22 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, Novl6, 1949 SF Business Man Falls lo Death Seattle. Nov. 18 W) A San Francisco Bay area business ex ccutive fell to his death from his eighth floor hotel room win dow at 2 a.m. today. The coroner'i office identified him aa Kenneth Edwin Larsen, 35, Pacific coast manager of Lakeside Laboratories, Inc. His home address was listed at 2926 S. Court St., Palo Alto, Calif. Officers were mystified as to the cause of the fall. He landed on a roof at the second floor level. He was clad only in un derwear and socks. Coroner's deputies said the bed covers in his locked room were turned back as though he had been pre paring to retire. His window was open and the Venetian blind up. He had plane reservations for flight to Portland today for a business conference. Britain Oilers lo Buy NW Apples Portland, Nov. 18 m North west apple growers have been Invited by British exporters to offer their fruit for shipment to the Isles in January and Feb ruary. The western marketing office of the department of agriculture said bids from Washington, Ore gon and California growers were to be filed with the northwest horticultural council, Wenatchee, Wash., until Nov. 21. The offer prices are to be for shipside at Seattle. The British hope to buy about two million boxes. Bond Issue Voted Milwaukie, Nov. 16 UP) Vot ers in a special election here yesterday approved a charter re vision permitting a $200,000 general tax bond issue. The funds are for a sewage disposal plant and system. The vote was 255 for and 101 against. A bond proposal a year ago, tied to a water users levy, was defeated. WODtl Y'S WITH A BOMS FFEK THE SALE EVENT YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY AFFORD TO MISS! fix v-tip-v - REGARDLESS OF CONDITION mgmlPmmmi BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI ' (KSHHiSSSSSSsHiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsHBl . c i I irnr i i it i i m ii ii uui ii i n u n ii i ii i i u ii 1 1 ii 1 1 ii if i i vr i 1 1 ii i i i i u w i - w Ml. r-. v ou ll ll 1 1 I I J 11 v I niJI I I I 1 f I 1 1 A 11 1 1 I I II II i I II 1 1 II I j I r-il 1 1 11 I I I III i i -4. Iff -m NO CARBON! NO SOOT! THAT'S Caterijed OIL! .CHECK the FACTS! Prove to Yourself IT'S ONLY CATERIZED OIL FOR YOU FROM NOW ONI Only Caterized Oil . . . Reduces stack fir haiardt! Minimises strainer clogging! Cuts furnace bills IN HALF! Permits free, eoiy pumping of oil! Can bt stored with obtolute safety! No toot or carbon! Ask about it now! Don't Delay! GET YOUR CATERIZED OIL TODAYI DIAL 35622or35606 Howard J. Smalley Oil Company 1405 BROADWAY Hood at Broadway Davenport Suites i $99 PLUS BONUS ROCKER Our entire stock goes on sale. Choose from a host of styles, in covers to meet the demands of the most discriminating homemakers. Priced during this sale to meet every budget. From . . . And Your Old Suite Sectional Sofas PLUS BONUS ROCKER Sectional it's the magic word for the women who like to arrange and re-arrange . . . Now you can have the same beautitul room you ve dreamed of with one of these smart sectional sofas. From ... And Your Old Suite Sofa Bed Suites PLUS BONUS ROCKER A sofa by day ... a bed by night. See the huge selection of the latest styles, with smart durable fabrics in lively new colors. All sale priced from . . . $89 J Plus Your Bonus SWING ROCKER Absolutely FREE Buy any living room suite, sectional or sofa bed suite, trade i And Your Old Suite SALEM'S MOST LIBERAL TERMS! NOTHING DOWN Select from Nationally Famous Makes Kroehler Biltwell Valentine-Sever on Woodry's Approved Credit (Double Guarantee National Brands and Woodry's) $50 ... then receive lfpf.fr- ABSOLUTELY FREE iffhfM Pay Nothing More ... This Is Woodry's Blue Ribbon - Bonus Offer 4 t