IT Ai Ft Tl er cr ni Iatt scr inr. set pel If bei ac Ni Ian Pi' cli CO is it cc is rr I 'I o y 8 f 10 Capital Journal, Salem, i : If Iff Sk4 I MISS PEARL SPITZER Buyer of the popular priced dresses. She hai been with the organization for eleven years. She is fully conversant with the New York markets and makes her selections as advance styles are created. LILLIAN ROSEHAFT Merchandiser of lingerie and sportswear. She has been closely associated with Mr. William B. Friedman, vice president and general mer chandise manager of Hughes stores for seventeen years. She was one of the first to sense the possibilities of ny lon as a fabric for lingerie. MISS HILDA FOLIANICK Buyer of lingerie and robes. Has been with the Hughes or ganization for six years. Her previous experience was in the designing and pattern field. EcenU for Linen Your favorite brand of toilet soup can be stored in your linen closet or linen drawer to lend a delicate fragrance to sheets, towels and pillowcases. 490 N. f" .; V ) Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 16, 194!.' ore io Feature Sweaters Made Of New Nylon Now on the market are wom en's all-nylon sweaters with feel, appearance and practical values not found in prewar sweaters made of nylon. Knitted with yarn made from a nylon staple recently de veloped by du Pont these sweat ers are luxuriously soft and warm and have a pleasing lus ter. They require no blocking after laundering, for they are practically shrink-proof, holding their original size and shape through repeated laundering Hughes, the newest store op ening in the Capitol Shopping center, will feature an assort ment of these nylon sweaters The nylon staple fiber is permanently crimped before it is spun into a knitting yarn This gives the sweaters which are made of this yarn a soft lofty texture that does not be come harsh or matted when laundered. In fact, repeated washings actually seem to im prove the texture. . Hot water can be used with out fear of a harshening effect Crimping is also responsible for the warmth characteristics of the finished sweater. Long wear is assured because the fiber is remarkably strong and is not weakened by perspir ation. Quickly washed clean and safely hung on the line to dry, the sweaters simplify ward robe care. During summer storage, all nylon sweaters need no special protection from moths. Shirtwaist Style Some of the season's most fa bulous evening gowns turn out to be separate blouses and skirts. Lilly Dache shows wide, spectacular skirts of slipper sa tin with cummerbund waist band and huge pockets, with which may be worn tops of varying formality. The fashion goes from the high-style collec tions down to the budget-priced group. Teen-agers may buy a long skirt of faille or satin, and concoct a dozen dance outfits by switching blouses. PAUL N. WELSH Advertising manager for the Hughes organization, with headquarters in Chicago. Welsh is in charge of all pub licity and public relations. He hHS been with Hughes nine years, formerly In the mer chandising department. For Leisure COMFORT iffy. fit Ladies Slacks Fine all wool and manipulated gabardines cut to fit, beautifully tailored, tipper closings. Nint colon to chooi from 3 99 Capitol i f f h I rft I i ,.' a iLiir ;g Today's Menu (Br th Associated Pruil Here's good old - fashioned Stuffed Cabbage Rolls" with a new ingredient added. A half cup of ripe olives gives this hearty favorite a new twist. The meat-stuffed rolls are cooked in hot water, but you may prefer to use canned tomatoes. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls 6 large cabbage leaves i pound ground lean beef 1 cup soft bread crumbs 'A teaspoon salt Fat M cup chopped ripe olives Cover caooage leaves gener ously with hot water and boil 3 minutes. Remove from heat and drain. Combine meat, bread crumbs and salt, mix well. Fry small quantity fat until brown and blend in olives. Place a portion of meat-olive mixture on peach cabbage leaf, roll and fasten with a pick. Place in greased casserole and add 1 cup hot water. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about 30 minutes. Remove picks before serving. Serves 4 to 6. Good System Keep a pad and pencil in your apron pocket when packing away equipment and clothes. Then you can Jot down as you work what you put away and where. Congratulations to Lighting at it's best GARDEN CITY If lights were flowers, Hughes New Apporel Shop would be a veri table Garden Spot, since the variety of tones and undertones of light accent the beauty of merchandise in every department. Garden City Plating and Manufacturing Company salutes Hughes and the people of Salem on the opening of this newest and most beautiful store of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. It's illumination is most credit able to the ingenuity and croftsmanship of Garden City's designers, from experience gained in over 50 years of successful lighting engineer ing. Garcy modern lighting fixtures utilize the most efficient .Slimline Flour, escent lamps ... in recessed lighting units in display cases, niches, plat forms and ceiling. These give 88 reflectivity which insures maximum illumination for your shopping comfort. Garcy specially designed coot racks, mirror frames and other functional . hardware is used throughout the store adding to its efficiency and shopping comfort. Our best wishes for success to Hughes. Garden City Plating & Manufacturing Co. 1730 N. ASHLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO 22, ILLINOIS Glorified Shirtwaists Here are three versions of Import ant "separates, "designed by Brigance for wear after five (1. to r.): Cocktail outfit with black jersey blouse, royal blue surah skirt; two-piece evening dress with white long sleeved blouse shot with gold, radius-tucked bark-colored taffeta skirt belted in brown velvetetn; for casual evenings, navy satin blouse and shutter-pleated wool jersey skirt. Home Decorator Tip A variety of new paints are on the market to make home re finishing of furniture easier. One gives a "bleached" look to unfinished wood in one coat. XL f A MISS KITTIE COHEN Buyer of sportswear. Combs both the Pacific coast and eastern markets for sports wear and sportswear accessories. c New Showplace of Womens Fashions '- off Flannelette Swank College girls are wearing se parate skirts and shirts of dark printed cotton flannel this win ter. It's practical because the garments may be tossed in with the regular laundry. Fireman red flannelette also is a favorite for dormitory robes and paja mas. Short Evening Dress The street length evening dress is a fashion hit for winter, 1950. Women like it because it is appropriate to wear when an escort does not want to dress. Also some versions come with cover-up jackets which convert it to a street outfit. For Delicious Waffles Before using a new waffle iron, season it by preheating the appliance for 8 to 10 minutes with the cover closed before brushing both grids with a small amount of unsalted cooking fat or salad oil. Continue heating for two or three more minutes with the grids closed. Excess grease can be removed with ab sorbent paper or by baking one or two slices of bread between the grids, electricians advise. Hughes to Have Nylon Lingerie Opening a new vista In wov en fabrics, the first use of creped nylon yarn is appearing in lingerie. The fabric, called "Crepclon,1 has rich texture and excellent drape In appearance, its finely pebbled weave is reminiscent of crepe de chine, while in prac tical qualities It equals other fabrics of du Pont nylon. The fabric has excellent re sistance to seam slippage, lend ing itself to fine tailoring in both simple and Intricate styl ings. This nylon lingerie will be featured at the Hughes store. latest unit In the Capitol Shop ping center, to be opened. Slips and half slips are of fered in several variations, tail ored and lace trimmed. According to the manufactur er, pleats are permanent, as they are heat-set like the rest of the fabric, and retain their shape through repeated wash ings. These exquisite luxury styl ings claim the advantages of other nylon garments made of fine fabrics and well con structed. They are easy to wash, dry quickly and need little or no ironing. MISS JEAN SHIELDS Buyer of the better dresses. She studied designing in Chi cago and entered the fashion field as an associate of Strand Fashions of that city, where she joined the Hughes stores eight years ago. f if v kpi HUGHES, Salem, Ore. 1 Ui m Hm MkwW uWt Htm km I SIWWCT d Q CO O I I" l L..H. --J 'ri' ... I "' I fe Ai I v .- 1 v ? ' u -. i I I Pockets With a Flare accent high in Hughes afternoon suit. with duet of jeweled buttons at at the side this time opening gray with gold trimmed buckle. Rubbing the Cold Miami Beach, Fla. (u.R) Huge neon signs to show shivering northerners the hourly temperature In Miami Beach are the newest wrinkle in tourist lures. Hotel men here have asked the city council or the county to help pay for the signs which would be erected in Times Square, Chicago's Loop area shoulder line mark a new Jacket has cardigan closing mirdiff, more pocket interest horizontally. Belt is asphalt Skirt is match-slim. in and at Philadelphia's City hall. Salem's Most Beautiful Fashion Center