AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES LOOK - LISTEN V ONE YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE ON OUR USED CARS. THE ONLY PLACE IN SALEM WHERE YOU CAN GET THAT TYPE OF WARRANTY. OUR CARS ARE THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND SOLD BY A PERMANENT. DEPENDABLE DEALER. TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY Bl LLDOZINO Phone 2-4173 27S' I''-) SS2 N. Commercial Thurs. Spot Special At Center and Commercial Is' 1940 PLYMOUTH DELUXE STATION WAGON RADIO HEATER. OOOD MOTOR. BODY HEEDS A L TITLE REPAIR $250 HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS 337 Center Phone 3-9286 AUTOMOBILES WILSONS SPECIAL SELECTION OF EXCEPTIONAL CARS 1948 BUICK Super Sedan $2045 On. owner. Rfaularljr serviced In our shop. Only 15.500 mile. Two-tone Bray Ducco. Plastic seat covers. SUPERIOR. 1949 BUICK Spec. Sedan $1995 One owner. Resularly serviced In our sbop. ONLY 8900 miles. Llsht gray Duc co. Absolutely PERFECT. 1948 CHEV. Aero Sedan $1595 One owner. Sxactlni care. ONLY 18.940 ntlaa. Rlark Ducco. Batin seat covers. One of today's most popular styles. SEE IT. 1947 BUICK Super Sdn. $1695 One owner. Immaculate throughout. Two-tone ray. NEW Goodyear Super Cushion White Tires, rissuc seat cov era. SUPERIOR. 1948 BUICK Spec. Sedan $1395 On owner. Carefully aervlced since new. Brakes recently reltned. Good llsht sroen Ducco ex clean Interior. Thous ands of low cost miles to so. TRY IT. Others At All Prices Otto J Wilson Co. Commercial at Center AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC 1941 ( door sedan series CI. Radio, heater. windshield w ushers, white tide wail tires, hydramatic drive, runs and .oou UK new. 'me Dfcst moaei uacmac ever made. 11350. 1301 s. com'l. pn. 36U50. ' DIRECTORY r u iloinq capurif Remodel, repair Wat bom do Term No down partntnt Phone I-W10 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldf., clear Int. teeth for brush. Vlrall Husks.. 1010 Kalrvlew Av- 8lem: o39i! Dean Robinson. Pa. S-MST r 1-4306 o29. Lof.. srnd. dear's;, carryall k. Ph 42383 or 31364. Geo Worto. M0 Plymouth Dr CASH REGISTERS Ins tan demerr of ne RCn cast reiUtei Ai mate soul reoLed. e pa ed BofQ i4 Court Ph 3-1713 o EMENT fvORft For expert guaranteed tatt start loo oe or repair of foundation, aldewailu drive warm, patio, euro valla ate Cal.' 3-4850 0 CHIMNEY IWEEP Furnace onlmner vacuum cleaned. Etuler. Ill 0. 3Ut. Pb. 3-1176. 284- DBLSSMAKJKO State St. Alteration Shop. Dressmak lm. 360 State 6t.. Rm. 37. o2M DRIVEWAYS EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator device Pa. 3-3060, Lee Crou. Rt. 6. Box 437-0 Brs.iriauot f tot flover Dla 3-tl7B c" FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE Stock Advance Led by Motors New York, Nov. 16 W Auto mobile shares powered a broad advance in the stock market to day. Gains ranged from fractions lo a point or more. Buying interest suddenly ex panded in mid-morning. The rise followed a two-day setback during which the mar ket value of all stocks listed on the exchange was dropped down by around $1,000,000,000. Crucible Steel common and preferred ran into heavy weath er following news that directors had skipped the preferred divi dend due at this time. The com mon lost 114. Higher prices were paid dur ing the day for U.S Steel, Beth lehem Steel, Chrysler, Stude- baker, General Motors, Union Pacific, U.S. Rubber, United Aircraft,' American Telephone, International Paper, Warner Bros., and U.S. Gypsum. HOME raODVCTS RAWLEIQH PRODUCTS. I-S7. 02M' Uli'-KHULD PBUDLCTa J B .rerj K'elkios Oo 1111 Center products Free PH 1-S39, STOCKS Tel Johns-Man? 1 11 Phone 3-3748 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Serrtce Floor Waxing Building - Factories - Home Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAI. NT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 0 LAN DSC A IT Nt RSER1 P V Doerfler Si Bon. Ornamentals 130 N Lancaster Or at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 o REAL VALUES '41 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN '41 DESOTO DELUXE SEDAN '41 STUDEBAKER DELUXE SEDAN '42 PACKARD CLIPPER SDN. '39 BUICK CLUB COUPE '40 NASH CLUB COUPE 42 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN '37 FORD SEDAN MANY MORE REAL BUYS AT State Motors Inc. USED CAR LOT 678 S. 12th LAWNHOWERS MATTRESSES MUSIC LESSONS Spanish A Banjo, etc. Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. 1923 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cues, CHECK THE SPOT IMS DODGR 4-door sedan. Radio, heater. low mile ate. Ph. 3-2471. tve. 3-5089. q273 150 USED CAR LOT I 150 & your old on 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 P.m. 5293 j PONTIAC Good Will Cars PONTIAO SON. CPE U5 ' DO DOB SEDAN 1035 SI PONTIAO SEDAN Ms PONTIAC COUPE 5 "37 CHEV. SEDAN J M PONTIAC SEDAN ' 'SO PONTIAO SEDAN US OLDS SDN. CPE '1 PONTIAC SDN. CPE '41 PLYMOUTH SEDAN MODEL A PORD SDN Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS e0 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4113 Q Pierce Wire Recorders. Roan. 450 Court o OIL BURNER SERVICE We cuarantea our work. Pa. 3-8663 Eve 4-2134. o275 PAINTING Ep." Interior painting. Wilson Ph. 3-S733 0281 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS MOTOR BIKE for sale. Call 3-3418. 1883 Waller. qarH" FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sixes, 15.00 and up. Monti omerf Ward Y Co. Salem. qbJ75 FINANCIAL FARM AND CITT LOANS 44 and $ TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second M or teases CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bid Ph 3-1182 '2' Hudson's '2' Brand New '49 Super Six's! One club coupe, one four door sedan Both have heaters and air foam cushions. These cars can be bought at a real sav ings. Make offer Easy terms. State Motors Inc. PACKARD DEALER 340 N. HIGH 0.273' iqm nrtrK Snecial. body and running or der A-l. Full equipped. $450 or reason able offer. 1505 K. Capitol. q275 lDlfl PONTIAC Vdoor Sedan. e. cord. Ph. 134, Aumsvllle, Ore., Robert Croc. q27S rhn i v ''ii Pnrititic. RAH. Reasonable 155 Main St., Monmouth. Q375 l ait pfiNTlAr. Custom. Torpedo '6." en ihtiw frnnt end IllSt rebuilt rxwi itroa leatherette teat cover. 11 ou are looklne. lor some real nice (Fn.r.o.tit!nn thal'B ilnrnridablt see h one. Ph. 4-2434 alter 6 p.m. o." PRIVATE MONET Speo l Rates and Terms On Larcer Loans Lont and Short Tim ParToents ROT H SIMMONS U6 South CommtrdaJ St Phona $-9181 AUTO LOANS WILUAilETrk CREDT1 Ca 183 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph t-2157 Lie No M-1S S-154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1PR0 PairitKiundj Road N'Xt Door to Bank Free Parklnc Phone 27032 - Lie N US8-S2tl Fiord Kenyon Mxr r SFl. V9 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4'". OR 4T, INTEREST ft to 40 Vears tnd No CommWIon Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 fltmte St Phona 1-3803 GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie S-133 and U-I3I and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS ISO B Commercial St Tel 3-0181 BILLS UNPAID? Let Personal's YES MAN pay them for you! Reduce your monthly payments with hli "Smaller Payment" Plan. Oct ex tra eah and spread the payments ovar 30 months. You choose the monthly payment, ion choose the payment date. Don't borrn unnecessarily but If a lonn Is the G" solution itop In or phone the "YES' MAN. He says yes to 4 out ol 6. Open Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 pm. Personal Finance Co. of Salea SIS Stale. Rm. C. R. Allen, Mir. Phone 3-3404 Lie. .4-122. M-1CS f274 1948 CROSLEY PANEL 7900 Miles S395.00 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 153 N, Hltn Salem, Ore? mi q375" '2' Packard's 42r Club sedan; four door edan; less than year old: lots of ex tras; low mileage. New car guarantee; save you money. State Motors Inc. $ TO LOAN. Will divide. Me Kin Jnhnon. MP n. collage oi. Ji9 MONFY TO LOAN on Real Estate first mortartRes "v. Inq. Burt piena, Heai tnra 179 N. HI til St. Phone 3-M40 r27l' TRAILERS Yt FT. TR4ILFR house. Nice Clean. Ctotvd shape. Price 1450. 2253 Simpson. tJ73 t.ttlllEL liiiiiie trailer. All iteel. New tires. Can be made Into horse trailer Alio, truck t rt wheel ana tute. Rte DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 34 Jef ferson St Phone 23452 o Sharpened, guaranteed service, power and hand mowers. Call W. Scott. 147 6. Com'l St. New Harry 021b Capita. Bedding Phone 1-4089 Ofstrom's are equipped palnttnt Phone 3-2493 Am Pow Am Tel & Anaconda Dendii Aviation ... Peth Steel .... Joeing A.rplane ... Calif Packing Canadian Paclflo . . Case J 1 ,. Caterpillar Chrysler Com with St Sou ... Cons vultee ... Continental Can ... ';rown Zfllerbach . Curtlta Wright lai Aircraft .., Dupont de Nem ... Cleneral Electric ... Oeneral Food . ... Oiineral Motors .., Goodyear Tire .... int Harvester Int Paper Kennecolt Llbby McN & L ... Long Bell 'A" Montgomery Ward Naah Kelvlnator ... Nat Dairy nt central Northern Pacific .. Pao Am Fish Pa Oas St Flee Pa Tel A Tel Penney J C , Radio Corp ........ Rayonler Rayonlet Ptd ..... Keynoidi Metal ... Richfield Safeway Stores ... Sears Roebuck .... Southern Pacific Standard Oil Co. . studebaker Corp ., Sunshine Mining . Tr an nam erica . . .. Union Oil CI .... Union Paclf.c United Airlines ... V B Steel .... Warner Bros Pie ., ffoolwortn . . b painting. Est. free. Ph. 0293 Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0292 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanelnc and painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-9817. Pre eat. 02791 PLUMBING Si Contract. Olen Mroody. Ph, Fisher, 170 Lancaster Or. Ph. 32984 0283 .. 13'i ..146 , 28 ' , 21 . 32 V . 55 . 10 , 35 . 37 . 7 , 40 S , 27 , 34 , 50 , T4 . 2I'i , 61 , 15'4 . 37 . 10 . 18 ..102H .. 62 .. 12'. .. 23 .. 31 .. 19 .. SB'i 38 42 ... 45 .. 4 ... 36 .. 10 ... 13 .. 37 ... 31 .. 13 .. 14 I -xH.. AC . X lx 1 "til Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 191921 MARKET QUOTATIONS lalrn Livestev atsrae n vllei "acklna c"on? Feeder lambs 113 00 to 115.00 Cutter cows 17.00 to 19 M Dairy hellers 110 00 to 111 90 Pat dairy cows 19.50 to 110 09 Bulls 111.00 to 115 M Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 116.00 to 118 00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top ....130.00 to 122 00 Portland EastUde Market Local beets sold for 85 to 75 cents a dos i bunches on the Portland EasUide Wholesale Produce market today. Carrots brought u to 15 cents a dozen bunches. RadiAhas were 00 to 65 cents a dozen bunehes: parsley, 65 to 70 cents; green onions, eo to 70 cents, and turnips, 65 cents to 61.00. Brunei sprouts were offered at 13.00 to 1215 a 13-CUP 1UK. Celery gold lor 12.71 to 13.00 a stur. dee crate. Garlic moved at 35 to 10 cents a pound. It. 00: wooled Quoted to 30.00; medium and good feeder 16. oo to 17-00. good ewes st able I H to l.uo. Prison Bound Escorted by U. S. Deputy Marshal Herbert R. Cole, Mrs. Iva Togun D'Aquino (Tokyo Rose) prepares to board a train in San Francisco for the federal women's prison at Alderson, W. Va. Mrs. D'Aquino is under 10 years sen tence for treason and will be eligible for parole after 3Vi years. Cole's wife will accompany them. (Acme Telephoto) SALEM MARKETS Cash white Portland Grain Portland. Nov. 16 ypi Wheat: wheat (bid) oft white 2.20: soft (excluding rexi 2.20 ''a; wiilte club 2.20 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.20Vi; 10 per cent 2.20V; 11 per cent 2.20: 12 per cent 2.21. Today's car receipts: Wheat 38: barley ii; iiour iu; corn a; oats a; muueed ji, Plt-TltRb I-R AMINO Picture framini Phoi.e S-6A87 Hutcheeo Paint Store REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Serv. Co. Ph. 31534 o2Sla SAND GRAVEL Oarden Soil ernshed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand & Oravei Co. Phon 3-9249 o Valley Sand At Oravei Co Silt, sand A f ll dirt Eicevettnt 10B shovel St cau Tractor scoop trucks for dirt movlnt Ph office 34003, res 37146 o Salem Saw Writs Ph. 3-7603 1293 N 5th 0361 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septfe Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. Pa. 3-9468. 3-5327. 0287 Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work 11 43 -8th K. P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404 o275 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 2445 State St. Phone 3-0734. o .EWERS AND KEVTir TANRS Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Rasor Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Pn, 3-5327. SEWINO MASHINES Girl Champion of H. R. Apple Pickers Hood River, Nov. 16 W) Miss Fern Vosberg won the apple packing championship of Hood River county yesterday. She packed 63 boxes of the fruit in two hours to win over 13 other contestants. The Hood River woman scor ed 88 points out of a possible 100 for speed and quality, ac cording to Richard Ryalls, chief contest Judge. He is plant perintendent for the sponsoring Hood River Apple Growers' association. Ryalls noted the best job here was far behind the 83 boxes packed in the same time by last years winner at a Yakima, Wash., event. The winner there was named "world champion.1 Orange and grapefruit juice are excellent sources of vitamin C; this is the vitamin needed the body. All repairs euaranteed. Free pickup ft delivery. Used machines bought ft sold. Ph. 3-3569. 1W1 Edeeweter o29T Boufht, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. S.U makes W. Davenport. Pn. t-7871 n2St' All makes repaired, free estimates 9,ntet aewlnt Machine Co 130 No Commercial PH 3-3313 ft riMNSFEP A STORAGE jcal ft Distance Transfer, ttotaee Burnet oua coal ft briquets Trucks I. Portland dally Aeent for Beklns House hold foods moved to anywhere to DA Oi Canada Larmev Transfer ft Storaae Ph 3-3131 0 THLTK TRANSFER Lester DeLapp truck service. Commer cial haullni. Dally service to Portland. Ph. 3-mo. .294" fPEtt PITERS Bmltb Corona. Remmitoo Royal. Under. ood portables AH makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen- 454 Court o VENETIAN BLINDS lalem Venetian Blind made to order o rslinlahad R.lnholdt ft Levis 3-331 Elmer The BUndman. ft'EATRERSTRIPPINO WELL DRILLING Prod Wrmors, Rt. 3, Boi 313. Ph. 1-3133. 0291 IVlNDOVf CLEANTNO 340 NO. HIGH St. DIRECTORY .UMNO MACHINES hf nialtenied meehlnes old. rented reoalfetj fWn afw Cnurt -bftn 1-477J APPLIANCE 8ERV1C1 rLF TBIc HME appliance repair aervtee n atDilanem Vl&ee'a Eieetrle Phone Free tJ-timateji Trade-In I-BIJit i jit 8 Libert St t 't im n n b bTTb a r p r. n i n a accepted LODGES e.3.3 MODEL M 01dmob:le Sedanett. Ra dio. Heater, Roval Maater Tire, lilt tuard tube, one owner. Orlflnal cot 13400. Sll for I3W. 1775 North 24th Pt Eenlnt only. AVF K to Ho6Vfar(.ntratw. Buy itt 1049 Croaley conv. Latt btx"! OniJ IS00 ml. Will trade. FDoae 3134? 21i Ln "npr -Mir" knlve. fharp end. Pfiter. 110 Center, i-tttl. VlTO- RADIOS UARTON yQTORS tiKSH SERVICE fowme aernce day ahooe l-fM Wltn : inn4 13' druer iodtam paint B-iidn' B-d At Pi rt Shop. Opts Sun pn. s-aoaa. ui Acne i indo Cleaner Wlodowa, aaa A woodwork cleaned Floot eieaoed waie and pom rite pb 1-1337 11 Court Lanfdoa Culbertaon aod UaUie. ft 'a. V.- n AINUdvl SHADES iLLOie Roll aisde to order I Da) Reinnoidt ft Le. Ph 23639 0 WOOD ft SAWDUST W.At San r-jel Co Ph 3-4031 s-TQp-N 1-UOi mecu ever) Wd iwvlw ugftt VUl'ora e Salem Lodge No 4, A P. V AM. Wednesday, Nov. 19, E A degTee, 7:30 pm. 2T3 fa' A Pacific Lodge No. 50. A.P. eV AM. Stated Meeting Prlday. November It, 1:30 pm. 27J1 All Is Forgiven Mrs. Mar Rarot Piatt of Bremerton, Wash., and her husband, Wil ford, whose "liquidation" (he had admitted planning be cause of hii persistent ardor, embrace after she had been freed on charge of attempted murder. The 31 -year-old moth er of two children was then charged with forgery in con nection with sale of her hus band's car. Piatt, who stood by his wife, said at he hugged her: "I want to take you home; our two children need you." (AP Wirephoto) Completed from reports Salem dealers tar the cul.ancc r lapuai journal Reade.a. (Revised dallyt. Retail Fred Prices- Ess Main 14.75. Il-ubll relict S4.J0. Dairy Peed 13.15. i-,- i,r nv prices -Orad A color ed bens. 34c; trade A Leshorn bens -1.0 up il'tJZ Ursue A oid uui-leta lac 18-19C. grade A colored tryera, three tba 26-390. Esc. B.ylnc Prices Extra larte ss, sec; larse AA. S4c; large A, 51-56c: medium A A. 43c; medium A. 41-44c; pulleU. 32-38C. Whulmale Prices klsB wholesale prices b-7e above these prices, above pr?da A renerslly Quoted at lo medium. 49c. Butterfat Premium 66c: No. L 64c: pro. 3. 58-aoc (buylns prices). Batter Wholesale credo A. 68C1 r caU 13c Polk Sponsors Relief Auction Dallas A county-wide auc tion on November 26, probably in Dallas, will climax the 1949 Christian Rural Overseas Pro gram In Polk county, it was de cided at a meeting in the Dallas Chamber of Commerce rooms. A farm-to-farm canvass is being initiated to collect food for overseas relief through the program. Solicitors will canvass in trucks and pick up both pro duce and clothing that may be donated. CROP will not dispose of the clothing but will turn it over to the church groups that the donors designate should dis tribute it. In this man:r CROP tieing in with the current Thanksgiving clothing drive of all churches. Machinery, cattle and chickens or anything saleable may also be donated for the auction. If not transportable, it will be listed and auctioned sight-unseen. All proceeds will be turned over to CROP. Solicitation dates are from Friday, November 18, to Wed nesday, November 23, in all sec tions of the county with various churches of Dallas responsible for the canvass. Ralph C. Shepard, county chairman, presided at the meet ing. "Operation Mercy" showing how CROP donations arc distri buted was B. Kelson, western Oregon CROP director. Sreingrube Trying Out Berry Species Grand Island Five acres of blueberries have been set at the Howard Steingrube acreage in the Grand Island district as an experimental venture. They are of the huckleberry type fruit and highly recom mended. They were purchased from the Aves Blueberry farm at Puyallup,' Wash. Mrs, Braat Home TJnionvale Mrs. M. Braat. 71, after almost three weeks treat ment at the General hospital, McMinnville, returned home Saturday. She suffered after effects of a severe cold. Her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Estelle of Myrtle Point came to take care of her for one week. Doris Braat, teacher at Portland, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Braat is the mother of Mrs. Dale L. Fowler of Grand Island who also returned after hospital! ration. Grains Hold Fairly Steady Chicago, Nov. 16 (P) Grains Save up a little ground on the board of trade today. Selling pressure quite heavy at times, but there were enough resting orders in the market to hold declines to fractions in most cases. Rye suffered widest losses. Wheat closed lower to higher, December $2.09-, corn was 1 cent lower to 'i higher, December $1.20-:14, oats were lower, Decem ber 74-74 Vt, rye was 2V4-3V4 lower, December si.SOVi, soy beans were 1 Vi lower to V high er, November $2.21y4-"4, and lard was unchanged to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher, No vember $9.30. Britain Buys Wheat Under Marshal! Plan Washington, Nov. 16 W The Economic Cooperation adminis tration approved the purchase by Great Britain of $48,800,000 worth of Canadian wheat under the Marshall plan. The recovery spending alloca tion was included in new foreign aid given five European coun tries. Great Britian's total new assistance was $54,450,000. In addition to the purchase of wheat, the funds will be used to buy $5,550,000 worth of lumber and saw mill products from American suppliers and $100,- 000 for electrical equipment from this country. Granoe Club Keeps Year Book Slogan Sflverton Officers for the coming year for the SUverton grange home economics club met at the High Street home of Mrs. Ethel King, were Mrs. Frank M Porter, chairman; Mrs. Charles Lindblad, vice chairman; Mrs, Peter Scymanshi, secretary; Mrs. Charles Meyer, treasurer; and Mrs. Emil .uoe, program chairman. The club will continue their year book slogan, borrowed with the consent of the Business and Professional Woman's club who originated it, "Boost Sil verton's Name With Iris Fame.' Portland PrtXlur ' Butterfat- Tcntttrrc. iirtiiect to lmma. dlate chartRt Premium quality maximum to 35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland U-S7e tb.t M acore, 61-65e lb.: 90 score. &7-63c; M acort 55c. Valley routta and country pclnta 3c leu than first Billet wnoitiaw run ouia cuoea to wholealtra. grade 93 ttcore, 83c A 12 acore. flJe: B M acort. 60c lb., O 19 core. file. Abor prlcaa art aerlctly nominal Cbcee Sailing prlca to Portland whola aale Oregon alnflea 38-42c, Oregon I amall loaf, 44'i-46c; triplet 1H leu than indies Emi (! wboleaaleri) A tradt large. STa-58c; A medium. 40-7i ; grade B large, 49-50'ic: amall A grade, 43 He Portland Dairy Market Butler Price to retallera: Oradi AA prints, 68c; AA carton, 69c; A print. 68c; A carton 69c: B print. 65c. Kkkk ' k'p in reti Ht-r. tirade A A large, 62c dot. certified A lame, 6Sc; A targe, 60c; AA medium. &0c; cer tified A medium. 49c; B medium, 45c. A mall, 44c: cartons 3 c additional. (heeae Price to mallei Portland Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon loaf. I 1b loafs 44'? 4&e lb . triplets. 14 cents lesa than singles Premium brand, singles 51 ',e Ib.i loal. Uo Poultry Live Chickens - Ho 1 Quality POB Plants. No 1 broiler under 3 Iba. 30-4c lb. fryers 3-3 lb.. 23-26C. 3-4 lb.. 27c; router 4 lb and over, 31-28c; fowl, wvuooai 4 ida ai.d under I8-20C over 4 lb. 30c; colored fowl, all weight. 34 -25c; rooster, all weight, 18-20C Turkey Net to grower. 810 on torn, 434-44C on hen; ales price to re tailers, torn. ja-JiJc; neni 48 -doc. Rabbits Avetnge to growers, live white. 4-5 lbs.. 17-190 lb.: S-6 lbs.. 15-17c lb.: colored 3 cents lower, old or heavy does. and bucks. 8-13c. Fresh dressed Idaho I ners and retailers. 40c; local. 48-63C. Country -HII led Meats Veal Top quality 29 -31c lb., other grades according to weight And quality witn inner or neavier ib-ibc. Hogs light bloc leer. 34li-25c: sow. 20. 31c. Lambs Top quality, springers, 38-39c; mutton, U-l3e. Beef O ood cows, 19 -21c lb.; canoe rs cutters, ll19c. Fresb Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailer per ewt.t: Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs., $43-49; commercial. 135-39; utility. Ul-34, utility. 127-28. Cows Commercial, 128-31; utility, 334- 20; canners-cutter, 123-26. Beef Cuts lOood Steers i: Bind quarters. 154-55; rounds 11-51; full loins, trimmed I7J-78; triangles, 833-34; square chucks. 840-42; ribs $53-55; forequarters, 134-38. Veal and calf. Ciooa. $37-40; eommerclat 133-35; utility. $28-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, 841 46; commercial, $36-40; utility. I3J-15. Mutton Good, 70 lbs down. $18-20. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1, 3-13 lbs., $39-43: shoulders. 16 lbs down, $30-33; spare- ribs, $45-48; carcasses. $24-25; mixed ' neunt $2 per cwi. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Caseara Bark Dry 12 He lb., srreen 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 46o lb. H abate 35 lb. on 12 -month growth. nominally. nioes carves, aoe id., according to weight, klpe 25c lb., beef U-12c Lb- bull 7e lb. country buyer pay 3c lass. Nat Queiatlon Walnuts Pranquettes, first quality jura bo, 34 7c: large. 33.7c; medium. 27.2c second quality Jumbo, 30.2c; large, 38.2c; medium, 26.2c; baby, 23.1c, soft shell, first quality targe, JB.ic; medium,; ee ond quality large. 37.3c. medium, 34.7c oaoy M.zc. Filbert Jumbo, 30 tb.t large, medium. 16e: amall. 1 3c. Grange Master Goss Raps Brannan Plan Sacramento, Nov. 16 U.B Al bert S. Gos, master of the Na tional Grange, today attacked the Brannan plan for federal subsidies to farmers as a form of "charity" that could bankrupt the nation. He spoke before the 83rd con vention of the National Grange which will continue here until Nov. 25. Goss said that instead of the plan advocated by Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan the government should establish a bi-partisan "federal farm board" to regulate "sound production, processing and marketing prac tices." He said congress should pass legislation to handle agri cultural problems through mar keting agreements, a two-price system, flexible floors and mar keting quotas. Only as last resort, and In "extreme" cases, should direct subsidies be used, he said. DEATHS Charles Alllsea Cnarle Allison, late resident of 3106 N. Church St., tn this city. November 15, at the age of 68 year. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Alta J. Allison. Salem: two sons. Osborne L. and Dirrell H. AllUon, both of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. G. R. Lowery. Snlem: two brother. Smltn W. Al lison. Perlland, and Frank L. Allison, Cor- vaiit; three uter. Mrs. Hutu Grant. Harlan: Mabel Woelke, Gleneden Beach: and Mr. Reva Erown, Cutler City; and seven grandchildren. Service will be he.d t the w. T. RlHdon chapel Thursday, .No vember 17, tt 1:30 p.m. Fred L. Danlson In this city Fred L. Danlson. late resi dent of Station A, Salem, at the ase of "S8 year, rattier ot uisoys Marie Kroner and Virgil Leroy Damson of Portland: and grandfather of Lranne Danlson and Mrs. Coleen Crocan of Portland. Services were held at the W. T, Rlgdon chapel Wednes day, November 16, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Wesley Turner officiating. Interment was In Belcrest Memorial park:. Mr. Clara E. Smith Mrs. Clara E. Smith at the residence at 730 Mill street, November 14, at the ace of 74 rears. Aunt of Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Jennie Erwln, Mem Pearce and Lias Pearce, all of Salem, and ueorite pcaree ot Delano, cam.. Services will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Thursday, November 17. at 10:30 a.m. with concluding services m the City View cemetery. Rev. Lloyd O. Uecker will officiate. Fail Ralph Zentner Paul Kalph Zentner. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Zentner of Eugene, No vember 15, at Dayton, Oregon. Survived also by grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott of Salem and Mr. and Mr. Fran- Zentner of Merced, Calif. Prlvat graveside services will be held Thursday, November 17, at Belcrest Memorial park with Dr. Chester W. Hamblln officiating. Lena flasan Johnson At the residence, 1S3S n. 18th, November I, Lena Susan Johnson, age 66. Wife of George Johnson, Balem: sister ot Ben Noonan, Yelm, Wash.: Agnes Holts. Ta coma and Pearl Sullivan. Redfleld, 8D, aunt of Paul Noonan, Yelm, and Margaret Holts, Tacoma. Puneral services j'.lday. Nov. IB, at 1:30 ociocx irom tna w. t. Rlgdon company chapel and concluding service at Belcrest Memorial park. 18c; OBITUARY Garden Club Shown Travel, Flower Film Woodburn Travel pictures and flower pictures, shown by Joe Dietrick of Oregon City, was the feature of the November meeting of the Woodburn Gar den club, held Tuesday night at the library club room. He was I presented by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woelk, program chairmen, and hostesses were Mrs. George Sweaney, Mrs. Gordon Seely and Mrs. Charles Conye. Chleag Livestock Chicago. Nov. 18 (UflDA) Salable hoes 14.000: active. 2&.&0 cents his her on uuicnere: most advance on weights under 230 lb: closed rather slow, barely 25 cents upon heavier weights; sows fully 36 cents higher; top 16.50 for few loads choice 190- 310 lb: bulk good and choice 180-330 lb 18.lft.16.36: most 330-380 lb 16.00-16.75: sows under 425 lb 15.00-16.60; few 15.75; heavier weights down to 18-50; early clear ance. Salable cattle 9.000: salable calves 600: good and choice slaughter steers and heif ers lairiy active and uneven, steady to 80 cents higher; mostly steady; medium to low-good grades slow, about steady; other slaughter classes steady: veelers slow, steady to 1.00 lower; about three loads choice and prim 1,030-1,300 fed steers W. 00-40. vs; buik chotc steers 34.00-38.00; most good to low-choice 37.50-33.50; me dium to low-good 31.50-37.00; load chotc hellers held above 30.50: bulk good to low choice heifers 35.50-39.00: medium to low good 31.00-35.00; good cows largely 16.25- 18.00; common and medium cows 14.00 16.00; canners and cutters 1 1.00-11.75: me dium and good bulls 17.26-19.00; medium to choice vealera 33.00-38 00. Salable heep 4.000; hndywelght slaugh ter lambs steady to weak: kinds scaling 100 lb upward and yearlings 35-60 cent tower: ewes steady, scarce; top wooled 33.66, shorn 33.50; choice ewea 13.00; practically all heavy lamb be ln sorted off handy weights at 1 00-1.60 discounts. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Nor. 18 WB Livestock Cattle salable 400. market fairly active most Classes; around ateady; teers scarce; two loads good ted heifers available: fe common heifers 13.50 to 16.00; cutter dairy irpe oown to id. m; canner and cutter cows strong; mostly 9 50 to 10.50: few to 11.00; shells down to 6.00; common and low medium cow 12.00 to 13.35; few common sauaaie bulls 14.00 to 15.00; good beef bull held above 17.50. Calves salable 100; suppjy mostly com mon and medium trade: steady at 13. 00 to 18.00; odd light vealers 21.00; good scarce; salable 32.00 to 34.00. Hogs salable 150; market active, strong to slightly higher; early sales good and choice 160 to 230 lbs mostly 17.50 under lenient sorting; selected lot around 17 7J: odd choice 300 lb butchers 16 00: good 390 lb sow 14.25; choice 72 lb feeders Tues day 18 75. fl,","P Aslahte 2S0: market very alow: scattered ie steady with Tuesday' 1.00 cllnr. aood and choice shorn lamb fred J. Tamer Lebanon Fred J. Turner, 73, of Leban on, died Sunday, stricken by heart at tack while vlsltln? friends at La comb. Born In Omaha. Nebr.. Feb. 4. 1877. h came to Oregon 31 years ago and lived on a farm south or Lebanon until moving Into the city nine years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Turner celebrated their 50th wedding an niversary on Oct. 11. Survivors are hi Mow, Mary; daugmer, ev m. wiinama; sons. Clarence F. Turner and franc l T. Turner; seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren, all of Lebanon. Serv ices were held at tna Howe-Huston cnapet Wednesday at 10 a m. with Rev. Carl Wachter officiating. Burial In trig IOOF cemetery, I Advertisement) GALL BLADDER SU'FIRkRS UNO CURH FOR MISERT DUI TO LACK Of HIALTHT BILE Supply Ruthed Hero Sufferers Rejoice) New relief for gallbladder eufTerere lack Ing healthy bile Is seen today In announce ment of a wonderful preparation which acta with remarkable effect. Sufferers with agonising colic, stomach and gallbladder BsLsery due to lark el healthy bile now toll of remarkable results after using this mrdi rin which ha amazing power to stimtilnto flow of healthy bile. GALLUSIN l a v,ry expensive medicine, but considering results, the 83.00 It cost la only pennies per done. ALLUSIN (caution, use only as directed) t sold with full anoncy back sruarante kg Scbaefer Drug, l:5 No. Commercial. Mall Orders Filled PILES" IHIMOKRHOIDSI RECTAL AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS !llltt IllkMt Kliplt lasnttn Mm hmM Crt . III. m fo S pm Ev.n,n,s: Moo, CiJ Wl ond Frl.. until S U8J.1,., Writ, orcall tot FREE dsacrlptiv. booklet The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year N.I. Comer I. Burnt id ond Grand Ave. Telephone EAst 2918 Portland 14, Ore. V V A R-tWfi. we)krfT.tnsJ f "totwiesH the rewl ratwHs t.'. J. J.XJ. A J. AJa. a a a s . . . . . j . j ..... j. ... ... J. J. J. .. J. J. J. j ROOFING Now is the tima to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGifchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES Wt Pay Top Market Price Willamette-Grocery Co. 305 So. Cortog St. Phone 34146 Oprn S a.m. to It 1 p.m. In 4 p.m. Rut. 9 a.m. to It -WANTED- Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meats HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN .. . SEE I S BEFORE YOU SELL. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 480 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone 3 763