3131 Evening Phone 33314 or 2M06 McKillop Real Estate 41 CENTER AT HIOH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS mi' $500 DOWN For 9300 we can give you Immediate poaaaaaion of a new hou, the full pric of which la 100, The monthly payment will be 970 00 and will rover Principal and Interest, Taxes and Fire Insurance. The house U modern with hwd ftrs tahroushoiit. Fireplace, Vene tian blinds, aerate, elec. hot water heater and laundry trays, on a lot 601100 ft. City bua service, also achool bus. jAhrwKin BURT PICHA, Realtors 979 H. High Bt. Phont 3-M49 Bva!a-74ftl or 3-6190. a374 JfEW t bdrm7 FHA built, rloae to school. I Mock to bus, paved street. 910 Pom jm a379 JM ACRCH ea Pacific Highway North. Haa 3 bdrm. heme, also new 9 bdrm home. Ideal tor auto court and trailer park. Priced for quick salt. $13,300. Terms. Call O V. Hurre with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS HI B Huh Phone 34131 e37V A Home You Will Like Bear Stale Cap ft rm. Hwd. throueh. out. flreplare, V. ahadea. lull baaement Oar, fenced berk yard. Tree.. Price SI. 400. General Real Estate MS Owlet Ph. 33311 aJTI' Ore., Thursday, Nor. 17, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES f70M. LATE built I bdrm. home S. HW floors. Utility room. 16x3 garage. Lot 661166. 11600 down. 83VAO. POUR Corners Diet, f rooms on one floor. Utility room. Oarage. Lot 100x160. 81600 down. lin.WM. GOOD I Bdrm. home on S. Mlih St. Fireplace, basement, fax age, $2000 down. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 High Phone 34131 a3TT 110 SOO SOUTH S MONTH old 3 bdrm. home with unfin ished upstairs. Close to Leslie McKln ley schools. Hwd. firs. Oil fur. Fire Elect. Beautiful wall to fall carpet la ving rm. SUBURBAN SOUTH I APPROX. 4 A. 16 cherry trees. Good late Dunt mooern 3 Ddrm. noma. Att. oar. 6760. NORTH BDRM. homo with dining nook. Hwd firs., fireplace, air conditioned, large jui wnn extra oiag. nice &o. C. W. Reeve, Realtor aft S. Com'L Ph. 3-iSM Era. s-0803 aJ78' 87BM. NEW Modern 1 fadrra. home. KB. clou to achool. Oil furnace. Hardwood rioore, etc. asao down. 191 par month. rnn, no extra loan enarget. call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 B. High Phone 34121 a277' BY OWNER Verv mod., well tonatrtirt. ea. i Barm, nome, aflsoo. F.H.A. approv ed. See at 1363 Franklin, W. Salem, or Phone 36189. m21t DRIVE BY 1775 N. Chureh then call 37341 or .jbmz if you are interested In buying me am 3 oarm. smau nome in eaiem for the price. ,279 IIS.AM. BEAUTIFUL Modern 3 bdrm. home an on one floor. Close to Salem High. Auto oil furnace. 3 car garage. FHA loan, immediate possession. Call Btanlev Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., HEALTORS 133 m. High Phone 34131 a377 Priced to Sell 3 bdrm.. targe living room, utility, large closets, plenty of storage. Attached ga rage. Automatle oil heat. In city near w-iiuui s ous. riw terms, rn. 3102s. a276 $5500 Neat 1 bdrm. home ltv rm 1 tmi-ai kit., dble. sink, elect, ht. Well loc. En glewood, lovely lot. Drive by 3115 Ne- $5750 Lovely 3 bdrm. home, Ige. llv. rm.. kit with nook, inside utility, lots of built 1ns, In perf. cond. Well loc. on lee. lot. Oray-Himmel Realty Co. Ph. 3-6458 Eves-Sun. 3-5287. 3-6901, 3-4353 a276' WINTTCB RT Tiawrw Located north. Nice new 3 bdrm. home featuring living rm., dining rm.. Inside utility rm.. hdwd. firs., fireplace, at tached garage. 1000 sq. ft. Terms 61500 uuwn. naianre S77IHJ rHA. 3 BEDROOMS pn one floor. California style stucco "u", w' nqwa. nrs., fireplace, ga raee. Lb, lot on nvmt n.. . ldovn 10 ble party. Price only 6750 DOWN and 146 per month buys small modern home In city east. Wired for range, elee. wtr. htr. Also on same lot 20 by 30 bldg that would make good rental. All for only 95230. COLBATH LAND CO. iw center St. Ph. 34333 Evea. 38631 a273 FOR SALE LOTS 110 DOWN." lift MONTH with water A eipcincity. Close to achool St bus. Beau tiful location. General Real Estate 1 Center ph. I-3JM. aa378' LOT BAROAINB JULi;..0- on pavement. 8980. downtown bunlneia lot. Corner 87 x 111 32S.H0O. PAIRMOUNT HIIX VIEW lot M X ISO. 33.- rENTEB BT. I.rir. hn.l In. .,a .m Larsen Home & Loan Co. jxclualve Llatlnaa - Per.onal Service 184 S. Com'l. Bt. Ph. 3-838B Evea. 3-7440 aa378 $10 DOWN!! lft per month. lm with water, elec tricity, bua aervlce, near achool. Two locetloiu nApth Reimann for Real Estate 301 south Hlih street ph. 3-8203 Eve. At Sun. 3-SMIS. 4-3874. 1-1337. 3-3738 3-3533. aa374 LOT ON W. LINCOLN. Nl "bulldln, alia. General Keal Estate r'" ,C,T17r ,,,,, j j j yj ?!??! FOR SALE FARMS S7J80. IPi ACBEB aotith, clue to achool. 3 bdrm. home. 3-car aaraae, poultry hou.e. sarden apace, balance In orchard Terma. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High - Phone 1-4131. b277 5 ACRES EAST Extra good soil, good new home, at the edge of City. Itanse, ref. and circ. heat er. This Is a mod buy for only 17300. 11300 down and the bal. on monthly payments. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707. 464 Court. Eve. 3-4473. 3-8715 b274 100 ACRE!, NORTH 180 PFR rRE. Good prod, loam, all seeded and fertll- isefl. unoa him., near mk(.. ai, ..ii Good bids. site, trees. Will sell 220 A. with small new hje. and barn. Owner win maxe good terms. SEE THIS TO DAY! SUBURRANFSTATE LIQUIDATED 39 'i aere.. DEEP. RICH, LOAM., on pavmt North ede of Salem. Borders fat-de-velnplna ub-divU:on. Well styled mod. 3 RR. home, bm t., auto, oil furnac. MOST DIIHAHLE settlns In lee. oak grove. Guest he., other bld.s. Full of valuable equipment. WELL ESTAB. IN-COME-lf you dnn t care to aub-dlvlde. We have all data, pictures, price and terms. INVESTIGATE NOWI MR WORKING MAN. cut your HIOH COST of llvina! Your dfl Is thU 13'i seres, RICH BOTTOM LOAM, on pave ment, few mln from down town. Inrls. 4 A. caneberrlrs. 'i A. orchard, 3'i acre., pasture, balance crop land. YR. CREEK full lenelh of place. Home la not new but is sound and has a heap of llvint! i3 bdrma., llv. rm., lae. kit., bath, utility,) Barn Is allshtly a ted but tlw cows are at home and atit) atve milk. Well built, lie. pitry. h.e., and DO see that 30x60 GREENHOUSE. With heatmt plant. Flowers and shrub in abundance. 3 lovely bids, sites faring hishway with creek for backsrd. Let we torael the price U VERY RICiHT, 110.000. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive tistinta Personal Service 164 S. Com 1. St., Ph. 1-6319, Eev. 3-740 b376 17 ACHES River Bottom, all can be Irri gates. acres a nana, wainui trees. 3 acres strawberries. 6 room house. mile off new t9E. Full price I6J00. Down pavment 61300. Bal. easy terms. See this if you are looking for a ntce place., FRAN B. SUTTON. BROKER Phone 331 Jefferaon. Ore bJ74 FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRF. pen 4 Corners, vour money ill NOT buy more in this location. II J. OOQ, NEAR NFW WASHINGTON SCHOOL 9 acre, ael) drained loam IDFAL SITRS tor appro. 30 home. On paved street. 15330. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Lutlnis Perjonal Service 164 8. Com I. St., Ph. 1-9399, Eva. 1-74I0 koaii FOR SALE HOUSES You Name The Down Payment If you can pay $70 per month including principal, In terest, taxes and fire insurance on this practically new 1 bedroom suburban house. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds and unfinished upstairs. Full price $8300. No finance charges to pay. Come to 3703 Sunny view avenue and we will show it to you. REAL ESTATE $6500 FULL PRICE $1000 DOWN S ACBES, I bdrm.. aevrral out bldaa., baMmenl. S ml. from Balem, N.W., lm NEW 3 bdrm. home. In Enflewood diet. I&O0 dn. Ionmed. pom. All P.H.A. ap proved. PHONE EVE. 1-mi Abrams & Skinner Inc. ill Maionlc Bldf. Ph 3-317 INSURANCE - MTO. . LOANS c375 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS SUBURBAN 3 -bedroom home on exceptionally large lot. double garage, on ou uns, term. 16,000 00. PREWAR CONSTRUCTION Newlr redecorated 3-bedroom home. Nice lawn Ac shrubs. Near city play ground. A pleasant place to live. ENGLEWOOD 3-bedroom home, oil heat, weather- stripped and insulated, near bua line. FHA rnved. 110.300. SUBURBAN GROCERY no sno Biti inventory bur this building and fixtures with a nice business that 3 can handle. Separate living quarters. About 1'4 acres of land. An excellent opportunity. Call for further inloi matlon. COME IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-5131 Evening Phones 28406 or 3-5314 . McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 493 CENTER AT HIOH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS e.275' FOR YOUR SAVTOUft Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate eaiem s vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 3500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col- lortlnnx fnr vnu If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High t SUBURBAN $10,500 Almost new home. Large lot, dining room, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 bedrooms, bath, and half bath in utility room. Electric heat, lots of bultt-tiu. attached garage. A truly weu constructed home. Can finance. Eve. 2-0473. 10 ACRES N. $10,000 Willamette aoll. I acre berries, 6 young filbert trees. New barn, chicken house. 8 room older type modern house. miles from Salem. Eve. 3-0473. Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph. 3-7758 C273- 135 MO., 4". INTEREST REASONABLE VALUE IN THIS 3 BR HOME ON LOT 50x180. LGE. HEATED UTILITY RM. COMBINATION LIV ING A DININO ROOM, PVD. ST. ft WALKS. PH. 2-680. 110,300 ENGLEWOOD I15Q0 will handle, we believe tht home ha the nicest floor plan of any 2 BR home we have seen In some time. Lire, llv. rm. with fireplace. 11x11 dining room, utility room, many built-in, im mediate poMr.mlon. Ph. 2-66BQ. 96500. ACRE Many large fruit & shade trees, full twmt.. dlninf rm.. fireplace. 3 BR., Ige. unfinished upstairs, ideally located 2 ml. to city limit, enst. Ph. 3-6680. REAL HOMEY FULLY Insulated weather stripped. 2 BR home. North on pavement, prewar built, full basement, semi-finished at tic. If you want a nice home worth the money, see this one. It ha an 38700 FHA commitment. Ph. 3-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIOH EVE. PH. 4-2326 - 2-8704 - 3-7769 C277 BEST BUYS 5 Bedrooms Older type home In very good condition. Fine for large family. 1 block to store, achool bus at front door. Corner lot. Paved street. Will accept lot or trailer house as part payment. 12000 down. To tal price only 68730. Eve. ph. 3-7674 or 9-3538. $600 DOWN 3 bdrm. home on S acre. Suburban. Lot of tree St shrubs. Chicken houxe, gar are. Very rlean. Total price only 37300. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3358. KINGW00D BEAUTY Very spacious rooms. Appro. 200 sq. ft. floor apace. Almost new. Unobstructed view. 'i hmt. Corner lot. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Owner forced to ell because of Illness. Priced rlnht to sell. 110,000 FHA loan available. Total price only 113.900. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3338. 6 ACRES, $1500 DOWN 3 room house, barn, chicken house, gar axe, 2 wrlls. 3 acrej berries. Family fruit A; nut. Total price 15250. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3338. 15 ACRES. $1500 DOWN 6 rm. house. Need repairs. Very good out-hutldlncs, rolling soil. Drilled well, would make very good berry farm. 9 mile from Salem Owner forced to sell. Total price tesoO. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or A. Isaak & Co., Realtor 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7838 or 3-4MI8 C274 NELSON NEWS 4-BEDROOM HOLLYWOOD DIST. Good extra aril built home, hand-picked materials, beautllut Philippine ma hog trim, hdwd. ftrs. throut. attractive m. hot. and tile f place., lie. L.R.. DR., 2 bdrm., bath, and 3 bdrms. and bath upstairs. Full twmt., air. cond., oil furn., W. stripped and Insulated, beaut.lul landscapin. Lot 63x135, gar. Price J I. S 11(10. LADIES' A CHILDREN'S APPAHEL SHOP Well located and exceptionally well equipped shop producing about $1600 Income. Equipment Include display case, tables, 3-way mirrors, display and titling equipment , attractive sian and lease. $2000 pin Inventor MODEL CLEANERS le. masonry bids, with 1st clsa dry cleaning equipment. Price 131.000, tan be handled will. tll.OOfl, bal. like rei-t 10 ACRES--33Q0 1 bdrm. home, am. barn, chicken h.. good well. 43 ACRES NUN STAYTON About I A aoodlot. bal in cultv. 31 A. beans. 1 A. berries. W. right on N. Rant i am 8 rm. hse.. 6 yrs. old. Barn 40t40. chicken hse., pump hse. 4 ml to Stavton on Oreyhound bu and us to jvhool Asking price 111.300. Available equipment include tractor, trrietailon rtem for 30 A., 3 truck, disk, other marhinerv. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by men who Sreclalte 703 N. Hlih St. Ph. 3-4633. c274 10 Acres Close In East Modem 4 bdrm. home, good outbids. Ideal for sub-division Will accept good home as part pmnt. $1250 Full Price 3 A Pic. soil, 3 BR semi-mod, home. Doub.e aerate and good well. $!l.")00 Close In Mod. 4 BR. home, flrtplace. full f. ment, 9 A good aoil. tamllv orchard Will accept home in Salem a part payment Call Mr. Noonchesler H. E. Corey Real Estate 138 N. Broadway Ph. I M33. IS a. i-0103, l.ftftll. eftlte FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE GOOD VALUES 1 ACRE. 3 bdrm. unfinished house. Oar aae. A good bur at 12830. Call Mr. Voor hee. THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should pay half the 93300 asked by owner. Ha a one-room house, livable, on good highway 9 mile from Salem. Call Mr. Sederstrom. a BH) ROOMS offered for the price of two. Tht lovely home ha all modern con venience, Including Dispoa-all and alec, dishwasher, all Included in price of 39450. Close to bu. Call Mr. Bederitrom. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenlnfts call: Mr. Sederatrom, 3-5219; Mr. Voorhee. 3-4007 c274 WANTED REAL-RESTATE WE ARE In need of good bouse to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property lor sale see r.RABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca HAVE CLIENT who 1 Interested In buy. ing a good buslnes in Salem. What have you? All information confidential. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596 ca274 NOTICE! If your property 1 for aale. rent or exchange, list It with u. W nave all kinds or cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., PEALTOR8 153 8. Hlrh Si. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 36 ACRE farm completely fenced. 10 acre of filbert, balance pasture with some timber & year round creek. Route 4 Sa lem located on mile north of Auma vllle. Will take small modern suburban home on Salem city bu line a part payment. Phone 30998. cb278' Trade for Salem Home 2 acre and Ige. hse. In heart of West Stayton. Sell or trade for Salem prop erty, value 16500. B. Isherwood, Realtor At. 1. Box 243 (Wallace Road) Phones 2-2147 or 2-8836. cb276 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAILER court, 16,000. term. By owner cna. if. Moore, 1739 N. Water St. ed2T7 APT. HOUSE Small apt. house completely furnlahed Including tove and refrigerator, ex cellent location, within easy walking distance of down town Salem. $180 per month Income, price 114.500 for every thing, room on back of lot for addi tional rentals. Necessary that we show property by appointment. Call Mr. Bourne Eve. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph3-8216. cd275 923,000. LATE built 4-unlt court NE. on bu line. Income of $270 per month. ThU court 1 In the very best or con dition. Shown by appointment only. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 152 8. High - Phone 3-4121. cd271 j "BUSINESS CORNER FOR RENT Downtown new store and large home In connection. Grocery stock and equip ment for aale at Invoice. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580 3-8813 cd278 MODERN 3 Bd. rm. house At service sta tion on A. Full price 14930. 11000 Dn. Bal. 140 mo. Rt. 5. Box 200. IVi ml. E. of Lancaster on Center St. cd276 GOING BUSINESS for leae. Close to De troit dam site. For complete informa tlon call ED BYRKIT. Ph. 33101. cd For Sale or Lease Large Cafe and living quarters on 99 highway, good equipment. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-8638 I274 N. COM'L. bldg. A 5 In nr... 112.000 By owner, term. Ph. 3-9829. cd277 N. COM'L, store bids. A 3 llv. rm.. '2.0Ti ay owner, term. PR. 2-9S19. earn Sale or Lease Cafe Immediate possession, first class equip ment, aood location. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8218. cd275" FURNITURE FOR SALE STUDENT LAMP',ThVnyend table- dresser. Ph. 3-6619. d27S S ROOMS of furniture must be sold tht week. Ph. 3-Ofl04. 2213 Hael Ave. d274 WANTED FURNITURE I AM In need of a complete household of furntture Ac appliance. Will buy all or part of what you have. Pay apot cash, possible price. Bee or call Wil ls rd Pavnter. 1415 Alder Ave. Ph 2- 3944. Salem. da278 LARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted. We buy complete household furnLihlnx If you are moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel 3- 8358 days. 3-4407 eves. TRADFR LOUIE 30." Portland Rd d FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE FRESH Ourn. cow and heavy sprint er, weaner pits. Nice one $9 00 each. Scotlr's Ranch. 1 mil east out Center St. Box 166. e273 EIGHT BROOD Sows to farrow January 10. One sow with six pls, one month old; one large boar: fifty shoata welsh ing 70 to 100 pound: will sell any or all. Phone Salem 4-3436 evenings. e279 BONDED AND I.trRNsr.n livestock "buyer K. C. McCandllsh, 1137 S, S3 Ph. 3-8117 7M LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H F Bnt then, 1530 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21343 ea3!i RABBITS FOR Slt.E RABBITS. $130 to 1.100. Box 60 William Ae., little house in back. PETS AIRFD 4,1.1 pupple. 3-4380. Registered. $33. Call c376 COCKER SPANIEL pupple. ? N. 181h". ec276 FREE CI'TE puppies, 3 mo. 'eM'STi Ford St. Ph. 3-9309. ec2S3 CHOICE canary bird. 360 S. 16th. ec389 CANARIES for aale. Beautiful smger. German Rollers At Ore Backers "n 3-7RS7. ?0!0 R Curci ec2V. FUEL Orepon Fuel Co. Drv Blab or Dry Fdunt Fresh Cleaa Sawdust Oreen Pdtlng IV30 load Double $10 00 Also 16' Green S!ab or 4' Phone 33333 EE WOOD" FOR " 4, 1 f. drv fir $13 Mrord Oak $19. Delivered. Ph. 364 Jef(eron 0379 REAL ESTATE , GRABENHORST SPECIALS COURTS 4 units, fl bdrm. dinette, kitchen, bath, ranie. hot water heater t each unit. Income 1208 per month. Price only 816,000. 3 yrs. old, 4 units, exceptionally clean, excellent location. Income for I units, 1190. 4th unit occupied by owner. A real vaiua at 123,000. CALL PETER GEISER. WONDERFUL VIEW HOME Located In beautiful Oandalarlg Height. 3 Ige. bdrm. 3 eomplet bath, lie. kitchen overlooking Salem, inside utility, dble garage, hdwd fir thruout, fireplace. One of our finest home. Priced right. CALL ROT FERRU. CLOSE IN L 3 bdrm home, hdwd firs la liv din rm. Full basmt. kitchen with nook. Lie yard fenced la back, 1om to both trade Jr. Huh chool and n bu Una. SOUTH 12TH STREET Busiae lot, corner location. Ideal for uaed car purpose, acroaa tre from Ladd Market. Price 15,600. Call Coburn L. Orabenhont. INSURANCE TO FIT. YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Even loss and Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Earl WeM 3-0108 FUEL WOOD and sawdust. Reasonable. Ph. R. W. Maker, 3-7888. ee376 CALL' HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dle.,el and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer End Block Wood. Ph. 16444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16 -IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St., West Salem ei SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor e375 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ah fc maple. 9 tti, 16" slab and edging. Ph 31458 ee WALNUT shell tor sale. Klorftlo Packing Co.. 469 N. Front. ee DRY 16" slab St edging. Ph. 3-1456. ee1 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SdcH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY 35 LEGHORN 1 yr. hen. Good layers $1.25 each. Lloyd Wlckett, 4 ml. N. of Jef ferson. 1274 WANTED: AUSTRA White pullets. Ph. 27918. 1276 ORDER YOVR Thanluglvtng turkey. Hoi onbeck' Turkey Farm. Ph. 3333, box 81, Brook. 12 77 YOl'NG TURKEYS, corn fed, also chick en. Doyle eSatter, 3360 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 25708. 1279 NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tue Fox Hatchery, 830 Stato St. Ph. 3-4969. PRODUCE PIG for locker. Nice and fat. About 300 lbs. Reasonable. 4900 Crater St. Phone 2-3240. f!275 ROME BEAUTY apple. Perfect. Deliv ered. Call 2-4280. 11376 HELP WANTED MALE MAN FOR Job a tank truck salesman. Previous experience desired out not necessary. Miutt be between 21 and 40 year of aae, married St permanent. Apply 6 to 12 a.m. Thur., Frl. St Bat. only. Frank Doollttle Distributor. Wal lace Rd. West Salem. ga275 MESSENGER 13 yr. or older with bike. Day. Western Union. ' ga WANTED! Exp. furniture saleman at HOGG DUOS. 260 State St. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE CHILD CARE after school hour. Must live near Salem Height Sch. Ph. 22914. gb275 EXPERIENCED fountain operator. Phone 28737 or 21096 for personal Interview. gb376- WANTED women nut ahellera. All lnter work. 460 N Front. Klorfeln Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3h State Street Phone 1-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN CRYSTAL gazer need not apply. W want a qualified life Insurance man to organ ize, train and manage a crew. Commis sions, overrides Si renewal guaranteed. Minimum age 36 year. Must have 1st model car. Full detail In firet letter. Write box 276 Capital Journal. g274' AN UNUSUAL opportunity. Party to look after a business, short hour, pleasant work, no selling, income start at once. Won't Interfere with your present Job. Up to 135 weekly to start. 1430 caah in vestment requlrrd. Give reference. Write Box 277 CapUalJournal. 37 UNPARALLELED "opportunity for the right man. Accident St health Insur ance man wanted who 1 accustomed to 1100 per week. Our comprehensive pol lclr out-date other competing protec tion. Lead furnLthed. Must have car. Minimum age 35. Ph. 3-1519. gg274 OPPORTUNITY Additional man wanted for Rawlelgh busine. Your own boas. Need car. Good profit. Rawleleh's, Dept. ORK-153-332. Aakland 7. Calif. gg274 WANTED POSITIONS SCHOOL GIRL want work a mother' helper. Near Parrlsh Khool. Ph. 3-1347. h375 CARPENTER. Let s remodel A repair be fore holidays. Good work. Reasonable. Ph. 38226. h279 CHILDREN taken care nf In my home. By hour or day. Ph. 3-9669. 1813 8. Capitol. h278 CHILD ear by day or hour. 1090 N. 18th. h"7 WAHIIINCS IRONINGS wanted. 13 30. Ph. 4-3585. h378 BABY sitting evening by Christian girl. Ph. 3-6135. h274 ril.triNO want cooking and housework or driving. Go home night. Writ box 273 Capital Journal. h276 EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that work hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If so call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-3833. h393 BABY SITTING by adult. Ph3874t.h397' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. aerv. ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-3073. h266 CARPENTER work. NewepairTplvYoOJS i291 TREE WORK Topping, trimming, remov Inf. Insured operator. John Payne, 341 S. Church. Ph. 2014. M75 HOUSE WRECKING, moving, raxtng, foun dation work. Ph3-689. h273 TYPING and baby altttnt eve. Exp. rT liable. Ph 2-7854. h364 FIN 8 PAPERING AatotlngTp&. 8-333 ha R4.BY SITTING. Phone 30380. hl$7 WANT DUMP truck Jobrcn3-836irh37l REFRIGERATION SFRV1CR Electric Appliance repair. All wjrk guaranteed Ph. 3-9941. h377 PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to e'derly lady. Write Capital Journal, B.tx 373. hr WaniNO and" TYPING in clean tellable. 3:6Mukion 8i. 1.377 Mimeographing-Typinjr POES. 666 North 16th. Phone 8-3H9 TRIE WORK, topping, trimming. remo. Ing In, op. Work guar W H McAllis ter. 640 Trad. Ph 3-1496 h287- PAINTING, interior tit, Ph" 3-39T9. MM I REAL ESTATE Phone 2-3471 Sunday Call Peter Gelser 3-9966 WANTED POSITIONS BOUSE BAISINO, foundation, concrete wora. euane Broa., Ph. 3-3393. h3Sfl NANCX'S Nureery. Day or hr. Ph. 3.4940. b.284' IBONINO. Ph. 34787 after ft p.m. b.380' I.NIEBIOB PA1NTINO. bp. CEMENT WOBK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. h FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN room for clean employed man. 540 8. Liberty. .k378 DBLI. 8INOL8 room, lien. 1143 Oak. Jk274' BUSINESS DIST. Nice sleeping rm. Heat. n. at water la room, aaa venter. JH37I' WARM SLEEPING room. Employed lady. Kitchen priv. Ph. 33414. Jk276 CLEAN LIGHT housekeeping room. 625. 12444 Jitate St. Jk276 SINGLE SLEEPING rm. 473 N. Liberty. Jk276 HEATED SLEEPING rooms for men. Dou- bleVt inglc. 385 N. 14th. Jk378 NICELY furn. bedroom close in. Kit. priv.. No drinker. 696 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-9430 Jk277 HEATED sleeping room. In good location. ivaw. winter oi., rn. j-assg. JH274 pleasant sleeping rm. for man. 1060 norway. rn. .-7. Jk274 LARGE sleeping rm. Cooking priv. Ph. 2-8550. Jk374 SLEEPING RMS. 15 wk. 395 N. 14th. ik294 SLEEPING rm. Ph. 1-1333. 1x274 ROOMS. 196 8. Cottage. Ph. 37617. Jk292 ROOMS to rent by the week or month. Very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph. 3iL iJk3m NIC! SLEEPING RM. Garagg. Ph. 3-7358. Jk293 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. PrlT. ent, rn. jjw. laua . capnoi. JK278 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow'a Jk379 HOLLYWOOD, 2031 McCoy. Ph- 8-6093. Jk383 FOJREfARTMEITS VERY CLEAN quiet furn. apt., alec, heat, Ph 3-3742 375' FURN. 3 and 3 rm. $30 and 3o7C!oeln" Middle age lady or couple preferred. Ph. 33358. JP375" S RM. FURN. apt., upstair. Private bath St entrance. Ph. 33213. Jp275 RM. A kitch. furn. apt. Priv. ent. State St. near court house. Adults only. No drinkers. $32. Ivan O. Martin. Ph. 34419. JP276 RM. FURN. apt. Utilities. Cloae"1n. CleanPh. 38950. 248 Marlon. Jp274- WANTED; ELDERLY man to share rent oi api. neip rum. A cook meals. No smoking or drinking. 1250 N. Winter. Apt. No. 1. jPj75 8 RM. FURN. Oil heater, gas range, refrlg., ". aquiu, h, winier Bt, JP274 IF YOU want a very nice clean 3 rm, furn. pi, private oatn, all utilities furn.. Ph. 29138 eve, after 8 p.m. Jp279 APT. IN W. Salem. 3 rm. unfurn. except cici,. muge. rn. ouuv, Jp-76 LARGE 2 rm. apt. 376 Market. 1 block to ou. rn. 3i-in. JP276 APT. LARGE partly furn. Priv. bath. omau cnuq accepted. 399 Mission. Jp274 LARGE S-ROOM unfurn. apt. Electric neat. ixu or Dum-ln 4k closet. Close In. 165. Ph. 2-1994 or e at 656 Ferry St. after 3 p.m. Jp275 CLOSE IN 1 room apt. All electric. $27.50 per montft. 633 N. winter. Jp275 FURN. AFT. 867 Be 11 view. Call between t ROOM furnished apt. Ph. 3-7310. Jp378 3 RM. APT. partly furn. Private bath. Ad ult. liaBCtiemeketa. Jp277 FURN. sleeping rm. St gar. for man. 123 per mo. -a. -iaie auer p.m. 1919 warner. P276 FURNISHED cottage. 3315 Portland rd. JP277 LR, BR, kitch., atora room, priv. bath ent., auto. elec. heat, elec. garbage dis posal. All elec., new Ac furn. 1 blk from Sears. Adults only, $73. Ph. 3-9383. Jp27 3 B.R. APT. near Olrls School. Elec. rge., mcr, ear. water iurn. rnon avail. $30 mo. Ph. 2-3946. Jp374 FOR RENT HOUSES BEAUTIFUL X Bdrm. house. Kmgwood Jm274 Heights $85. Ph. 35276. NEW 3 bdrm. house. Unfurn. Floor fur nace, uood location, immediate posses sion. 4 month rent in advance. Ph. 4-2046 anytime Friday evening. Jm374 HOUSE FOR Rent. Close In, partly furn". nui mirurrn. rn. jam. J ma 74 NEW UNFURN. 3 bdrm. hse. $38 mo. Ph. . Jm276 4 BR HOME on Garden Road. See Moore at Ellstrom a or Phone 3-7493 eve. or 8un. - jm276 FOR RENT or sale, two 2 bdrm. houses. Eve. 340 Division. Jm376 ATTRACTIVE 8 bdrm. house. Clean In- sine a out. Located between High A Church on Letlle. Available Dec. 1. Ph. 34916. )m274 CABINS. NOT modern. Dallas Highway. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store. Also 3 tory alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 8. High St. Tel. 3-4121. J LOT, Mil ?6. close la on M. Com'l. Call ajo w. cnurcn. j274 FLOOR apace oa State St. Dek space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8483. I 0 DRIVE Trucks Ro'jtnson Shell Service Center at Cottage, pn, 39103. ! BUSINESS RM. lor rent. B, L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward i FOR rent 38x48 warehouse. Phone 391 11. J278 power TOOL rental for bom and in dustrial us. Bow Bret, pfe, 1-3644 TRAILERS 13.00 per day Rowaer Bros 141v 8 13th, Wast Salea. TO DO g good Job vat a good floor und r W eeU everything u complete the lob ho yarn bros ph. i-14i r OOD rSED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. SINGES ELECTRIC portable aewiag ma en:ne Reason able rate. Free pick at 4 delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 190 N Com 1 Ph 3)511 r WANTED TO RENT t BDRM. unfurn. bouse or opt. Immertl- aieiy. rn. jsjbi. jaaia SMALL unfurn. modem house by Dec. 1. nessonawe. Pn 3-40t! after 6 .aJ74 ROOM & BOARD BOARD rooak PH. 1-8706, W38t AUTOMOBILES The "ROCKET" is Easy On Your POCKET AND SO ARE THESE Hydramatlc Futuramic OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" Trade-ins '49 Buick Roadmaster Sedan, Dynaflow 4 holer $2500 '49 English Hillman Sedan. 4 speed transmission $1185 '48 Oldsmobilt "78" Club Sedan. Hydramatic dr. A beauty $1883 47 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan. Very nice $1185 '47 Oldsmobile "78" Sedan. Hydramatic drive $1535 '48 Pontiac "8" Sedan. A good one $1235 '42 Pontiac Cub Coupe. Clean car $785 '41 Oldsmobile "66" Club. Hydramatic drive $690 41 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Club Sedan. Very good $660 '41 Studebaker Commander Club $600 '39 Buick Special Sedan. A beauty $495 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 488 CENTER PHONE 1-7873 3410 CLEAN CARS WILL ALWAYS SELL 1949 Lincoln Sedan 1949 Mercury Sedan 1947 Ford Tudor 1947 Ford Sedan 1947 Mercury Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1942 Stude Comdr SdnCp 1941 Chev. 5 Pass. Cpe. 1941 Pontiac Conv. 1941 Mercury Sedan Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER PH. 33012 ,378 LOST & FOUND LOST: Brown clpper key case. Reward. Ph. 20432 after 6:30 p.m. k27S REWARD FOR return of black leather purse. Lost between Stayton At Mehama on highway, Saturday afternoon. Call 733 Lyons. k274 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter 464 Court we cioae Saturday 12:30, maso DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State At Commercial 8t SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL RED CEDAR shingle No. 1 3i3'c any amount delivered lowest market price. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shake. Ted Muller. Salem-Iodep. road. CaU 3-1196 Salem. ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top quality framing lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid en that next lob. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1030 WaUac Rd. Ph 3-9593. 380 Waterproof Wallboard Hard durable material, 9 thickness, cheaper than plywood. Use for wall, flooring. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-6821. One mile north of i:elzr. ma377 SAVE ON R OO PINO Lot Ward give you IN STALLED price en your roofing need Wide rang of color Call our outside salesman for trot ostlmata Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ll OO. SALEM- OREOON ma WINDOWS New ft used window ft window sash. Wood ft metal frame. Low priced. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5821. One mil north of Reiser. ma377 PERSIA-STONE for fireplaces and home Salem Perma-Slone Co., 3040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 3-0603 after 6 p.m. SHINGLES No. 8.10 q. No. 35.50 q. No. 3 3 00 sq. C. O. Long, Ph. 35831. One mile north ef Kelzer. ma 373 SHAKES - SIDING Cedar ahake In carton. 113 q., under course Included. Asbestos siding 110 sq., no paint, fireproof. C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5831. One mile north of Kelser. ma377 WRECKING a house at 642 N. Liberty. Bathroom windows, doors arid flooring. Boll pipe and fitting. ma276 DEAR CUSTO"MER!nsliion"" your eoa. tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 31 Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking. ma NOW IS the timet Call 3-9191 for free estimate oa applied roottng Get roof ing weather protection before It rams Sear Roebuck ft Co. 630 Ne Carm.l St. Phone 3-9191. m37S DOORS New l.panol door $7.30: glass door 110.25, 36" Colonial doors 113.50. C. G. Long. Ph. 35821. On mil north of Kelzer. ma27S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - SHOE REPAIR 1 MACHINERY : Champion 53 stitcher and motor, like new. Champion 9 in 1 Model H. Landl finisher and motor. Slnile patcher. Shoe pre: Jack and lasts: other tools, auoplle and materials. Sacrifice for quick sale, $1300. Write to R. L. Roberts. PO. Box 703. Mill City, Oregon or Ph 1043. n378 ANTIQUE GOLDEN oak dining room" ta ble. 749N. Com), after 6 p.m. n276 CHROME KITCHENETTretTBiuTlea- ther chair. Nearly aew. Ph. 396S7. 539 If. 24th. n2.6 CHAMPION PLUG teiter. AC gleaner, mall compressor. Phont 3-6346. n276 I ttAUTO RIFIE. 1 boy's"leatheriacket sire 14. Ooc ' cond. Ph. 37830. n281 I4S" BLACK leather collapsible bahv bust v" Excellent condition. $30. 2085 Brry St. Ph. 203JO. J76 HIGH-OVEN electric rang. WorktPgood JI3. 1365 N. 4th. n276 ANTIQUE DISHES. Some rut f lasP and ether articles. Ne dealers. 733 Ferry Call I p.m. to 4 p m. n2l4 EASTER NAI.FALF 4bv ton" OTtruck lBd. Addresa 663 8. 13th. Ph. 3-9933. n376 BEAUTY SHOP tvp ha rdrver. Ph73-"79 1 or can be teea at 104 a 8. Uth. B276 (AUTOMOBILES FAIRGROUND BOAD PHONS 1-1498 .373 -PRICED RIGHT 1941 Ford Coupe 1941 Pontiac Sedan 1941 Lincoln Coupe 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Ford Coupe 1939 Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Merc. Sedan Cpe. 1937 Buick Sedan, Spec. 1937 Chevrolet Sedan 1936 Olds Sedan FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMET radial arm aw, used oa on Job will discount $100.00. or third house north on Fir Villa road, Dallaa-Salem highway. Geo. Giesbrecht, ft. t, box 413. 0274 FORD 8.v h.p. V-8 motor completed Ph. 3-1420. n274 NOW ORGAN MUSIC THROUGH YOUR PIANO! Hear the beautiful Lowry Organo. Ideal for home, church or school us. Come in for demonstration. Stone Piano Co. The Valley' Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairground Road Salem, Org. B277 YOU CAN BUT a new Sinafcr Sewing Ma chine for a low a $89.60. Easy budget get terms. Liberal trade In allowance from portable machine to colonial, mod ern ft period styles. See them - Try them - Choose your today at your Singer Sewing Center. 130, N. Commercial. Sa lem, Oregon. n274 FOR SALE: Refrig., 4-2822. A-l cond. Call eve. n274V USED OIL circulator. Reconditioned. 130 and up. Judson. 279N. Com'L n374 8TORT BOOK "dollsrcollettors hart liTa bargain. 4 large doll. 8 medium doll. 2 small dolls. Never been out of the boxes. Ph. 27794 or 776 Oerth Ave.. W. Salem. 27 QUAKE R OIL circulator $2sTV48bfyrtleT Cellrter 3 p.m. n276- ADMIRAL RADIO-PHONO. 1 yr. Old. Ee7 cond., $60. Ph. 35716. n275 HEAT your home" electrically with West Inghouse or Wesln automatle electrle heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n FULLER bruahea, 1745brant7 Ph. 3-835t7 n296 slightly trsED diaper waaher, 836. 39" E. Madrona Aye. n2 74 SPENCER Corxettler, 2038 D St. Pa. 8-6073? n377 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croaley. Gibson and Montag Appliance at Qevtirt. p OIL circulator at close out price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 378 Cheme keta. o284 SEWING Machine Free West Inghou. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 378 Chem- kcta. n284 PLASTI-KOTE the cellophane -Ilk fin ish for your floor, woodwork or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 378 Chemeketa. B284 USED Radio. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n384 USED washing machine YEATER AP- PLIANCB CO. 373 Chemeketa. B284 STEEL CLOTHESLINE poU, ralllog ta itock ft made to order 1146 N liberty. o3l USED electric water heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 379 Chemeketa. a284" WALLINO SANT ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway. cement ready mlt concrete, garde and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. wd hovl and drag line Ph. 3-9249. g BEAN POLES. lattice batten ft mlse strips. 100 Lana Ave. Ph. 26083. n292 USED electrle refrigerator. YEIATERAP- PLLANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. a384 USED oil burners, blower burners. Ph. 2-8663. sawdust n375 USED electric range. YEATER APPLI ANCE CO. 3 75 Chemeketa. n364 USED OIL HEATERS 118.50, $39.80 and $39 36 GOOD HOU8EKEEPDIO INO. 461 Court St, Phono I -Mil SALEM SAND ft BRAVTX OOMPANT Contract Work Boa - Clearing DlUhlasI Sewer ft Baaomeal Equipment Roatai 15 B-r, yd 10 B yd D-7 Cat ft Doaor D-4 Cat ft Doaor D-4 Cat ft Doaor So a about ditching br ta fa. Phono Daya 8-9400 Evea 3-834 ee 3-4408 Saieai Oregon 9 LUMBER 341 by Jitney load. 619 pet 1.000. Too haul. Independence Lombef ft Mfg Co. In. ladependeaaa, Or. PHILLIPS BR OA Pertiiirer. wen rot teg or freh, any kind By yard er sack Flat rock for all rocfc work Cdar fnce poet, teiepboo and elec pole. Anv length. Sniag). Yew post. F0 3-14S8 Rt. I Bos 116. a UNIVERSAL Deluxe elec. range. 1949 mod el. Double oven. Barely ud. Cost 6399. sell for 9196. Trader Lout 3066 Portland 1,374 (Continued on Page 23)