14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nor. 17, 1949 Ft u i ,n jt 5 1 - ..a r Four Voyageurs on Home Made Boat Off on 15,000 Mile Trip Minneapolis, Nov. 17 UPJ Four adventurous voyagers, Ger man shepherd dog and an alley cat named "Id" cruised down the Mississippi river, bound for Alaska today. They set sail from Minneapolis in the "Tantalus," a home made, 47-foot, two-masted schooner equipped with an auxiliary engine and an eight-dollar war surplus sextant Sky-High Bridge Work Five hundred feet above waters of Puget Sound at Tacoma, Wash., workmen move around narrow catwalks during construction of $13,000,000 suspen sion bridge. In background is one of span's two 508-foot tow ers. Bridge will replace the first ne called "Galloping Gertie" a few miles northwest of Tacoma which collapsed almost nine years ago. Errol Flynn Picks Princess As Bride No. 3 for Next Spring London, Nov. 17 U.R) Errol Flynn of the movies said today that he has fallen in love with a Romanian' princess and hopes to make her his third wife next spring. They are engaged, he aid. He said he met beautiful 20-year-old Princess Irene Ghlca six months ago in Paris and they have been "going out together ever since." "My engagement will come as a shock to my Hollywood friends, but not to our friends in Paris," he said in a telephone interview from his suite in Lon don's Savoy hotel. "They know we have been in love for sever al months." He said his fiancee is "inde pendently wealthy and very beautiful, with the bluest of blue eyes and dark brown hair." The 39-year-old Flynn has been married twice. His first marriage to actress Lili Da mi la in 1935 was dissolved in 1942. His second marriage, to Nora Eddington, ended in divorce last July. Flynn said he was "very vague" regarding his fiancee's Uncage, but thought she was a member of one of Romania's royal families, although not re lated to ex-king Carol. Her father, Prince Jean Ghl ca, was killed in an air crash 12 years ago, Flynn said, and Princess Irene has been living in a luxurious flat In the Rue dc Vaneau, Paris, with her mother, Madame Iby Donescu. Nearly 150,000 tons of pears were picked in Argentina this season. I FOR RENT 5 $ Floor Polishers jj Floor Sanders Edqcrs Paint Spray Equipment R. D. Woodrow Co. I Gil Ward, Prop. 5 Ain r.. Salem Nursing Home 3595 "D" Street EXPERIENCED NURSES 24-HOUR SERVICE Best Foods and Diets To Your Doctor's Orders WE ARE A STATE LICENSED NURSING HOME Your Protection for Better Service Miss Bernice Struckmeier For Appointment Phone 2 3853 Cif ASP '5? iKl Set Mm frWTNsiL -7 end lJ..totrd M VMJfJ fWJ J t.l.t aexkttl. tit- flyM TMteJiA. M-A-LITE The lights you place anywhere on the cord The nexest, snd imirteat wiy to trim your Ctiriumai tree it iih ON-A-LITE. the truly revolutionary Cbriilmai tree lijhii. Plate the liihti anynhtre on the cord, ipac them here you muh! ON A-L1TE, too, i idc.il for color ful uble anU door detoratiom...See it today. The amateur sailors had a 50 cent book on navigation to guide them on the roundabout course to Anchorage, Alaska. Between them and voyages end stretched 15,000 miles of water. They expect the trip to take nine months. SkiDDer of the craft was War ren C. Christianson, 29-year-old University of Minnesota law school graduate, who constructed the schooner at a cost of $9,000 while going to collrge and work Ing part-time as a river barge hand. With him were his dark-haired wife, Faith, 27, Richard Rich ards. 27, of Winchester, Ky., a self-styled adventurer; and Wil liam Keller, 25, a Nevada, Mo., rewspaper man. Also aboard were the dog and cat, pets of the Christian sons. Christianson said they would stop at St. Louis, New Orleans, Havana, Port Au Prince, the Virgin Islands, Trinidad, and Caracas, Venezuela, before pass ing through the Panama canal. They hoped to drink coconut milk on some Caribbean Isle on Ch.'lstmas day. Sailing up the Pacific coast, they planned visits at Los An geles, San Francisco and Se attle. Christianson estimated they would reach Anchorage sometime between next June and September. Christianson plans to set up a law practice in Alaska. His two crew members intend to re turn to Minneapolis by plane. "I feel like Columbus must have felt," said Christianson. "because any ocean trip is un chartered if you haven't been over it before." It's Husband Who Pays Nanton, Alta., Nov. 17 U. Alan Smith of Edmonton and J. Ziegler of Calgary took their wives on a hunting trip here yesterday, Mrs. Smith shot a deer and Mrs. Ziegler shot an elk. Their husbands got nothing. , CEMENT WORK WANTED! Repair or replace walks, driveways, floors, steps or most anything concrete. Guar anteed eood job. Phone 3-1136 1950 Potato Supports Low Washington, Nov. 18 UR The government today set 1950 potato support prices at the lowest level permitted by law. It appealed to producers to cut plantings to prevent another costly "wasteful surplus." Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan announced that producer support! next year would be cut at most 12 cents a bushel, or about 11 per cent from this year's aver age level of $1.08 a bushel. Supports were continued at 60 per cent of parity. Based on cur rent parity data, Brannan said the support price next year would be about 98 cents per bushel. The actual support level will be set on Jan. 1 parity data. Brannan said it could be slightly higher than 96 cents per bushel, that we would not reduce it be low that level. Brannan fixed the 1950 plant ing allotments for commercial producers at 1.137,800 acres. That is a drop of 7 percent from last year. Brannan said the allotment program is aimed at producing about 335,000,000 bushels a drop of 52,000,000 bushels from this year s estimated production. The acreage allotments for commercial producers in Idaho were 130,300 acres next year. They were 130,900 acres last year. Liberty Girl Scout Has Birthday Party Liberty The Liberty Girl Scout Troop 51 honored Yvonne Poole on her 12th birthday at the home of their leader, Mrs. Robert Morrow. The troop sewed on towels toward their merit award, and Janet Smith, who is a new mem ber, gave the laws and promises of the scout. Games were played and birth day cake was served by the as sistant leader, Mrs. Alvin Poole. England has a milk bottle shortage. LEGAL NOTICE TO CBEDITOaS No. 13. my IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUS STATE OP OHEOON FOR MARION COUNTY Probatt Department In tht matter of the aiuu 0 JOHN H. CALLAOHAN. rajd. Notlr la hvebr atven that tl,a undrr lnl. by an order ol in Circuit Court ol tht Stata ot Orfion. tor Marion County Prooata department. -Bade nd enterad in tha Jain dai ol Octooer. 131J. waa ap pointed executor ef tha eatata of Joha It Cailaahan, dacaaaed, .and thu ha haa duly Qualified ea auch executjt All peraona havlne clalma atalnat .aid aatata are hereby notified o p.-.eni tha same, duly verified aa required by av to him at 40o Ma.ionle Bulletin:, Salem' Orgon. within aU )0i montna the data of thla notloe. Dated thla 37th day of -om U W. O. WINSLOW Executor of tha aa,ate ol John U. Cailaahan. Deoeear, Plrat publication: October Jl. 1949 Laat publication: November 34. la W Oct. 37. Nov. 1. 10. 17. 34 J nrrw WHO ARE THE UNITARIANS? 77Americans in the Hall of Fame 23 were Unitarians, Including Thomas Jefferson Daniel Webster Benjamin Franklin John Quincy Adams Ralph W. Emerson Henry W. Longfellow Horace Mann Oliver Wendell Holmes Unitarian Religion Is Liberal Religion UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday, Nov. 20 IWCA, 7:30 P.M. Quality MEATS PEERLESS MARKET Courteous Service "Ar City Bus Stop" OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. 170 North rommerclal Phone 3-5704 CHOICE Mutton Legs 25c MUTTON Half or Whole, lb. MUTTON Shoulder Roasts 20c .b Mutton Stew 10c Lean Lb. . Choice Fryers 69c .b Frying Rabbits 59c .b. MORRELLS PRIDE Sliced Bacon 69c ik- MORRELLS ALL RITE Sliced Bacon 59c .b. MORRELLS OR STEENS PICNICS HAMS 39c .b. SMALL PLUMP Stewing Hens 45c ib. ith Best Foods Salad Sorcery There is just no match for the full-bodied richness, the luscious double-whipped smooth ness, of Beet Foods Real Mayonnaise on salads. Try it with tomato aspic salad and see! And for fruit salads cottage cheese-nut mayonnaise adds a wonderful flavor flourish. Just blend H cup cottage cheese with 1 cup Best Foods Real Mayonnaise and 14 cup broken nut meats. So easy to make so delicious tool Mayonnaise -ere are Wonder Spread for Bread 4 It spreads so smoothly, so evenly, even on the thinnest bread! Adds such a fine fes tive flavor to the simplest lunch or picnic j' a r sandwiches. You can t beat Best r oods , Real Mayonnaise it's truly a super, spread. No wonder children like it so much! And Real Mayonnaise is so rich in good i Ifood value too! r p0 Mss THE BIG Sae T'C ZP 17 '"Zwr- iTTr?v mmbM i 1 f ,t M X i I I p r x t I :,M, ;ePf,i 'urn I Ufej'S Jj j J Top Trick for Sauces The creamy goodness of Real May onnaise is ideal in hot sauces for veg etables. For POTPOURRI SAUCE put H c. Best Foods Real Mayon naise in top of double boiler. Stir in 6 tbs. milk. Add following chopped ingredients: 2 tbs. each of parsley, green pepper, onion; 1 tbs. pimien to; 2 hard-cooked eggs. Heat thor oughly; and serve. -foucies'! Magic for Thrifty Baking H cup Real Mayonnaise will replace shortening and one egg in your pet recipe for corn muffins or shortcake. Marvelous flavor touch tool Sensation in Soups ' Serve this cherry soup chilled, or hot but be sure to serve it temptingly seasoned with Best Foods! Set aside M cup red cherries for garnish. Put bal ance of can in saucepan with J$ c. water, & c. sugar, J-j tsp. salt, 1-inch stick cinnamon, small strip lemon rind. Boil quickly 8 min. Rub cooked cher ries through fine sieve. Stir 2 tbs. water into 1 tbs. cornstarch and add to cherry puree. Add cherries for garnish, simmer 4 min., stirring frequently. Top with J i cup Real Mayonnaise folded into $ c whipped cream. (Serves 6.) AT YOUR GROCtR'S fcl, . IOel .1, o'rfZ-,,'is a. : X',"? f .. so a ' ""UtlnJ oil !"rv. '. .. Wo, " au "Oi, sa,; 'itv, ith la- " lBrf. '" Ce- Pl'i h en. nswi n tm. - ( Ihu "cOu.i K t C .... drful AaT end, featuring exciting new wayi to liven up your menu. See hit special "Menu Magic' display . . . Atk him for your FREE RECIPE BOOKLET "WHAT'S COOKING-WITH HEAL MAYONNAISE." 28 exciting now kitchen-tested rocipei tvery on a froafl an Th ' AoZl""- Y it jmmiisjiimi