6- Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Not. 16, 1919' Capital Edited by MARIAN Miss Snyder Tells Plans For Wedding Plans for her wedding are be ing told by Miss Ruth Snyder, who is to be married Sunday, November 27, to Jack Michael. The ceremony will be solemn ized at 6 o'clock that evening in St. Mark Lutheran church, the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner official lng. Miss Shirley Bosclle is to be soloist for the wedding. Candlelighters are to be Miss Mary McFarlane and Miss Char lotte Wood. Mrs. Paul Specht will be matron of honor. Mrs. Arthur Case of Richland, Wash., is to be the bridesmaid for her sister. James Michael will attend his brother as best man and Arthur Case is to be the groomsman. Ushering will be Donald Case, Paul Specht and Fred Langland. Steven Case, nephew of the bride-elect, is to be ring bearer. The reception following will be at the church parlors. Miss Snyder is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Snyder of Salem, Mr. Michael the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Michael of Richland, Wash. Rebekahs Plan District Event Lebanon The 41st annual convention of the 11 Rebekah lodges of district six will con vene in the city hall at Lebanon Friday, Nov. 18. There will be afternoon and evening sessions. Lelia Ramsey, president of the Rebekah assembly of Oregon, will be present, as well as other state officers. The Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary will lerve a banquet at 6:30 p. m. At the evening sesion the de gree will be given to candidates from several lodges, the four charges to be given each by a different lodge. Mrs. Francis Phelps is president and Mrs. Boyd Young secretary of the convention. Meeting Thursday Young Matrons club an nounces a meeting and program for 8 p.m. Thursday in the May flower hall. Miss Elaine Fry is to sing, ac companied by Mrs. Lester Ha gcn. Mrs. Nelson Anderson is to talk to the group on Christmas gift suggestions. Mrs. Rex Ohmart, Mrs. T. W. Svarvcrud and Mrs. Olive Hut chins are hostesses for the meet ing. MRS. ROSE GARRETT, 2790 Garden road, is to entertain Thursday for the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. The group is working on arti cles for the bazaar to be staged December 14. A no-host lunch con will be served at noon. FIDEL1S class of the First Baptist church is to meet Thurs day at 2 p.m. at the church. Try Canned Peas in Chowder ten c: B -Vt iMd a wV Try Canned Peas French peasant meals are known for their heartiness, thrir simple, straightforward goodness and their economy. So It is with this pea and potato chowder which is made easily and thriftily with canned peas, cooked or leftover ham, and potatoes. You'll find the recipe elsewhere on the page. Pea and potato chowder Is a savory mral-ln-a-dish which you'll find especially convenient when a hurry-up dinner is In order. Basic ingredient is a can of peas, a real bargain among vegetables since canned peas are ready for eating and they Include no waste. Both the pea liquid and the peas them selves contain healthful vita mins and minerals. Al for the meat for your chowder, you can substitute frankfurters, canned luncheon meat or Vienna sausages for the nam. A tempting addition to the meal la paprika toasted rolls. Cut the rolls, spread them with softened butter, sprinkle pap rika on top and toast them un der the broiler. Her is the recipt for pit Women LOWRV FISCIIKK At Big Came Among Siilcm folk heading south for the Stanford-University of California game at Palo Alto on Saturday are Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Donkin. Dr. and Mrs. Baum will visit their son, Ted Baum. who is a senior at Stanford and Friday evening will take in the produc tion of Rams Head, dramatics society. The Donkins' daughter, Miss Sally Donkin, is a freshman at Stanford. Miss Eggens Is Honored Miss Mavis EgKcns, bride elect of John Petty of Glad stone, was honored at a miscel laneous shower Saturday eve ning at the home of Mrs. O. E. Palmatccr, co-hostcsses were Mrs. Wayne Kunze and Mrs. Wallace Palmateer. Refreshments were served aft er an informal evening of games. Bidden to honor Miss EgKcns were Mrs. James Turnbull, Mrs Stuart Johns, Mrs. Vern Ostran- der, Mrs. Jerry Clay, Mrs. Clyde Kunze, Jr., Mrs. Clyde Kunze, Sr., Mrs. E. H. Eggens and the hostesses, Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. Wayne Kunze and Mrs. Wallace Palmateer. Club Party Wallace Road Willamette Lodge Country club met at the club rooms. Saturday, for a sup per preceding an evening of bridge. A bronze and gold color scheme was carried out in table decorations centering the Thanksgiving theme. Nine tables of bridge wore in play with Mrs. C. L. Unruh be ing awarded women's high score and A. E. Utley high for the men. Hosts for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sloper and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lantis. Additional members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gib son, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pcttys, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ramp, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smart, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Jesse Hunley, Mrs. Clyde Deh linger, Ernest Peterson, M. P. Adams, Mrs. Louise Flack, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford, C. L. Unruh, Dr. and Mrs. Cnrydnn L. Blodgett, Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smart. To Be Initiated University of Oregon. Eugene (Special) Miss Frances Baum of Salem is among those to be initiated Thursday evening into Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honor society. Miss Baum. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum of Salem, is a sophomore at the university, majoring in music, in piano. and potato chowder: Pea and Tntatn Chowder 4 tablespoons ham fat, butter or margarine 1 large onion, sliced 1 No. 2 can peas 2 cups diced potatoes 3 cups milk 1 cup diced cooked or left over ham Salt Mi teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Add onion to fat In large saucepan and cook until ten der, but not brown. Drain peas and add pea liquid to saucepan Bring to boil and add pota toes; cover and cook 10 min utrs. Add peas, milk and ham Heat thoroughly. Add salt to taste and pepper. Add parsley and srrv. Yield: 4 generous servings. 3 Hostesses For Shower Hostesses last evening were Mrs. Gleason Young, Mrs. Tho mas E. Rilea, Sr., and Miss Doris Martin, the three enter taining at a shower and party to honor Mrs. Harvey L. La tham. The party was given at the Young home. Pink and blue de corations featured the party. Honoring Mrs. Latham were Mrs. Louis Latham, Mrs. Judson Webster, Mrs. Edward Snow Mrs. Donald Roberts and Mrs Ernest Freeman, all of Portland; Mrs. Ed Amo, Mrs. Gene Barn hart, Mrs. Donald Blake, Miss Jcannctte Bennett, Miss Dorothy Bratlien, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Carl Cover, Mrs. Robert Hamil ton, Mrs. Harold Hartman, Mrs Opal Johnston, Mrs. Leslie Mus- man, Mrs. John Neilson, Mrs. Leon Nelson, Mrs. Raymond F Olson, Miss Dorothy Painter, Mrs. William C. Ryan, Mrs. Wil liam Schacfer, Miss Evelyn Ur- oan, Mrs. Marshall Wood, Mrs. Edlard Zimmerman and the three hostesses. Coursey-Foat Wedding Dec. 17 Date for the wedding of Miss Glenn Foat and Cpl. Ray Cour sey, Jr., is announced for Satur day, December 17, the ceremony to be solemnized at 8 p.m. that day in the Nazarene church. The engagement of the couple was announced in July. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Foat of Sa lem. Cpl. Coursey is the son of R. C. Coursey, also of Salem. He is now with the 4th air force at Hamilton field and Miss Foat has been employed with the state industrial accident com mission for the past three years. A surprise shower and party were given recently for Miss Foat at the home of Miss Esther Patrick. The guest list included: Mesdames Marian Darling, Dorothy Foat, Marie Coursey, Blanche Hccr, Ruth Branch, Ef fie Unruh, Margie Branson, Irene Goucher, Esther Wilson, Bertha Cook; Misses Sally Best, Georgia Broyles, Nita Cairnes, Jane Hillman, Martha Kauko, Pat BVirghart, Doris Scott, Grace Rodriguez, WOODBURN Mrs. Archie McKeown, state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was the honored guest at the November meeting of Belle Passi chapter of the D.A.R. at the home of Mrs. W. J. Wilson. Mrs. McKeown gave an interesting report of her visit to the Continental Congress of the D.A.R. held in Washington, D. C. and her work with the Indians at Cclilo. Mrs. Mark Thompson was ini tiated into the chapter with Mrs. McKeown presiding. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wilson, assisted by her sister, Miss Carrie Waterbury, Mrs. R. H. Pomeroy and Mrs. Nellie White. The next regular meeting will be held December 2 at the home of Mrs. Pomeroy at Brooks. HOSTESS today for an in formal luncheon at her home was Mrs. Raymond Walsh, guests including Mrs. James T. Brand. Mrs. Frank J. Burke, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Leona Johnson. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Stewart John son. KINGWOOD unit, American Legion auxiliary, is meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday at the hall. There will be a short business session after which John Eggen of Lebanon will be a guest speaker and will show some of his colored movies he took on his travels- last summer. KAKKARA KR1KTCIIIK tent. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, is meeting Fri day at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. William J. Entress, 1865 South Commercial. Mrs. Aria Davidson, Eugene, department inspector, is to visit the group at this time. THE KPGI'LAR card party for Eagles and auxiliary mem bers will be held at 8 p.m. Fri day In the Eagles hall, each one attending to invite a guest. IIAYESVII.LE Woman's club is meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Wayne Powers, Claxter road, dessert to be served at 1:15 o'clock. Drodnrant Spray There is no fuss or muss In using deodorants In atomizer- type plastic containers. All you do is press the sea-green bottle and a misty spray of deodorant squirts out. Be sure it's PURE CANE i " f -i I 1 1 I ii' afc ,i win mi i mKimmd-MsiMi , iitmmmmmiimm Is Bride Elect The engagement of Miss LaJune Shirley, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. F. Shirley, to Sgt. James Edward Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs Phillip I. Bentley of Shamrock, Tex., was announced this week. No date is set for the wedding. Joint Event At Independence Twenty-three members of Sa lem bethel No. 35, Job's Daugh ters, went to Independence Mon day evening for a joint inspec tion with Independence bethel No. 34, Mrs. Martha Elhart of Portland, grand guardian, being inspecting official. Three girls from Salem were initiated, Misses JoAnne Gilbert, LiAnne Leonard and Barbara Cone. During the program, Miss Maureen Nichols sang. Plans were made by the group to sup ply a Thanksgiving basket for a family who recently lost their home in a fire. Several officials were escort ed for special honors, including Mrs. Elhart; Mrs. Ellsworth Hartwell, guardian for the Sa lem bethel; Elwyn Hill, asso ciate guardian for the Salem group; Miss Elizabeth Gunn of Independence bethel, honorary grand chaplain; and Miss Jackie Jones, Salem bethel, honorary grand second messenger. Miss Jean Herrig, honored queen of the local bethel, head ed the delegation going from here. Mrs. Elhart gave a talk. Later, refreshments were served, a group of the Salem members as sisting. Miss Todd Given Surprise Shower Dayton A surprise bridal shower was given Saturday eve ning honoring Miss Shirley Todd at the home of Miss Colleen Co- burn, with Miss Ramona Oaks as co-hostcss. Miss Todd is the bride-elect of Thomas Huffman, their wedding to be an event of early December. The evening was built around the theme "A Ship on the Sea of Matrimony," and the many gifts were presented in an im provised boat, the "S.S. Huf fman". An autobiography of the honor guest was written in poetry, and each verse was in a balloon. As the honor guest burst each balloon, she read the story of her life, which proved to be interesting and caused much merriment. Several games were played, the prizes going to Mrs. T. A. Huffman and Mrs. Hazel Stearns. The cake was a beautifully decorated one, made by Mrs. Catherine Oaks. For favors there were small boats filled with candies and nuts, topped with a mast, bearing a message from the "shipmates" In verse. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Roger Todd. Salem; Mrs. Ross Duzan, Portland; Miss Jeanne Westfall and Mrs. Zora Pedcr- son of McMinnville. Miss Todd is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Todd. Mr. Huffman Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Huf fman of Dayton. DISABLED AMERICAN Vet erans auxiliary is meeting for a business session Thursday, In the Salem Woman's club house at 8 p m. Members are asked to bring food for the Thanksgiving boxes. Be sure with C- H Gflf ; To Meet Friday The Salem Camellia and Rho dodendron society will meet at the YMCA Friday, November 18 at 8 p.m. The program will feature an open forum discus sion on the culture of rhododen drons, camellias and azaleas. The public is welcome. Wedding Nov. 19 From Portland comes news of the approaching marriage of Miss Lyra Gertrude Willard, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Lyle Willard of that city, to Douglas Bryan Drysdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Drysdale of Salem. The wedding is planned for November 19 in Mocks Crest Evangelical United Brethren church in Portland at 8 o'clock in the evening, the father of the bride to officiate, assisted by the Rev. Charles Fogg of Eugene. The reception following is to be in the church parlors. HOME from a plane trip to Bismarck, N. D., are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson, who were called there by the seri ous illness of Mr. Johnson's mother, Mrs. Bertha Johnson. The senior Mrs. Johnson is well known in Salem, having lived here for a time at the home of her son. The Johnsons returned Tuesday. OF INTEREST for Thursday afternoon will be the member ship tea to be given by Unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, at the home of Mrs. Homer H Smith between the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock. DELTA GAMMA Mothers club met Monday afternoon at the chapter house. Following a short business session the group visited the new addition to the chapter house and later there was a social hour and tea. Mrs. James McClelland and Mrs. Leslie Sparks, president of the group, were hostesses. Open House Event The YWCA extends an invi tation to all who are interested to attend an open house featur ing a display of projects com pleted by the textile painting classes which have been meet ing at the YWCA for the past two months. The display will be open to the public between 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and the work shown will be that done by the students. The textile painting classes are sponsored by the young adult committee of the YWCA as a part of the program for adults. Miss Joyce Lamoreux is the program director. I AT TO lit WTfiFrrt VjiM Phone! I I MARGWEN'S I OPENING I f HAS BEEN 1 ! I POSTPONED 1 I We will not open Wednesday nite at 1 II previously announced. I Miss Lord Is Speaker Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver are to be in Port land, Thursday, Miss Lord to give a lecture on gardens in the Philippines and Hawaii before the Portland Garden club, Thursday morning. Following the program and meeting, Miss Lord and Miss Schryver will be honored at a luncheon to be given by Mrs. L. B. Menefce, Jr., at the Town club. Miss Lord gave a similar talk on Philippine and Hawaiian gardens here, her remarks and pictures being based on her travels there last year. Scout Work Shop Due A workshop for Girl Scouts leaders is planned Thursday and Friday of this week, November 17 and 18, in the First Metho dist church between the hours of 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. R. B. Stringham, pro gram director for the Salem dis trict, is to conduct the work shop, assisted by Miss Dorothy Wilson, field director for the Santiam Girl Scouts council. The event is arranged es pecially for those who were un able to take the one in Decem ber and is patterned after the national workshop program. VFW Auxiliary Notes Activities New members welcomed into Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Monday evening, were Mrs. Eric Bergman, Mrs. Loyd Bobbitt, and Miss Naomi Hornchuck. Mrs. Mae Wilder, president, announced that Mrs. Don Stup- ka has resigned and Mrs. Vir ginia Aeschlimann has been ap pointed as finance chairman. Committee reports were given by Mrs. Aeschlimann, Mrs. Mel Clemens and Mrs. Lena Osborn. Mrs. Elmer Forbis has presented two flags to the cub scout troops at Pringle school and 11 flags to the Washington school, and on December 5 will present flags to the Lincoln school. Mrs. Iva Hamilton reported on hospital work she has done. Mrs. Joe Horneffer has given clothes and many other items to needy vet eran families. Mrs. Ivell Haley and the sewing committee has completed the stand covers for the Med ford hospital and will meet at Mrs. Haley's home Fri day evening to work on afghans. Plans are being made to present the washing machine purchased by the auxiliary for polio pa tients just before the meeting November 28 at the VFW hall Mrs. Mel Clemens reported the members had carried the flags in the Armistice day parade. It was voted to sponsor Brownie troop No. 28. Mrs. Irene Meier is the leader. The president, Mrs. Mae Wilder, and the department senior vice pres ident, Mrs. Arwm Strayer, mo tored to Portland Saturday, to attend the dinner given in hon or of the national president, Mrs. Evelyn Monaco. Others attend ing the department meeting Sunday were Mrs. Dale Brooks, Mrs. Elmer Forbis. Mrs. Mabel Clemens, Mrs. Alfred Aeschli mann, Mrs. Ora Furlough, Mrs. Mel Clemens. Mrs. Lulu Humph reys, Mrs. Elvera Beard, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. Maude Dutton, Mrs. Genevieve Olson, Mrs, Min nie Tidd, Mrs James Bcall, Mrs B. R. Osborn, Mrs. Marvin Mil ler, Mrs. John Henney, Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Leon Hansen of No. 661, and Mrs. William J. Dayson of Cpl. James Lindsey Wilson auxiliary, Redwood City, Calif. A report was given by Mrs. Marvin Miller on the na tional president's talk. On November 28 Mrs. Clara Tokstad, president of district No. 20, will make her visit for in spection to Marion auxiliary. The Past Presidents' club will meet at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Simpson, 2252 Mission, Thurs day evening. The auxiliary will GuaromeedbyVi I Good Housekeeping J ' SO GOOD fti G-uoronttid 6000 HOUSEKEEPIWC In Honor aries Oregon State College, Corval lis (Special) A Salem student Miss Janet Catherine Lindley, was one of 11 women tapped this week to Alpha Lambda Delta, sophomore women's scholastic honor society. She is enrolled in the school of lower division. Those tapped will be initiated into membership, Thursday. William A. Erwin and Nor man L. Lindberg, sophomores from Salem, were among nine men students initiated recently into Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor society for men. Both are majoring in science. Students chosen for the soci ety made grade point averages of 3.50 their first term at OSC or received a 3.50 average for the three terms of their freshman year. Founders Event For Gamma Phis Salem alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta have announced gifts to the national Gamma Phi Beta en dowment fund used to assist members of the sorority needing financial assistance or chapters in rebuilding homes; and to the Lindsey - Barbee fund, used to assist deserving students. The gifts were announced in conjunction with the local group's traditional founders day service Monday evening. Pre ceding the service the members enjoyed a buffet dinner with Mrs. Betty Templeton, Mrs. Ivan Merchant, Mrs. Douglas Drager and Mrs.- George Beane as host esses at the home of Mrs. Temp leton. Attending the event were Mrs Richard Nels-on, Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Alton Bran non, Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Miss Martha Taber, Mrs. George Angle, Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Miss Margaret Simms, Mrs. Seth P. Smith, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. C. C. Higgins, Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr.. and the four hostesses. MACCABEES, Capital tent hive, No. 84-D, are meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Beav er hall. Fifty members from the Port land units are expected to at tend the meeting and their of ficers will exemplify the ritu alistic work. H. S. Hudson, great commander for Oregon, will also be here. Following the meeting there will be a program of folk dancing and refresh ments are to be served. CHAPTER CB, P.E.O. Sister hood, is to meet Thursday eve ning of this week at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Florence Parrish, the event being a week early because of Thanksgiving on the regular date. SILVERTO N Mrs. Emil Grant is to be hostess at her home Friday to members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxi liary sewing club for an all-day work session. There will be a no-host luncheon at noon. Plans are to be completed for the an nual bazaar on December 3. celebrate its 25th anniversary November 28. Mrs. Mel Clemens announced the convention committee meet ing November 30 at the VFW hall. Refreshments were served to the post and auxiliary by Mrs. James Hartley, Mrs. Iva Hamil ton and Mrs. Joe Horneffer. USEFUL INFORMATION To find circumference of a circle multiply diameter by 3.1416. To find capacity of man, woman or child, go to NEW BUFFET DINNER Where You Get CiUJau Canai For 99C (including choice of entree ond dessert) 5:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Each Day but Sunday Downtown en Stat Street Visitor Entertained The board of officers and past presidents in the Women of Ro tary entertained last evening at. unmet iu jiuiiui luia. naric:ji Cooley of Grants Pass, who was here with her husband, Mr. Coo ley being district governor for Rotary club. The dinner for the women's group was given at the Ameri can Legion club. Places were marked for Mrs. Charles Cooley, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Robert Sprague. Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Will, iam McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Ivan Lovell, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Floyd Bressler, Mrs. Mel vin H. Geist. Later the group went to the home of Mrs. McGilchrist for an informal evening. At Corvallis A group from the Sigma Kap-, pa Mothers club was in Corval lis Tuesday afternoon. The group met at luncheon at the Benton hotel tearoom there, lat er going to the sorority chapter house on the Oregon State col lege campus to present addition al pieces for the silver service at tne nouse. In the group were Mrs. Vic tor McMullen, Mrs. D. G. De Sart, Mrs. W. G. Burris, Mrs. A. H. Fish, Mrs. R. J. Davey, Mrs. Forrest Holmes of Dallas and Mrs. G. A. Reeher. MRS. LAURA PANGLE, as sisted by Miss Hellen Hiller, entertained members of the TPM club at her Glendora apart ment, Monday night. A dinner was served to Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mrs. Elmer A. Tcrrill, Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. John Verstegg, Mrs. Wil liam Damery, Mrs. Charles Bot torff, Mrs. Fred Arisman, Miss Peggy Thompson, Mrs. William Hartley and the hostesses. The evening was spent informally with recorded music. SALEM REBEKAH lodge held its monthly initiation on Monday evening at which time Mrs. Theodore Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Finch became members. One of the largest crowds of the year turned out for this event, including 30 vis itors and 105 members. The Past Noble Grands club was announced to meet on Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Jos ephine Fredrickson, 754 Ferry. The F. L. club will meet on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Gregory Shmidt, 1525 Shady Lane. Friday night will be the Camp's no-host dinner at 6:30, followed by dancing and cards. SUN VALLEY BREAD the ans wer to "Reducing Starvation" you can eat and enjoy SUN VALLEY ' BREAD . low in calories yet high in energy producing proteins. SUN VALLEY ADDS VARIETY to "bread hungry diets." AT VOIR fflVORITtf 000 STORE Counting Calories? 0 ( WITHOUT X SHORTENING OX I 1 I 5,( 3 10W W ttlOKIK , H,CH , lmiy , I I 'MM m sum t atuut "