area council meeting on Thurs day in the Emmanuel Lutheran church at Silverton. Four Comers Unit Plans Azalea House Apron Sale Four Corners, Nov. 18 The Four Corner! home extension unit met at the Community hall, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay in charge, j Mrs. Ernest Walker requested that aprons for the benefit sale or Azalea house must be in by Decern be i 1. Miss Betty Boetticher, 'county agent at large assisting county extension agent Miss Elea nor Trindle, gave the demon stration on "Window Treat ment." '. Girtst for the afternoon was Miss Anne Bergholz. county ex tension agent (4-H). There were 23 members and 13 guests present. The unit will not meet in December. The next meet ing will be January -17. Host esses for the day were Mrs. Wil liam Brown, Mrs. Stuart Johns, and Mrs. Ross Chrisman. A meeting of the Girl Scouts troop 42 was held after school in the Community hall. The present membership is 23 with all present at this meeting. Au drey Miller became a member. The present project is making felt lapel pins. Leaders of the troop are Mrs. Raymond Hough and Mrs. Earl Thulin, they have attended the leaders' training course in the Methodist church in Salem. Mrs. Hough and Mrs. Thulin and Mrs. Robert Burns, leader of the Brownie troop 107, attended an Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 17, 194915 Couple Leap Safely To Escape S. P. Train Canby, Ore., Nov. 17 W An Oregon City couple leaped to safety last night from their au tomobile just before a Southern Pacific passenger train demol ished the car at the Barlow crossing. State police said Mr and Mrs. John McCann, Rt. l", Oregon City, were unhurt. Their car had stalled on the tracks. Train crewmen of the Shasta Limited worked for an hour clearing the automobile wreck age from under the engine. The crash delayed the train's arrival in Portland from 11:30 p. m. un til 12:20 a.m.. & J J. m CLOTHES SHOP ten, Says: r....i Ujou re ouucRiji If You Waited Till Now TO BUY YOUR New Fall Clothes Because Now You Can Buy The SUIToTOPCOAT YOU WANT AT 20 Below Our Fall Opening Prices Not just odds ond ends, broken , lots, dead stock or closeouts. But, your unrestricted choice of the finest, most expensive fabric! and tailoring in a large and com plete stock of all new Fall colon, in every pattern, color and weave you want. Sizes to fit all regu lar, short, stout and tall. Every tuit and topcoat in the store in cluded. Nothing reserved. Your choice of over 1000 garments all to go at 20 below our original, regular, plainly marked prices. OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 O'CLOCK Before You Buy, Bt Surt to See Theie Superfine Quality, 100 Wool Worsted SUITS Were $40, $45, $50, $55, $60, $65, $70, $75 NOW $22, $36,$40, $44, $48, $52, $60 Fine sharkskins, tick weaves, diagonals, gabardines, stripes and solid colors in 1 and 2 pants suits oil sixes. SEE THESE SUPER QUALITY 100 Wool Covert and Gabardine TOPCOATS Were $35, $40, $45 and $50 NOW $28, $32, $36 AND $40 Wrinkle-resisting, practical match for your suit ward robe . . . cravenette rain proof. Tan, teals, browns! Single breasted models, fly front! Regulars, short and longs. STACKS OF Slacks & Pants Gabardines, coverts, wor steds, sharkskins and tweeds in the richest fall colors . . sizes 28 to 44 . . . Were $12 to $22.00 . . , magic priced. Now $740,o 1495 CHELSON FINE Fur Hats In new fall shapes and col ors. Exclusively hand made by union craftsmen. Former ly $7.50 and $10.00. New low prices now. Now $500 to $750 You'll Find It Pays All Ways to Buy Your Clothes at J. J.'s SALEM'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN f Open Friday Night Till 9 O'Clock J. J. Clothes Shop 387 STATE ST. ' ! doors west of Liberty St., next to Hartman's Jewelry Store . - v .. . I . . . i t tr , , .. t iwji "jj f'7-5 f" Othe XVVyX X XyV.".'T. ! P - MM. la . - k MM Mfrnfinriii.Tniw pn -s. i i 117 U AD1CT f Rnfr Fwwf A. A A M, tffft rUULIKY at I" V I ii W Your IGA Store I JSS. - i.nnir h i rri m m ivjm orgnu 41 "V J- I' I I II J IGA OR ELSINORE I PUMPKIN I k 3na 25c J I Fancy Grade Jm Sno-Kreem SHORTENING 3 can 75c SPECIAL LOW PRICE yi MeMpoea clerel V, IMSOOM ssh 2 aajsji, it par at r4 2 Clip F4 Milk 1 cap cooked e can nod pusbbUm 9 KblpPM eWk Coconut Pumpkin Chiffon Pio Broadcast: November 12, 1949 1 cup. EUkar'a Coconut 1 '. UblMCMCM an flavored ! tablswpooeia cola Vt cup brown sugar lightly Parked 1 faaipoM cinnsaoi Yl toaspoon ouiiime, Spread coconut thinly m bolting hect. Place in modcracclf slew om (330 F.) and toast about 10 min., or until light brown. Stir now and than to toast even If. Soften gelatin in cold water. Mis brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, clove and sale Stir in mixture of slightly beaten egg yolks, milk, pumpkin and molasses. Place over boiling water; cook and stir 5 min., or until slightly thickened. Stir in soft ened gelatin until dissolved. Remove from heat; cover; chill until slightly thicker than unbeaten egg whites. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and Va cup toasted coconut. Put into a cold 9-in. baked pastry shell. Sprinkle with re maining toasted coconut. Chill until firm. OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry SAUCE SPECIAL LOW PRICE Whole or M 300 Size M 1&JIL Strained ft Cans IGA Asst. Flavors f JELL IT . 3C 69c or. Flour Enriched io ib. bo9 03C 15c 20c Lindsay Medium Ripe em PITTED OLIVES Lit You'll make a hit with these ripe olives. No pits to worry about. Special low price too. Elsinore ' Ok BW SWEET POTATOES Z .... 45C Complete your dinner with thes efancy delicious Elsinore brand Sweet Potatoes. RITZ CRACKERS ib pi, 29c Nolhint tastes as rood at Kits but Ritz. Snowdrift atA SHORTENINGsib.ean C New emulsorized Snowdrift. Redeem your Snowdrift coupons at your IGA Store. 14 IGA Maraschino Cherries 3 4 IGA Brand Mince Meat 9o,.Pk9. IGA Brand fk Salt Plain or lodixed M w Powdered LW A Hemo Drink your vitamins WW Sunshine Nobility Cookies Pound Pkg. Swifts Prem Luncheon Meat . . Armour's Star 53c 39c A M I Liver Spread 3, ox. can . . I4C .1 Armour's Star ) Deviled Ham 3Vi ox. can IGA Brand Fruit Cocktail 8 ox. can sr W 19c PET MILK 2 - 23c mm cans aW PILLSBURY PIE CRUST MIX 2 35c ! Mff... n L ' SIS'. Popcorn (m ; 3C with coupon large pkg. Redeem Coupons at IGA Stores WITH COUPON 12c Redeem WITH COUrOM BAKERS COCONUT 4 ox. pkg. 19c BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Pint 39c A m ySS-iX V-oupons I saf at IGA Stores I D L IVORY SOAP, Buy 1 Large Bar 14, 1 Reg. Bar 8 Get 1 Personal Free - With Coupon SAVE AT IGA STORES Highland Market Ken Golliet tOO Highland Ave. Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Pearson's Food Mkt. Brdwy. & Mkt.. Open Sunday 294 No. Commercial Scio Food Market Model Food Market Sclo. Oregon m Nort High su Quality Food Mkt. Central Cash Market 17th and Center Monmouth, Oregon Carter's Market Ronner's Grocery 17th and Market St. Cervals. Oregon State Street Market Equall's Grocery 1130 State 8U rTvwlbnrn. Oregon Lemmons Market Independence Food Market 591 No. Com'l. Independence. Oregoa BORDENS NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT mm packaaes 43c packages CHOCOLATE COVERED rUCD D ICC light or dark V-ntiMM t J Satin Finish lb, il I I 0"O 59c FRESH HYDRATED mm DATES UPkl 33C ELSINORE FRL'IT M p COCKTAIL NoI1,r.n 35C ELSINORE Whole Kernel j mmm CORN No. 303 can " for Special for Friday and Saturday CALIF YAMS Buy lor your Thanks giving dinner at this low price lbs L. S. No. 1 POTATOES Deschutes If Ib. A J ' brand. Top quality IV bag tC 7c 2Ihs.19c FRESH CELERY Crisp sweet and tender POUND EMPEROR (iKAPES For you center piece , SI MUST tiRAPEI Rl'lT Get your (ill of ' vitamin C to ward off colds EACH DELK IOCS APPLES Double O 0" red, extra fancy grade J lbs.C EQUALL'S CROC. On 99E Highway Woodburn, Oregon H m ml sTm s- 5c TJr H This IGA STORE Owned and operated by Ray Equall and son Don. It has long had the reputation of HAVING LOW PRICES EVERY DAY on item after Item throughout the store. These LOW PRICES compare with City Super Market Prices. Many people In Woodburn and surrounding territory know this to he a fact, mi you too can save money by shopping regularly at Equall's Grocery for staple grocer ies, rrrh meat and frrh fruits and vegetables. Your satisfaction Is guaranteed and savings await you.