Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 16, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
County Court Absent All
three members of ' the county
court are In Portland attending
Abe annual meeting of the As
sociation of County Officers of
hleh Countv Judge Grant Mur
phy of thii county is president.
The session noias over inrougn
Friday. Numerous other county
officers also will be absent this
week for the meetings of their
respective state bodies in Port
land. Vandenberg Assigned Chief
Justice Hall S. Lusk of the Ore
gon supreme court Tuesday as
signed Circuit Judge David R.
Vandenberg of Klamath county
. T 1 . I ... U ...ill
IO muunonian cuumy. c v
assist the circuit court of Mult
nomah county from November
16 to December 5.
Bishop to Kansas Clarence
Bishop, electrical contractor,
plans to leave by plane Thurs
day morning for Macpherson
Kansas, where he will visit rel
atives. He will return after
Thanksgiving day.
Madam DuPlanty Entertained
Madam DuPlanty, head of t h e
French department of Mills col
lege, was guest for a luncheon
sponsored by the language de
partment of Willamette univer
sity Tuesday. Arrangements
: i t nyrA
were in cudic ui itiaiiuu mur
ange, assistant professor of
Holt Appeal! Case Constitu
tionality of a city ordinance
making a zone change permit
ting Portland General Electric
company to build a substation
in North Salem addition it at
stake in a case now on appeal
to the supreme court. Notice of
appeal was received by City At
torney Chris J. Kowitz Wednes
day in the case of John K. and
Mamie B. Holt against the city
and the PGE. It would also en
join the company from complet
ing the structure which is now
in process of construction.
Air Lines Case Not Dated
City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz
said Wednesday that time and
place have not been set by the
civil aeronautics board for the
hearing on future service of the
United Air Lines in Salem, in
volving the question whether
Western Air Lines service shall
be substituted. It will be early
in January, Kowitz said, before
an exchange of exhibits in the
case among attorneys appearing
in the case is completed. A pre
hearing was held several months
ago in Washington.
Unit Is Invited Mrs. John
Simmons will be hostess for the
extension unit of Orchard
Heights at her home Thursday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The
demonstration will be on landscaping.
Coast City Busy Organiza
tion of 4-H clubs is the object
ive of a meeting called for the
Depoe Bay schoolhouse Friday
night at 7:30 o'clock. An old
fashioned basket social spon
sored by the Depoe Bay Boost
er and Teenager clubs will be
held at the Community hall Sat
urday evening.
Council Seats Vacant Peti
tions for prospective candidates
for councilmen are now being
circulated at Delake. The spe
cial election to fill the offices
of the first city council has been
set for December 9.
Flower 'Show' Slated Mem
bers of the adult education home
training classes on flower ar
rangements taught by Mrs. Vir
gil Sexton will end the first
phase of the classwork with
flower "show" at the Coca Cola
plant Wednesday evening at
7:15 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Cole
will judge the arrangements and
corsages and explain her deci
sions. The company will show
moving pictures on flower ar
Married Long Time Dr.
Charles Barr of Salem was one
of the speakers at a dinner in
Astoria Sunday honoring Mr.
and .Mrs. Alex Karsun, who ob
served their golden wedding an
niversary. He is one of the best-
known Astoria merchants. More
than 200 persons were guests at
the dinner. The Karsuns came
to this country from Russia 50
years ago as penniless bride and
groom who could not speak English.
District Deputy at Lodge Dr.
Charles A. Howard, district dep
uty grand exalted ruler of the
Elks, will be at the Salem
lodge Thursday night as an of
ficial visitor. He will bring a
message from the grand lodge
and outline activities planned
for the coming year. He is a
member of Salem lodge.
Toastmasters Appear The
Salem Lions club program for
Thursday noon will include a
production by the Salem Toast-
masters club headed by Ralph
Nohlgren. The club will not
hold a luncheon meeting No
vember 24 because of the
Thanksgiving day holiday. Prep
arations for the Christmas party
at Chemawa in December are
being made by the committee in
Boys Receive Pins James Al
len, Robert Carr and Delbert
Maxficld were presented tender
foot pins at a meeting of Boy
Scout troop 12 at the VFW hall
Tuesday, night. Their mothers
were given miniatures. James
Durbin was given a patrol lead
er a badge and an emblem pre
sented Tom Lovell, assistant pa
trol leader. New neckerchiefs
were presented ten tenderfoot
scouts by D. B. Parkes, chair
man of the VFW Boy Scout committee.
Loucks Talks to 20-30s The
need for better understanding
of tax structures was stressed by
Al Loucks, Home Fuel Oil rep
resentative, in a talk Tuesday
night before the 20-30 club
Loucks' talk followed a report
by Bill Sullivan dealing with
the Drama guild s first play pre
sentation Saturday night. Prof
its from the enterprise will be
. devoted to playground improve
ments. Nominations for officers
for next year were also heard.
Building Permits Pacific
Guaranty company, to alter a
store at 860 North High, $850
H. R. Chisholm, to build a one
story dwelling and garage at
2090 Warner, $4500. E. E. Mis-
ener, to build a one-story dwell
ing and garage at 1937 Center,
$4500. J. Woodrow, to alter a
boiler room at 3033 Portland
road, $375.
Mrs. Raney Home Mrs. Leo
nard Raney and Infant daugh-
tre, of Salem, have been dis
charged from the Salem Me
morial hospital.
Go to Chicago Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur B. Bates will leave Wed
nesday evening by plane for
Chicago where Bates, vice pre
sident and secretary of the Sa
lem Federal Savings and Loan
association will attend the U. S.
Savings and Loan League con
vention, Nov. 18-22. Bates was
born In Berwyn, 111., a suburb
of Chicago and a visit with rela
tives and friends will be made
during the trip. They expect to
return to Salem in time for
Thanksgiving day.
Going to McMinnvllle Local
Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge
are to go to McMinnville Thurs
day evening for a district meet
ing. A bus is to leave the Salem
Woman's club house, 460 North
Cottage, at 6:30 p. m., to go to
Pacific Mutual
Officials Here
Oregon it a number one spot
in which to make investments.
That it the opinion of T. S.
Burnett, vice president in charge
of real estate operation of the
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance
company, who Wednesday paid
Salem a visit.
Burnett, here from hit head
quarters in Los Angeles, is on
an inspection tour. He visited
the new Capital Shopping Cen
ter erected by his company at
a cost of more than $2,000,000,
and plant to remain for the
opening of the Hughes Store
Thursday morning at 10 a. m.
The visitor from Los Angeles
pointed to Oregon as the fastest
growing state in the nation per
centagewise and noted that his
company had invested more
than $7,000,000 in this state and
is planning to invest more mil
lions here.
Investments of Pacific Mu
tual in this state have been in
mortgages and real estate and
according to Burnett are a de
monstration of that company's
faith in the future of this area.
Thomas L. Lowe, manager of
Pacific Mutual Life's real estate
division, who accompanied Bur
nett on his trip north, in Port
land Tuesday stated that the
shopping center at Salem was
erected by Pacific Mutual after
a survey had indicated the great
potentialities for growth in the
Willamette valley and the need
for distribution faculties at the
state's capital.
Coeds Initiated Delta Gam
ma and Pi Beta Phi sororities of
Willamette university conducted
initiation ceremonies this week.
Inducted by Delta Gamma were
Maria Puckett of Newberg and
Pat Stanton. Presented arrows
bv Pi Beta Phi were Carolann
Snarr of San Bruno, Cal.; Mary
Louise Lee of Salem; Marge
Lettiken of Dallas; Jean Kell of
Burlingame, Cal., and Nancy
Adams of Baker.
Chemeketans to Hike Sun
day morning at 7:30 a group of
Chemeketans will make a trip
to Eagle Rock a few miles this
side of Breitenbush springs.
Anyone wishing to see the work
being done at the Detroit proj
ect and the panorama from the
top of the lookout station is in
vited to go on the trip. Trans
portation will be provided- for
a small fee. Those going are
advised to wear heavy shoes.
It it requested that they register
in the stairway just north of
the Greenbaum store on North
Commercial from where the cars
will leave Sunday morning.
Homecoming Planned Rev
Morris Goodrich, Salem, will
speak at the 11 o'clock service
Sunday morning in connection
with annual homecoming at the
Hopewell Evangelical United
Brethren church. A no-host din
ner will be served at noon with
a reminiscence program to be
held at 2 o'clock. Rev. Good
rich, a retired minister, wat pas
tor at Hopewell about 30 years
Leave Salem General Dis
missed from the Salem General
hospital with recently born sons
are Mrs. Andrew Johnson, 2365
Broadway; Mrs. David Whalan,
2086 Mission, and Mrs. D. J.
Casey, 446 Fifth, Independence,
1 . .-.V.-Cj,,,-
V X f
At High School Open House At Salem high school open
house Tuesday night Mrs. Vern Miller, left, chats with Mrs.
Pauline R. Cohen, typing Instructor. Mrs. Miller is the mother
of Joan and Marjorie, both high school students. The desk in
the picture is one of a complete new set delivered to Mrs.
Cohen's room Tuesday.
Mrs. Graham High
In Seven-Week Series
In a close finish Mrs. Ward
Graham finished high in a seven-week
series of duplicate
bridge tournaments at the Salem
Elks club. Her 57-percent aver
age was a fraction ahead of Wil
liam F. Leary in second place
and Arthur L. Lewis in third.
Extra rating points also went
to three others in the teries:
Ellis H. Jones, Mrs. Rupert Park
and Mrs. Dewey Howell. About
40 players participated.
In the final weekly tourna
ment Mr. Leary and Mrs. W. E
Kimsey won north-south, while
Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis and Mrs.
Arthur Binegar were east-west
high team.
Plans now are being made for
the duplicate club's Christmas
party, which probably will be
held December 7 at the Ameri
can Legion clubhouse. The next
master point will be played De
cember 4 at the Mayflower as
sembly hall, while the Monday
tournaments will continue as
usual at the Elks club.
Salem Firm Low The Neu
man company of Salem submit
ted the low bid for fencing an
area in the Lookout point res
ervoir area on the Middle Fork
of the Willamette river. The bid
was $2386.
Phonn 22406 before 6 p.m. if
you miss your Capital Journal
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730.
Special on coats, $37.50. Open
until 7 p.m. At Lormans, 1109
Edgewater, West Salem. 274
Free Teen Age Dance Friday,
Glenwood Ballroom. 274
Rummage, 193 N. Com'l, up
stairs, Friday, 10 to 4. 273
Students Pledged Nine Wil
lamette university students have
heen nlpriffpH tn ThetA Alnhfi
Phi, national dramatic society. Le' Reinholdt & Lewis show
Thev are Ella Lou Ball. Estaca- vou the manr advantages of the
da; Dave Place, Hood River;
Frank Lockman, North Bend;
Phil Hammond, Portland; Sue
Mellor. Portland; Colleen Schod
de, Heyburn, Idaho; Robert
Witham, Honolulu; Shirley
Dean and George Bynon, Salem.
nationally advertised, easy to
clean, Flexalum Metal Slat used
exclusively in Salem Venetian
Blinds. Phone 2-3639. 273
Air-steamship tickets, Kugel,
735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694.
McKay Eats Elk Governor
Douglas McKay is going to eat
democratic elk this week. A six
pound elk roast wat given to the
republican governor by Louis de
Cieco, ton of Mike de Cicco,
treasurer of the state democra
tic central committee.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Following New Cltlient:
SCHMIDT To Mr. end Mr, Lillet
Sehmkft of Mt. Anftl. al til Silvirtos.
boapltal. o bor. Not. 14.
HANEX To Mr. in4 Mr Loulo Anion
Plane! of Woodburn. at tilt Silverton hos
pital, a boy. Nov. 14.
NELSON To Mr. and Mm. Willla N.
ob. Mill Cltr. a dauehtar. Nov. IS. at Sa
lem Memorial boapltal.
OUCK-To Mr. and Mra. ftannoad
Ollek. 1171 Second St., Weal Salem, a
deuehtar, Hot, II, at Salem Memorial
COOPIH To Mr. and Mra. Donald
Cooper, rout S. brut 610. a eon. Not. II,
at Salem Memorial haepttel.
KRIIO To Mr. and Mra Martin Krlec.
441 Pine, at the Salem Oeneral boapltal.
. a tin. Not. is.
HrTNDRICIUON To Mr and MrJ Lenlle
D Hrndrtrluon. route S boa ISO. at the Sa
lem Oeneral boapltal, a or. Dor. it.
Christmas gift sale at Sear's
former location. High St. en
trance, Fri., Sat., Nov. 18 & IS.
Rummage. Extra good. Green
baum's Thurt., Nov. 17, 9:30 a.m.
Try our: Hot dogs 15c; pie
15c; big cup coffee 5c, at Hat-
kin's Carmelcrisp Shop, 335 N
High St. 274
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. It
vou mist your Capital Journal
Federally Insured Savings
Current dividend 24 .lee
FIRST Federal Saving! FIRST
142 S. Liberty- Ph. 1-4944.
Extensive line of giftt In
hardware, houseware, china &
sporting goods. Use our 10
layaway plan. Salem Hardware
Co, 120 N. Commercial.
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. If
you nuts your Capital Journal
Regular meeting Cannery Lo
cal 670 Wed., Nov. 16, 8 p.m.
hall No. 1, Labor Temple. Nomi
nation of officer!. 273
Orwig's Market hat young
fresh killed turkeys, 39; also
baby beef for locker, 37c. 4375
Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128. 276
Vt current rate on your
savings. Salem Federal, 560
State St Salem's largest Savings
IDEAL GIFTS of Bleached
and Graded No. 1 Oregon Wal
nuts and Filberts are now avail
able In 5 and 10-lb. burlap bags
for shipping at Salem Nut Grow-
Cooperative, 2828 Cherry
avenue. Phone 3-3568.
Exclusive presentation. Imper
ial wallpapers, R. L. Elfstrom Co.
Phone 22406 oetore 6 p.m. If
you miss your Capital Journal,
Johns-Manvllle thlnglet ap
plied by Mathis Bros, 164 S
Com'L Free estimate. Ph. 34642
Bazaar and Cooked Food tale
at Portland Gat Ac Coke, Fri.,
Nov. 8 by McCleay Grange.
Need glasses? Only 50c a wk
at Semler Optical Offices, Wat-ers-Adolph
Bldg., State Ic Com
mercial, Phone 3-3311. All stylet
precision ground to optometrists'
prescriptions Fast service.
Will Lady Huggins
Be in Salem Thursday
For several weeks the Capital
Journal has been holding for re
lease a story from Kingston, Ja
maica, about Lady Huggins, wife
of Governor John Huggins of Ja
maica, who, says the story, is to
speak In Salem Thursday.
The story says she is to ap
pear under the auspices of "a lo
cal committee" and that she will
talk on "The Challenger of the
The Capital Journal has not
been able to find out who is
sponsoring her, or to get any con
firmation that she will be here.
The Chamber of Commerce has
similar information, but no con
Kelier "Kids" Invited The
Kcizer community church will
observe Kids' day Saturday
morning, offering a free moving
picture program for all children
of the community at 10:30
o'clock. Plans are under way to
make this a weekly feature if
funds can be raised to purchase
a projector.
Insurance Rates in
West Salem Cut
Alderman Walter Musgrave
reported Wednesday that West
Salem area property owners had
become the beneficiaries of one
of the promised savings as a
result of the merger of Salem
and West Salem.
Effective immediately, Mus
grave disclosed, the Oregon state
insurance rating bureau has set
the same rate for the Polk coun
ty area as has prevailed in Sa
The West Salem rate was for
merly 45.90, while that in Sa
lem was 35.70.
The effect of the rating order
is to cut rates on fire insurance
for the West Salem area. The
same stipulations governing
Salem rates will prevail.
Property located more than
500 feet from a standard hy
drant served by not less than
a four-inch main will retain a
rate of 45.90.
Lumber Firm Listed Certifi
cate of assumed business name
for Sublimity Lumber company,
sawmill, Sublimity, has been fil
ed with the county clerk by Joe
HeuDerger and Bernard Zuber.
Suit Open for
Prafum Area
Ancient history of the Pratum
section was being dusted off in
Judge Rex Kimmell's circuit
court room Wednesday as the
case of Jacob Haberly and oth
ers vs. Charley Brown and oth
ers went to trial.
The plaintiffs are seeking to
gain possession of an acre and
a quarter of land, part of the
old Centerview school site near
Pratum. Also they ask $1000 as
They claim that back in 1886
Mathias Haberly deeded the
land to the school district and
that the deed provided the land
would belong to the school dis
trict as long as it was used for
school purposes.
It was used for that purpose
for many years but in 1948 a
consolidation of several school
districts was effected and school
is now held at Victor Point. The
old school and the land were
sold. The plaintiffs claim that
the clause in the deed has be
come effective in their favor as
heirs of Mathias Haberly.
Army Publication
Pictures Fair Exhibit
Salem's Military Manpower
committee made the news in
the Sixth Army recruiting pub
lication, "Manpower" of Octo
ber 15.
The magazine, published twice
monthly at San Francisco, con
tained an article and pictures
on the combined Armed Forces
exhibit at the 1949 Oregon State
One page is given over to an
article on the exhibit accom
panied by three pictures and
there is a two-page spread of
pictures of the exhibit. The pic
tures used in the magazine were
taken by Tech. Sgt. Phil E.
Wimer of the Salem Army and
Air Force Recruiting station,
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov, 16, 1949 3
U.S. Deficit Now $3,755,483,592
Washington, Nov. 16 U'- Government expenses and re
ceipts for the current fiscal year through Nov. 14, compared
with a year ago:
This Year Last Year
Expenses $ 15,337,620,384.91 $ 12.346,820,120.65
Receipts 12,182,136,772.48 12,305,871,282.44
Deficit 3,155,483,592 43 40,948,838.21
Cash Balance 4,688,798,177.27 4.556,606,405.30
Public Debt 256,835,476,228 09 252,498.412,493.33
Gold Reserve 24,532,024,230.99 24,097,344,246.40
Dragnet Out
(Continued from Pa 1)
Health Talk Slated Dr. J. H.
Stewart, of West Salem, Polk
county health officer, will give
an illustrated talk at a meeting
of the Popcorn community club
Friday evening. A no-host sup
per will be held at 6:30 o'clock.
Molson Place Sold The 285
acre farm two miles east of
Rickreall and known as the Mol
son place has been sold by L. A.
McArthur, of Portland, to Wiley
Weathers, who has taken posses
sion. Improvements planned in
clude the construction of a new
Willamette Chapter
Of UNESCO Formed
Election of an executive com
mittee headed by Lowell Mil
ler of Los Altos, Cal., Tuesday
night completed the formation
of a Willamette campus chapter
of UNESCO. While the affair
was student operated the chapter
will be open to townspeople.
In addition to Miller the com
mittee includes Dick Stewart of
Salem, Marcelline Hutchinson
of Salem, Gloria MsClcllan of
Ketchum, Idaho, Dale Broeder
of Portland nH Glori" Kninu of
Longview, Wash. Prof. Edward
Kollman was named adviser.
Two student speakers were on
the program: Margaret Conklin
of Bend who discussed "What
Model United Nations Should
Be Like," and Miss McClellan
who pointed out how students
should act while traveling in
foreign countries.
Mrs. McNeer Home Mrs. Dol-
ly McNeer, who recently under
went surgery at the Silverton
hospital, is now convalescing at
the home of a daughter, Mrs.
Gladys McNeer-Cavender, recep
tionist at the Salem General
hospital. The McNcers are for
mer residents of Silverton.
Observe Charter Day A ban
quet Wednesday night at the
Senator hotel has been sched
uled for members of the Salem
Exchange club and their wives
in observance of the chartering
of the local organization two
years ago.
Circuit Court
Marjorie M. Aah worth va Churl ft.
JShaw. complaint lor 11754 alliaed dua
HarTrv H. vi Paulina Helen Fox,
awar admit and len.i.
Ohio Oaaualtr company va Robert Ifarr.
dafendant Illca demurrer.
Jack It. Moort Co., va Wan. Millar, order
allowing cm a In motion to itrlke.
Paul V. Wleclenda va Olive M, fltap
ran and othera, application for trial.
A. P. Krnell va OJn E. M tin Iter and
othera, answer by Aetna Ouarantr com
pany and Olenn Munkera, a to certain
Carl B. Dimuke and Prancea a?. Dam
ake va Leonard B. Robert and Cleo Jean
Robert, decree reatorlni Plaintiff to own
arahlp of cartaln real property.
Alice Mae va Nell O. Warrick, decree of
divorce tivtni plaintiff ciuitodr of a child
and S0 for It aupport. Property aett la
ment approved.
Clara V. va Dvi1m 8. Boyineton, de
fault order entered.
Eddie Ahrena va Donald O. Cannon and
Paul Bale, order denylna motion for new
trial aaked by defendant.
Acnea W. va Rudy Mercado, motion by
defendant to raaclnd order awardlni cua
tody of chUdren to plaintiff.
Irene va Ralph McCauler. divorce com
plaint aliece cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, oak cuatody of a child and tl&O a
month for It aupport. Married Juno 4,
14. at Vancouver. Wah.
Xmai Gift Boxei of Aufranc's
Delicious Canned Fruit now
ready for mailing. Prepaid any
where in the continental U.S.
Ph. 38487. 273
Save office rent. Let me take
your telephone calls in my
horn. Ph. 1-8398. 274
Lealle M. Reamtah va Claude R. Steve,
aon. application for 'rial.
Claude W. Jor.fiuon va Pioneer TruM
com puny and othera. amended complaint
for decree 6etarlnc rlt hi and dutleji
under ttae trut indenture aet up In the
will of Minnie Joraeruirm and aklni
for an ac covin tine from Pioneer Truat
Vada M va TJla Pranklln Parrla. dlv
orce complaint allcea cruel and Inhuman
treatment Married October 1. 1U. at
Harry P va Irene A. Blattner. applica
tion for trial.
Herbert Jone va Oreaon V. Roherta and
Jemee Ballard. Bruoe apauldtnt named
c'jaroiaa ad litem lor defendant Bil
Merr Ana Barr Thome va OtiMvievo
Bodlne Banta. complaint aeeklni to eol-
icct. aucaea aue on a note.
Probote Court
Kueene Eckerlen Batata aDBralatxt at
170.057.69 by Cob urn L nrthanhnm J.
cob Puhrer and Carl Wenaet. PrlnciDal aa-
et la a one -filth intereat in the Blahop
praued at 138,000. CrawfLah Tavern prop
erty and SS acre on Pacific hlehway
la appralaed at 123.000 for the entire
Interact and a one-fifth Interest In the
old home property at N. Liberty and
Union at reel at 17000.
Anton Atenaer tut to inawt at tiruwi
Joseph Stenier named executor, and O. T.
Widji worth. Joeeph Traeer and John
Rloft appralaeri.
Oon M. Najh etat. auPPlemental final
account by Oeorila May Andereon, executrix.
William B. Armatrone. minor. Norma m
Arnutrom named auardlan.
S M.
Crolaan eatate, final order en-
M. Josephine Shank utata. will e
tut nf John W. Merrlfleld and othera
va oranfl iydfe or Tree and Accented Ma.
aon of Orenn and otheri, order dlamtM-
ini ine con teat, com prom Ue aet Heme nt
navini oeen enected.
William P. Neptune estate valued at in
exceaa of 110,000. Dor la N. Ranaora named
executrix and Oeorxe Vtrk. B. B. Ed
ward and Carl Wood appralaera.
Klltabeth Jane Johnann tuardianahtp.
account of John M. JohrJoo, auardlan
Mildred Hamrlrit, minor, order atithor
l:nc expenditure by Catherine Down.
Milton J. P'rawon eatate. return on
aale ahowa re I property aold by Opar
courier, aommuttratrii, lor I not
Charle W. Porter.
District Court
Drunk drlvlna : Marcu T. Madaen.
found ruHty by jury. 10-day Jail term
auapended upon payment of (2M fine and
cwu. placed on probation for year, filed
m oi ion or appeal.
Non aupport- Ralph McCauley, waived
preliminary examination, held for arand
jury, wis.
Morrioqt Licenses
Albert A. Alley, M, railroad clerk, and
Dorothy Irene Par ton. 11, clerk, both Sa
In her story to police, the
girl told how she had been tak
en to a room in the annex of a
downtown hotel to act as a pros
titute for one of the cab drivers.
The driver charged the customer
$10 and split the fee with the
Virtually all of the statements
of the drivers pointed out that
the girl had suggested she would
like to find men sne could charge
for entertainment.
Police who interviewed the
girl emphasized that the lurid
story of her sex life was treated
by her as a big lark. As she told
each sordid chapter of her case.
giggles and laughter punctuate
her commentary.
Childlike Faith
A possible clue to her utter
lack of restraint was based on
her child-like faith that sbe
could not become pregnant, hav
ing once been kicked in the
She told authorities that her
mother, who works as a cook in
Salem, was separated from her
father who is now a resident of
Tacoma. The girl said she avoid
ed her mother, arranging her
life so that she could sleep dur
ing the day while her mother
worked and leave her home
for her almost nightly excur
The youngster was born in
Minot, N. D. Her police iden
tification card lists her as five
feet, two inches tall, weighing
142 pounds. She has light brown
hair and hazel eyes.
Although she is generally de
scribed as looking older than
her 14 years, the police matron
emphasized that the girl could
not be taken for more than 16
years old.
Still Following Trail
As the seven men were being
scheduled for their court ap
pearance, police were still un
certain as to where the trail
of their investigation might lead.
It was virtually certain, how
ever, that it would lead beyond
the taxicab circle.
From the statements, It was
learned that the girl frequently
was seen drinking whiskey. One
cab driver reported that she
usually carried a bottle of her
The mixture of whiskey and
sex produced several drunken
and perverted orgies.
The arrested men represented
three cab companies which
maintain cars at the stop in
front of the Greyhound bus de
pot. And it was there she became
known to the drivers.
Hoffcrt, one of the men ar
rested Tuesday, is an ex-convict
who gained a favorable reputa
tion in Salem for his showing in
boxing. Crabtree told officers
he was on parole on a car theft
Injured Boy
Gains Strength
At Salem General hospital to
day it was reported that Garry
Dwayne Fiscus, 7, injured by a
truck Tuesday afternoon, was
still in a critical condition but '
gaining in strength.
The accident happened just af
ter 4 o'clock when a truck driven
by Franklin M. Dugger, 393 Try
on, struck the boy while he was
crossing an alley. He suffered
possible internal injuries, frac
ture of the pelvia, compound
fracture of the right elbow and
a head injury.
The boy is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. W. Fiscus, 295 Pine
street. Dugger, the truck driv
er, was not cited by the police.
He said he was driving in an al
ley in the 2200 block between
Front and Commercial when two
small girls crossed the alley in
front of the truck. While he was
watching the girls the Fiscus boy,
he said, suddenly came from be
hind an automobile that was
parked in the alley.
It was believed the truck
wheels passed over the boy't
108 Cities Get
(Continued rrom Page 1)
Opcninf in 14th RCT
sa em s Army ana Air rrorce re
cruiting station has received word
that there are currently a numoer
of openings in the 14th regiment
combat team, army mountain unit
stat oned at camp Carson, ioio.
Also, young men may now enlist
for direct assignment to that or
ganization without previous mili
tary service, providing they are be
tween the ages of IB and 34 years
and able to meet the new physical
and mental standards of the army.
The 14th RCT, one ol the unique
units in the army operates as an
Independent force, having its own
Inlantry, artillery and engineers.
It has several unit schools and in
addition sends its men to regular
army technical schools. Further In
formation on enlistment In Uie
unit is available at the Salem re
cruiting station In the post office
Tests for Veterans
High school diplomas, or the
equivalent in the form of a cer
tlflcate issued by the state depart
ment of education, may still be ob
tained by World War II veterans
even though they have not finished
(trade or high school, the Oregon
Department of Veterans' Affairs re
The tests are being administered
bv school centers In IS Oregon
cities to measure a veterans gen
eral knowledge of grammar, Eng-
usn literature, social studies, na
tural sciences, and his mathemati
cal ability. Prepared by the Amer
ican council on Education, the tests
are considered to cover the sublect
material that a high school grad
uate should know.
The testa are limited to veterans
who enlisted in the armed forces
prior to July 25, 1S47, and who
served 90 davs or more.
Testing centers are located In
high schools at Astoria, Baker, Rend.
cugene, neppner. Klamath rails.
La Orande. Coos Bav. Ontario. Pen
dleton. Salem and The Dalles, oth
er centers are at Oregon Stale col
lege. Corvallls: Southern Oregon
College of Education, Ashland; Reed
college Portland: and the public
scnooi guidance department, JQ n.
E. rjeecn street, rortiana.
"Approval of these loans
means that these local housing
authorities may now take the
first concrete steps toward
building good new homes for
low income families," Egan'i
statement said.
The size of the preliminary
loan is limited by the number
of dwelling units allotted to the
locality. The present authoriza
tions average about $151 for
each dwelling.
When the final federal-aid
contracts are signed, they will
specify the amount of the de
velopment loant and the annual
federal subsidies required to
provide low rents for the fami
lies occupying the completed
No Recognition
(Continued from Page 1)
YFW Planning for
State Convention
Plans got under way Tuesday
night for the part that Salem
VFW members will play at hosts
to the state VFW convention to
be held here June 28 through
July 1.
The preliminary plant were
made at a meeting of the en
campment committee, which is
to incorporate for the purpose
of holding the convention here.
The group adopted by-lawt and
elected officers.
Joseph Hopklnt wat elected
president of the committee. Oth
er officers elected were vice
president, Clifford Maison; sec
retary. Dale Mauk; treasurer,
Charles Hagemann; and trustees,
Mcl Clemens, Onas Olson, Ken
neth Frad, Phil Ringle, Helton
Hickok and Russell Mudd.
He said he was greatly impress
ed by the progress which west
ern Germany is making In its
political reconstruction.
The Far Eastern issues domi
nated the questions and answers
which followed his prepared
There wat first the case of
the "Flying Cloud," the Is
brandtsen steamship company's
vessel fired on, and reportedly
hit several times, by a Chinese
nationalist warship. The Chi
nese nationalists have declared
blockade of communist-held
China ports, but the United
States has refused to recognize
the blockade.
Acheson said that the state de
partment had not yet received
any official reports of the in
cident on which It coud act al
though those were expected momentarily.
But he said he had of course
read the very full report of the
affair tent by Walter Sullivan
to the New York Timet.
Super Market Flies Franel.
C. Schmidt, Mt. Angel, has filed
certificate of assumed business
name with the county clerk for
Schmidft Super Market of that
i city.
We wish to thank our manv
friends for their kindness and
sympathy in the hour of our
sorrow, for the lost of husband
and father. Mrt. Ole E. Jenson
and family. 273
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