18 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.; Thursday, Nov. 17, 1949 Indian Joe Loses Nod After Battling Route Indian Joe Fet. went the full distance with Joey Ortefa and wai In there punching at the final font, but Referee Packer McFarland didn't have to call on hit crystal ball to determine that the more experienced Port- lander bad won. Pete and Ortega, assigned the 10 round main event of Wednes day night's VFW card, were un marked at the end of their en gagement and one had the feel ing that Ortega was doing little but giving his redskin opponent a boxing lesson. There were no knockdowns and after the second round Ortega had the ad vantage all of the way. His weaving, ducking and rolling style had Pete pretty much baf fled. The Mel Eagleman-Larry Reagan lightweight semi-final engagement was the outstand ing event of the better than average card. The boys went six round to a draw and there wasn't a dull moment as they slashed and hammered away. There was no punch pulling In this on. and while neither was In danger at any time th. spectator, had th. feeling that on. or th. other might drop at any moment. Each packed lot of authority instde his gloves. Dick Collie lost to veteran Johnny O'Day via the TKO rout, at the start of the fourth when McFarland decided that a "butterfly" cut over Collie's left eye was too bad to permit nis continuance. Brave Junior declsloned Johnny Brown in four heats in th. lightweight division. Junior, a hard hitter, sent Brown reeling as the gong sounded the end of the second and again in the fourth had Brown on the floor for a count of nine. A badlv damaged nose caufwri Joe Pack of Salem to drop out of his encasement with Tnnv Daca in the second round of the first preliminary. Daca, consid erably vounaer. had (he niam throughout. Rumor Portland to Drop Playoff for Seattle Mix (Br the AiMcMt4 rru Rumor of a post-season meet ing between city high school football champions of Portland and Seattle were disclosed in the Oregon city Tuesday night and promptly denied in Seattle. The report was published in the Prep Patter column of the Oregonian. The newspaper said Portland schools are thinking of dropping out of the annual Oregon title playoff because the sponsoring Oregon High School Bevos' Carpenter Aims at Ground Record Saturday Corvallls, Ore., Nov. 17 ) With 925 yards already be hind him. Ken Carpenter will be shooting for the 1,000 yards gained mark this Saturday when he and his Oregon State teammates square off against Oregon at Eugene. It would be a new record for Oregon State if he succeeds. Activities Association takes a 75 per cent cut of the receipts. It had been suggested, th. re port Continued, that Portland and Seattle teams tannin in post-season clash each year. The iwo top teams would meet in one city and the runnersup in the two leaauea mertlno In th other. In Seattle. Athletic nirfnl. Leon Briffham ripjurlhori th proposal as "news to me," but followed that up by saying that "such a plan has been rejected by the Seattle school administra tion." 'We have our annual Thank. giving dav game her nH u, feel obligated to bring one of the best teams from the state here to play the Seattle champion." Army Declines Bowl Invitation Miami, Fla Nov. 17 ( The Army's unbeaten and untied football team won't play In the Orange Bowl or any other post-season gam. - Official announcement that the West Point Military Acad emy will continue Its policy of not participating in post-season games was mad. Tuesday in a telegram from Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray to John S. Knight, editor and publisher of the Miami Herald. Knight had approached the Army In an effort to get th. ca det team for Miami's New Year's day game. Every business day, British post office, now sell 23,000,000 stamps. Bui Ifflf'rfar-in."''!1 " r" Foxhounds for Italy Lt. Col. R. Mainwaring (left), of Ireland, and the pilot quiet a pack of foxhounds sent by air from British and Irish clubs to huntsmen In Italy. SCORES in the ALLEYS , (Coapitn lUialU) University Alleys STATE HOUSE LEAGUE Printeri OKPD ) KreJcl 49. Mllner 460, Kltill 4(4, B. Ston 444, MeCrarr 464. HUhwatr, Slt N. 1 () GrllMlu 434, F. Towle 348, O. Kftner 430, WUlUau 443, LeTrnur 443. Iniuitrlftl AceUUti. Ms. 1 Ajhbr 4J7, Vvent 6ftl. Oalligher 464. Hirrt 434, Ou.itfon 487. Tas Cora minion inn Oroaa 408, Wei Ml 330, Muon 381, Robb i, Jo union 464, Foretirf N. 25 ( Ewtnr 444. Oartz 485, Hanntman 404. Phipp 294, Maul 415. ftecralarr mt MtaU 10 3 Miller 327. Klni 807. Orant 4tt, PofMr 437, 8cfiultz 433. naaitrlal Acelitnl N. l (l) Buchan an 313, Form an 394. Oerdon 4W, Savaaa 387, Baiter 839. Library (ll Hlllerlch 487, Walti 484, Rran 438, Reed 39, Ellin MS. Tat Com million N. 1M (t wallare 2. Protbatal 418. Oaborn 401. Batter 328, Bterett 409. Hlah tnd. fame, Otor Baker 23). High team am, Induatrlal Accident No. 3. Miah IndlrldJal aerlea, West 331. Duckpin Bowling MEN' AUTOMOTIVE LEA (ICE L4er Bra. . Burratt 403. Prank Ohakarun 888. Art Weelkc 316, Bill Bhuck 332, Dewer Baumaart 324. Valler Motors mi vern boock job, boo Burna 373. Ar nold lfolmaa 391, Al Wolf 324, Glenn fichrortr 428. Oil S. Wllian f1 Shorty Wtlllama 289. Harr w ion 310. Dor van Holt 382. Davt Moon 384, M. Van Dell 409. Hhraek Malara ) Bob Bhuck 338. Al Walen 422, Morris Rom 307, Ed Burton 378, Dava rerruit joj. DoHf MeKar 1 Bob fry 333, Bud Readr 333. Wall Doa 173, Herbert Berry 293. Don Bower 414. Tearna Motor. (3) Lewie NelAon 474, Ed Lyla 3"?, Bill Hum by 443, Mike Fleck 317, HubcT. Mink 357. Warner Molore (I)) Stmd Spttle 348, Branch 380. Warne Bparka 349. P. B. Churchman 290. Ed Owen 323. 8 lan Baker (41 Johnny Cooter 439. Bill Campbell 431, Frank jonea 330, Dauaa Kjaer 402, Prank BneUrove 332. Huh team aerlea. Dodge 1944. Hlsh team Kimt, Dodxc 711. Hlth indlrMual aerlea. Lewie Nelson (Kainer-Praieri 474. Hlth individual lime, Don Bower 1 Cadillac) 200. Man Kilted In Collision Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 17 U.R) The Pendleton, Ore., airport control tower operator was kill ed last night when the automo bile he was driving collided with a truck on the highway west of here. Nominations Made for UP All-American Team (Bt United Praaa) A list of candidates for the United Press Ail-American foot ball team was released today for use of sports editors prelimin ary to a poll. Votes of editors throughout the nation will result In the final All-American selections in the UP survey. Following Is the list. Enda AUU, Mlchlaan: Andenon, Indi ana: APPkini. Waahiniton: Bauer. Mon tana: Bacman. Dartmouth; Baaovwh, Cali fornia: Biakeiy, nouinern Memoaui: voo Dfr. Denver: Deroae. Fit tabu rah: Dlttmar, Iowa: Duncan. Wake Poraat: Baron, Duke: Elliott, Vlnlnla: FtM h el, Arkaruaa: Fold- bera. Army: Grant. Minneaota: uninn. Oeorila Tech: Hart, Notre Dame; Hat chett. Rut i era: Henneaay, Bant Clara: laon. Baylor: Kolaterman, Loyola, CU; Loehleln. Army: Martin, Miami ria.i; McColl, Stanford: MInarek, Mich if an State; Mooreman. Teaaa Chriatlan: O'Qulnn. Wake Poreat; PoUfoot. Waah- inf ton State; poweil, Mortn caronna. Proctor. Teaaa: Puk, Cornell: Rataiao, William and Mary: Rhode. Colleae of Pa cific; Roblnaon, Oreaon: Rom, Stanford: Rowe. Dartmouth: schnittaer. onto state; Sherrod, Tenneaaee: Btrlbltnt, MUalulppI; Sullma. Boston university: Van Pool, Oklahoma A. and M.: Welner. North Caro lina: Wiihtkln. Notre Dame: Wllklna, UCLA: Wllllama, Rice: WUnewakI, Mlcftl can. Tacklea Acheraon. Army: Allen. Duke; Bird. Southern California: Bolkerlc, Pttu burah; Coleman. Mlchlian State: Collier. Southern MethodUt: Colo, Brown; Costa, North Carolina State: Creekmur. William and Mary; Cullom, California: Don an, Princeton: Olan, Kentucky: Oeorae, Wake Foreat: Heller. Boaton Unlveraity: John aon, Vlnlnla; R. Johnaon, St. Mary'a: Klllaaaard, Idaho: Koatch. Wyomlnt; Krouae, Maryland: Lea. Tulanai Loon, Ne vada: Lunner. Arkanau: Martin. Notre Dame: McOraw, Colorado: Mundlnaer, Minneaota: Murphy, Rica; Nomelltnl. Min neaota: O'ffarlon. Ohio State; Overaaard, Idaho; Palln, Princeton; Rau, Stanford: Roberta. Baylor: Stautner, Boaton Col leae: Toneff, Notre Dame: Turner, Cali fornia: Vann, Southern Met hod la ti Walk er, Oklahoma; Waltera, Brown i W la tart, Mlohlcan. Ouarda Bagdon, Michigan State; Banka, Iowa: Barkouakle, Pittaburih; Burna. No tre Dame; Clcla, Wake Foraat: Crawford, MlaaLutppl: Danlela, Oreaon; DeBylvla, Oregon State: Dodrlll, Colorado A. and M.: Dudeck, North Carolina: Drazenovlch, Penn State: Dye, Wake Forest: Fran. California; Halllday, Southern Methodist: Heneveld. Michigan: Hicks, Texaa Chris tian: Hodaah, Brown; Houston, Harvard; Jablonskl, Tale: Kaseman, Army: Ludln, Minnesota: McDowell, William and Mary. McFadln. Ten as: MarMkl, Fordciim; Ma son. Michigan State: Murray, Putdue: Musser. North Carolina Stat; Payne, Georgia: Roberts. Arkansas: Roberts. Rica: Salvatl, Bolton University: Bchwartt. Rice: Schwedcr, Pennsylvania; Shaver. Vanderbtlt; Sterlln. Santa Cla ra: Stone, Baylor: Swop. Southern Cali fornia: Tllton. Nevada: Toneff, Ohio ftte: Wennemaker, Kentucky: Ward. Maryland: Ward. Wyoming: West. Okla homa: Wltuckl, Indiana: Wolfe. Texas. Centers Carn ag hi. Purdue: Casta tnoll, Stanford: Fucha. Missouri: Oardner, Utah; Orlfftn, Arkansas: Grotheus. Notre Dame: Hlah tower. Southern Methodist: Hlckock, Princeton; Ho Wash, North Carolina; Kane, Collage of Pacific: Kvnes. Plorlda: Llnln aer, Ohio State; McLaughlin. U.S.L.A.: Moor. Clemson; Novak. Nebraska; O'Sul llvan, Alabama: Perklnaon, Drake; Rehn, Washing ton: RIchter. California: Rowan. Texas; Staley. Dartmouth: Taucher, Wy oming; loiaut. Nortn Carolina Stat; Toler, San Francisco; Tonnemaker, Min neaota: Vohaaka. Illinois; Watson, Ricat Wietecha, Northwcsterni Wilson, Wis-conain. BaekaAgganlJ. Boston Unlvaratt! Baa. neil. Pennsylvania; Berry. Texas Chris tian: Blackbourn. Wisconsin; Bratnell, M.asouri; Burk, Baylor; Buraoa, North western: Bye. Minnesota; Cain, Army; Campbell. Texaa: Carpenter, Oregon Stale; Ccoconi. Pittsburgh: Celerl. Call. lorois; u nana now, Mienigan sute; Choi let, Cornell; Clark, Ohio State; Clay, Tex as; Clayton. Dartmouth; Cloud, William Mary: Cone, Clemson: Conn. George town; Coutre. Notre Dame; Coi, Duke: Cross, Washington State: Cutis, Syra cuse; Davis. Syracuse: Deuber. Pennsy). vania; Dohenr. Pordham; Doraett, Cor nell: Dottley. Mlsslasippi: Drahm, Iowa; Euheverry, Denver: Faucett, Colorado A. and M.: Fleuchmann. Cornell; Pitkin. Dartmouth: Gallffa. Arm: ntnriAn m.. sourl; Orandellua, Michigan State:' Ore iw. wane forest: Grl malar. Rutaara; Haynea. Santa Clara: Hunslnger, Florida; Jackson. Yale: Johnson. U.C.L.A.i Jor dan, Georgia Tech; Justice. North Caro lina; Karras, Illinois; Kaimaler, Prince ton: Kempt horn. Ulehlfta! Kerciteg, Purdua; Koccjkl. Michigan: KraU. Ohio aute; Lavine, Maryland; Lan trip, Rical U baron. College of Pacific; Lex. William a nd Mary; Lew Is, Oreg on : Lit 1 1 ford, Tennessee: Loaue. Arkansas) Martin, Southern Calll oi ma; Mather, New Hamp shire: Matson. San Francisco: Matthews, Clemson; McElhenny. wasninxton: moo talewskl. Maryland; Mooney, North Car olina State: Monuon. Ohw Statai Mura kowskL Northwettern: Muiaco, Loyola iCal.); Otmann. Michigan; Osborne. Ne vada; Papil. Vtrsinia; ParUU. Kentucky; Paaquarkllo, Villanova; J. Paterno, Brown; Paul. Washington St ate l Pearson. Oklahoma; Petriuka, WtsconaUii Phillips, Mississippi Southern: Powers, Southern California; Price. Tulane; Relcnardt, Iowa: Rogel. Peon State; Romanics, Villanova; K. Rote, Southern MethodUt: T. Rote. Rice: Hoval. Oklahoma: Balam. Alabama: Sebek, Indiana; Sella. Princeton: Stuo. Notre Dam; Songln, Boston coueie: Smith. Texaa A. and M.: Stella. Oregon: Stephenson, Army; Szulborskt, Purdue; Talboom. Wyoming; TidwelL Auburn: Thomas. Oklahoma: Walker, Southern Hetnoniat: wneian, Boston university: Williams. Notre Dame; Wraith. Santa Clara; Zalejskl, Notre Dame, Zastrow, Navy. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Nov. 19 Nov i a ) Partill tn Krntilrkr whin- Ikrjr? Then fnjoT lh rirh Kraturky fliivor a( Mniir bnn tie Luxr! 1 bis (kliriou. xliinkcr is 6f lute In lt. and qualilT. 1 17 it today. L'2 NtlKfiil DWIIIsis Predwti CowttkM.N.Y. 16 1 Prool SI Ktntvcky Strlifhl BtHitbon ftMlkir 49 finin Ntulisl Spirits BUGGEST LITTLE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF BEEF HEARTS BEEF TONGUES VEAL HEARTS U.S. Govt. Ins. Pork,TTSausage I BEEF KOASTS I T-BONE STEAKS I SLICED BACON u..6...,n.. 3c ax ib45c .59c s-'L-y;:, 49c AGEDCHEESE shortribsof w. .mi h. QX jjlj CHEDDER BEEF BEEF LIVER Or.rY..r mq "'OC U. S. Govt. 4Q C Old lb. 4C Brais. XDC lb. Inspected ZC lb. Fresh Dally WE HAVE FRYERS, BOILING CHICKENS, BAKING CHICKENS, RABBITS, TURKEYS GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Cauliflower ,12' No. 1 Snow Whit. GRAPEFRUIT 5c Ariiona D.st.rt Each U. S. No. 1 SPUDS it- 10 4r MARGARINE 2 -b. 45c Moyflow.r Cranberry Sauce 2 cam 29C Freshest Thing In Town OUR EGGS Grad. A rJ Medium JSiC doi. MAYONNAISE 39c fu Pint B.it Foods Walnul Meats Now Crop 39c pkg. RADIANT FRUIT MIX ft 49c PITTED OLIVES 31c Can No. 1 Con Sweet Potatoes 2 con, 45c cam ' Elilnor. BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 3p,.. 1.00 PINEAPPLE Sliced, Chunks, . Crush.d JUICE Campbell's Soup Tomato 3 cam 29C NONESUCH MINCEMEAT oV" 41c IGA rj! Store I' Hot Master Bread, Hot Rolls, Every Day at 4 P. M. BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays, 8 A.M. 'til 6:30 P.M. IGA Store aim lo. 10:40 ..m. 1.0 4:34 ..la. 1.0 11:39 p.m. 7.1 :34 p.m. -03 11:33 .m. (.1 1:14 t.m. 1.4 I II p.m. -1.0 0:33 B 11 0:04 a.m. 1 1 1:18 i n. 1.3 0:40 a.m. 31 13:40 p.m. 0.0 1:40 P.m. -1.0 Revenuers Want Phog to Specify Dodging Players Washington, Nov. 17 tU.R) The internal revenue bureau would like to hear from Dr. Forrest C. (Pho() Allen If th. Kansas university basketball coach knows of any amateur athletes who have failed to pay their Income taxes. Allen said a few days afo that th. bureau, "within thre. years," will crack down on amateur athlete and that col lege president, will b. sur prised at what they hear. A bureau spokesman Mid that "we won't wait thre. years if Dr. Allen has any In formation h. thinks w. ought to have." But he was Inclined to dis miss Allen's complaint of $10,000 to $20,000 Incomes for amateur athletes as "so much Intercollegiate bickering." pho. 1 mn I dYa M M L-W! 1288 8-6489 P. YfVr. ' CStaL St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Plenty of value her. for thrifty shoppers: quality and freshness assured. A complete variety oi meats, iisn ana poultry. Hi Folks! These prices will be in effect till next Wed. The day before Thanksgiving. W. hop. you will find her. everything you need. As In the past your holiday orders will re ceive special care. W. would appreciate them as early as possible. Freshly Ground Fr.sh Country JA Hamburger ib Sausage ib X EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD beef ;. c 3QC Steaks I ?It jlOc ROAST Rump t Rib. Ib. ' Pork Roast . . Ib. 39c Pork Chops . . Ib. 49c Veal Roast . . lb. 39c Veal Steaks . . Ib. 49c WE WILL HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF THE FINEST TURKEYS at the FAIREST PRICES To procure tha best, pleas, place your order nowl HAW Specially priced. Buy one of these for a grand holidoy dinner .b 49c PICNIC HAMS Thanksgiving dinner Ib. 39c Prime Rib Roast . Ib. 49c FRESH FISH Red Snapper Fillets.... Northern Halibut Steaks Chinook Salmon Steak lb. 29 lb. 39 lb. 49c Please Give us Your Order for Ducks Hens Fryers and Rabbits Sirloin Tip Roast Ib. 59c Fresh Pork Links Ib. 49c DUCKS young & tender... lb. 59( RABBITS pan ready Ib. 59' Young Hens dressed, drawn Ib 53 Colored Fryers dressed each 1.45 I AnCD DECC CBCsfl Al Eotrn 0re9" Hereford. LUIIVCK BCCr jrCUALl-ean, young and tender. . .lb. 29c rxn JV FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Phone 2-9237 SWEET POTATOES Fine Quality. 3,25c LETTUCE a TOc POTATOES frST.....29c CELERY L,rge, creen e.ch 10c Cranberries W.G 19c ORANGES .35. 2 a... 35c 1 CABBAGE Loca, .ollg , 2c GRAPEFRUIT a..r1?. .och 5C PEAS 2fof19c PUMPKIN 2e.n. 15c YES TISSUE" 27c he Crust Mixffiy.35c SPRINX Decorations . . pk. 22c Royal Puddings 4nkM 25c hllllV Farm Fresh Strictly Guaranteed t liWJ Grade A Medium p0I. Ji BREADS, w" 19c Frozen Peas Vr .. .23c OLEO Enrlch,d 45c I NESCAFE jffff 45c TUNA FLAKES Fin. Quality No. i tint each 25c SNOWDRIFT ,U!iTb"nCT" TrtJul ATH IllirP K'0r WITin W WBSB 4R TIDE os. tin ...25c Redeem Your CouDoni Her. t MAYONNAISE K1-1 39c CAKE MIX 33c CHICKENS For Frylnt Dressed, Cut 1 l'p quick Froien .....ach Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Nov. 17-18-19 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th Stat. Sts. Plenty of FREE Parking.