1 :l Uptown Timid Gains Corn, Grain Chicigo, Nov. 17 WV Wheat and corn managed a timid ad vance on the board of trade to day. Although they did not gain much, they did better than other cereali. Approval of granti to France and Turkey by the economic co operation administration back grounded the gaim in these ce reals. France got $11,600,000 to buy corn and Turkey $6,180,000 to buy wheat and wheat flour. Wheat closed U-Xt higher, December $2.09, corn was !i to 1 cent higher, December $1.25-4, oats were unchanged to ii lower, December 74, rye was unchanged to ti lower, De cember $1,304, soybeans were H lower to higher, November $2.21 and lard was 3 to 25 cents hundred pounds higher, No vember $9.55. Capiat.. frm tpro f lilw ImImi if Ma. IIII. Rakll PdMi-aa.jfc Dalrr rt aj.Ta. rr.altrri Uuruai erlea. -Ora4. A color ed hwu, arada A Laahora ban. ana up. I7-2BC- Orada A old rooaltra. ISO ll-lffo: srodo A tolorod Jryara. Ihrot lot -. ( B.rraf PrlcM Bltro Ian. AA. IM1 laraa AA. Ic; larga A. Il-55c; modium AA, c; DMiun a. ti-we; punou. H-aae. Hholriolo Prlo Kai .holrial orlcM l-Ta kboro thn. prlrta: abov. crodo A antral y auotcd it 60c. medium 4le. Batttrfal Premium fftr; No. L 4: Mo. S. M-IOc (buylnf price.). titr wnoMioio irdo A. imi r. aall lit. Conference Concludes Three hundred delegates from the coast states concluded the four-day session of the Pacific district conference of Mennonite Brethren churches at Dallas Wednesday with the election of officers and the selection of Shatter, Calif., at the meeting place of the conference next year. New officers, from left to right, are Rev. H. G. Wlens, Fresno, Calif., assistant chairman; P. A. Enns, Dinuba, Calif., assistant secretary; Rev. J. K. Warkentin, San Jose, Calif., chairman; Peter J. Funk, Reedley, Calif., assistant secretary and P. G. Franz, Fresno, Calif., secretary. (Photo by Abel) , MARKET QUOTATIONS Farm Bureau Fayors Federal Plan for Reapportionment La Grande, Nov. 17 VP) An initiative measure to change the state legislature to the federal system of house and senate membership was planned today by the Oregon farm bureau federation. State Rep. Giles French, Moro, said the ballot measure for a "'constitutional amendment was being prepared. This followed a vote by the farm bureau con vention on the proposal. The delegates favored reap portioning the legislative mem bership of the state house of representatives by population and giving each county two members in the state senate. Both houses are presently ap portioned on a population basis although not revised for re cent changes with membership limited to 60 in the house and 30 in the senate. The proposal resulted from earlier convention declarations to oppose any reapportionment that would deprive farm areas of their influence under the ex isting legislative system. President Lowell Steen warn ed of a state property tax of up to 9 miles in 1951 unless the state found new revenue sources. He said state spending is exces sive. He said Oregon had gone overboard on schools and pen sions. Executive Secretary Marshall Swearingen reported member ship was up 700, but not to the goal. He said the federation should strive for a 50 per cent gain in 1950. This would put affiliation at 6,470. The associated women of the federation reelected Mrs. Les ter Van Blockland, Island City, their president. Mrs. Osle Estoup, Milton, was elected vice presi dent and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick, Klamath Falls, secretary-treasurer. llrm Livpalotb Marke q. u.nei Wftcklnl u- Feeder Iambi 113.00 to 115.00 Cutter cow 17.00 to 10.50 Dairy hrtlera 010.00 to in 10 Ft dairy cowi 18 50 to 110.00 BUU4 111.00 to I1D00 Calvea. lOod 1100-150 lba.) 110.00 to 118.00 Veal (100-300 lba.) top ....130.00 to 123 00 Slocks Advance Up to 3 Points New York, Nov. 17 () Hea vy demand for automobile stocks strengthened today's mar ket. In a broad advance, leading Issues chalked up gains of frac tions to nearly 3 points. Most advances were a point or less. The advance, on top of Wed n e s d a y ' s improvement, Just about wiped out the substantial losses of Monday and Tuesday. Turnover hit a rate of around 1,400,000 shares for the full day. Chrysler easily outdistanced the field with a gain of about 3 points at one time. Improvement in General Motors and Stude baker approached a point. Packard, on the other hand, tended to hang back. Also higher were Allied Che mical, American Cyanamid, Du Pont, Union Pacific, U.S. Steel, United Aircraft, Admiral Corp., Westinghouse Electric, Coca-Cola, Standard Oil of California, and Loew's. STOCKS By the Auociated Pr-M American Cut ..... An Pow fc LI Am Tel A Tel Anaconda Bvndlx Aviation Btth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Caie J 1 Caterpillar Chrjiler Com with At Bou Com Vultee as Continental Can 274& Crown ZPllerbach 7H Curttia WrlpM A54 t 3 ut lai Aircraft 61 Dupont de tiem 39 General Electric 45 General Pood 65. General ado tore 40U Good j ear Tire 37' Int Karretter 61H Int Paper SOU Krnnecott i .. '4 .. 13' .. 38i .. MH .. 21 .. 34V 13 43S .. 33 H . M Llbby Mel & L ... Lorn Bell 'A' Wonttomery Ward , Nmh Kf'.vlnator .... hat Dairy , MT Central Northern Pacific ... Fac Am Pith ..... Pa Gaa & Elec .... Pa Tel Tel Penney J C Radio Corp ......... Raonier Itayeniei Pld Reynold! Uetal .... Richfield Bcfeway Stores Bare Roebuck ..... Southern Farlflo ... Standard Oil Co .. Bturiebaker Cory ... Sunshine Mining .. Tranxamerica . ... t'ntoti OH Cl Union Pacit.c Un.ted Alrllnea .... V 8 Steel Warner Broi Pie ... Woo) worth .. 31a .. 33 15'4 .. 37e .. 10' .. lt .. 13 .. 324 ..103 .. 33 , IB' 39 , 28 . 42'4 , 46 . flVi , 26 . 10 , 13 , 27 , 42 Turks Arrested for Assassination Plot Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 17 W) Turkey's government announced last night three opposition poli ticians had been Jailed on charg es of plotting to assassinate 65-year-old President Ismet Inonu. The plotters also had planned to murder the leader of the pro government democratic party, Cclal Bayar, informants said. Those arrested were Osman r.rtlM luUlli M.rkrt Ciulltlowtr old for 11 J5 to 11.90 . ertt. on (h. PortLrril Eut4ide rmrmcra Wholutl. produc. Market today. Uedtumllted roundhatd Clbilll broutht 11.35 t. tl.&O a crate. Kraut cabbage wa. 70 to Sft cent, ft 78 1b. aack. Beet, were offered at H to 71 oenta ft docen bunehea. Oreen onlona war. 00 to 10 cents ft ooeen bunehea. Spinach moved at 11.00 to ll.M n oranie box. Broccoli .old for 7S cent, to 11.00 ft lui. Thanksoiving Festival Dated A "Thanksgiving festival," a program that will feature the best talent of Salem senior high school, will be staged Friday night in the auditorium and the gymnasiutn. The admission fee will be an extremely modest one and all money realized will be used to fatten the high school band's de pleted treasury. The first portion of the enter tainment will be in the nature of a "variety show," including vocal and instrumental music, magic by Jack Spong and a one act play. The conclusion will be Thanksgiving pageant In which the band, orchestra and members of the Snikpoh club will participate. Costuming will be a high light of this produc tion. The high school choir, direct ed by Howard Miller, will make its first official appearance. Adjourning to the gymnasium, the program will be carried on with a jitney dance and carnival features. Mothers of the band members have contributed scores of cakes, which, with number of turkeys, will be given away during the gymnasium' portion of the program. I Purl I and Produce BatterfatTentatire. anect to lrama- dlate change Premium quality maximum 35 to i percent anaiiy aeuverea in Portland 63 -87c lb.; 92 acore. 61-ese lb.: M More. 67-63c; 89 Mora 35c. Valler route and countrv eolnta 2c lesa than first natter wnoiesaie run ouia ouoei to wholeaalera. trade 93 . acore. 63c. A 93 score. 62c: B 80 acore. 60c lb., O 89 acore, 67c. Abova prices are aerlctl? nominal Cheee SeUlni price to Portland erhole- sate Orecon Untie 3B-41c, Oreton I email loaf, 444-e5; trlpIeU 1 leaa than singiei Ezra wBoieaaieri) a greet iare. 57 1-58 Vie; A medium, 43-44 c: sradt B lane. 49-50ttc. email A trade. 40ViC. Portland Uir Market Dn iter price to retauere: oraat ak prints, 68c; AA cartons, 69c: A prints. 68c: A cartons 69c: B prints. 63e. E. Prices to retailers: orade aa lane. 63c doi.; certified A lane, 63c; lane. 60c: AA medium. 47c: eer t If led A medium, 46c; B medium, 43c; A small. 44c: cartons 2 a additional. uneeae price to retailers rortiana Oreton elnalei 39-43c. Oreton loaf, ft- lb. loafi 444-4ac lb.; triplets, 1W cents lesa than singles Premium brands, singles. 51 "TiC Ib.t loal, 3 )(). Paaltrr Live Cblekene Ho. quality FOB plants. No 1 broilers under 3 lba. 30-;i4c lb. fryers 33 lbs.. 33-aeci 3-4 lbs.. nc roasters 4 lbs and over, 37-38c; (owl, L.'unorn 4 it and undei 18-iOc over 4 lbs. 30c; colored fowl, all weights, -awi roosters, all welthta. 18-30c Tarker Net to growers, tie on torn, 43!-44c on hens; sales prices to re tallers. toma. 38-89c: hens 49-60C. Rabbits Average to growers, lire whites. 4-S IDS.. 17-190 lb.i B-6 ID.. 19-170 ID.I colored 3 cent lower: old or heavy does, and bucks, 8-lSc. Fresh dressed Idaho irrers and retailers. oc; local, ea-sc Conntry-Kllled Meate veal Top quality jo-nc otner grades according to weight and quality witn inner or neavier is-a. Hogs Light blockers, 34-34"; tows, 19 30c. Lambs Top quality, sprinters, 3S-ITci mutton, U-13C. Beef Good cows. 30-3 le lb.: csnners- cutters, 16-19C. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholeialera to retailers per ewt.t: Beef steers, good 600-100 lbs., 143-41: commercial. 133-39; utility, ail-it. utility, I37-3B. Cows Commercial. 138-31: utility. 134- 36; csnners-cutters, 123-36. Beef cuta luooci steersi Hind quarter! tS4-83; rounds 846-81: full loins, trimmed I78-78; trtanties, 133-j; square enuct. 140-43; ribs 853-05: forequarters. 334-38. Veal and calf. Oood. 637-40; commercial. 133-36: UUllty 338-33. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, I41 18; commercial. 836.4a: utility. 131-36. Mutton Oood. 70 los down, 818-30. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1. 1-13 lbs., 839-43: ahoulders, 16 lbs down. 130-33; spare- ribs, 843-48; csrcasses. 834-35; mixed aeiants 83 pet wt. lower Portland Mlioellancews Caacara Bark Dry 134s lb., green 40 lb. Wol Vallty aoarat and medium cradaa. SC ID. Mohair 36 t. on 13-montA growta. Dominauy. Hiaea caives. ids ib- according 10 weleht klpa 35c lb beef U-I3r lb., bulls 6-7c lb. Country buyers oar 3c less. Nut UlOUliODI- rvamats rranquettes, nral quality jum bo. 34 7c; large. 33.7c; medium, 37 3c; econa quality lumuos, 30.2c large, as.ac medium, 36.3c; baby. 33. 3e; soft ahelL first quality large, .7c; meaium. 20. ac; eec ond quality targe, 37 -Set medium. 34. 7o oauy aa.ic Filberts Jumbo. 30 lb.i large. 18c, medium, 16c: email. 13c Chicago Liveateck Chicago, how. IT (fl (USDA) Salable hots 19.000: fslrly active and 10-35 cenu lower on small supply choice butchrra under 310 lb.; genersl msrket very 410W and 5075 cents lower on weliht over 310 lb.i top 16.35 for choice 180-300 :b.. rntwt good and choice 180-300 lb. 16.73 16.00: good and choice 330-380 lb. 15.3V 18.75: sows 35 to mostly so cenu ,ower: weights under 400 lbs. 14.75-17.35; few heavier weliiiti as low as 13.00. salable cattle 3.500: salable calves vm: medium grade shortfed steers over liO lb. slow, weak: other steers and year . nit l fairly active, fully steady: helfera steaf to weak: cows steady to 35 cents lower: bulls and vealers steadv; load hith-cho.ee 640 lb. steers and heifers mixed mostly steers 37.00: good and choice fed steers and yearlings 37.50-36.75; medium to low tood 31.00-37.00: load common to me dium. 1.035 lb. steera 19.00: load good to choice lb. helfrrs 39 00: bulk medium to low-tood ahortfrds 31.00-25. 00: com mon and medium bef cow 14.00-16 00; rew good cow to 18.00: canners and cut ters 11.0013.75: medium and good sau- SALEM MARKETS' Two Injured As Auto Overturns Two Portland reiidents were hospitalized here Wednesday afternoon after their automobile skidded to a stop in an effort to avoid hitting another car and overturned on the Pacific high way near Woodburn. Injured were Mrs. Orlena Cook, wife of J. T. Cook, the driver, and his daughter, Mrs Irene Mcintosh. Both received severe lacerations and bruises. Neither Cook nor Mrs. Mcin tosh's five-year-old son, Michael were injured. Cook apparently slammed on his brakes when another car was driven onto the highway from the Molalla junction north of Woodburn. The Cook ma chine skidded nearly 200 feet before rolling over and coming to a stop upside down. The driv er of the other vehicle did not stop. Sheridan School Bids Rejected Sheridan, Ore., Nov. 17 All 13 bids for the construction of the new grade school were re jected by the school board Wed nesday because it felt all were too high. Previously the board had placed a limit of $100,000 on construction and probably will revise present plans to keep costs -within the estimate. An other call for bids will be made when the changes are made. Bids ranged from a low of $112,000 by the Foothills Con struction company of Estacada with a high of $148,000. The board hopes to award the eon tract as soon as possible to re lieve present overcrowding at the old building. b Easements Granted For River Levees . Plant for extensive revetment work by the government along the Willamette river on the Mar ion county tide a few miles south ox the city are revealed in a group of easement deeds filed with County Recorder Herman Lanke's office by the United States. Under each of the deeds the grantor allows the government to go onto the land specified in the deeds under a perpetual grant to carry on the work. Named as those granting the! easement as land holders along j the river are Lee U. and Meta Eyerly, state land board, Alvin i Jones, LeRoy H. and Dora E. : Mittendorf, Karl and Mildred, Heyden and George H. and Ruth! E. Bressler. Accompanying each , deed is a government map of the ! work proposed. I Part Im J Uveatack Portland. Ore.. Nov. IT WW Livestock: Cattle salable 350: canner and cutter cos active, fully steady; other claues rather slow: few asles steady, odd com mon and low medium grassers 16.00 to 30.00: cutter dairy type heifers 10.00 to 11.50: common beef heifers 13.00 to 16.00; medium heifers to 30.00; canner and cut ter cows largely 6 50 to 10.75: few 11.00: shells down to 6.00 and below; csmmon and medium beef rows 13.00 to 15.00: odd common sauoaie bulls 14 00 to 15.00. Calves salable 100: market steady: one lot good 367 lb. calves and veslers 33.35; odd low good vealers 33.00; choice Wednes day to 34.00. Hogs salable 100: market active, steady; good and choice 180 to 330 lbs. 17.50 to 17.TJ: rew no lbs. l.7$: good 360 to 600 lb. sows 13.50 to 14.00; feeders scarce, good and choice vuoted 17.00 to 18.75. sneep aaiaote so: market mostly nom inal; few good and choice wooled lambs weak at 16.00: best Wednesday 16.50; fw medium feeders 16.00: good feedrrs Wed nesday to 17.00; good sisughter ewes 6.50 to 1.00. OBITUARY Charles Harold Bareh Amity Charles Harold Burch. 87. died here Saturday morning after a prolonged nine. Born octooer n. ibbz, of pioneer parents, Charles H. and Phoebe Burch, on the donation land claim eaxt of Amity May 13, I8l he was married to :iora RODOins, who died several rears aso. Burch was postmaster for Amity during tht Cleveland administration. Survivors arc two sons. Lynn of Stockton. Calif., and Carl, postmaster. Amity; one liter. Ida Ladd. Amity; three grandsons. Harold Buret), Stockton. Calll.. Richard and Jerry Burch, Amity. Funeral services were held at User's chapel Wednesday with burial in the Amity cemetery. Clrde Virnea Beasor Independence Funeral services for Clrda Vernon Ressor, 53, who died at Dallas Wednesday, will be held from the Walter L. Smith funeral home at 3 o'clock Friday, Rev. John Hood officiating and burial In Hill Top wmil ry south of Independence. He wai born In Missouri, Sept. 16, 1897 and came to Oreton from Miami, Okls. in 1943. Surviving are a sister. Hare! Reasor. Peoria. OH and a half-sister. Pearl Hsuk, Batlnaw. Mo.; also several nephews and nelces. DEATHS Lena Saaan Johntea At the residence, 1335 N. 18th. November 16. Lena Susan Johnson, age 66. Wife of Oeorg Johnson, Salem; sister of Ben Noonao, Telm, Wash.: Agnra Holts, Ta coma and Pearl Sullivan, Redfleld, 8.D., aunt of Paul Noonan, Telm, and Margaret Holts. T acorn a. Funeral services Friday, Nov. 18, at 1:30 o'clock from the W. T. Rlgdon company chapel and concluding services at Belcrest Memorial park. Get reRef from PIMPLES' T i i . . , ... . I U fraarant,ttlftcallTmeiHeatrtCtlen Bolukbasl and Fuat Arna, both j s0.p ointment daily. Uad r mtr members of the nation i party executive committee, and Nuri Leblep, chairman of the party'! organization In Istanbul. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thftqatnde of empte an wcai, worrs-owl, at- ah urn iorea vgrrwbert Fred Mayer s. t . Advertisement j Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTTTTR. s peasant alfcaltaa &oa- j acid) powder, ho Ms false teeth mora firmly To sat and talk IS "re com I fort. Inst sprtnkla a little PAATRTH 1 on your plates. No gummy, gooey pasty taste or feeling. Checks 'pla'e odor' 1 'denture breath). (Ml FASTEST M at any drug gtora. lj USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Woy to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6..ckI$5.00 "V. $10.00 a ton. .. 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere In Salem area Phone 3-8127 ate bulls 17.3618.00; vealers 36.00 down, mostly 36.00. Salable sheep 3.500: generally steady- on all classea; all lambs weighing vty 100 lbs. discounted 1.00-1.50; early top good to choice fed lambs 33.65; handywelghts held at 34.00; mwt good and choice lambs according to weight 33.80-33.85: yesrllng active: ewes steady at 6.33-13.00 for na tives, mostly 11.60 down. Perils nd Grain Portland. Ore., Nov. IT 'IP) Cash grain: Oats No. 3, 38 lb. white 61.80: barley No. 3. 46 lb. BW 51.60: No. 1 flag 3.65. Cah wheat bld: Soft white 3.31 'i; soft whlta (no Real 3.30s whita club 3.30t. Hard red winter: Ordinary J,30i: 16 percent 3.30H; 11 percent 3.30'; 11 per cent 3.31. Today's car receipts: Wheat 30: barley I: flour 10: corn 6 oats 3: mil) feed U. SWITCH TO CALVERT'S BETTER TASTE You'll find that CALVERT is a better buy! the little french shop offen your greot saving SPECIAL PURCHASE . VALUES I DRESSY DRESSES Now Only 19.95 calvert ararnvt Bferdtd wmak 16 I Proof 5 Oram Neutral Splnu. Calwrt DHUIItr. Corp., Ntw York- City Black and Colon COATS S35 Tweeds Covert!! Gabi All 100 Virgin wool SPECIAL! HATS $5 the little french shop 115 North High Capital Journal Salem, Or Thursday, Nov. 17. 194921 at PENNEY'S SALEM, OREGON SHOP FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY SHOP AT PENIMEY'S ANDSAVE WITH CONFIDENCE VALUES IN TEEN-AGE SHOES WEDGIES, SANDALS, OXFORDS LUG, LEATHER, CREPE SOLES, HEELS BUY TWO PAIRS! BIG SAVINGS! DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2oS2 MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHORTS NICE SELECTION OF STRIPES . jm GRIPPER FRONT, ELASTIC INSERT 30, 34, 36, 38, 40 j MAIN FLOOR ' MEN'S COLORED T-SHIRTS NEW PASTEL SHADES MERCERIZED COTTON WOVEN NECK SIZES SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE MAIN FLOOR 69c TODDLERS' TWO-PIECE SNOW SUITS COTTON KNIT REVERSIBLE TREATED FOR WATER REPELLENCY SIZES: 2, 4, 6 SO WARM, PRACTICAL! SECOND FLOOR 2.98 SPECIAL GROUP-NYLON PANELS WHITE, CRISP, SHEER! 42x81 SIZE WASHABLE! "HEMRITE" TAILORED VALUES! DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2. 00 V REVERSIBLE WARM-UP JACKETS Men's Sizes 7.90 Bovs' Sizes .... 6.90 MAIN FLOOR WOMEN'S COAT VALUES SMART WINTER FLEECES, TWEEDS BOXY STYLES, POPULAR SHADES ALL WOOL FABRICS SECOND FLOOR 15 GIRLS' PLAID RAIN CAPES RUBBERIZED COTTON PLAIDS EASY-TO-WEAR CAPE STYLE WITH HOOD BUY NOW AT THIS BARGAIN PRICE SECOND FLOOR 1.69 V HOBNAIL CHENILLE SPREADS ASSORTED PLAIN COLORS FRINGED ATTRACTIVE 90x105, 72x105 SIZES MEZZANINE 2.98 MEN'S WATER-REPELLENT WEAR BROKEN SIZES HEAVY DUTY DUCK OLIVE-DRAB COLOR SNAP FASTENED PANTS OR JACKET NOW FOR ONLY MAIN FLOOR $5. ea. WOMEN'S JERSEY KNIT SLIPS IN WHITES AND PASTELS FAST WASHING, QUICK DRYING IMAGINE! RAYON JERSEY AT ONLY MAIN FLOOR 100 PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M.