1 Police Guard CIO Union Hall New York. Nov. 17 UR) A special detail of 55 police guard , ed the headquarters building and ' hiring hall of the National Mari time union (CIO) today to pre vent fist-swinging outbreaks be tween left-wing and right-wing seamen. NMU Vice President Adrian Duffy said any new attempt by left-wingers to barricade the building might delay the sailings of some of the 14 ships sched uled to leave port today by par alyzing hirings and shipping of NMU seamen from the Port of New York. More than 700 riot ous seamen besieged the build ing yesterday and kept 60 per sons, including Duffy, virtual prisoners for 10 hours. Fifty patrolmen commanded by five sergeants stood guard duty outside the NMU's six-story building throughout the night and were relieved by fresH de tails in the morning. Duffy and Joseph Moutal, 26, a union patrolman, were kicked and beaten by shouting and boo ing demonstrators who gathered to protest the union's anti-communist resolutions passed at its September convention and the ousting of various union officers during the past week. Both were hospitalized. Union officials expected more action tonight when an expected 8000 NMU seamen assemble for a general membership meeting. Donald Drummond, ousted port agent for the NMU, said char ges would be brought then against Joseph Curran, anti communist union president, and M. Hedley Stone, NMU interna tional secretary-treasurer, char ging them with violating six ar ticles of the union constitution, was dissatisfied with the Jury at it stood. For a luncheon salad add small cheese cubes to a mixture of diced apples, celery and may onnaise. Fold in broken walnut meats ut before serving. Pageant Slated Friday Night A cast of more than 80 will present pageant In the Bush school auditorium at 8 o'clock Friday night in commemoration of the SOth anniversary of St. John's Lutheran church, locat ed at 1-flih and A. Twelve scenes will be enact ed: the founding, the ladies aid, the choir, the young people's so ciety, the school, the Lutheran Laymen's league, the modern choir, the Lutheran Women's Guild, the Walther League, the Sunday school and synod and mission. The Rev. Emil Becker is au thor and narrator of the scrlnt. Mrs. William H. Fischer is gen eral chairman and William H. Fischer is in charge of music. No admission will be charged and the general public is invited. The church was organized In 1899 by Rev. Losser with six Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Thurftdar, Nor. IT, 1949 U men as the original voting membership. Rev. H. W. Gross Is pastor of the congregation which is af filiated with the Missouri synod. Ripe avocado Is delicious mashed fine and seasoned with salt. DeDDer. a little win vln. gar and finely grated onion; us as a spread for potato chips or 'small crisp crackers. Cub Pack No. 11 Meets Friday Eve First meeting of the year for Cub Pack 11, sponsored by the Englewood PTA, will be held Friday night at 7:30 at the school. Robert B. Wright will serve as cubmaster in place of Ralph Pickering, former cub- master for a number of years, now living at Woodburn. Five dens are already meet ing regularly in charge of the folowing den mothers and as sistants: Mrs. George Kanz and Mrs. Leo Dumler, Mrs. B. L. Trelstad and Mrs. Lee Haskins, Mrs. Verne Reimann and Mrs. D. T. Kelley, Mrs. Edwin Mc Ewen and Mrs. George E Osko, Mrs. Lloyd B. Miller and Mrs. J. Victor Reno. Cubmas t e r Wright reports enough boys of cubbing age are available to form six more dens providing den mothers can be secured. Boys between the ages of 8 and 11, living in the Engle wood district who are interested in cubbing and their parents are invited to attend the Friday meeting. Chester Waite and George Shaw are serving as committee men for Pack 11 with Harold Douris, institutional representative. Bridges Jury May Be Chosen Today San Francisco, Nov. 17 U.R) Federal Judge George B. Harris hoped a jury would be chosen today to try CIO Longshore Chief Harry Bridges but defense and prosecution attorneyi were not so sure. A jury of 12 persons was seat ed tentatively yesterday and four alternates had to be chosen before the trial could get under way. The prosecution had used on ly two of its six challenges and the defense only four of its 10. And both sides were making ab solutely sure of getting a jury to their liking. "I hope and expect we'll have a Jury impaneled by Thursday," Harris said. Defense and prose cution answered a weak "yes." But outside of court, Defense At torney Vincent Hallinan said he Lucky says- beat SHAMZOCK POTATO CHIPS FOR FLAVOR" EH, PATRICK) J fllllil mt jour Own "OaBJ Such an important occasion as your Thanksgiving din ner calls for the finest in foods. So when you plan your shopping for the big event, remember that Safeway C7f i Plan your (imnmfmma around (these IWWuISH values offers foods of such excellent quality that we guarantee every item to please you. Enjoy this extra assurance when you shop for the holiday. (pALCCA. StffsdtWSL ihhuL next UtsucL. Baking Needs, etc. FLOUR Kitchen Craft 10-lb sack 85 HOT ROLL MIX Pillsbury Pkg. 27 PUMPKIN Moonbeam No. 2Vi can 215 MINCEMEAT Borden's 28-oz. jar 35' PITTED DATES Dromedary VA-oz. 25 COCOANUT Dromedary Shred., 8-oz. 29 ALLSWEET MARGARINE Lb. 27' PARKAY MARGARIN E, Color Kwik, lb. 31 NUCOA MARGARINE Mb. pkg. 27 SUNNYBANK MARGARINE l ib. pkg. 29 Your TURKEY SAYE TIME WORK MONEY WITH A SAFEWAY OVEN-READY TURKEY Price is figured on the waste-free, pan-ready weight. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. GRADE A.. GRADE A ,. m. HENS, lb- c TOMS, LOIN Nuts, Candies, etc. OREGON WALNUTS Mediums Lb. 35 ALMONDS Blue Diamond 1-lb. pkg. 39 BRAZIL NUTS 1-lb. pkg. 39 OREGON FILBERTS 1-lb. pkg. 29 MIXED NUTS Sunset Fancy 1-lb. pkg. 35 LARGE PECANS Funster. 1-lb. 49 ALMOND CLUSTERS 7-oz. pkg. 29 FLUFF-I-EST Marshmallows, Mb. pkg. 25 JELLO DESSERTS Gelatins 4 pkgs. 29 JELL-WELL GELATINS 4 pkgs. 25 Del Monte Peas EARLY No. 303 GARDEN Can 15 SUGAR Brown or Powdered Mayonnaise BEST FOODS Pin Quality femous Jar 39c Chickens WASTE-FREE PAN-READY Fryers lb. 69e Roasters lb. 69 Stewers lb. 65e Pork Roast The finest of Pork Roasts ff. at the lowest price in U jcQ years. Loin or Rib end a47 cut. Pork Chops c' lb. 49e SKINNED HAMS iX2i SK" lb. 49' Rib Roast. Grd, Good, lb. 75e Comm., lb. 65' Ifflf Pan " Ready Rabbits lb 69' trimmed waste-Free Sausaae p0rk lb. 45 Oysters Swift rr.mium Mtd. CAc lil.l pint be Sure of FRESH COFFEEl AIRWAY Flavor iLd In fj th. wrtoi.-bMn NOB HILL it .;59' h?-l.l7 2-lb. C.....A ,..k Mb.aV'JC Baa 1 'I I wh.n you buy. ''JV leAU Hills Bros., MJB, Maxwell House, Chose & Sanborn, l lb. (aC VISIT OUR MODERN Frozen Foods DenarimenH S i OUR NEW DRUG SECTION. TOO! m DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS No. 2 can 45c GREEN BEANS Santiam No. 2 can 22 FANCY PEAS, Sugar Belle, No. 303 cant 225 NIBLETS CORN Whole Kernel I2-oi. can Ige CRAB MEAT Brigade 7-ox. can 50e OYSTERS Breakwater 4-oi. 43c LARGE SHRIMP Shady River 5-oi. 49e SALAD DRESSING Duchess Pint 31c TILLAMOOK CHEESE Par lb. 65c FRUIT COCKTAIL Hostess, No. Vi 29 FRUIT COCKTAIL Libby. 303 can 17 CRANBERRY JELLY Ocean Spray 2 cans 25c MARASCHINO CHERRIES S&W ox. 33c PEACHES Del Monte halves, 22 can 29 DEL MONTE PEARS Choice, 2', can 30 APPLE JUICE Hood River Quart 20 STUFFED OLIVES Grandee l ot. bot. 37 KARO SYRUP Red Label 5-lb. can 55( I KARO SYRUP Blue Label a ,D- t0" Cranberries, Cefery, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, efc. Cranberries credit to any meal! ,8d8 lb. 17c Tokay Grapes KV retty as a picture! 2 lbs. 25c Grapefruit Ariz, white lb. 8c Texas Pinks lb. 15c CRISCO Far Ev.rythinf you fry r b.U S 79c Swift'ning The perfect 3-lb. shortening Con 69c TREND For ell' "'"-d Q your washing ""kfl M4T DATES 1 lb. cello pkg. 29 C ORANGES, Navel lb. He PEARS, Sweet, Ripe lb. 9c CALAVO, AVOCADOES, lb. 49c BROCCOLI, Bright lb. 10 CAULIFLOWER lb. 10c CHINA LETTUCE lb. 9c GREEN ONIONS, RADISHES bunch 5 c LETTUCE, Snappy lb. 1 2c ONIONS, Broilers, 10 lb. ik39c ONIONS, Yellow lb. 6c PARSNIPS lb. 9c TOMATOES 14 Crisp Juicy Apples 2 b. 15c 2 b. 15c 1.59 Delicious Red Romei Spitxenburg Big Box oi. CELLO PKG. Sweet Potatoes 2 u. 23 Yams 2 23 POTATOES usn 0.1 Grade 10-lb. Sack 4C 25-lb. sock 8VC s I ill 1 l rJi. sLi -i Isti t CELERY Crispy Pascal "g lb. J I CELERY 1 A 23C HEARTS, lb. 1ZC ; SQUASH Danish, lb. 3C ' Hubbard, M . Marblehead, lb. 4C I Distributed by PHIL SCHNELL DISTRIBUTING CO. 180 Bellevue Ph. 13608